II. Pathophysiology: Predisposing factors

  1. Decreased tissue perfusion oxygenation
  2. Peripheral fluid stasis and edema
  3. Increased Skin Trauma risk
  4. Suppressed immune function

VI. Types: Parasitic Skin Infection

VII. Types: Viral Skin Infections

VIII. Risk Factors

  1. Immunodeficiency
    1. Asplenia
    2. Diabetes Mellitus (5 fold increased SSTI risk)
    3. HIV Infection
    4. Chemotherapy
    5. DMARDs (Rheumatoid Arthritis)
  2. Chronic Disease
    1. Comorbidity (e.g. cardiopulmonary, hepatorenal, debility)
    2. Dialysis (ESRD)
    3. Longterm intravascular access (MRSA risk)
    4. Lymphedema
    5. Obesity
    6. Peripheral Neuropathy
    7. Peripheral Artery Disease
    8. Trauma or surgery
    9. Eczema and other Pruritic Conditions
  3. Demographics
    1. Children and older adults (MRSA risk)
    2. Healthcare Worker
    3. Prolonged hospitalization (MRSA risk)
    4. Longterm Care (MRSA risk)
    5. Military (close quarters)
    6. Athlete
  4. Lifestyle
    1. Alcohol Abuse
    2. Nutritional deficiency
    3. IV Drug Abuse
    4. Water exposure (swimming in lakes, hot tubs)

IX. Classification

  1. Class 1
    1. Simple infection without systemic symptoms or signs of spread
    2. No uncontrolled comorbidities impacting treatment
    3. Outpatient Antibiotic management planned
  2. Class 2
    1. Infection with systemic symptoms or signs of spread (e.g. fever, sweats, Tachycardia) or
    2. Uncontrolled comorbidities impacting treatment or
    3. ParenteralAntibiotics required
  3. Class 3
    1. Infection with systemic symptoms or signs of spread (e.g. fever, sweats, Tachycardia) or
    2. Uncontrolled comorbidities impacting treatment
    3. Inpatient ParenteralAntibiotics required
  4. Class 4
    1. Infection with life-threatening systemic symptoms or signs of spread (e.g. severe Sepsis)
    2. Inpatient management with ParenteralAntibiotics (may require ICU care)
    3. Surgical Consultation may be warranted

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Related Studies

Ontology: Pyoderma (C0034212)

Definition (CHV) pus-producing skin infection
Definition (CHV) pus-producing skin infection
Definition (MSH) Any purulent skin disease (Dorland, 27th ed).
Concepts Disease or Syndrome (T047)
MSH D011711
ICD9 686.00, 686.0
ICD10 L08.0
SnomedCT 200719000, 267838007, 156323008, 70759006
English Pyoderma, Pyodermas, DERMATITIS PYOGENIC, PYODERMA, Pyo infect of skin and subcut, pyodermia, pyoderma (diagnosis), pyoderma, septic dermatitis, suppurative dermatitis, Dermatitis pyogenic, Pyoderma (skin infection), Pyoderma NOS, Pyoderma [Disease/Finding], Pyoderma NOS (disorder), Purulent dermatitis, Pyodermia, Pyogenic dermatitis, Septic dermatitis, Suppurative dermatitis, Pyogenic infection of skin and subcutis, Pyoderma (disorder), lesion; skin, suppurative, pyodermatitis, skin; lesion, suppurative, Pyoderma, unspecified, Dermatitis, purulent, Dermatitis, septic, Dermatitis, suppurative
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German PYODERMIE, Pyodermie (Hautinfektion), Dermatitis pyogen, DERMATITIS PYOGEN, Pyodermie
Dutch pyoderma (huidinfectie), dermatitis pyogeen, huid; lesie, etterig, lesie; huid, etterig, pyoderma, Pyodermie
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Ontology: Skin Diseases, Infectious (C0037278)

Definition (MEDLINEPLUS)

Your skin helps protect you from germs, but sometimes it can get infected by them. Some common types of skin infections are

Treatment of skin infections depends on the cause.

Definition (MSHCZE) Nemoci kůže způsobené bakteriemi, plísněmi, parazity nebo viry.
Definition (NCI) An inflammatory process affecting the skin, caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites, or fungi. Examples of bacterial infection include carbuncles, furuncles, impetigo, erysipelas, and abscesses. Examples of viral infection include shingles, warts, molluscum contagiosum, and pityriasis rosea. Examples of parasitic infection include scabies and lice. Examples of fungal infection include athlete's foot, yeast infection, and ringworm.
Definition (NCI_CTCAE) A disorder characterized by an infectious process involving the skin.
Definition (MSH) Skin diseases caused by bacteria, fungi, parasites, or viruses.
Definition (CSP) skin diseases caused by bacteria, fungi, parasites, or viruses; may present on the surface of the skin, or underlying dermal layers.
Concepts Disease or Syndrome (T047)
MSH D012874
SnomedCT 267839004, 156325001, 19824006, 108365000
English Disease, Infectious Skin, Diseases, Infectious Skin, Infectious Skin Disease, Infectious Skin Diseases, Skin Disease, Infectious, Skin Diseases, Infectious, SKIN INFECTION, Skin infections, INFECT SKIN DIS, SKIN DIS INFECT, Skin infection NOS, Skin Diseases, Infectious [Disease/Finding], infection of skin, Infection;skin, infectious skin diseases, infectious skin disease, Skin Infections, Skin infections NOS, Skin--Infections, Skin infection, Infection of skin (disorder), Infection of skin, infection; skin, skin; infection, Skin Infection, skin infection
Italian Infezione della cute, Infezione della cute NAS, Malattie infettive della pelle
Dutch huidinfectie NAO, huid; infectie, infectie; huid, huidinfectie, Huidziekte, infectieuze, Huidziekten, infectieuze, Infectieuze huidziekte, Infectieuze huidziekten
French Infection cutanée SAI, Infections de peau, INFECTION CUTANEE, Infection cutanée, Dermatoses infectieuses, Infections cutanées, Infections de la peau, Maladies infectieuses de la peau
German Hautinfektion NNB, Hautinfektion, Hautkrankheiten, infektiöse
Portuguese Infecção cutânea NE, INFECCAO CUTANEA, Infecção cutânea, Dermatopatias Infecciosas
Spanish Infección cutánea NEOM, Enfermedades Cutáneas Infecciosas, Dermatopatías Infecciosas, Enfermedades Infecciosas de la Piel, infección cutánea, infección de la piel (trastorno), infección de la piel, Infección cutánea
Japanese 皮膚感染, ヒフカンセン, 皮膚感染NOS, ヒフカンセンNOS, 皮膚疾患-感染性, 感染性皮膚疾患, 皮膚感染症
Swedish Hudsjukdomar, infektiösa
Finnish Ihoinfektiot
Czech Infekce kůže, Kožní infekce NOS, kožní nemoci infekční, kůže - nemoci infekční, infekční nemoci kůže, infekční kožní nemoci
Polish Choroby skóry zakaźne
Hungarian bőrfertőzés k.m.n., bőrfertőzés
Norwegian Infeksiøse hudsykdommer, Hudinfeksjoner

Ontology: Skin and subcutaneous tissue infections and infestations (C0851477)

Concepts Disease or Syndrome (T047)
Italian Infezioni ed infestazioni della cute e del tessuto sottocutaneo
Japanese 皮膚および皮下組織感染および外寄生, ヒフオヨビヒカソシキカンセンオヨビガイキセイ
Czech Infekce a parazitární onemocnění kůže a podkožní tkáně
English Skin and subcutaneous tissue infections and infestations
Hungarian Bőr és subcutan szövet fertőzések és infestatiók
Portuguese Infecções e infestações da pele e tecido celular subcutâneo
Spanish Infecciones e infestaciones de la piel y del tejido subcutáneo
Dutch huid- en onderhuidsweefselinfecties en -infestaties
French Infections et infestations de la peau et du tissu sous-cutané
German Infektionen und Befall der Haut und des Unterhautzellgewebes

Ontology: Skin and subcutaneous arthropod and parasitic infestations (C0852350)

Concepts Disease or Syndrome (T047)
Italian Infestazioni della cute e del tessuto sottocutaneo da artropodi e parassiti
Japanese 皮膚・皮下組織内節足動物寄生および寄生虫症, ヒフヒカソシキナイセッソクドウブツキセイオヨビキセイチュウショウ
Czech Napadení kůže a podkožní tkáně členovci a parazity
English Skin and subcutaneous arthropod and parasitic infestations
Hungarian Bőr és subcutan ízeltlábú és parazita infestatiók
Portuguese Infestações da pele e tecido subcutâneo por artrópodos e parasitas
Spanish Infestaciones cutáneas y subcutáneas por artrópodos y parásitos
Dutch huid en subcutane artropoden en parasitaire infestatie
French Infestations parasitaires et ectoparasitaires de la peau et du tissu sous-cutané
German Arthropoden- und Parasitenbefall der Haut und des Unterhautzellgewebes

Ontology: Skin and subcutaneous tissue fungal infections (C0852352)

Concepts Disease or Syndrome (T047)
Italian Infezioni micotiche della cute e del tessuto sottocutaneo
Japanese 皮膚・皮下組織真菌感染, ヒフヒカソシキシンキンカンセン
Czech Mykotické infekce kůže a podkožní tkáně
English Skin and subcutaneous tissue fungal infections
Hungarian Bőr és subcutan szövet gombás fertőzései
Portuguese Infecções micóticas da pele e do tecido celular subcutâneo
Spanish Infecciones por hongos de la piel y del tejido subcutáneo
Dutch huid en subcutaan weefsel schimmelinfecties
French Infections mycosiques de la peau et du tissu sous-cutané
German Pilzinfektionen der Haut und des Unterhautzellgewebes

Ontology: Parasite infestation (C1384353)

Concepts Disease or Syndrome (T047)
SnomedCT 17322007
Italian Infestazione
Japanese 寄生, キセイ
English infestation, infestation (diagnosis), infectious disease - parasites, parasitic infestation, infectious disease - parasites (diagnosis), Infestation, infestation; parasite, parasite; infestation, Infestation, NOS, Parasite infestation, NOS, Parasite infestation
Czech Zamoření
Hungarian Infestatio
Dutch infestatie; parasiet, parasiet; infestatie, infestatie
Spanish infestación por parásitos, infestación, Infestación
Portuguese Infestação
French Infestation
German Befall