II. Approach: Measurement with Broselow Tape
- Patient lies supine (not sitting)
- Place the red arrow indicator of the Broselow Tape to the level of the top of the patient's head
- Unfold the Broselow Tape so that the patient's heels are in line with a color zone
- Use the identified color zone in the protocol below
- Adjustments
- Overweight
- May increase dose to next color zone (but dose airway equipment based on broselow length)
- Underweight
- May decrease length-based estimated dosing weight by 8-10%
- Overweight
- References
III. Approach: Estimation
- Emergency Pediatric Dosing Weight Estimation
- Broselow Tape is preferred when available
- Parental estimate of child weight (best option without a measurement)
- Weight estimation based on age is inaccurate (esp. for age >10-12 years) but may be used in Resuscitation
- Estimated weight (in kg) = (2 * ageY) + 10
- Hand-Based Mnemonic Weight Estimation
- Each of One Hand's fingers represents the ages 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 years
- Opposite hand's fingers represents the weights 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 kg
- Common estimations
- ET Tube Diameter (uncuffed for age >=2 years): (Age/4)+4
- Nasogastric, orogastric and Foley Catheter sizes: ETT size x2
- ET Tube Length: ETT size x3
- Chest Tube size (max): ETT size x4
IV. Protocols
- Emergency Pediatric Dosing 3 Kilogram (Broselow Grey 3 kg)
- Emergency Pediatric Dosing 4 kilogram (Broselow Grey 4 kg)
- Emergency Pediatric Dosing 5 kilogram (Broselow Grey 5 kg)
- Emergency Pediatric Dosing 6-7 kilogram (Broselow Pink)
- Emergency Pediatric Dosing 8-9 kilogram (Broselow Red)
- Emergency Pediatric Dosing 10-11 kilogram (Broselow Purple)
- Emergency Pediatric Dosing 12-14 kilogram (Broselow Yellow)
- Emergency Pediatric Dosing 15-18 kilogram (Broselow White)
- Emergency Pediatric Dosing 19-22 kilogram (Broselow Blue)
- Emergency Pediatric Dosing 24-28 kilogram (Broselow Orange)
- Emergency Pediatric Dosing 30-36 kilogram (Broselow Green)
- Emergency Pediatric Dosing over 36 kilogram (Broselow Over 36 kg)
- Adults 80 kg Emergency Adult Dosing 80 kilogram
V. Resources
- PediStat
- Iphone/Android App - electronic Broselow Tape
- https://www.pedi-stat.com/
VI. References
- eBroselow
- Broselow (2011) Broselow Pediatric Emergency Tape, Vital Signs, Inc, Totowa, NJ
- LA County EMS Color Coded Pediatric Drugs
- Difficult Airway Course
- (2008) Fairview University - Childrens Hospital, Pediatric Emergency Drug Guide
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