
FPnotebook.com is a rapid access, point-of-care medical reference for primary care and emergency clinicians.


Started in 1995, this collection now contains, as of August 2016, 6407 interlinked topic pages divided into a tree of 31 specialty books and 722 chapters. Content is updated monthly with a systematic approach to peer-reviewed articles, bulletins, key texts in addition to conferences and workshops. A list of monthly updates may be found here.

New approaches to medical problems are referenced with supporting studies, and further reading is often suggested on general medical issues. Peer review of this site would be a very welcome addition, but as of yet I rely on feedback to correct errors and misinformation.


This site is personally funded by the site author, Scott Moses, MD. Additional funding is obtained via advertising support; all paid advertisements are clearly delineated as such. The Fpnotebook.com advertising related privacy policy may be reviewed at here

Please let me know if you find any advertising to be distasteful or inappropriate, or which you find dilutes the value or integrity of this web site. Absolutely no content on the site is influenced or authored by advertisers. Content is solely per the discretion of the site author.


I try to limit errors, misinformation, and copyright infringement in the text. However, the information here is not flawless.

Please exercise your own clinical judgment when implementing any management strategies found here. I would greatly appreciate feedback regarding any problems you discover on these pages. Please use this site only after reading and agreeing to the Terms and Conditions..

Site Generation

These medical notes began as a few scattered pearls of text stored with the Notetaker application of the HP Palmtop 200LX. Since 1995, notes from conferences, articles, textbooks and colleagues have accumulated to its current state.

As the collection of text grew, so did the complexity of its organization, and a program known as Brains was developed as a stand alone application for notetaking and for compilation of the website.

Brains is able to import raw text from the database, process the Book-Chapter-Page hierarchy, topic outlines, titles and synonyms, as well as images and links.

In its third iteration, Brains is written in C# with a SQL Server database and can output each of the site versions of html in 1-2 hours. This latest version also allows topics to be linked to the UMLS metathesaurus codes, and to be viewed on handheld devices.

As of late 2013, a responsive design was introduced using a custom theme on the Bootstrap framework. In August 2016, work began on implementing SSL (https) on the main site.

I have developed various medical web applications on the site, and occassionally Blog on various challenges I experience in medical informatics.

Medical Images

I have created most images on the site. Many of the anatomy images were created using the 3d models from Zyogote. Others use a combination of Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and Poser software.

You may use these images freely for printing (e.g. classroom poster) as well as presentations (e.g. Powerpoint) as long as they are not re-sold or modified. Please credit fpnotebook.com as the source in presentations and please leave the fpnotebook.com logo on the poster. Although not required, I would appreciate your contacting me to let me know how you use these images and what new images or modifications you would like to see.

Webmasters must contact me to get approval for use of these images on their site. I will agree to use of images for reputable sites. I will decline use if you lack original content, sell snake oil, present a facade site to attract lawsuit clients or otherwise are planning to use images for less than well intentioned educational purposes. I will require a link to fpnotebook.com near each image you use from this site.

When images are used from other sources, they are clearly cited. These include the NIH Virtual Human project and MedPix

Gray's Anatomy 20th edition from 1918 (Lewis) is in the public domain following expiration of its patent. Scanned images of the plates are available online at both bartleby.com and Yahoo.

About the Author

The author of the Family Practice Notebook, is Scott Moses, MD, a board-certified Family Physician practicing on the north-side of Minneapolis-St Paul, Minnesota.