II. Indications
- Probable efficacy: Based on NIH Consensus statement (1997)
- Adult post-operative pain
- Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea
- Post-operative Dental Pain
- Probable efficacy: Additional indications based on more recent research
- Migraine Headache Prophylaxis, Tension Headaches and Chronic Daily Headache
- Alecrim-Andrade (2008) Clin J Pain 24(2): 98-105 [PubMed]
- Coeytaux (2005) Headache 45(9): 1113-23 [PubMed]
- Da Silva (2015) Headache 55(3): 470-3 [PubMed]
- Linde (2016) Cochrane Database Syst Rev (4):CD007587 [PubMed]
- Linde (2016) Cochrane Database Syst Rev (6)CD001218 [PubMed]
- Streng (2006) Headache 46(10): 1492-1502 [PubMed]
- Witt (2008) Cephalgia 28(4): 334-45 [PubMed]
- Yang (2016) Acupunct Med 34(2): 76-83 [PubMed]
- Osteoarthritis-related Joint Pain (esp. Knee Osteoarthritis)
- Chronic Low Back Pain
- Acupuncture for Chronic Low Back Pain has good statistical and clinical efficacy
- Less evidence for Acute Low Back Pain
- Qaseem (2017) Ann Intern Med 166(7):514-30 [PubMed]
- Lam (2013) Spine 38(24):2124-38 [PubMed]
- Taylor (2014) Pain Pract 2014;14(7):599-606 [PubMed]
- Wellington (2014) Neuromodulation (17 suppl 2): 24-30 [PubMed]
- Yuan (2008) Spine 33(23): E887-E900 [PubMed]
- Witt (2006) Am J Epidemiol 164(5): 487-96 [PubMed]
- Chronic Neck Pain
- Migraine Headache Prophylaxis, Tension Headaches and Chronic Daily Headache
- Possible efficacy
- Chemical Rehabilitation
- Cerebrovascular Accident rehabilitation
- Dysmenorrhea
- Lateral Epicondylitis
- Myofascial Pain including Fibromyalgia
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Asthma
III. History
- Bian Stone Needles (dating to New Stone Age 4,000 to 10,000 years ago)
- First needles used as healing instruments
- Over time stone needles replaced by bamboo, animal bone slivers, copper and other metals
- Current Needles
- Rounded-tips with gauge of a human hair
- Sterile, single-use surgical steel needles
- Inserted either free-hand or with plastic guide tube
- Designed to push tissue to the side as opposed to standard needles which cut the skin
- Basis
- Health is maintained by remaining in balanced state
- Qi energy flows through the body along Meridians and this is disturbed by illness
- Acupuncture is postulated to Restore normal energy flow (Qi)
- Body is traversed by 12 main and 8 extra Meridians
- Meridians contain >400 Acupuncture points in which the Qi flows closer to the surface
- Microsystems exist that map to broad regions (similar to homonculous)
- Auricular
- Scalp
- Palm
- Alimi (2002) Acupuncture [PubMed]
- Modern modifications
- Percutaneous nerve stimulation (electroacupuncture)
IV. Mechanism: Theories
- Gate Control Theory of pain
- Spinal cord transmits pain signals to the brain through high-traffic gates
- Acupuncture generates faster signals that block slower pain signals from reaching the brain
- Electrical Theory
- Body generates very low level electrical discharges (these can be detected by monitoring)
- Cell maturation and function is affected by electrical fields
- Acupuncture points are concentrated in areas of low electrical resistance
- Stimulating Acupuncture points alters chemical Neurotransmitters
- Functional MRI demonstrates release of endogenous Opioids, Serotonin, Norepinephrine
- Released mediators affect Nociceptors, inflammatory Cytokines and pain Perception
- Neurohormonal theory
- Acupuncture stimulates natural endorphins from the brain and results in Analgesic effect
V. Efficacy
- Acupuncture practitioners have variable training and techniques making effects more difficult to study
- Pain appears to be better managed with more needles used and more treatment sessions attended
VI. Adverse Effects: Severe and typically preventable reactions
- Infection
- Associated with non-sterile needle use
- In U.S., practitioners should use sterile, single-use needles
- Organ puncture (esp. lung, Bladder)
Allergic Reactions to needle
- Associated with use of needle materials other than surgical steel
VII. Adverse Effects: General
- Localized inflammation at needle sites
- Localized bleeding at needle sites
VIII. Resources
- American Academy of Medical Acupuncture Courses and Education
- Video: What Happens During an Acupunture Session
- Video: Back Pain Acupuncture Treatment
IX. References
- Chon (2008) Mayo Selected Topics in Internal Medicine, Lecture
- (1997) Acupuncture 15(5): 1-34 [PubMed]
- Kelly (2019) Am Fam Physician 100(2): 89-96 [PubMed]