II. Updates: December 2019
Mastoiditis (ent, id)
- Much less common in the U.S. with the over-treatment of Otitis Media
- Has been primarily a complication of Otitis Media seen in children, most often due to Streptococcus acutely, and staph and Pseudomonas in chornic infections
- Most patients are admitted on IV Antibiotics: Vancomycin alone for uncomplicated acute cases with added Zosyn or Ceftazidime for chronic cases
Non-Gonococcal Urethritis (id, std)
- Treat empirically for Chlamydia and Trichomonas with Azithromycin and Metronidazole (or Doxycycline and Tinidazole)
- Consider Moxifloxacin for resistant Mycoplasma
Le Fort Fracture (er, ent, Trauma)
- Associated with Head Trauma including Intracranial Hemorrhage, Basilar Skull Fracture, Cervical Spine Trauma, Neck Vascular Injury in Blunt Force Trauma, Eye Trauma, Epistaxis
- Secure airway, careful Neurologic Exam, avoid intranasal tubes (risk of occult Basilar Skull Fracture)
- Evaluate for Diplopia and Visual Acuity
MRI and Cardiac Devices (rad, mri)
- Newer cardiac devices (Pacemakers and Implantable Defibrillators) are defined as MRI Conditional (whereas legacy devices do not carry the designation)
- Adverse Effects related to legacy devices in MRI include Power-On Reset Event, False Positive shocks or pacing, altered sensing and pacing thresholds, generator failure, device battery depletion
- Legacy cardiac devices appear to be safe in MRI if safety protocols in place
Learning Disability (peds, neuro)
- Learning Disability is a discrepancy between IQ and achievement with no obvious underlying neurologic Impairment or Intellectual Disability
- Specific learning disabilities include dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia, which are difficult to diagnose before second grade and with best outcome if treatment started by third grade
- Response to Intervention is an early intervention initiated by school in response to Academic Underachievement, before Individualized Education Program (IEP) evaluation is needed
- Medical providers play an important role in identifying medical conditions that may be impacting learning
Childhood Depression (psych, peds)
- Major DepressionIncidence has increased in the last decade for children and teens from 9 to 13%
- Major Depression is treated in only 40% of cases that effect children and teens, despite 70% experiencing significant Impairment from their Major Depression
Wilderness Medicine (er, sports, wild)
- Wilderness Evacuation is indicated when readily available definitive care is unavailable and the risk of evacuation is more than the risk of deterioration
- Improvised litter may be fashioned from two 8 ft poles/skis/branches and an 8x8 ft tarp/blanket, secured with tape/rope
- Many satellite messengers (e.g. InReach Mini) and Personal Locator Beacons are available for emergency wilderness travel
Health Effects of Climate Change (er, environ)
- Global warming impacts human health in many ways including air quality, vectorborne disease, waterborne disease, food security, extreme events and their mental health impacts
Dextromethorphan Overdose (lung, pharm)
- Taken in Overdose ("Robo-Tripping" or "Dexing") for its euphoric and Hallucinogenic effects, especially in teens
- In Overdose, may result in Serotonin Syndrome, and at very high dose, complete dissociation with possible respiratory depression
Peramivir (id, Influenza)
- IV Antiviral with no better efficacy than Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) except in resistant cases, at 10 times the cost
- Indicated in hospitalized Influenza patients with <2 days of symptoms, unable to take oral Oseltamivir (Tamiflu)
- Dose 600 mg IV as single dose in adults >18 years old (Category C in pregnancy, adjust dose for renal Impairment)
Vaginitis (gyn, vagina)
- Interesting that an old antiseptic, Boric Acid, placed in the vagina nightly for 14 days may be effective for refractory Bacterial Vaginosis and Yeast Vaginitis
Anthrax (id, Bacteria)
- Better known for its Bioterrorism risk as an inhalational agent, Anthrax also occurs with ingestion of contaminated meat
- Treated with same Antibiotics as with inhalational Anthrax, except a much shorter course (7-14 days instead of 60 days)
- Mortality from untreated gastrointestinal Anthrax may be as high as 60%
Thyroid Storm (endo, Thyroid)
- In Thyroid Storm, up-regulation of Beta Adrenergic Receptors are more responsive to circulating Catecholamines (except in elderly)
- Even a seemingly minor trigger, may precipitate the appearance of a hyperadrenergic state, especially in younger patients who may present with circulatory collapse
- Elderly patients may present with Apathetic Thyroid Storm, in which they are not hyperadrenergic, but rather weak, Fatigued and depressed
Myxedema Coma (endo, Thyroid)
- Apathy, confusion, weakness may be the presenting complaint, and may demonstrate hypthermia, hypoventilation, Hypotension and Bradycardia
- Stabilize with ABC Management and IV fluids
- Intravenous Thyroxine is the specific treatment which is effective, but may result in Acute Coronary Syndrome, Atrial Fibrillation
Buccal Cellulitis (derm, Bacteria)
- Another Vaccination success story, Buccal Cellulitis is now rare due to Hib Vaccine (as well as PrevnarVaccine)
- Previously more common in under age 5 years old (and esp. <12 months old) and caused primarily by Haemophilus Influenzae
Dental Infection (dental, id)
- Complications include Ludwig Angina, Descending Necrotizing Mediastinitis, Odontogenic Sinusitis, Cervical Necrotizing Fasciitis, Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis, Brain Abscess
Ludwig Angina (lung, airway)
- Submandibular Space Infection with secondary airway compromise that is polymicrobial and typically results from mandibular tooth with periapical infection
- Emergent surgical drainage of Ludwig Angina with abscess decreases the risk of airway compromise by 10 fold
Noma (dental, id)
- Also known as Cancrum oris or gangenous Stomatitis, results from severe ANUG progression with mucous membrane gangrene seen in malnourished patients, especially children
- Causes facial soft tissue and bone destruction and facial disfigurement
Atrial Fibrillation Cardioversion (cv, ekg)
- Cardioversion may not offer initial benefit for hemodynamically stable patients
- Spontaneous conversion to sinus rhythm occurs in 66% of patients within 24 hours and 80% within 48 hours
- Early cardioversion appears to offer no benefit over delayed cardioversion at 4 weeks
Preeclampsia Prevention (cv, ob, prevent)
- Low dose Aspirin was previously indicated for prior Preeclampsia requiring delivery before 37 weeks OR more than one pregnancy with Preeclampsia
- The guidelines have now expanded to include more high risk and moderate risk criteria
- Aspirin is dosed at 81 mg orally daily starting at 12-28 weeks (preferably by 16 weeks) and continued until delivery
- Aspirin prevents Pregnancy Induced Hypertension and Intrauterine Growth Retardation
Palmoplantar Pustulosis (derm, hyperplasia)
- Unclear if Palmoplantar Pustulosis is Psoriasis variant or a distinct condition
- Chronic inflammatory skin disease, typically in middle aged smokers, with palm and sole painful, burning, pruritic lesions
- Lesions evolve into yellowish-brown to red Macules with hyperkeratosis, Scaling and skin fissures
- Exclude fungal infection (KOH Preparation) with trial on high dose Topical Corticosteroids and typically consult dermatology
Pilonidal Disease (gi, Rectum, surgery)
- Pilonidal Disease forms when skin injured (often by loose hairs) forms pit at skin disruption in gluteal fold
- Pit plugs with hair and keratin with secondary Pilonidal Cysts, and abscess forms when infected, and sinus tracts may also develop
- When abscess is present, the treatment is Incision and Drainage and consider surgical excision for recurrence
- When abscess is not present, hair removal from the gluteal cleft with weekly shaving, or periodic laser Epilation, topical phenol or Fibrin glue (with or without surgical excision - see below)
Otitis Externa (ent, ear)
- Most typical is swimmers ear (Otitis Externa) treated with ear toilet, a wick and topical, non-ototoxic Antibiotics
- However, do not miss Malignant Otitis Externa, more common in diabetes and other Immunocompromised patients
- Malignant Otitis Externa is in 95% of cases a Pseudomonas Aeruginosa infection with risk of skull Osteomyelitis and a high mortality rate if missed
Antibiotic Drops Via Patent Tympanostomy Tube (ent, surgery, id)
- For maximal ear drop penetration, clear visible debris from ear canal, instill while lying in decubitus position, and pull tragus back and down several times after instilling drops
- Do not use Cipro HC Otic (not sterile) and of course avoid all cortisporin products (including suspension)
- Combination drops with steroid result in faster resolution but are much more expensive
- Options include Ofloxacin 0.3% and Ciprofloxacin 0.3% with or without Corticosteroid (e.g. Dexamethasone, fluocinolone)
Cold Weather Injury (er, environ)
- tPA may be indicated in severe Frostbite based on angiography or Tc Scintigraphy results immediately after rewarming
Eye Examination (eye, exam)
- Updates to acute angle closure Glaucoma, Optic Neuritis, Endophthalmitis, CRAO, CRVO and Vitreous Hemorrhage, Eye Examination and Emergency Eye Kit reviewed
Acute Kidney Injury (renal, failure)
- Proton Pump Inhibitors are a more common cause of Acute Interstitial Nephritis (esp. elderly)
- If Fluid Replacement is required, Balanced Crystalloid is preferred (e.g. LR)
- Be aware of Acute Kidney Injury Causes, Acute Kidney Injury Risk, Nephrotoxic Drug, Drug Dosing in Chronic Kidney Disease
Rapid Sequence Intubation (lung, procedure)
- SOAP-ME Mnemonic for preparation (Suction, pre-oxygenation, positioning HOB 20 degrees, ear to sternal notch and monitoring with Capnography)
- Avoid sedation only intubation
- Rocuronium is preferred for paralysis over Succinylcholine in all intubations
- In the epiglottis-only view, advance the Laryngoscope, perform BURP and then head lift
Return to Work in Lumbar Back Pain (ortho, sports, L-spine)
- Heavy lifting (esp. >55 lb or 25 kg), Bending or twisting frequently, Whole body vibration are among higher risks for Workplace Injury
- Risk for prolonged recovery include Poor pain coping skills, Fear avoidance (avoiding activities due to fear that they will cause pain), Baseline functional Impairment, Psychiatric illness, Low general health status
- Screen and intervene with patients at high risk of Chronic Low Back Pain and Disability
- Perform Start Back Screening Tool, address fear avoidance beliefs, encourage early functional return to work, provide physicial therapy, consider behavioral health follow-up
Community Acquired Pneumonia (lung, id)
- Streptococcus Pneumoniae resistance to Azithromycin is now >25% in much of the U.S.
- For low risk patients, use high dose Amoxil 1000 mg three times daily or Doxycyline twice daily for 5 days (five days is sufficicent)
Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus (rheum, derm)
- Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) is the most common form of Chronic Cutaneous Lupus peaking at age 30-40 in women, with scarring Plaques on the head and neck
- Subacute Cutaneous Lupus (SCLE) is a mid-category between CCLE and ACLE, caused by Systemic Lupus Erythematosus or a drug-induced event, with non-scarring annular erythematous Plaques
- Acute Cutaneous Lupus (ACLE) occurs in combination with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in most cases, and presents with Malar Rash as well as scattered red Plaques
Congenital Heart Disease (cv, peds, chd)
- Congenital Heart surgical repairs (e.g. Norwood Procedure, Glenn Procedure, Fontan Procedure, BT Shunt) have allowed children to survive CHD that would otherwise be fatal
- However, the repairs re-route blood to mimic physiologic flow, but these hearts have unique physiology with Pulmonary Hypertension, chronic Hypoxia, Dysrhythmia risk, thrombosis risk
- Homeostasis is an easily disrupted tight balance between Preload dependence and Cardiogenic Shock
- Consult Cardiology in all cardiopulmonary presentations and new medications with possible hemodynamic effects
Difficult Intravenous Access in Children (er, procedure)
- J-Tip (transdermal Lidocaine device) creates eraser sized wheel of Lidocaine that has been shot through the skin without needle, with onset of Anesthesia within 3 minutes
- Topical Lidocaine (LMX4 - topical liposomal Lidocaine 4%) occluded 30 min. before procedure
- EMLA cream (Lidocaine 2.5%, Prilocaine 2.5%) Anesthesia reaches a depth of 3 mm at 1 hour, and 5 mm at 1.5 to 2 hours
- Buzzy Bee Vibrating Device (effective in ages 3-18 years; not effective in infants) Applied to proximal skin for 1 minute before procedure
Emergency Department Transition to Palliative Care (geri, prevent)
- Ethicists make no moral distinction between witholding treatment and withdrawing treatment
- Patients often present to the Emergency Department without Advanced Directives and Resuscitation is continued, and as relatives and power of attorney arrive, patient's wishes for no life sustaining measures may become known
- Withdrawing treatment at this time may be the most ethical and humane path, and consistent with patient wishes
- Consider this to be the transition "from cure to care", in the active management of the dying process
Vaccines in Immunocompromised Patients (id, immune, immunize)
- Avoid Live Vaccines (e.g. MMR, Varicella) for those on high level Immunosuppression (Biological Agent such as Humira, Prednisone dose >=20 mg/day for >=14 days)
- Live Vaccines are best given at least 4 weeks before starting Immunosuppression and inactivated Vaccines are best given 2 weeks before starting Immunosuppressants
- Prednisone use for less than 14 days does not contraindicate Vaccination including Live Vaccine
- Status Epilepticus (neuro, Seizure)
Antibiotic Stewardship (id, pharm)
- Watchful waiting in Otitis Media and Sinusitis, now applies to Diverticulitis
- Offer Patient Education with every Antibiotic prescription (and non-prescription) regarding Antibiotic risks
Andexxa (hemeonc, pharm)
- Expensive: $25,000 to 50,000 per patient
- Ineffective in the 25% of patients who have low anti-Factor Xa Inhibitor
End-Tidal O2 (lung, lab)
- End-Tidal O2 is the measured concentration of oxygen in expired breath
- Adjunct to Oxygen Saturation in identifying adequate Intubation Preoxygenation (prevents desaturation during apnea)
- Ideal End-Tidal Oxygen: >=85% which suggests adequate nitrogen wash-out in Functional Residual Capacity
- Ideal EtO2 is difficult to achieve without high oxgen flow rates or Positive Pressure Ventilation
Intranasal Drug Delivery Route (er, pharm)
- Indicated in Procedural Sedation and Analgesia, Difficult Intravenous Access in Children, Laceration Repair, Lumbar Puncture
- Nasal mucosa is well vascularized with rapid medication absorption and ideal intranasal medications are lipophilic and small in molecular size
- Intranasal medications are best tolerated and absorbed at pH 4.5 to 6.5 with a maximal absorption amount 0.3 ml (+ 0.1 ml for dead space in MAD atomizer)
- Intranasal Analgesics include Fentanyl, Ketamine, Lidocaine and intranasal sedation include Midazolam and Dexmedetomidine (Precedex)
Second Generation Sulfonylurea (endo, pharm, dm)
- Cardiovascular Disease does not appear to be at increased risk with Sulfonylureas, which appear to be neutral in their Cardiovascular Risk effects
- Contrast with GLP-1 Agonists and SGLT2 Inhibitors which reduce Cardiovascular Risk
Annovera (gyn, Contraception)
- Vaginal ring (Ethinyl Estradiol/Segesterone) similar to NuvaRing which is inserted each cycle into vagina for 21 days, removed for 7 days, and may be re-used for up to 13 cycles
- Avoid in BMI >29 (lower efficacy) and backup Contraception if the ring is out more than 2 hours during the 21 days of cycle
- Efficacy may be reduced by oil or silicone based vaginal products or lubricants
- Expensive at $2000 per ring, especially if lost (but $160/month similar to NuvaRing)
III. Updates: November 2019
Genital Herpes (id, std)
- Updated Primary Genital Herpes and Secondary Genital Herpes Management
Malacoplakia (urology, id)
- Rare secondary Granulomatous inflammatory reaction to chronic genitourinary infection in Immunocompromised patients
- Associated with chronic infections (e.g. E. coli and other Gram Negatives) involving Kidney and Retroperitoneum, Bladder, Prostate, ureter, Kidney, and female genital tract
- Hallmark finding is foamy histiocytes with Basophilic inclusions (Michaelis-Gutmann bodies)
- Treated with Antibiotics and surgical excision, correction of Immunosuppression
Pelvic Vein Thrombophlebitis (gyn, id)
- Associated with postpartum (esp. after Cesarean Section) Endometritis, as well as Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
- Two types: Ovarian Vein Thrombophlebitis (OVT) and Deep Septic Pelvic Thrombophlebitis (DSPT), both of which present with fever
- OVT typically presents with unilateral Abdominal Pain, Pelvic Pain, back pain, Flank Pain, but DSPT may present with fever alone
- Treated with both Anticoagulation and EndometritisAntibiotics
Postpartum Fever (ob, id)
- Mnemonic: Womb (Endometritis), Wind (Atelectasis, pne), Water (UTI), Walk (VTE), Wound (c/s, epis, epidural), Weaning (Mastitis), Wonder (drugs)
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (gyn, id)
- In PID that is failing to improve at 7-10 days, consider Mycoplasma Genitalium and cover with Moxifloxacin 400 mg orally daily for 14 days
Vaping-Associated Lung Disease (psych, cd)
- Potential causes include Acute Interstitial Lung Disease and Lipoid Pneumonia secondary to diacetyl, flavorings, and solvents
- Presents with fever, chills, Fatigue, non-productive cough, Dyspnea, Chest Pain, Nausea, Vomiting, Abdominal Pain, Hypoxia and Leukocytosis
- Chest XRay may show infiltrates and CT chest may show ground glass opacities
- Supportive care with Supplemental Oxygen, high dose IV Corticosteroids; BIPAP or Intubation for Respiratory Failure; ECMO for cardiopulmonary failure
Perinephric Abscess (urology, id, renal)
- Abscess outside the renal capsule with risk of contiguous spread, Sepsis, bleeding
- Caused by UTI (most common) or Staphylococcus Aureus hematogenous spread
- Treated with drainage (>3 cm diameter) and Antibiotics
Knee Dislocation (ortho, knee, Trauma)
- Knee spontaneous reduction may occur prior to presentation; Do not dismiss patient report of "popping out and in Sensation" simply as Patella subluxation
- Multidirectional instability may be only finding if knee spontaneously reduced prior to presentation
- Knee Dislocation may occur with low energy mechanism and confers much higher risk than Patella subluxation
- Follow the same vascular evaluation and monitoring if Knee Dislocation is suspected
Postpartum Endometritis (ob, id)
- In refractory cases after 48 hours of Antibiotics consider pelvic abscess or phlegmon, Septic Pelvic Thrombophlebitis, Drug Fever and infected retained products
Ureterolithiasis (urology, renal)
- Post-Renal Transplant obstructive uropathy are associated with Struvite Stones with Corynebacterium urealyticum infections
- Consult urology and cover for Corynebacterium with Vancomycin
Capsaicin (pharm, Analgesic)
- Indicated in Peripheral Neuropathy, Muscle pain or Joint Pain and Canabinoid Hyperemesis
- Capsaicin is derived from chili peppers (genus Capsicum) such as jalapeno peppers
- Capsaicin is a Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) Agonist which activates pain fibers
- Capsaicin depletes Substance P from pain fibers, desensitizing nerves and preventing pain transmission
Toilet Training (peds, behavior)
- Toilet Training is typically initiated between 18 and 30 months, however there is a wide variation across countries
- Onset of Toilet Training after 3.5 years is associated with Toilet Training refusal and prolonged Enuresis
Acne Vulgaris (derm, acne)
- Refined Carbohydrates (esp. high Glycemic Index foods) do exacerbate Acne Vulgaris (despite prior dogma)
- Benzoyl Peroxide should be used in combination with Topical Antibiotics to prevent Antibiotic Resistance
Postpartum Care (ob, postpartum)
- Women are at the highest risk of death in the first 42 days after delivery (accounts for 45% of maternal deaths)
- Relative Risk of Venous Thromboembolism in first 6 weeks postpartum is 5 fold higher than in pregnancy
- Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (Preeclampsia) may occur up to 6 weeks after delivery (have high index of suspicion)
- Postpartum Depression affects 10% of women in first year postpartum
Spinal Cord Anatomy (neuro, anatomy)
- Added schematic diagrams for Spinothalamic Tract, Corticospinal tract, dorsal columns
Metformin (endo, pharm, dm)
- Toxic dose of Metformin >100 mg/kg (children) up to >5 grams (adults)
- In case of Overdose, check Serum Glucose, serum lactate, VBG, chem panel and other toxicologic screening in Medication Overdose
- Consider Activated Charcoal if large ingestion and presentation within 1 hour, and perform supportive care (Vasopressors may be needed)
- Hemodialysis Indications include Lactic Acid >20 mmol/L, pH <7.0, serum bicarbonate <5 mEq/L or refractory status to supportive care
Pediculosis Ciliaris (derm,Parasite)
- Due to same Crab Louse causing Pubic Lice
- Apply occlusive ointment (e.g. vaseline petrolatum) to Eyelid margins twice daily for 8-10 days
- Remove lice using mechanical removal techniques as below
- Consider Ivermectin 200 mcg/kg orally now and again in 1 week
Shoulder Dystocia (ob, ld)
- Suprapubic Pressure on the Fetal Shoulder should be applied over the suprapubic region and never over the fundus
- Pressure is applied to bring the fetal Shoulder closer to the fetal anterior chest and Sternum, decreasing the fetal Shoulder breadth
- If fetus faces the mother's right side, pressure is applied from mother's left suprapubic region, down and toward the right
Gravidity (ob, exam)
- Thought I added Gravida, Parity and GTPAL Recording System 25 years ago during OB rotations; added now.
Urinary Tract Candidiasis (id, fungus)
- Asymptomatic Candiduria (on Urinalysis) does not require treatment unless risk factors (e.g. Neutropenia)
- Pre-Urologic procedure Candiduria is treated with Fluconazole or amphoteracin B
- Symptomatic Candiduria is treated with Fluconazole (or with alternatives, amphoteracin B or Fluctosine)
Chancroid (id, std)
- Rare in U.S., and decreasing Incidence worldwide, Chancroid causes painful Genital Ulcers and responds well to short courses of Antibiotics
- Chancroid still however causes chronic non-genital Skin Ulcerations in children in developing countries
Postoperative Pulmonary Complication Risk Assessment (surgery, exam)
- Risk assessment tools include NSQIP Pneumonia Risk Tool, NSQIP Respiratory Failure Risk Tool and Respiratory Failure Risk Index
Antiplatelet Therapy for Vascular Disease (hemeonc, pharm)
- Dual Antiplatelet Therapy (e.g. Aspirin and Clopidogrel) lowers MI and CVA risk but does not lower mortality and does increase bleeding risk
- Consider in established cardiovascular disease (or high risk) who do not require coronary stenting
- Indications and duration for Dual Antiplatelet Therapy per local expert opinion (consult cardiology)
Chlamydia (id, std)
- Chlamydial Proctitis is resistant to Azithromycin in more than 20% of cases (treat with Doxycycline)
Nongonococcal Urethritis (id, std)
- Mycoplasma Genitalium is responsible for up to 30% of Nongonococcal Urethritis
Erysipelas (derm, Bacteria)
- Vancomycin is recommended for Facial Erysipelas as MRSA cannot be excluded on exam
- Extremity Erysipelas is typically due to Streptococcus Pyogenes and still responds to Penicillin, which is considered first line management
DVT Prevention (hemeonc, prevent)
- Thromboprophylaxis in Critical Illness and Major Trauma assumes assumes patient is hemodynamically stable without active bleeding (e.g. major Trauma)
- Pharmacologic Thromboprophylaxis is with Low dose Unfractionated Heparin (LDUH) or Low Molecular Weight Heparin (LMWH) with regimen dosing dependent on VTE Risk, BMI, Renal Function
- Mechanical Thromboprophylaxis is indicated as an alternative to Pharmacologic Thromboprophylaxis in patients who are bleeding or high risk of bleeding
- Graded Compression Stockings (e.g. TED Stockings) are insufficient alone and these and Intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) add little benefit when added to pharmacologic prophylaxis
Lymphogranuloma venereum (id, std)
- Clinical diagnosis with Genital Ulceration and painful Lymphadenopathy
- Treat for 3 weeks due to invasive and more difficult to treat nature
- Treat sexual partners within last 60 days
- Proctocolitis due to anal intercourse may present as Inflammatory Bowel Disease, and may be complicated by fistulas and strictures
Granuloma Inguinale (id, std)
- Caused by Klebsiella granulomatis, and rarest of the STDs causing Genital Ulcers
- Treat with one oral Antibiotic (e.g. Azithromycin, Doxycycline, Septra) for 3 weeks
- Risk of relapse at 6-18 months
- Test for other STI (esp. HIV)
Congenital Syphilis (id, nicu, STD)
- If Congenital Syphilis is suspected on exam or history, obtain Non-Treponemal Tests (VDRL or RPR) from infant and mother and CSF from infant
- Treat Congenital Syphilis with 10 days of penicllin IM, and restart course if more than one day of Antibiotic dosing is missed
- Recheck Non-Treponemal Tests (VDRL or RPR) every 2-3 months until non-reactive
Osteomyelitis Management (ortho, id)
- Extensive Antibiotics updates
- Abscess (derm, hair, id, Bacteria)
- Abscess aspiration has poor efficacy (incise and drain)
- Make a large incision for I&D or consider Loop Drainage technique
- Abscess irrigation and packing does not offer benefit in most cases
Necrotizing Fasciitis (derm, Bacteria)
- Necrotizing Fasciitis is a life threatening infection with an insidious, occult presentation
- Do not ignore pain out of proportion, Sinus Tachycardia or unexplained fever, and physical exam, labs, imaging, LRINEC Score are unreliable alone at excluding Necrotizing Fasciitis
- Do not delay surgical exploration when Necrotizing Fasciitis is suspected
Durable Medical Equipment (pharm, Disability)
- When writing for DME items, write a description of item using generic terms, specific use, frequency with specific associated diagnosis and ICD10 code
- NDMA (hemeonc, prevent, carcinogen)
- Several NDMA related medication recalls in the last year (Valsartan in 2018, Ranitidine in 2019)
- Likely low cancer risk, and low levels of NDMA are in our water and food supply (e.g. grilled meats)
- Glucagon (endo, dm)
Estrogen Inhibition in Breast Cancer Recurrence Prevention (gyn, hemeonc)
- In premenopause, Tamoxifen is typically used for 5 years after Breast Cancer Diagnosis and management, with NNT 142, but risk of VTE, Endometrial Cancer, Cataracts
- In PostmenopauseRaloxifene (NNT 111) or Aromatase Inhibitors (NNT 63) are used
Acute Pain Management in patients on Chronic Buprenorphine (psych, pharm, cd)
- Maximize non-pharmacologic management (RICE-M), Acetaminophen, NSAIDS and topicals (e.g. Lidocaine 4% patch)
- In moderate to severe acute pain, may increase Suboxone frequency to every 8 hours
- If moderate to severe acute pain refractory may add short-term Opioid, such as Hydromorphone for up to 3 days, but risk of Opioid Abuse relapse
HIV Preexposure Prophylaxis (HIV, prevent)
- Descovy is a second option for PrEP in men (esp. with Osteoporosis risk or Renal Insufficiency GFR >30)
- Truvada continues to otherwise be first-line for most PrEP regimens (esp. given it will be generic next year)
Military Veteran Medical Care (prevent, HME)
- Most common conditions include musculoskeletal injuries (including Chronic Pain), mental health disorders, Traumatic Brain Injury and exposures
- Mental health disorders include PTSD, Moral Injury, Sexual Assault, Major Depression and Suicidality
- Exposures include Noise Induced Hearing Loss, Infectious Disease and environmental toxin exposures
Hidradenitis Suppurativa (derm, sweat)
- Management still has its roots in simple measures (e.g. avoid Occlusion, weight loss, Tobacco Cessation)
- However, beyond topical Clindamycin and oral Tetracyclines, the management has changed dramatically with the use of immunologic agents
Stuttering (peds, neuro)
- Preschool children normally display speech disfluency as they are learning to speak
- Those with Childhood-Onset Fluency Disorder display CNS imaging changes affecting speech related pathways; requires concious monitoring by those who Stutter, in contrast to unconscious fluent speech
- Early interventions are most effective (plastic brain) and less likely to develop complications (see below)
- Complications include decreased self esteem and negative Perception by others, word avoidance, mannerisms, social withdrawal, Anxiety Disorder
Sports Hernia (surgery, sports)
- Sports Hernia (Athletic Pubalgia) is a lower abdominal or inguinal pain, outside the ball and socket Hip Joint, in athletes (esp. males in kicking, cutting, twisting sports)
- Hernia is through a weakened posterior Inguinal Canal wall in most cases, resulting in an occult, non-palpable Hernia
Electrical Injury (er, environ)
- Electricity travels a path until it meets resistance and skin offers resistance to low current
- However, with enough current a burn hole through the skin is established, and this allows current to pass bypass intact skin via Electrolytes into nerves, Muscles, vascular structures
- Skin resistance is lowered by a factor of 100 when it is wet (i.e. wet skin is a much reduced barrier to Electrical Injury)
Syncope (cv, sx)
- Syncope and Near-Syncope have the same causes and should be evaluated with the same vigor
- EKG Changes in Syncope due to Arrhythmia is critical part of the Syncope evaluation
- Consider Canadian Syncope Risk Score instead of the San Francisco Syncope Rule
Sugammadex (neuro, pharm)
- Sugammadex is a rapid reversal of Rocuronium and Vecuronium (Non-depolarizing Neuromuscular Blocking Agents)
- FDA approved for reversal in adult surgery cases, to speed recovery after case completion and is also used to follow neurologic status in neurologic catastrophe (e.g. Intracranial Hemorrhage) or Status Epilepticus
- However emergency paralytic reversal is off-label use and may not be ideal as a patient who requires emergent Endotracheal Intubation still needs an airway
- Can't Intubate but CAN ventilate scenarios may be treated with temporarily with BVM or LMA, and Can't Intubate, Can't Ventilate scenarios require emergency Cricothyrotomy
Abdominal Pain in Older Adults (gi, geri)
- Abdominal Pain is the third most common presenting complaint to ED in age >65 years (behind Chest Pain, Dyspnea)
- Most common causes include biliary disease, Appendicitis, Peptic Ulcer Disease, Intestinal Obstruction, Acute Pancreatitis, AAA, Acute Mesenteric Ischemia, Diverticulitis
- Referred pain is common (e.g. almost 50% of older women with Acute Coronary Syndrome present with gastrointestinal symptoms)
- Almost every gastrointestinal condition in older adults presents atypically, with delays and with worser outcomes and higher mortality
BRASH Syndrome (cv, Bradycardia)
- Bradycardia syndrome due to Beta Blocker or Calcium Channel Blocker with concurrent Hyperkalemia often due to acute on chronic Kidney injury
- Results in hypoperfusion and shock, and a worsening of Renal Function
IV. Updates: October 2019
Hand Foot and Mouth Disease (ent, mouth)
- Frequent Handwashing is most effective prevention (after changing diapers and toileting, as well as before eating)
- Disinfect counter tops and toys and co not share utensils, cups, plates, bowls, food or drinks with infected patients
- Breast Feeding is unrelated to transmission and may be continued throughout illness
- Children may continue to attend daycare if they may be adequately cared for in that setting
Anticoagulation (hemeonc, pharm, coags)
- Unprovoked DVT or PE in patients who choose to discontinue Anticoagulation after initial therapy may consider Aspirin 81 mg daily
- In subsegmental Pulmonary Embolism evaluate for DVT
- Consider surveillance instead of Anticoagulation if low risk for progression or recurrence and no DVT (grade 2C evidence)
Hemophilia A (hemeonc, coags)
- Hemophilia severity is based on amount of residual active Clotting Factor (severe Hemophilia Accounts for two thirds of cases)
- Mild disease: 5-40% of normal Clotting Factor activity maintained with bleeding occuring only with significant Trauma or major surgery
- Moderate disease: 1-5% of normal Clotting Factor activity maintained with bleeding occuring with minor Trauma and may occur spontaneously
- Severe disease: <1% of normal Clotting Factor activity maintained with risk of spontaneous bleeding and major, life-threatening bleeding including Intracranial Bleeding, Gastrointestinal Bleeding
Tongue Lesion (ent, sx, Tongue, hemeonc)
- Smooth Tongue lesions may be reactive such as Pyogenic Granuloma, Irritation Fibroma and a Lingual Thyroid
- Smooth Tongue lesions may also be of Salivary Gland origin (Mucocele, Ranula or neoplasm)
- Rough Tongue Lesions include Tongue Squamous Cell Carcinoma as well as HPV (papilloma or Condyloma acuminatum)
Tracheostomy Tube Replacement (lung, procedure)
- Obstructed inner cannula may be replaced without the risk of full Tracheostomy Tube Replacement
- Immature stoma tracts (<2-7 days) are high risk of replacement complications including false tract formation
- Full Tracheostomy Tube Replacement is a high risk procedure and Consultation, preparation, back-up tubes, seldinger technique are recommended
Balanitis (urology, penis, id)
- Occurs in uncircumcised males,with the cause most commonly candida in adults and Bacteria in children
- Sexually Transmitted Infections (e.g. HSV, Trichomonas, Chlamydia, Syphilis) can cause Balanitis
- Contact Dermatitis, inflammatory conditions (including Reactive Arthritis) and carcinoma-in-situ should also be considered
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (gyn, id)
- IUDs do not increase PID risk beyond the first 20 days after insertion
- IUDs may remain in place unless lack of improvement at 48-72 hours on Antibiotics
Urinary Incontinence (urology, Bladder)
- General updates and review with no major changes on the topic
- Defined Muscarinic Antagonists and Nicotinic Antagonists
Scrotal Pain (urology, sx)
- Ultrasound is almost always indicated in acute Scrotal Pain
- Epididymitis in children with normal Urinalysis (and not sexually active) may be treated with no Antibiotics, and supportive care
- Manual detorsion should be followed by Scrotal Ultrasound and urology evaluation (as manual detorsion is only a temporizing measures)
Otitis Media (ent, ear)
- Observation Protocol for Acute Otitis Media Management should be considered, especially in age over 2 years
- Otitis Media in under age <2 weeks may be due to GBS, Chlamydia Trachomatis or Gram Negatives
Endometritis Management (ob, id)
- Updated Antibiotic management
Acute Cervicitis (gyn, id)
- Acute mucopurulent cervical discharge with >10 WBC/hpf and cervical friability
- In addition to GC/Ch PCR, Wet Prep, obtain HIV Test and consider RPR for Syphilis; also swab for HSV if lesions present
- Consider resistant Mycoplasma Genitalium in refractory cases
Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infection (derm, Bacteria)
- Although MRI is preferred in suspected Necrotizing Fasciitis, CT is often sufficient to make the diagnosis (esp. Fournier's Gangrene)
- CT Contrast and MRI Contrast (Gadolinium) are not required for Necrotizing Fasciitis diagnosis, but do assist with complication evaluation and differential diagnosis
- Consider Ultrasound in children, and for guided fluid aspiration
Acute Cystitis (urology, id)
- ESBL E. coli and Klebsiella may be responsive to Fosfomycin or Ertapenem
- Tramadol (pharm, Analgesic)
Sodium Azide (er, toxin)
- A rare, but lethal Poisoning of a chemical used as lab preservative, explosive detonator and Pesticide (as well as in old Air Bags)
- Highly toxic, with lethal doses even <1 gram, presenting with Headache, Vomiting, Dyspnea, Tachycardia and Hypotension within minutes of ingestion
- Managed primarily with supportive care
Minocycline-Induced Hyperpigmentation (id, pharm)
- Blue-gray or muddy brown Hyperpigmentation resulting from Minocycline-iron complex skin deposition, especially on the face, arms, legs
- Highest risk in long-term dosing for chronic infection or Rheumatoid Arthritis (risk increases with longer duration) and uncommon with Acne Vulgaris dosing
- Hyperpigmentation often persists even after Minocycline is discontinued (limited therapies, e.g. laser)
Urinary Tract Infection in Men (urology, Bladder, id)
- In Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection, consider BPH, and if same recurrent organism, consider Chronic Prostatitis
Coronary Angiography After Cardiac Arrest (er, exam, cv)
- Early cardiac catheterization (PCI) indications (within 2 hours) is indicated in STEMI, VF/VT (shockable rhythm) at Cardiac Arrest, and Chest Pain prior to Cardiac Arrest
- Delayed cardiac catheterization (PCI) Indications (up to 5 days after Cardiac Arrest) was not associated with worse outcomes in NSTEMI
Community Acquired Pneumonia (lung, id)
- Normal Vital Signs (temp, RR, pulse) and Lung Exam in primary care reduces likelihood of Community Acquired Pneumonia to <0.4%
Urinary Tract Infection in Children (urology, peds, id)
- Male uncircumcised infants have a higher risk of UTI than female infants
- UTI is responsible for fever in infants in at least 7% of cases
- Catheterized Urine Culture is positive if >50,000 CFU
- Urinalysis alone in infants may have a False Negative Rate of 6-10%
- Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection (urology, id)
- Catheter replacement at the time of CAUTI diagnosis does not show benefit
- Current guidelines are to change catheter at cauti diagnosis if Foley Catheter in place >2 weeks (and obtain Urine Culture from new catheter)
Recurrent UTI (urology, id)
- Urology Consultation is indicated with Hematuria without Dysuria, Serum Creatinine increased, recurrent Proteus infections, Urinary Retention and Incontinence
- Cranberry supplement for prevention does not appear to be effective in postmenopausal women (and evidence is poor for others)
Rhabdomyolysis (renal, failure)
- McMahon Score predicts risk of death or acute Kidney failure requiring Hemodialysis
- Observe for signs of Hyperkalemia at presentation (e.g. Hyperkalemia Related EKG Changes)
- Consider Rhabdomyolysis in comatose patients who are found down
Hyperkalemia (renal, Potassium)
- In Peri-Arrest hyperkalemic patients, give repeated Calcium ampules IV until QRS narrows
Antiplatelet Therapy in CVA and TIA (neuro, prevent, cv)
- Dual Antiplatelet Therapy is recommended up to 21 days after minor CVA (NIHSS <=3) or high risk TIA (ABCD2 Score >=4)
- Clopidogrel 300 mg load, then 75 mg daily with Aspirin 81 mg daily for 10-21 days starting immediately after event
Peripartum Depression (psych, ob)
- Counseling is effective and recommended by USPTF in the prevention of perinatal depression for those at risk
- Start screening in the second trimester
- Risk factors include history of depression or depressive symptoms not meeting Major Depression criteria, socioeconomic risks, Intimate Partner Violence, stressful events
- Refer for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (or interpersonal therapy) for those at risk
Epididymitis (urology, Testes, id)
- Reviewed Antibiotic coverage and Antibiotics
Perioperative Anticoagulation (hemeonc, surgery)
- Direct Oral Anticoagulants or DOACs (e.g. Dabigatran, rivoroxaban) do not require bridging
- Before surgery with low risk of bleeding, stop DOAC 1 day before surgery and restart the next day
- Before surgery with moderate risk of bleeding, stop DOAC 2 days before surgery and restart 2-3 days later
- Hold DOACs for 3-5 days before surgery if Creatinine Clearance <30 ml/min
Compression Stockings (surgery, pharm, cv)
- Mild Compression (<20 mmHg), OTC, such as T.E.D. Hose do not prevent DVT and are not generally recommended due to low efficacy
- Medium Compression (20-40 mmHg) socks are effective for Venous Insufficiency and Venous Ulcers, may reduce DVT Risk on prolonged airplane flights
- High Compression (>40 mmHg) socks are effective for severe Venous Insufficiency and chronic Lymphedema
Vaping (psych, cd)
- CDC is reporting 805 Vaping-related severe lung injury cases (and 10 deaths) as of 9/25/2019
- Lipoid Pneumonia (from oil aspiration) and diacetyl-induced popcorn lung have also been seen with Vaping
- Heavy Metal toxin contaminant exposure (Lead, Chromium, Arsenic, Propylene Glycol, Formaldehyde, Hydrogen cyanide)
Victoza (endo, pharm, dm)
- Approved in 2019 for use in age 10 years and older with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Expensive (approaches $1000/month) and only lower Hemoglobin A1C 0.6% in children
Thyroid Storm (endo, Thyroid)
- Consider differential diagnosis (e.g. Sepsis, Stimulant Overdose, Alcohol Withdrawal, Malignant Hyperthermia)
- First administer the Beta Blocker, then PTU or Methimazole, then after 1 hour, Iodine, and finally a Corticosteroid
- Minipill (gyn, pharm, Contraception)
- Drospirenone (Slynd) was released in 2019 in U.S. at $200/month as a minipill and marketed as having more maintained efficacy after a missed pill than Norethindrone
- Does not require back-up Contraception if missed pill is taken within 24 hours
- Risk of Hyperkalemia (anti-mineralcorticoid effect)
Xenleta (id, pharm)
- Xenleta is first in a new Antibiotic class (Pleuromutilin), costing $280/day
- Indicated in Community Acquired Pneumonia with Antibiotic Resistance
- Adverse effects include QT Prolongation, elevated Liver Function Test, Nausea, Vomiting and Diarrhea
Janus Kinase Inhibitor (id, pharm, biologic)
- JAK Inhibitors are Biologic Agents that interfere with Cytokine signalling and are indicated in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Polycythemia Vera
- Risk of Venous Thromboembolism and Immunosuppression
- Prevention (prevent)
- For primary prevention of cardiovascular disease or cancer, there is NO proven benefit of either Omega-3 Fatty Acids or Vitamin D
Hand Washing (prevent, id)
- Nearly 200 years since Semmelweis, and medical providers are still not consistently washing their hands between patients
- Yet healthcare infections are at 1.7 Million per year in the U.S., and related deaths 90,000
Radiocontrast Nephropathy (renal, rad, failure)
- Degree to which radiocontrast causes nephropathy is controversial
- Most recent studies find no significant impact on Acute Kidney Injury with radiocontrast if GFR>30 ml/min (however, Serum Creatinine may transiently increase in 2-3% of patients)
- ACR recommends no baseline Creatinine before scan if age <60, no renal disease, Hypertension, diabetes
Discharge Instructions (manage, communication)
- Express diagnostic uncertainty; patients should be aware, that serious causes are almost never 100% excluded
- Encourage patients to keep recommended follow-up and to not hesitate to return for new or changing symptoms
- Follow-up should be within a reasonable time frame and a timing appropriate to the condition
V. Updates: September 2019
Pediatric Heath Maintenance (prevent, Hme, Peds)
- Updated and expanded on prevention in school aged children
Electronic Cigarette (psych, cd)
- E-Cigarette exposure in teens is common and a risk for chronic e-cig use, Cigarette introduction and Marijuana use
Venous Ulcers (surgery, cv)
- Therapy maintstays include compression, Exercise, Wound Dressings and Pentoxifylline
Upper Respiratory Infection (ent, nose)
- Very little has any efficacy in the Common Cold (not Antibiotics of course, but also not Cough Suppressants)
- Consider intranasal Atrovent in persistent cough
Pharyngitis (ent, mouth)
- Reviewed Pharyngitis Causes, Epiglottitis, Uvulitis, retropharygneal abscess and Parapharyngeal Abscess
Prevnar 13 (id, immunize)
- CDC modified Prevnar 13 recommendations for healthy seniors in 2019
- Pneumovax 23 alone (without Prevnar 13) is sufficient in healthy seniors
- NNT 2600 Prevnar 13 vaccinated healthy seniors to prevent one case of Pneumonia
- Prevnar 13Vaccine in children as Primary Series has protected seniors via Herd Immunity
Dialyzable Drugs (renal, pharm)
- Dialyzable Drugs include Toxic Alcohols, Lithium and Salicylates
- Dialyzable Drugs must have a low volume of distribution, be non-ionic, small molecules, and not highly Protein bound
Helicopter EMS (er,manage)
- High costs of helicopter transport reflect high readiness costs (including staff and helicopter) and per-mile costs
- Helicopter companies typically operate on a single digit profit margin
- Households in rural areas can subscribe for helicopter services for $50-80 per year
Hypertension in the Elderly (cv, htn)
- Avoid abruptly and significantly lowering Blood Pressures in older patients
- End-organ hypoperfusion may result in cerebral ischemia or Myocardial Ischemia
- Orthostatic Hypotension, Dizziness and increased Fall Risk may occur (consider raising target to <150/90)
- Antihypertensive may cause Electrolyte abnormalities (e.g. Hyponatremia, Hypokalemia) as well as Acute Kidney Injury
Shoulder Injury (ortho, Shoulder)
- Reviewed Shoulder History and Shoulder Exam, Shoulder Dislocation, AC Separation and SC Dislocation
- CVA Management (neuro, cv)
Trauma Evaluation (er, Trauma)
- ATLS is changing in the 10th edition, with less in person lectures, more evidence, and more guidance on Hemorrhagic Shock
- In Hemorrhagic Shock, initiate pRBCs after first 500-1000 cc of crystalloid, and Massive Transfusion Protocol if 4 pRBCs used in first 1 hour
Aspiration Pneumonia (lung, id)
- Initial aspiration event results in chemical pneumonitis (not Pneumonia)
- When this is witnessed (e.g. under Anesthesia, Endotracheal Intubation), do not immediately start Antibiotics
- Typical Pneumonia organisms are more common than Anaerobes even in patients at aspiration risk
- Consider starting with typical Community Acquired Pneumonia Management
ADHD Management (peds, neuro)
- More new, expensive ($300/month) long acting stimulants
HIV Risk Assessment Stratification Protocol (RASP Score)
- Quantifies risk of HIV Transmission from Needlestick Injury
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (cv, procedure)
- Also indicated in Poisoning with cardiovascular collapse (e.g. Carbon Monoxide Poisoning, Calcium Channel Blocker Overdose, Beta Blocker Overdose, Digitalis Toxicity)
Aorta Diameter Measurement on PLAX View (cv, rad)
- Evaluate for Thoracic Aortic Dissection (Type A), using Parasternal Long-Axis Echocardiogram View (PLAX View)
- Measure the maximal distance between anterior and posterior walls of aorta
- Probe should be perpendicular to the two aorta walls
- Distance >4 cm is concerning for Aortic Dissection (as well as Pericardial Effusion, flap within the aorta)
Continuous Glucose Monitor (endo, pharm, dm)
- Needle inserted subcutaneously and left in place for days
- Samples interstitial fluid Glucose levels (lags Blood Glucose by 20-40 minutes)
- Readings are transmitted via bluetooth to proprietary devices or smartphone applications
- Devices include Freestyle Libre, Dexcom G6, Medtronic Guardian
Renal Osteodystrophy (renal, rheum)
- Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease is associated with Hyperphosphatemia
- Avoid highly processed foods and dark colas
- In some cases Phosphate Binders may be needed (Calcium Carbonate, Sevelamer Carbonate)
Female Sexual Dysfunction (gyn, psych)
- Flibanserin (Addyi, oral) and Bremelanotide (Vyleesi, SQ) are medications that may be considered in low sexual desire in premenopausal women
- They are minimally effective and expensive ($400 to $900 per month in 2019)
- Bremelanotide (Vyleesi) is injected SQ prn 45 minutes before sexual activity and causes Vomiting in 1 of 8 women, and potentially irreversible Hyperpigmentation
VI. Updates: August 2019
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (rheum, diffuse)
- Numerous types, but most common is Classic EDS with Skin Hyperextensibility, Atrophic Scarring, and Generalized joint Hypermobility
- Classic EDS is Autosomal Dominant due to (COL5A1, COL5A2 or less commonly, COL1A1)
Transverse Myelitis (neuro, id, Myelitis)
- Myelitis is spinal Cord Inflammation of various causes including Viral Infections, toxins, autoimmune or vascular conditions
- Findings include motor weakness, sensory changes (Paresthesias, numbness, pain) and Urinary Incontinence
- Transverse Myelitis refers to spinal cord inflammation of a transverse segment of the cord with demyelination and necrosis
- In Transverse Myelitis, findings occur below the segment of spinal cord involvement
Polio (id, virus, neuro)
- In the U.S., Polio has not occurred in wild since 1979, or been imported since 1993, but it still exists in parts of Africa, Middle East and New Guinea
- Most patients will be asymptomatic or have mild viral syndromes, but 1% will have asymmetric, Acute Flaccid Paralysis, and children ages <15 years old are most at risk
Isopropanol Ingestion (er, toxin)
- Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol, Rubbing Alcohol) is the most common Toxic Alcohol ingestion in the U.S.
- Other Toxic Alcohol ingestions include Ethylene Glycol Poisoning, Methanol Poisoning
- Typically presents with Altered Level of Consciousness, and in severe cases may result in cardiovascular collapse
- Most patients do well with supportive care
Retinal Exam (eye, exam, Retina)
- Findings reviewed include Central Retinal Artery Occlusion and Central Retinal Vein Occlusion
- Also Diabetic Retinopathy, Macular Degeneration, Vitreous Hemorrhage
Ketoacidosis (endo, lab)
- In addition to Diabetic Ketoacidosis, causes include acute illness, especially in children (febrile illness, Gastroenteritis, Dehydration), Alcoholic Ketoacidosis and Starvation Ketosis
- Type I Glycogen Storage Disease (Von Gierke's Disease) can also cause Ketoacidosis
- Isopropanol Ingestion (Isopropyl Alcohol or Rubbing Alcohol) causes a Ketosis (only found on acetone testing) and does not cause an acidosis
Erythema Multiforme (ent, allergy)
- Erythema Multiforme Major (Stevens Johnson Syndrome) is a distinct entity from Erythema Multiforme Minor
- Mucosal lesions distinguish Erythema Multiforme Minor from major
- HSV and other infections are more commonly associated with Erythema Multiforme Minor
- Medications (esp. Antibiotics such as Septra, NSAIDS, antiepileptics) are commonly associated with erythema mutiforme major
Acupuncture (pharm, procedure)
- Acupuncture has good evidence of benefit in Chronic Low Back Pain, Knee Osteoarthritis, and chronic Headaches (including Migraine Headache Prophylaxis and Tension Headaches)
Hearing Loss (ent, Hearing)
- Extensive updates to Sensorineural Hearing Loss, Conductive Hearing Loss, differential diagnosis and management
Fitz-Hugh-Curtis Syndrome or Perihepatitis (gyn, id, std)
- Affects 5-10% of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease patients
- Hematogenous or transperitoneal spread of Chlamydia Trachomatis to peri-hepatic region
- Presents with right upper quadrant pain and tenderness, as well as Pleuritic Chest Pain
- Liver Function Tests may be elevated
Tubo-Ovarian Abscess (gyn, id, std)
- Affects 17-20% of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease patients, especially with delayed PID treatment
- Admit all patients with Tubo-Ovarian Abscess, and typical empiric Antibiotics include Ampicillin, Clindamycin, Gentamicin
- Abscess 4-6 cm diameter resolve with Antibiotics alone 85% of the time
- Abscess >10 cm typically require surgical management
Early Repolarization (cv, exam, ekg)
- Suspect STEMI instead of Early Repolarization when ST Elevation is convex upwards (tombstone), isolated inferior ST Elevation, reciprocal ST depression outside aVR and V1
Xanthochromia (neuro, lab)
- Yellowish supernatant color of centrifuged CSF due to Hemoglobin breakdown products (oxyhemoglobin, Bilirubin)
- Xanthochromia develops after 2-4 hours from onset of subarachnoid bleeding and peaks at 24-46 hours
- Traumatic tap with >5000 to 10,000 RBCs/uL can also cause Xanthochromia
Tendinopathy (sports, ortho)
- Tendinitis is a misnomer, implying inflammation, and not the more typical degenerative changes of the far more common Tendinopathy
- The standard RICE-M, Cryotherapy, NSAIDS for 7-14 days and Eccentric Exercises are effective
- Corticosteroid Injections, needle fenestration, dry needling with or without electricity may also be considered
- Platelet-rich plasma injections and extracorporeal shock wave therapy may also be considered
Forearm Fracture (ortho, Forearm, Fracture)
- Mnemonic: GRUM (from distal radius to proximal ulna)
- GR: Galeazzi - Radius Fracture, displacing the distal ulna at the wrist and injuring the Ulnar Nerve
- UM: Ulna - Monteggia Fracture, displacing the radial head at the elbow and injuring the Radial Nerve (Wrist Drop)
Aortic Dissection (cv, vessel)
- Maintain a high index of suspicion for Aortic Dissection with atypical presentations
- CTA is preferred for diagnosis, and Bedside Ultrasound can exclude associated conditions (e.g. Cardiac Tamponade)
- Type A Aortic Dissection, complicated Type B Aortic Dissection or hyptension are all indications for emergent repair
- Endovascular Repair is indicated in Type B Aortic Dissections, and is associated with lower mortality rates
Advanced Airway in Children (lung, procedure, airway, peds)
- Hyperangulated blades (e.g. glidescope) may make intubating children more difficult
- Direct Laryngoscopy blade does not introduce the hyperangulated blade position
- Cuffed Endotracheal Tubes are now often used in infants and children
- Pre-mark/tape the Endotracheal Tube at the calculated depth for age/ET size (e.g. 3x the ET diameter)
Pulmonary Bleb (lung, alveoli)
- Pulmonary Blebs (<1-2 cm) and Bullae (>1-2 cm) are thin walled (<1 mm) air containing spaces within the lung
- More common in Tobacco Abuse, Thin Patient and COPD
- May appear similar to Pneumothorax on chest imaging, and Lung Bullae may also rupture and result in Pneumothorax
Hirsutism (derm, hair)
- Clarified and expanded on the topic, but little has changed in terms of evaluation and management in the last decade
Ingrown Toenail (derm, nails)
- Minor updates to Ingrown Toenail and Toenail Removal
Cancer Pain (hemeonc, sx)
- Opioids are the mainstay of Cancer Pain Management, but reduce the risks of adverse effects (Constipation, diversion)
- Refractory Cancer Pain Management may require Opioid switching, adjunctive measures (e.g. IV Lidocaine or Ketamine)
- Consider acute Cancer Pain causes
Marijuana (psych, cd)
- Cardiac Toxicity has been associated with regular, prolonged Marijuana use
- Associated with Premature atherosclerosis (e.g. CAD, CVA) and increased Acute Coronary Syndrome within first hour of use
- Also associated with Arrhythmia (e.g. Atrial Fibrillation in teens) and Congestive Heart Failure
Anticoagulation (hemeonc, pharm, coags)
- DOACs may be a safer option than Warfarin when GFR <30 ml/min
- Previously Warfarin was recommended instead of Direct Oral Anticoagulants if GFR <30 ml/minute
- However, Warfarin associated bleeding risk also increases with decreased GFR
- Apixiban and Rivaroxaban are preferred (avoid Dabigatran)
Malaria Prophylaxis (id, Parasite, prevent)
- Tafenoquine (Arakoda) is a new Malaria Prophylaxis agent taken 100 mg daily for 3 days before travel, weekly while traveling, then once on return from travel
- Contraindicated in children and pregnancy (including for conception up to 3 months after last dose)
- Also contraindicated in G6PD Deficiency (requires testing before use) and if history of Psychosis
Cardiovascular Manifestations of HIV (hiv, cv)
- HIV alone is a Cardiac Risk Factor, and Antiretrovirals (esp. Protease Inhibitors, Abacavir) increase that risk
Gastrointestinal Medications in Pregnancy (gi, ob)
- Reviewed management of GERD in Pregnancy, Hemorrhoid Management (in pregnancy) and Constipation in Pregnancy
- Systemic Lupuse Erythematosus (rheum, diffuse)
- Reviewed general management
- Tramadol (pharm, Analgesic, Opioid)
Cirrhosis (gi, liver)
- For Anticoagulation, consult hepatology and adjust regimen for severe liver disease (e.g. Child-Pugh C), Esophageal Varices
- Decreasing portal pressure (e.g. Beta Blockers) may reduce bleeding risk on Anticoagulation
- If Anticoagulation is needed (e.g. VTE), Warfarin may be used if baseline INR (before Warfarin) is <1.7
- Direct Oral Anticoagulants or DOACS (e.g. Apixaban) may be used in Child-Pugh A, and some Child-Pugh B cases
VII. Updates: July 2019
Botulism (id, neuro)
- Infantile Botulism is associated with honey before the age of 1 year, more common in Breast-fed infants and treated with Immunoglobulin
- Botulism is either foodborne via ingestion of heat-labile toxin or Wound Infection (e.g. IV Drug Abuse, contaminated soil), and may progress to Respiratory Failure
- Botulinum antitoxin is indicated in Wound Infection and Foodborne Botulism for children over age 1 year and adults
- Antibiotics (Penicillin G or if Penicillin allergic, Metronidazole) are only indicated in Wound Botulism
Todd's Paralysis (neuro, Seizure)
- Focal Seizure followed by contralateral weakness (or other neurological deficits such as Aphasia, Gaze Palsy, sensory deficit) lasting up to 24 to 36 hours
- Exclude Hypoglycemia and Cerebrovascular Accident, and consider hemiplegic Migraine in differential diagnosis
Plantar Fasciitis (ortho, foot)
- Remember that Plantar Fasciitis is degenerative, not inflammatory
- Not much is new, and simple measures (plantar fascia stretches, shoe/activity modification) still are effective
- Many commonly used measures (e.g Posterior Night Splints, Orthotics) have variable efficacy (esp. in the longterm)
- Refractory measures include extracorporeal shock wave therapy, injections (Corticosteroids, Blood Products, Botulinum Toxin) and Fasciotomy are considered in refractory cases
Spinal Cord Syndrome (ortho, c-spine)
- Acute Traumatic Spinal Cord Syndromes may be complete (cord transection) or partial
- Syringomyelia is chronic expanding central cavity in the spinal cord resulting in progressive loss of pain and Temperature sense and motor atrophy and weakness
Cerebrovascular Accident (CV, neuro)
- CVA Syndromes may be characterized from a vascular distribution (ACA CVA, MCA CVA, PCA CVA, PICA CVA, vertebrobasilar CVA)
- CVA Syndromes may also be characterized anatomically (cerebral CVA, Brainstem CVA, Pons CVA, Cerebellar CVA) or by size (Lacunar CVA)
- Wallenberg Syndrome (Vertebral ArteryOcclusion) presents with Ataxia, Vertigo, Vomiting, ipsilateral horners and pain and Temperature sense loss
- Locked-In Syndrome (Basilar ArteryOcclusion at pons) presents with alert, cognitively intact, but almost no motor activity (except diaphragm, upward gaze)
Diabetic Kidney Disease (endo, renal, dm)
- Macroalbuminuria is a higher risk of death per year (4.6%) than ESRD progression (2.3%)
- Hypertension goals in Diabetic Nephropathy are a moving target (140/90 is the current recommendation by JNC 8)
Bartholin Duct Cyst (gyn, vulva)
- Bartholin Gland Abscess and symptomatic cysts are treated with fistulization (Word Catheter or Jacobi Ring)
- Refractory, symptomatic Bartholin Gland cysts are treated with marsupialization or sclerotherapy, and if that fails, excision
- Consider biopsy or excision for women over age 40 years old with Bartholin Gland cyst (risk of cancer)
Perioral Dermatitis (derm, acne)
- Acneiform Facial Eruption more often in young women with perioral Papules and Pustules, that may also involve the perinasalm periorbital, forehead, cheeks, chin and neck
- Differential diagnosis includes Acne Vulgaris, Rosacea, Seborrhea, Contact Dermatitis and Folliculitis
- Eliminate topical corticorsteroids as well as other topical agents (soaps, Skin Lubricants, cosmetics)
- Typically responds to Rosacea management (topical Metronidazole, Erythromycin or Pimecrolimus), but systemic Tetracyclines or Erythromycin may be needed
Chest Tube (lung, procedure)
- Check for air leaks by having a patient cough and observing for bubbles in the water seal (or Heimlich Valve immersed in water)
- Typically indicates that Chest Tube is not ready to be removed, but may also be due to leak from the tubing itself
Humeral Shaft Fracture (ortho, Shoulder)
- Radial Nerve injury occurs in 20% of Humeral Shaft Fracture
- Test for weak wrist extension, supination and numbness in Radial Nerve distribution
Ethylene Glycol Poisoning (er, toxin)
- Fomepizole is used as a competitive Alcohol dehydrogenase inhibitor
- Thiamine and Vitamin B6 are Cofactors used in shunting Ethylene Glycol (and glyoxylic acid) to non-toxic metabolism pathways
- Dialysis is definitive therapy in severe Poisoning
Distal Radius Fracture (ortho, wrist, Fracture)
- Risk of Compartment Syndrome (pain out of proportion), esp after Fracture reduction
- Median Nerve Injury is the most common nerve injury after angulated, displaced Distal Radius Fracture
Metabolic Acidosis (renal, acidbase)
- Isopropanol is the most common Toxic Alcohol ingestion, but it will not cause a Metabolic Acidosis (but will cause an Osmolal Gap)
Meckel Diverticulum (surgery, gi)
- Most common cause of significant GI Bleeding in children
- Bleeding is from omphalomesenteric remnant lined by gastric mucosa
- Roughly follows a rule of 2's: 2 foot proximal to the ileocecal valve, 2% of population, 2% of those have symptoms, half develop symptoms by age 2
Centripetal Rash (id, fever)
- Centripetal Rashes start on the distal arms and legs and develop proximally
- Causes include Erythema Multiforme, Secondary Syphilis, Meningococcemia, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Dengue Fever, Coxsachievirus
Gastric Volvulus (surgery, gi, Stomach)
- Elderly represent most cases with Volvulus occurring within large paraesophageal Hernias
- Infants represent 20% of cases with Volvulus occurring within congenital Diaphragmatic Hernias
- Presents with Borchardt Triad (Severe Epigastric Pain, Abdominal Distention, Vomiting)
Metabolic Acidosis with Anion Gap (renal, acidbase)
- Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) does NOT increase the Anion Gap (unlike Methanol and Ethylene Glycol)
- However, Isopropanol does increase the Osmolar Gap as does other Toxic Alcohols
Pertussis (lung, Bacteria)
- Admit infants with Pertussis (high risk of apnea and death)
Adenovirus (id, virus)
- Common cause of Pharyngitis and Conjunctivitis, especially in the summer, and may be associated with outbreaks at contaminated swimming pools
Food Poisoning (gi, Diarrhea)
- Clostridium perfringens is among the most common causes of Food Poisoning in the United States
- Presents with Diarrhea onset 6-16 hours after meat or gravy ingestion and in-vivo toxin production, unlike Staph Aureus, which presents in first 6 hours with Vomiting from preformed toxin
- Resolves spontaneously in 24 hours
Intestinal Malrotation (gi, bowel)
- Affects 1 in 500 live births, and results in Midgut Volvulus in 75% of cases (most within the first week if not first month of life)
- Presents with Bilious Emesis in a toxic infant, and requires emergent surgical intervention to prevent the bowel necrosis starting within first 3 hours
EKG Changes in Syncope due to Arrhythmia (cv, ekg)
- Left Bundle Branch Block confers a 3 fold increase in risk of serious cardiac cause resulting in a given syncopal episode
Tracheostomy (lung, procedure)
- Innominate artery erosion is a rare but catastrophic complication presenting from bleeding at Tracheostomy site
- Any significant bleeding, even if stopped, requires careful evaluation
- Initial bleeding event may transiently stop, but herald masssive bleeding when clot is displaced
- Emergent surgical intervention is needed, but temporizing maneuvers include hyperinflating Tracheostomy cuff ballon, and ET intubation from above and compressive inominate artery against Sternum with inserted finger
Pneumomediastinum (lung, er)
- May occur with Trauma (Tracheobronchial Injury) or Esophageal Rupture, or spontaneous (excessing coughing, Asthma, Inhalation Drug Use)
- Subcutaneous Emphysema may be present, and Hamman's Crunch (noise synchronous with heart beat) is present 50% of the time
- Small Pneumomediastinum is often an incidental finding on Trauma chest CT and is often benign
- Chest XRay often misses Pneumomediastinum, but lateral neck xray demonstrates this more evidently
Pulmonary Manifestations of HIV (hiv, lung)
- Typical Bacterial Pneumonia causes (e.g. Pneumococcus) are the most common Bacterial Pneumonia causes in HIV and AIDS
- Tuberculosis occurs more commonly at any CD4 Count
- PCP occurs with CD4 <200, and viral (e.g. CMV) and disseminated fungal infections (e.g. Cryptococcus) occur at CD4 Counts <50
Pneumonia in the Elderly (lung, geri)
- Pneumonia is the leading cause of death among Nursing Home residents
- Pneumococcus remains the most common pathogen in Nursing Home residents, but with a four fold higher risk of invasive disease than in the community
Fetal Malpresentation (ob, ld)
- Face Presentation occurs in 1 in 550 live births when the fetal head is hyperextended back, and is associated with a 2-3% perinatal mortality, as well as Anencephaly
- Brow Presentation is with a partially extended head, occurring in 1 in 1400 live births, and with a 1-8% perinatal mortality
Urate Stones (urology, renal)
- Of those with gout, 10-25% will develop Ureteral Stones (50% if Uric Acid >13 mg/dl)
Dystonic Reaction (psych, pharm)
- Typically caused by antipyschotic agents, which may over-blockade Dopaminergic Receptors
- Results in excess Cholinergic Activity due to a loss of typical Dopamine-mediated inhibition
Cervical Spine Fracture (ortho, c-spine, Fracture)
- Consider any cervical Vertebral Fracture unstable with the exception of those listed below
- Stable Fractures include Spinous process Fracture, Transverse process Fracture, unilateral facet dislocation
- Wedge Fractures are typically stable unless posterior Vertebral height compressed more than 25%
- Vertebral burst Fractures are stable except for the C1 Jefferson Fracture or if fragments are retropulsed
Acute Alcoholic Hepatitis (gi, liver, hepatitis, Alcohol)
- Acute Alcoholic Hepatitis, although often asymptomatic, may be severe and life threatening
- Presents with fever, Anorexia, weight loss, generalized or RUQ Abdominal Pain, Jaundice
- Maddrey Discriminant Function predicts patients at highest risk of death
Retropharyngeal Abscess (ent, mouth)
- Uncommon, but life-threatening infection and abscess of the prevertebral space with risk of airway obstruction, local infection spread (e.g. mediastinitis, meningoencephalitis, Carotid Artery erosions)
Appendicitis (surgery, gi, bowel)
- Initial missed Appendicitis diagnosis approaches 50% (especially at extremes of age)
- Missed Appendicitis is often complicated by appendix perforation
- Gastroenteritis is the most common initial misdiagnosis, when Appendicitis is missed
- Exercise caution in applying the Gastroenteritis diagnosis in Abdominal Pain presentations
Mild Persistent Asthma (lung, Asthma)
- Combined Inhalers with Formoterol with Corticosteroids (Symbicort, Dulera) have been studied for prn use
- May reduce adult severe exacerbations (esp. for those not compliant with daily Inhaled Corticosteroid)
- Expensive ($300 per Inhaler), risk of LABA Overdose, and only studied in adults
- However, compliance with Inhaled Corticosteroid daily, and prn Albuterol is still preferred strategy
Peripheral Artery Disease Management (surgery, cv)
- Direct Oral Anticoagulant (DOAC, e.g. Xarelto) may be considered in some PAD patients
- Studied in combination with low dose Aspirin (81 mg) with use over 2 years
- May reduce major cardiovascular events (1 in 50) and amputations (1 in 150)
- However, risk of major bleeding events (1 in 100)
Lead Poisoning (er, toxin)
- Despite regulatory changes in 1978 and 1986, Lead Poisoning still effects 500,000 children each year
- Although universal lead screening is no longer done in U.S., targeted screening in medicaid children, Immigrants and other high risk groups is important
- No lead level is considered safe, and permanent neurotoxicity occurs at levels of 5 mcg/dl in children
Amenorrhea (gyn, Menses, endo)
- Extensive update of Amenorrhea, Primary Amenorrhea, Secondary Amenorrhea, Functional Amenorrhea
Deprescribing (geri, pharm)
- Systematically decrease or discontinue medications which pose greater risk of harm than benefit
- Choices are made in the context of the specific patient's goals, values, functional status, Life Expectancy
- Based on a thorough history, complete medication list, evaluate each medication for indications, safety, cost and benefit
- Deprescribe one medication at a time, with reassessment for adverse effects versus benefit
Polypharmacy (geri, pharm)
- Risk factors include older patients (esp. in Longterm Care), with no primary care provider, and those with complex health conditions (esp. Developmental Delay, Cognitive Impairment)
Measles (id, virus)
- Keep a high index of suspicion for those presenting with cough, Coryza and Conjunctivitis
- Koplick spots and the Morbilliform rash are not initially present
Mumps (id, virus)
- Nonspecific fever, Headache and myalgias are the initial presentation of mumps
- The classic parotiitis is not present for 2 days
Pertussis (lung, id)
- Consider Pertussis in any Chronic Cough patient, especially in those with waning Immunity
Tetanus (id, neuro)
- In developing countries, newborns with contaminated umbilical stumps, represent 50% of Tetanus deaths
- Varicella (id, virus)
- Post-exposure Prophylaxis in those without Varicella Immunity includes Varicella Vaccine in healthy patients within 3-5 days of exposure
- Post-exposure susceptible pregnant patients, Immunocompromised and newborns are treated with Varicella immune globulin
Fascia Iliaca Block (surgery, pharm)
- Excellent compartment block for Femur Fractures, but with risk of LAST Reaction (due to Bupivicaine)
- Ultrasound guidance is recommended
Vasopressor (cv, pharm)
- Norepinephrine remains the preferred Vasopressor in adults
- Dopamine is still surprisingly the preferred Vasopressor in children, despite three fold increased mortality in Sepsis
Bag Valve Mask (er, procedure, lung)
- Apply a PEEP Valve to every Bag Valve Mask to prevent oxygen mixing with room air, and to keep alveoli open between breaths
- Apply oxygen 15 lpm under mask
- Monitor end tidal CO2 inline with Bag Valve Mask
- Use a Bag Valve Mask pressure gauge if available
Fever Without Focus Management Birth to 3 Months (id, peds)
- In infants <60 days old, low risk of serious infection if Urinalysis negative, ANC <4000/ul and Procalcitonin <0.5 ng/ml
Intimate Partner Violence (prevent, abuse)
- Strangulation increases the future risk of violent death by 10 fold
- High risk times for abuse include antepartum, peripartum and postpartum
Hepatitis C Antiviral Regimen (gi, liver, hepatatitis)
- Multiple Drug Interactions, especially agents with Ritonavir (e.g. Technivie, Viekira, Olysio)
- Avoid acid suppression with Harvoni, Epclusa
- Statins have various Drug Interactions (increased Statin Myopathy risk)
- Anticonvulsants reduce Antiviral levels
- Smart Inhaler Technology (lung, Asthma)
VIII. Updates: June 2019
Apophysitis (ortho, peds, growth)
- Traction injury at the tendon insertions in children with open apophysis
- Conditions include Hip Apophysitis, Iselin Disease, Larsen-Johansson Disease, Thrower's Elbow, Osgood-Schlatter Disease, Calcaneal Apophysitis
Osteochondrosis (ortho, peds, growth)
- Degeneration at epiphyseal Ossification Centers of growing bone (NOT the same as Osteochondritis Dissecans)
- Conditions include Freiberg Disease, Kohler Bone Disease, Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease, Panner Disease
Scabies and Lice (derm, Parasite)
- Little is new, other than some additional expensive agents for treating lice
- Wet combing with and without hair conditioner and a fine toothed nit comb is still a mainstay of any lice management protocol
Varicose Veins (surgery, cv)
- Chronic Venous Disease is a spectrum from Telangiectasias to Varicose Veins, edema, Venous Stasis Dermatitis and Venous Stasis Ulcer
- External compression has variable efficacy and is only recommended as first-line for pregnancy
- Several non-surgical, thermal ablation techniques are as effective as surgery, with faster recovery and fewer adverse effects
- Adolescent Substance Use (psych, peds, cd)
- The polysubstance landscape has expanded, and teens are using more of them, including the adult trend in Opioid Abuse and Opioid Overdoses
- E-Cigs are replacing Cigarettes in Tobacco Abuse, and many are using the devices to vaporize Marijuana
- Alcohol is the most commonly used substance among teens and Marijuana use is close behind
- Other substance use includes MDMA, unprescribed prescription drugs, Synthetic Marijuana, Hallucinogens and Cocaine
Lightning Injury (er, environ)
- Uncommon, but with a myriad of internal injuries and often without significant external signs of injury
- Lightning Injury (millions of volts) has a different management approach than an Electrical Burn (thousands of volts)
Electrical Burn (er, environ)
- Electrical Burns may be complicated by Arrhythmia and Compartment Syndrome
- Degree of injury is a factor of voltage, current type (AC or DC), duration of exposure, wet skin and current pathway
Hemorrhagic Shock (er, cv, bleed)
- Non-compressible Massive Hemorrhage in the Peri-Arrest patient involves bridging to emergent Trauma surgery
- Methods include Emergency Thoracotomy for Traumatic Cardiac Arrest and Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta (REBOA) in SBP <70 mmHg
- Other methods include Pelvic Binder for an unstable Pelvic Fracture (e.g. open book Fracture)
Heat Stroke (er, environ, heat)
- Consider the differential diagnosis in the hot and bothered patient, but with Temperatures above 104, do not delay definitive cooling measures
- Non-exertional Heat Stroke typically presents with an elderly debilitated patient, often near normovolemia, with Dry Skin
- Exertional Heat Stroke typically presents with a young athlete, hypovolemic and diaphoretic
Concussion (er, neuro)
- Mild Traumatic Head Injury (GCS 13-15) is the preferred term for Concussion and Minor Head Injury (and these terms are synonymous)
- Use established guidelines (PECARN) for Head Injury CT Indications in Children, and other imaging is not typically indicated (MRI, SPECT, Skull XRay)
- Assess pediatric athletes via established protocols (e.g. SCAT-5) for Return to Play after Concussion
- Patients should follow Mild Head Injury Home Management, and post-Concussion symptoms typically resolve by 3 months in 70-80% of children
Caregiver (geri, manage)
- Of those adults requiring Longterm Care, 80% live in the community, with the assistance of unpaid Caregivers who provide 90% of the care for these patients (nearly 25 hours/week on average)
- Caregiving is associated with significant persistent, uncontrollable and unpredictable stressors and physical, psychological and financial burdens
- Caregiver Support is critical to helping them sustain their care, while still maintaining their own well being
Mood Disorders (psych, mood)
- Exercise, Yoga and Mindfulness Based Interventions appear effective in Major Depression, and to a lesser extent in Anxiety Disorder
Low Risk Chest Pain (cv, cad)
- HEART Score 0-3 and 2 normal serial Troponins 3 hours apart (2 hours if using High Sensitivity Troponin) are sufficient to disposition low risk patients home with major adverse cardiac events <1%
- If the last Chest Pain was >6 hours ago, a single Troponin Is sufficient
Chest Tube (lung, procedure)
- Provide adequate sedation and Anesthesia for the procedure
- Adequately expose landmarks (clavicle, Sternum, axilla, costal margin) and make an adequate skin incision (e.g. 3 cm) for access, wider in larger patients
- Take your time after the pleura is penetrated; any risk of Tension Pneumothorax is eliminated
- Nonaccidental Trauma
Local Anesthesia (surgery, pharm)
- Lidocaine and Bupivicaine have similar times of onset (3 min), and therefore mixing these agents offers no benefit
Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia (eye, neuro)
- On lateral gaze, Cranial Nerve 6 abducts the ipsilateral eye, and to maintain Conjugate Gaze,, a signal is passed via MLF to the contralateral eye's CN 3 to adduct (medially) in parallel
- With a MLF lesion, the adducting eye via CN 3 fails to adduct and in response, the abducting eye (via CN 6) demonstrates Nystagmus
- In older adults (esp. unilateral involvement), consider vascular disease and in children consider pontine glioma
- In young adults (esp. bilateral involvement), consider Multiple Sclerosis
Euglycemic Ketoacidosis (endo, dm)
- More than 2500 cases of Euglycemic Ketoacidosis on SGLT2 Inhibitors have been reported
- Presents similar to Diabetic Ketoacidosis with Metabolic Acidosis with Anion Gap, but normal Glucose
- Managed in similar fashion to DKA
SGLT2 Inhibitor (endo, pharm)
- Invokana (Canagliflozin) delays Chronic Kidney Disease progression (likely a class effect)
- When taken for 2.5 years, delays Serum Creatinine doubling in those with GFR <60 ml/min (NNT 31)
- Balance with the risk of Acute Kidney Injury in those dehydrated while taking SGLT2 Inhibitors
- Dexmetetomidine (surgery, Anesthesia)
- Consider for post-intubation sedation after initial sedation with Propofol or Ketamine
- Also effective in helping patients tolerate BiPap, Alcohol Withdrawal
- Expect transient Hypotension if bolused, but hemodynamically neutral when infused at normal rates
Cranial Nerve 6 Palsy (neuro, cn)
- Most common is an isolated CN 6 Palsy
- However, CN 6 is subject to injury from from pons and Brainstem, through the Cavernous Sinus and orbit
Important Dermatologic Conditions in the Emergency Department (derm, er)
- As part of board review, edited dermatologic conditions in emergency care including Exfoliative Dermatitis, Tick Borne Illness, Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections
Important Urology Conditions in the Emergency Department (urology, er)
- As part of board review, edited urologic conditions in emergency care including Acute Renal Failure, Emergency Care in ESRD, Fournier's, Paraphimosis, Penis Fracture, Priapism, STD
Continuous Estrogen Replacement (gyn, pharm)
- Bioidentical Hormone Replacement may offer no benefit over standard hormonal therapy
- Bijuva (Estradiol 1 mg + Progesterone 100 mg) is new in 2019, costs $215 for its combined pill, compared with separate pills at $40 total
Gluten in Medications (pharm, nutrition)
- Medications may contain small amounts of gluten (<0.5 mg/dose)
- Glutens may be present in the form of pregelatinized starch, Sodium starch glycolate, dextrin, dextrate
- The rare small amount of Gluten in Medications is unlikely to cause adverse effects, even in Celiac Sprue
- Celiac Sprue patients can typically tolerate 50 mg/day of gluten, well above what may be in medications
Z-Drugs (psych, pharm, sleep)
- FDA Block Box Warning in 2019 for unusual and potentially dangerous sleep behaviors while on Z-Drugs
- Rare but serious injuries and deaths related to falls, automobile accidents, Medication Overdoses
Osteoporosis Management (rheum, bone)
- Romosozumab (Evenity) Injection is a SQ Injectable Monoclonal Antibody, sclerositin inhibitor that costs $22,000 per year in 2019 (covered under Medicare Part B)
- Increases bone growth and decreases bone breakdown
- Indicated for high risk women with Fractures despite bisphosphonate or multiple Vertebral Fractures
- Contraindicated if MI or CVA in last year (associated with increased Cardiovascular Risk)
Mycobacterium Avium Complex (hiv, id)
- Previously most common reported HIV Bacterial Infection
- Early initiation of highly active HIV Antiretrovirals have significantly reduced MAC Incidence
- MAC prophylaxis is now indicated for CD4 Cell Count < 50 cells/mm3 (previously <100 cells/mm3) and patients have delay in starting Antiretrovirals or optimized regimen cannot be used
IX. Updates: May 2019
Acute Pancreatitis (gi, Pancreas)
- AGA as of 2018 recommends NO prophylactic Antibiotics regardless of necrosis severity
- Prophylactic Antibiotics were previously recommended for necrosis of >30% of Pancreas
- Initial Antibiotic regimens for infected Pancreatic Pseudocyst or Pancreatic Abscess include zosyn, Primaxin, Meropenem, Moxifloxacin
- Obtain cultures of abscess or pseudocyst to direct Antibiotic therapy
Nitrous Oxide Abuse (surgery, pharm, Anesthesia)
- Chronic Nitrous Oxide Abuse (e.g. Whippets) can result in B12 Deficiency and spinal cord degeneration (esp. Posterior Columns)
Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis (gi, id, Cirrhosis)
- Antibiotic management for mean duration of 5 days with Cefotaxime, zosyn, Ceftriaxone, Ertapenem
- Prophylaxis with Norfloxacin or Ciprofloxacin daily (or weekly)
Heat Related Illness (er, environ)
- Avoid strenuous Exercise on hot, humid days; if unavoidable, then take breaks in the shade, maintain hydration (using Electrolytes after first hour)
- General measures for Heat Illness include laying patient supine, with legs elevated in cool, shaded environment and initiate re-hydration
- Early recognition and intervention of Heat Exhaustion symptoms prevents progression to Heat Stroke
- Fever over 105, especially with mental status changes requires emergent management (ABC, cold/ice immersion, IV hydration, rectal temp monitoring)
Nephrolithiasis (urology, renal)
- Adequate hydration (2.5 Liters per day), is the single most effective preventive measure
- Renal Ultrasound is the first-line study in suspected Renal Colic
- Although expectant management without CT imaging is preferred in many cases, exclude Urinary Tract Infection first
Breast Mass (gyn, Breast)
- Breast Mass evaluation starts with a good history (including Breast Cancer Risk Factors) and careful Clinical Breast Exam
- Breast Mass imaging has been simplified into age <30 (Ultrasound first) and age>30 (Mammogram first) protocols
- Core needle biopsy is the preferred biopsy technique (over FNA and open biopsy)
Mastalgia (gyn, Breast)
- Most Mastalgia is cyclical and requires no significant testing
- Non-cyclical Mastalgia, especially with focal pain, should be evaluated with Ultrasound and if over 30, Mammogram
- Consider Chest Wall Pain and referred pain in focal Mastalgia
- Adjusting bra fit and NSAIDs are first-line measures (with Tamoxifen, Danazol and Goserelin reserved for moderate to severe refractory cases)
Nipple Discharge (gyn, Breast)
- Distinguish physiologic discharge (bilateral, non-spontaneous) from Galactorrhea (milky discharge) and pathologic discharge (unilateral, single duct)
- Associated Breast Mass, bloody Nipple Discharge or pathologic discharge require imaging and biopsy/excision
- Nipple Discharge cytology and culture are not indicated
Interventional Radiology (rad, surgery)
- Minimally invasive, imaging-guided procedures have replaced many more invasive surgical procedures
Drug Interactions (pharm, metabolism)
- Drugs with numerous interactions: Warfarin Drug Interactions, Direct Oral Anticoagulants, Statins, Drug Interactions due to Chelating Cations
- Specific important drug-Drug Interactions: Phosphodiesterase Inhibitor and Nitroglycerin, Beta Blockers and Clonidine, ACE Inhibitors and Potassium supplements
- Drug-Induced Syndromes (exacerbated by combinations of agents): Prolonged QT Interval due to Medication, Serotonin Syndrome, CNS Depressants
Myocarditis (cv, Myocardium, id)
- Non-sepcific presentations (e.g. flu-like illness)
- May present with Tachypnea, retractions and progress rapidly to Cardiogenic Shock (esp. infants)
- Exercise caution with fluid administration
Pericarditis (cv, Pericardium, id)
- Classically presents with anterior sharp, stabbing, Pleuritic Chest Pain worse lying supine and best when leaning forward
- Radiation to the Scapula (from phrenic nerve irritation) is typical
Kawasaki Disease (cv, Vasculitis)
- Fever for 5 days, with at least 4 of the following: Conjunctival injection, mucosal changes, polymorphous rash, palms and soles changes, cervical adenopathy
Infective Endocarditis (cv, id, valve)
- Uncommon in children outside Congenital Heart Disease and indwelling venous lines
- Consider in persistent low grade fever, poor feeding, lethargy
- Do not delay Antibiotics beyond Blood Cultures in children (rapid decompensation may occur)
DOT Examination (prevent, hme)
- Insulin Treated Diabetes is no longer a contraindication to DOT commerical license in U.S. as of 2018
Groin Pain (ortho, hip)
- Broad differential of Groin Pain Causes including Hernias, hip pathology, nerve entrapments, strains, Stress Fractures and genitourinary referred pain
- Consider SCFE, Legg-Calve-Perthes and Congenital Hip Dislocation in children
- Consider Femoral Neck Stress Fractures, especially in female athletes
Antiplatelet Therapy for Vascular Disease (hemeonc, pharm, Platelet, cv)
- Shift to more dual therapy (Plavix and Anticoagulant) instead of triple therapy (with Aspirin) after coronary stenting with Atrial Fibrillation
Aspirin (pharm, Analgesic, Platelet)
- Not for primary prevention any more (bleeding risk, less benefit in those without vascular disease)
- Eskatamine (surgery, sedation, psych)
- Expensive ($900/dose) intranasal agent for Refractory Depression Management
- Initially dosed twice weekly for 4 weeks with observation for 2 hours for Hypertension, sedation, dissociation
Myocardial Infarction (cv, cad)
- Of 5 subtypes, Type 1 (Plaque rupture requiring emergent cath lab) and Type 2 (oxygen supply and demand mismatch) are important to differentiate
Vaccination (id, immune)
- Tdap may cause severe injection site pain (20% of adults), flu-like symptoms (10% of children) and low grade fever (<101)
- MMR Vaccine rarely causes Encephalitis (<1 in 1-3 million) compared with 1 in 1000 for those with Measles
- Varicella Vaccine may cause a vesicular rash in 5% of cases
Active Shooter (prevent, abuse, work)
- Run-Hide-Fight may not be the best strategy in the hospital setting, where exits and hiding places are limited, and protecting vulnerable patients is also a priority
- Securing areas with removable locks, stocking emergency supplies, training and establishing protocols are key
Synthetic Cannabinoids (psych, cd)
- Unpredictable with variable effects (pleasantly intoxicated vs hyperadrenergic vs Agitated Delirium vs Seizures)
- Sedation to prevent harm to the patient and others (see Agitated Delirium) and Benzodiazepines are mainstay strategies
- Tetanus (id, neuro, Bacteria)
Button Battery Ingestion (gi, Esophagus, fb)
- For over age 1, Honey 10 ml given every 10 min while awaiting emergent endoscopy may prevent further mucosal erosion, perforation
Rapid Sequence Intubation (lung, procedure)
- Avoid intubating a severely hypotensive patient (outside of crash airway without RSI)
- Temporize airway and breathing management (Nasal Airway, bipap) during stabilization and Consider awake intubation
- Optimize systolic Blood Pressure prior to RSI: Fluid Resuscitation, Vasopressors, Use agents less likely to lower Blood Pressure (Ketamine in 0.25 to 0.5 mg/kg boluses until dissociation)
- Can never over-dose paralytics: Best to over-estimate than under-estimate dose (e.g. 2 mg/kg of Succinylcholine or Rocuronium) esp. in decreased Cardiac Output
Incidental Imaging Finding (rad, ct)
- Incidental findings on CT are common (4-30%), but ED discharge paperwork fails to mention the findings in 50-90% of cases
- Establish a consistent approach for likely normal incidental findings vs uncertain incidental findings vs highly suspicious incidental findings
Fever in the Returning Traveler (id, fever, travel)
- Assume Falciparum Malaria in those returning from Malaria endemic regions
- Consider other causes, such as Dengue Fever, Chickungunya and Zika Virus
- Do not forget about non-travel related infections (Pneumonia, Urinary Tract Infection, Meningitis)
Trauma Evaluation (er, Trauma)
- Chest XRay is often sufficient as first-line study (unless mechanism and findings suggest CT)
- Although CT may identify additional injuries over Chest XRay, often these injuries require no additional intervention
Actinic Keratosis (derm, hemeonc)
- Topical 5-Flourouracil (5-FU) is one of several topical agents used in place of Cryotherapy for numerous Actinic Keratosis (e.g. >15 lesions present)
- Fluorouracil cream 5% (Efudex) is applied twice daily for 2-4 weeks until significant inflammation and crusting
- It is least expensive (<$100) and more effective, less re-treatement than Imiquimod, ingenol and Phototherapy
Beta Blockers (cv, pharm, htn)
- Selective Beta Blockers (e.g. Metoprolol) are safe in COPD and Asthma (but avoid non-selective Beta Blockers)
- Parkinsonism (neuro, Tremor)
Treating Family Members (manage, legal)
- Do not prescribe controlled substances to family, friends or self
- Home treatment of minor symptoms is reasonable
- However, major symptoms are best treated with formal evaluations
- Notify primary provider of medications prescribed outside of their care
Dry Eyes (eye, lacrimal, dry)
- Cequa is another Cyclosporine option for Dry Eyes
Stimulant Medication (peds, pharm, behavior)
- Psychosis may occur with ADHD Medications, esp. at higher doses, occurs in 0.1% of patients)
- More common with Amphetamines in teens and young adults
- Stimulants may also unmask Bipolar Disorder or Schizophrenia
- Intravenous Brexanolone (psych, ob, depression)
- GABA Receptor acgent, indicated in refractory Postpartum Depression
- Intravenous infusion over 60 hours with onset of action by 24-48 hours
- Risk of sedation and loss of consciousness (REMS program)
- Astronomically expensive ($34,000) and unknown safety in Lactation
X. Updates: April 2019
Concussion (ed, neuro, Trauma)
- Mild Head Injury accounts for the 85% or more of 2.8 Million (as well as the unreported additional million) U.S. patients per year
- No return to play until asymptomatic and medical clearance. Often, symptoms and deficits may persist for months
- Well established protocols exist for field and acute medical evaluation (e.g. SCAT5) and for return to play guidelines
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (gyn, sx, Uterus, bleed)
- Age over 45 years with Abnormal Uterine Bleeding indicates Endometrial Biopsy, Ultrasound (prior cutoff was for age >35)
- Consider in age >=35, if persistent or refractory Abnormal Uterine Bleeding, or known Unopposed Estrogen
Angioedema (ent, derm, allergy)
- Angioedema management is based on whether it is Histamine-mediated (e.g. Anaphylaxis) or bradykinin-mediated (e.g. hereditary, ACE Inhibitor)
- Bradykinin-Mediated Angioedema does not typically respond to Epinephrine, Antihistamines or Corticosteroids
- Management and disposition is based on edema distribution (face/lips vs anterior Tongue vs posterior Tongue vs Larynx)
Cervical Spine Fracture (ortho, c-spine, Fracture)
- Vertebral Fractures affect one or more of the anterior, middle or Posterior Columns
- Jefferson Fractures (bilateral burst Fractures) are the most common C1 Fractures, and patients are often neurologically intact
- C2 Fractures include arch Fractures (Hangman's fracture) and odontoid Fractures
- Other Cervical Fractures include Wedge compression Fractures, flexion teardrop Fractures, burst Fractures and spinous process Fractures
- Post-Intubation Sedation and Analgesia (lung, procedure, airway)
Caustic Ingestion (er, toxin, ingestion)
- Caustic Ingestions (acids and alkali) may cause significant burns to the GI Tract, with risk of perforation
- Intentional ingestions are associated with higher risk (larger volumes taken)
- Evaluation includes upper endoscopy and CT
Symjepi (cv, pharm, allergy)
- Another Epinephrine device for Anaphylaxis, this time a non-autoinjector (simple prefilled syringes)
- Pharmacies can compound Epinephrine syringes for $20. Why does Symjepi cost $240. Why are payers satisfied with this?
Prevention of Ischemic Stroke (neuro, prevent)
- Combined Aspirin 81 and Plavix 75 are being used after Ischemic CVA and high risk TIA for 3 weeks (then Aspirin alone)
Jailed Patient (prevent, hme)
- Patient must consent to blood draw or officer must have a warrant to obtain blood (fourth amendment rights), except in cases of immediate danger to patient
- Malingering is common, but start with a reasonable evaluation for presenting concerns (e.g. Chest Pain, Abdominal Pain)
- Thoroughly evaluate Trauma patients and have a low threshold for imaging (e.g. Head CT, neck CT) when indicated
- Ensure continuation of important chronic medications (Insulin in Diabetes Mellitus, Antiepileptics in Seizure Disorder, Antipsychotics in Schizophrenia)
Glimepiride (endo, pharm)
- Higher risk for Hypoglycemia (like Glyburide) when compared with Glipizide
Prescription Drug Diversion (psych, pharm. Opioid)
- Prescription Drug Diversion is now found in patients using their pet's Opioids
Revefenacin (lung, pharm, copd)
- Long-acting Anticholinergic Bronchodilator (LAMA) that is nebulized once daily. Expensive ($1000/month) at the time of release in 2019
- Consider inhaled LAMA instead for less than half the cost (e.g. Spiriva, Incruse)
- Consider nebulized Ipratropium four times daily at $25/month (or combined with Albuterol in duonebs)
Lokelma (renal, pharm, Potassium)
- Another Potassium binder used in chronic Hyperkalemia to allow continuation of ACE Inhibitors or ARB Agents despite elevated Serum Potassium
- Valtessa is preferred (less edema risk), and first consider other measures to reduce Serum Potassium
Ulcerative Colitis (gi, ibd)
- Consider Rectal Hydrocortisone enema (or foam) for distal Ulcerative Colitis refractory to Mesalamine (or other 5-ASA)
Skeletal Muscle Relaxant (Rheum, Pharm)
- Lean toward cyclobanzaprine (Flexeril) and avoid use outside acute back pain after the week
Febrile Seizure (neuro, Seizure, fever)
- Those with simple Febrile Seizure and who appear well require no diagnostic testing
- Acetaminophen may be helpful in reducing Seizure recurrence in first 24 hours (prior studies showed no benefit)
Rett Syndrome (peds, neuro)
- Most frequent cause of mental Disability in girls (1 in 10,000 to 15,000)
- X-linked trait and affects only girls in the vast majority of cases (very rare in boys) - MECP2 Gene mutation (95% occur at methyl CpG-binding Protein)
- Presents with regression of previously acquired skills, decreased head growth, speech loss, Gait Abnormality, loss of purposeful hand movement, Seizures
- Measles (id, virus)
Neti Pot (ent, pharm)
- Risk of amoebic Meningitis
- Use sterile or distilled water (or boiled for 3-5 min) and wash the Neti Pot with soap and water after each use
Medication Causes of Edema (renal, edema)
- Common causes include Amlodipine, NSAIDS, hormonal agents, Mirapex, and Diuretic Abuse or Laxative abuse
Left Ventricular Assist Device or LVAD (cv, pharm, device)
- Various updates to emergency management of the LVAD patient
Eliquis (hemeonc, pharm)
- May be preferred DOAC in Atrial Fibrillation Anticoagulation due to lower risk of bleeding complications
Acne Vulgaris Pharmacologic Management (derm, pharm)
- More expensive meds for acne, without compelling reasons for use compared with $10-20/month generic alternatives
- Altreno is Tretinoin 0.05% lotion for $120/month (did we not try this 15-20 years ago and was too irritating)
- Seysara is Tetracycline. Why does it cost $860/month. Tetracycline is older than I am.
Asthma Management (lung, Asthma, pharm)
- Generic proair HFA and Ventolin HFA will finally be generic for $35 per Inhaler (finally a reasonable cost)
- Wixela Inhub is fluticasone/Salmeterol at $150/Inhaler, compared with $460 for Advair
Latent Tuberculosis Treatment (lung, Tb, pharm)
- Rifampin daily for 4 months or Isoniazid/Rifapentine for 12 doses have higher compliance, safety, and are as effective as INH for 9 months
Peripheral Arterial Disease (surg, cv)
- Ask about Claudication in patients at risk and consider ABI
- Management includes specific Exercise protocols, Antiplatelet agents, ACE Inhibitors (or ARBs), Statins
Breast Cancer Survivor (gyn, hemeonc, Breast)
- Perform a history and exam every 3-6 months for first 3 years, then every 6-12 months for 2 years, and then annually
- Repeat Mammogram annually, but only obtain Breast MRI if high risk of recurrence indications
- Choosing Wisely (prevent, peds)
- Longterm reversible Contraception (IUD, implant) is preferred by teens, cost-effective and safe
- Behavior management is key to ADD management (yet >50% are treated with medication alone)
- Observation is preferred over Antibiotics for Otitis Media in ages 2 to 12 years old
- Preparticipation physicals have high False Positive and high False Negative Rates and are discouraged by choosing wisely (as a policy stand)
Hospital Acquired Pneumonia (id, Bacteria, Pneumonia)
- Hospital Acquired Pneumonia (HAP) replaced the term Heathcare Associated Pneumonia (HCAP) in 2016
- HCAP failed to identify multi-drug resistance risk, and resulted in overuse of broad spectrum Antibiotics
- Hospital Acquired Pneumonia (HAP) refers to onset of Pneumonia after first 48-72 hours of hospitalization (not Nursing Home, home care)
Propofol Infusion Syndrome (surgery, pharm, Anesthesia)
- Avoid prolonged use of Propofol (>24 hours) esp. in children due to Propofol Infusion Syndrome and its resulting very high morbidty and mortality
Acute Retinal Ischemia (eye, cv)
- Management of Retinal Artery Occlusion and Amaurosis Fugax should include TIA evaluation (head imaging, carotid imaging, EKG, Zio Monitor, Echo)
Anti-Retroviral Therapy (hiv, pharm)
- HIV ART is among the most difficult topics to keep updated. Updated preferred options as of 2018
Acute Cholangitis (surgery, gi)
- For mild infections from the community, Third Generation Cephalosporins may be used
- For moderate to severe infections, comorbidities, hospital-acquired, start zosyn, Ertapenem or Metronidazole with Ceftriaxone (or Fluoroquinolone)
Emergency Psychiatric Evaluation (psych, exam)
- In Agitated Delirium, maintain staff and patient safety, and where possible use Verbal De-escalation
- Careful history (esp. from those accompanying the patient) and thorough Mental Status Exam and physical exam are key
- Consider differential diagnosis of Delirium, Psychosis, Altered Level of Consciousness, Unknown Ingestion
Variceal Bleeding (gi, Esophagus, Cirrhosis)
- Antibiotics (cipro, Norfloxacin or Ceftriaxone) used for 5-7 days reduces rebleeding, Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis (SBP), and mortality rates
- Higher infection risk in Child-Pugh Class B-C, longterm Proton Pump Inhibitor, SBP Prophylaxis
Liver Abscess (gi, id, liver)
- With the exception of Amebiasis (critical to exclude), most Liver Abscesses are Bacterial, and at least 50% have a GI source
- Empiric Antibiotic coverage is with Metronidazole and a second agent (e.g. Ceftriaxone, zosyn, cipro or Ertapenem)
- Definitive management with abscess drainage
Strychnine Poisoning (ed, toxin)
- Southeast asian plant whose seed extracts are used as rodenticide, but may also be found in Herbal Medicines and as street drug contaminants
- Toxicity manifests as painful, uncontrolled Muscles spasms similar to Tetanus
Omadacycline (id, pharm)
- Newer Tetracycline approved for soft tissue infections and community acquired infections at $300/pill
XI. Updates: March 2019
Adhesive Capsulitis (ortho, Shoulder)
- Diabetes Mellitus and Hypothyroidism are commonly associated with Adhesive Capsulitis
- Greatest improvements are made early, and although most patients will have near resolution after 1-2 years, persistent deficits are common
- Physiotherapy and Corticosteroid Injections are effective in combination
Musculoskeletal Manipulation (sports, procedure, alternative)
- Uses various modalities: Counterstrain, Muscle Energy Technique, Soft Tissue Therapy, Spinal Manipulation
- May offer benefit in Neck Pain (with the rare 1:20,000 but devastating risk of Vertebrobasilar Dissection)
- May offer benefit in chronic Tension Headaches, but only small studies are available; no significant benefit in Low Back Pain (acute or chronic)
- No good evidence for benefit in infants and children, and generally recommended to avoid
Hand Infection (ortho, id, hand)
- Superficial infections finger include Acute Paronychia, felon and Herpetic Whitlow
- Deep Finger Infections include Pyogenic Flexor Tenosynovitis and Fight Bite
Hepatitis B (gi, liver, id, virus)
- Antivirals are indicated in chronic active Hepatitis B with inflammation and higher viral loads
- Prevent Hepatitis B perinatal transmission and after bloodborne exposure
Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (gi, sx, bowel)
- Bloating, Belching and Flatulence are common distressing functional complaints that have specific causes, evaluations and management strategies
- Common causes with established diagnostic criteria include Functional Dyspepsia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Functional Constipation
- Functional symptoms may be broken down into Belching (aerophagia), gastric bloating, Small Bowel bloating and bloating with Constipation
Type II Diabetes Medications (endo, pharm, dm)
- Of the more than 40 medications available for Type II Diabetes, many show only modest improved A1c, despite high cost, and adverse effects
- Better alternatives likely exist for Gliptins and amylins
Wilderness Trauma (er, sports, Trauma, wild)
- Most wilderness injuries are mild (sprains and strains, Lacerations, burns, gastrointestinal illness)
- Serious illness and injury are uncommon, but require a systematic approach with modified ATLS and evacuation considerations
- Spine evaluation, Pneumothorax evaluation, dislocation reduction, Fracture stabilization and Hemorrhage Control are key to best outcomes
Seat Belt Sign (er, exam, peds)
- Car Restraints significantly reduce the risk of injury and death, but must be used properly
- Car Seats should be used up to age 4 years old (rear facing until age 2 years)
- Booster Seats should be used from age 4-8 years old (until height >=57 inches)
- Premature use of the adult Shoulder-Lap belt risks neck extension and flexion injuries, head injuries, Chance Fractures, Abdominal Trauma
NIH Stroke Scale (neuro, cv)
- Observe for mild changes (esp. facial droop which may be subtle)
- Patients may have severe symptoms (e.g. Vertigo in posterior CVA), yet have a low NIH stroke score
Giant Cell Arteritis (neuro, Headache, cv)
- Consider Temporal Arteritis in any patient with Diplopia or Vision Loss (even when transient)
Nerve Block (surgery, pharm)
- Ultrasound allows for much safer regional blocks (landmarks, visualize fluid dispersion)
- Anticoagulation is not a contraindication to Nerve Block
- Be aware of LAST Reaction and precalculate toxic dose levels
- Dilute Anesthetic to lower concentrations and higher volumes for best effect
Bupropion (psych, pharm, depression)
- Seizure risk in Overdose (treat with Benzodiazepines)
- QRS prolongation may also occur with Overdose (treat with serial doses of bicarbonate)
MAO Inhibitor (psych, pharm, depression)
- Some drugs we do not identify as MAO Inhibitors include Linezolid, St. Johns Wort, Selegeline
- May cause Hypertension in Overdose or when taking tyramines; treat with Phentolamine (alpha-adrenergic Antagonist)
- May cause Hypotension in Overdose (treat with IV fluids and direct Vasopressors such as norepinephine)
- Risk of Serotonin Syndrome
Massive Hemoptysis
- Intubating decompensating patients is challenging
- Attempt awake intubation under Ketamine, large bore suction (or via ET Tube) and place large ET (e.g. 8.5)
- Consider lung isolation (left or right mainstem Bronchus intubation)
- Emergently consult pulmonology, thoracic surgery, Intervention Radiology
Sepsis (id, fever, Bacteria)
- In pregnancy, no Sepsis criteria accurately predicts status (SIRS, SOFA, MEWS, MOEWS, SOS)
- Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, Respiratory Rate are unreliable markers of serious infection or instability in pregnancy
- Lactic Acid cutoffs do not apply well to pregnancy, but higher Lactic Acids are associated with worse outcomes
Postpartum Endometritis (ob, postpartum)
- Consider pelvic Thrombophlebitis in those who fail to improve with initial Antibiotics
- Postpartum Endometritis with Hematoma present may respond better to doxycyline AND Gentamicin, Cefoxitin or Unasyn
Appendicitis (surgery, bowel)
- Mortality for mothers approaches 4% and for the fetus, up to 45%
- Atypical presentations are common in pregnancy; RUQ Abdominal Pain in 20%, Rectal Pain in 45%
Neurologic Anatomy of the Eye (eye, anatomy, neuro)
- Completed 2 new diagrams: Extraocular Movement abnormalities and Pupillary defects
XII. Updates: February 2019
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (ortho, knee)
- Exercises are the most effective management strategy
- Foot Orthotics may benefit over-pronators, but Knee Braces are unlikely to be of benefit
- Patellar Taping may have short-term benefit
Neuropsychological Assessment (neuro, psych)
- Consider neuropsychological exam in Mild Cognitive Impairment, concern for driving risk, Decision Making Capacity Evaluation and after Traumatic Brain Injury
Intravenous Drug Abuse (psych, CD)
- Drug Abuse Screening Test (or other CD screening) and offer CD treatment
- Screen for Viral Hepatitis, HIV Infection, Tuberculosis and immunize (Hepatitis B Vaccine, Hepatitis A Vaccine, Tetanus Vaccine)
- Be aware of the many complications from Injection Drug Use
- Consider HIV Preexposure Prophylaxis, dispense Naloxone to Opioid Abuse patients and review safer injection methods
Renal Cell Carcinoma (urology, hemeonc)
- Incidental Renal Mass and persistent Microscopic Hematuria have replaced Renal Cell Carcinoma late presentations (palpable Renal Mass, Flank Pain, Gross Hematuria)
Pediatric Gastroenteritis (gi, peds, Diarrhea)
- Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) is preferred in moderate Dehydration and well described protocols can avoid IV fluids in most cases
- Half-strength apple juice followed by preferred fluids is more effective than ORS in mild Dehydration due to Diarrhea
First Trimester Bleeding (ob, antepartum)
- Excluding Ectopic Pregnancy is top priority in pregnancy of unknown location
- Progesterone level <6 is consistent with non-viable pregnancy
- Gestational Sac should be seen on Transvaginal Ultrasound by 1800 to 3000
Agitation (psych, behavior)
- Identify underlying cause (e.g. Cocaine, meth, Alcohol Withdrawal, Head Trauma, Hypoglycemia, Psychosis, Encephalitis)
- De-escalation is preferred in the agitated but non-dangerous patient
- Standard approaches exist for each of 3 Agitated Patients: agitated but cooperative, disruptive but not dangerous and Agitated Delirium
Envenomation (er, derm)
- Anaphylaxis to Hymenoptera Stings (bees, hornets) are the most common cause of lethal Envenomation in the U.S.
- Snake Bite venom vacuum extractors are no longer recommended
- Do not use Tourniquets in Snake Bites
- Antivenoms may be life saving (e.g. Coral Snake bites, pit viper bites, Scorpion bites) but they risk Anaphylaxis
Lacunar CVA (neuro, cv)
- Lacunar Infarcts are named for the latin ("small lakes"), and refer to the resorbed defects after stroke
- These strokes are from small penetrating vessels into the Thalamus, pons, Internal Capsule, corona radiata
- Several lacunar stroke syndromes exist (e.g. pure motor, pure sensory, ataxic Hemiparesis, Dysarthria-clumsy hand)
Post-Cardiac Arrest Care (er, exam)
- Hypotension in post-arrest patients is common and critical to correct and maintain adequate perfusion for best outcomes
- Consider possible causes including the initial inciting event for the Cardiac Arrest
- Epinephrine is typically a reasonable choice for post-arrest Vasopressor
Abdominal Compartment Syndrome (gi, cv)
- Rare condition with very high mortality if missed
- Abdominal pressures may be monitored through a Foley Catheter
Local Anesthetic Systemic Toxicity (surgery, pharm)
- Toxicity increases with lipophilic drugs (esp. Bupivicaine, Ropivacaine)
- Withdraw before injection to prevent injection intravascularly, which can be lethal
- Intralipid is the antidote for life threatening LAST Reactions
Newborn Stool Color (gi, nicu, bowel, blood)
- In the ill appearing young infant with blood in the stool, consider NEC, malrotation with Midgut Volvulus, Hirschsprung's enterocolitis, Vitamin K Deficiency
- In well appearing young infants, with intermittent inconsolable crying, consider intussception
- In well appearing young infants, consider Allergic Colitis of Infancy, Anal Fissure, red food or fluid intakes
- Acolic stool requires an emergent evaluation for Biliary causes including biliary atresia
Urticaria (ent, derm, allergy)
- Differentiate acute hives (<6 weeks) which often has a cause identified from chronic hives (>6 weeks) which often is idiopathic
- Consider allergic causes, acute infections, autoimmune causes
- Antihistamines are most beneficial (in non-Anaphylaxis), and allergists often use Zyrtec 10 mg orally TWICE daily
- Other adjunctive medications include H2 Blockers, Leukotriene Modifiers, steroids
Acute Flaccid Myelitis (id, neuro)
- Viral prodrome followed by Flaccid Paralysis with or without Meningitis, but no encephalopathy
- Enterovirus D68 and A71 are identified as common causes
- Treated with IVIG and recovery is most often incomplete, with residual deficits
Ulnar Neuropathy at the Wrist (ortho, wrist, neuro)
- Consider in differential in a C7-T1 radiculopathy differential
- Nerve injury may also cause Ulnar Neuropathy at the Elbow
Brachial Plexus (ortho, anatomy)
- At least 38 defined variations exist
Saturday Night Palsy (ortho, Shoulder, neuro)
- Radial Nerve injury at the axilla (stereotypically when intoxicated with arm over a chair or bench back rest) resulting in a Wrist Drop
Suprascapular Nerve Injury (ortho, Shoulder, neuro)
- Nerve exits high in the Brachial Plexus and can be impinged with overhead overuse (Volleyball Player's Shoulder)
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (ortho, brachial)
- Adson's Test and Elevated Arm Stress Test (EAST) are 2 tests used to identify Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Fluoroquinolone (id, pharm, Bacteria)
- Add aortic complications (Aortic Dissection, aortic aneurysm, Aortic Rupture) to the list of Fluoroquinolone complications
- Another reason to avoid in the elderly, vascular disease patients, smokers, Marfan Syndrome, Ehlers Danlos
Acute Kidney Injury (renal, failure)
- ACE Inhibitors and ARBs are typically stopped in Acute Kidney Injury
- Outcomes appear improved if ACE/ARBs are restarted after Renal Function returns to baseline in high risk conditions (Systolic Dysfunction, recent MI, CKD)
- When reintroducing ACE/ARB, start at low dose and slowly increase
Acute Gastroenteritis (gi, Diarrhea)
- Lactobacillus (Probiotic) does not significantly modify the Gastroenteritis course
- Warfarin Protocol (hemeonc, pharm)
- Dosing Changes (pharm)
- Vitamin D units have been expressed in IU, and will now be in mcg (1000 IU = 25 mcg)
- Folic Acid will now be in Dietary Folate Equivalents (DFE), for example, Folate 400 mg = 600 mg DFE
- Expensive Medications (pharm)
- More expensive medications to extend patents (Tolsura) or me-too (Aemcolo)
XIII. Updates: January 2019
Health Maintenance in Adults (prevent, hme)
- Screen high risk adults with Ultrasound of AAA, Lung Cancer Screening CT Chest
- HPV Vaccine is indicated up to age 26 in men and women (age 45 years in high risk patients)
School Absenteeism (peds, behavior, school)
- Truancy is common in U.S. with 14% of students missing more than 10% of school days (18 days)
- Truancy is associated with social problems, risky behavior, low academic achievement, school drop out, lower future income
- Prevention of Truancy includes pre-kindergarden attendance and addressing specific risk factors and attendance barriers
Migraine Prophylaxis (neuro, Headache)
- Prophylaxis is indicated for 4 Headaches per month or 8 Headache days per month, refractory debilitating attacks or complicated Migraine
- First-line prophylaxis agents include Divalproex, Topiramate and some Beta Blockers (Metoprolol, Propranol, Timolol)
NSTE-ACS Protocol (cv, cad)
- Obtain serial EKGs and Troponins in high clinical suspicion Chest Pain despite non-diagnostic initial findings
- Observe EKG for ST depression, T Wave Inversion, T Wave Flattening
- Atypical Chest Pain presentations are common in older women including Dyspnea, weakness, Nausea, Vomiting, Palpitations, Syncope
Inborn Errors of Metabolism (endo, metabolism)
- U.S. Universal Newborn Screening differs between states, but typical panels screen 25 inborn error conditions
- In suspected inborn errors or metabolism, stop feedings and start D5 or D10 infusion
- Consider Inborn Errors of Metabolism in the differential diagnosis of Sepsis
- Urine Drug Test (psych, lab)
- Immunoassays area Screening Tests with many False Negatives and False Positives; confirmation tests are available via reference lab
- Typical poppy seed intake does not cause False PositiveOpioid tests and typical Marijuana second hand smoke does not cause positive tests
Downhill Skiing (sports, Skiing)
- Start range of motion soon after knee and Shoulder injuries
- Evaluate knee injuries for important Fractures (Tibial Plateau Fracture, Tibial Spine Avulsion Fracture)
- Lateral talar process Fracture is the most common significant ankle injury in the snowboarder
Labial Fusion (gyn, peds, vagina)
- Labia minora fuses in prepubescent girls, blocking the vaginal introitus
- Avoid manually separating the fused labia (painful, and typically refuses)
- Practice good hygiene with daily baths and frequent diaper changes
- Apply daily, a small amount of Topical Estrogen cream to affected labia minora
Urethral Prolapse (urology, peds, Urethra)
- Erythematous, friable Urethra
- Do not manually reduce
- Apply daily, a small amount of Topical Estrogen cream to Urethra
Vaginal Injury in Girls (gyn, peds, vagina, Trauma)
- Most cases will be accidental, but observe for signs of pediatric sexual abuse and Nonaccidental Trauma
- Blunt injury is typically a superficial Skin Tear between labia majora and minora
- Deep Lacerations from blunt injury may require Consultation for repair
- Sharp injuries are uncommon, but risk of penetrating injuries (esp .blood in introitus) - consult gynecology, surgery
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning (er, toxin)
- Hyperbaric oxygen may be indicated for moderate to severe exposure, esp. if neurologic symptoms are present
Aortic Dissection (cv, aorta)
- Symptoms: Chest Pain, back pain or Abdominal Pain that is abrupt onset, severe intensity, ripping or tearing pain
- Signs: Pulse deficit or SBP differential, new murmur of Aortic Insufficiency, Hypotension
Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm (cv, aorta)
- Relatively uncommon (approximately 15,000 cases per year in U.S.)
- Surgical repair is indicated in asymptomatic patients at 4 to 5.5 cm depending on underlying risks (e.g. Marfan Syndrome)
Workplace Violence (prevent, abuse)
- Healthcare is second only to law enforcement as a site for Workplace Violence
- Emergency department is a frequent site of Workplace Violence
Ultrasound guided peripheral IV
- Standard of care is to use a probe cover and single-use sterile gel
Medical Malpractice (manage, legal)
- Most common pediatric lawsuits are for Meningitis, arm Fractures, Appendicitis, Testicular Torsion
- Age 0 to 2 account for 50% of pediatric Malpractice cases
Penetrating Neck Trauma (er, ent)
- Do not be distracted by wound when performing Primary Trauma Survey and ensuring airway and Hemorrhage Management
Cellulitis (derm, Bacteria)
- Aside from Necrotizing Fasciitis and Sepsis, oral Antibiotics are preferred and as effective as IV Antibiotics
Hyperlipidemia Management (cv, lipid)
- Statins are still the only first-line agent for Hyperlipidemia Management, with the only decision high intensity or low intensity
- LDL Cholesterol goal for the highest risk patients continues to be 70 mg/dl, and the only indication to add a second agent (e.g. Zetia)
Asthma (lung, Asthma, pharm)
- Despite its potential risk, Primatene Mist is back on the OTC market
- Educate patients regarding the risk of misuse, and stick with Albuterol as the rescue Inhaler
Angiotensin Receptor Blockers (cv, htn, pharm)
- Valsartan, Irbesartan, Losartan are all in the midst of recalls due to a contaminant with cancer risk
SGLT2 Inhibitor (endo, dm, pharm)
- Jardiance reduces overall mortality (NNT 39) and cardiovascular death (NNT 45) over 3 years
- Other SGLT inhibitors (e.g. Invokana, Farxiga) have weaker CV benefits
- SGLT2 Inhibitors are also associated with significant adverse effects (UTI, amputations, Euglycemic Ketoacidosis, Acute Kidney Injury)
MRSA (id, emerging, Bacteria)
- Most patients do not require MRSA decolonization (instead, prevent spread)
- Decolonization is indicated for 2 MRSA Infections at different sites over a 6 month period despite proper hygiene
Opioid Dependence (psych, cd)
- Wisdom Tooth Extraction is often an entry for young adults to get hooked on Opioids
Amiodarone (cv, ekg, pharm)
- So many Drug Interactions and potential adverse effects, but still loved by many cardiologists
Deep Vein Thrombosis Prevention (hemeonc, coags, prevent, surgery)
- DVT Prophylaxis for 10-14 days after knee replacement, 35 days after hip surgery
- Also consider DVT Prophylaxis after hospital discharge if prior VTE, extremely limited mobility
- Most other patients do not need DVT Prophylaxis after hospital discharge, and serious bleeding risk is typically higher than the DVT Risk