II. Definitions
- Intimate Partner
- A person with whom the patient has a close personal relationship, with detailed knowledge of the other person's life
- Includes identity as a couple, emotional connectedness, regular contact (may be physical and/or sexual)
- Intimate Partner Violence
- Physical, sexual, emotional or economic abuse by a current or former intimate partner
III. Epidemiology
- Affects 10 to 12 Million people in U.S. each year
Rape, physical Violence or stalking by an intimate partner (2011, U.S.)
- Women: 32%
- Men: 28%
- Breiding (2014) MMWR Surveil Summ 63(8): 1-18 [PubMed]
- Age
- Most common among young adults (ages 18 to 24 years old)
Incidence: 20-39% of women in primary care clinics
- 78% of women approve of Domestic Violence Screening
- Only 5% of women had been asked about Domestic Violence
- Bradley (2002) BMJ 324:271-4 [PubMed]
- Rates of Violence against men is increasing
- Women's injuries tend to be more severe
- Men in the LGBT community are as likely as women to be victims of abuse
IV. Types: Abuse
- Physical Abuse
- Any non-accidental physical injury (e.g. biting, hitting, shoving, kicking, biting, grabbing, hair pulling burning)
- Includes denying a partner medical care
- Includes forced use of Alcohol or drugs
- Psychological Abuse
- Intimidation or threatening to harm partner, family or friends, pets or property
- May include blackmail, suicidal threats, threats of abandonment
- Emotional Abuse
- Diminishing a partners self worth or self esteem (worthless, unloved, unwanted or flawed)
- Includes frequent criticism, name calling, damaging their relationships and leading to isolation
- Sexual Abuse
- Coercing (or attempting to coerce) sexual contact or behavior without consent
- Includes marital rape, injury to sex organs, forcing sex after physical abuse, sexually demeaning behavior
- Economic Abuse
- Controlling couples finances completely so that the partner is financially dependent
- Limiting the partner's access to money, or forbidding school or work attendance
V. Precautions
- Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) frequently goes undiagnosed despite repeated medical care
- IPV crosses all socioeconomic, gender, race and age boundaries
- Victims of abuse often choose not to disclose abuse or accept help, and often return to their abuser
- Victims of abuse may stay with abuser to avoid poverty, Homelessness, isolation or deportment (Immigrants)
- Victims may be pressured by family, friends, Religion or culture to stay with their abuser
- One third of women murder victims are killed by their intimate partners
- Often murder occurs at the time the woman tries to leave the relationship
- Person killed may also be a friend, neighbor or first responder
- Safety plans (see below) are critical to keep patients and those around them safe
VI. Risk Factors
- Age <35 years old
- Separated or divorced
- Pregnancy, peripartum or postpartum
- Cognitive or Physical Disability
- Chronic medical conditions (e.g. Asthma, autoimmune disorders, Cerebrovascular Accident)
- Medical assistance or no insurance
- Higher depression or anxiety scores
- Drug or Alcohol Abuse
- Suicide attempts
- Broken bones, sprains, or serious cuts
- Substance Abuse by a partner
- Ethnic Minorities
- Native American
- Mixed Race
- Non-Hispanic Black Women
VII. Screening
- Background
- Most Battered Women require 7 episodes on average to leave a relationship, due to many barriers
- Victims are at high risk of serious injury or death at times they leave perpetrator
- Fear and shame
- Children are threatened
- Perpetrator holds onto victims money, passport, identification
- Vigilent and systematic screening is key
- May result in providing patients the intervention at the right time to spare further injury or death
- Violence often involves others in the same household
- Child Abuse
- Elder Abuse
- Animal abuse
- Most Battered Women require 7 episodes on average to leave a relationship, due to many barriers
- See Intimate Partner Violence Screening
- SAFE Screen for Intimate Partner Violence
- HITS Screen for Intimate Partner Violence
- Women Abuse Screening Tool (WAST, WAST-SF)
- Partner Violence Screen
- Example scripts
- Excuse others in room
- "I have a few quick questions I ask all patients and then I will let you back into the room"
- With the patient alone
- "I have a few brief questions I ask everyone because Violence against women is common and serious."
- "The injuries you have do not seem to match the story. Can you tell me how this happened?"
- "Has anyone hit, kicked, choked or punched you in the last year?"
- "Forced or coerced you to have sex?"
- "Threatened you with a knife or gun to scare or hurt you?"
- Excuse others in room
VIII. Symptoms
IX. Signs
- Presentations more suggestive of Intimate Partner Violence
- Multiple injury sites in variable states of healing
- Injuries inconsistent with stated mechanism
- Delayed presentation for injuries
- Contusions, abrasions, burns or Lacerations (especially in areas hidden by clothes)
- Self-abuse or self-blame for injuries
- Tympanic Membrane Perforation
- Frequent emergency department or acute clinic appointment visits for seemingly minor complaints
- Trauma in Pregnancy
- See Trauma in Pregnancy for management strategy
- Abuse during pregnancy was preceded by abuse outside of pregnancy in 90% of cases
- Frequently missed appointments
- Partner present for appointment and controls visit (frequently speaks for the patient)
- Comorbid associated conditions, especially related to mental health (see below)
- Most common sites of injury in Battered Women
- Head, face and neck (most common)
- Chest
- Abdomen
- Muellman (1996) Ann Emerg Med 28(5):486-92 [PubMed]
- Strangulation Findings (see precautions below)
- Other Injury patterns
X. Associated Conditions
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder or Panic Attacks
- Major Depression
- Suicidality
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Alcohol Abuse
- Drug Abuse
Traumatic Brain Injury sequelae
- Personality changes
- Cognitive changes (e.g. memory, organization, processing)
- Postconcussive syndrome (e.g. Headaches)
XI. Precautions: High risk situations for serious injury or lethality
- Recent escalation in Violence
- Available weapons
- Threats of serious harm or homicidality
- Chemical Dependency
- Significant fear on part of abused partner
- Strangulation Injury
XII. Management: (Mnemonic: SOS-DoC Intervention)
- Approach
- Listen respectfully and demonstrate compassion
- Avoid condescending or judgemental language
- Keep questions open ended (as opposed to questions about specific experiences)
- Support and safety offered
- Talk in private offering good eye contact and emphasizing confidentiality
- "I'm sorry this has happened. This is not your fault. No person deserves to be abused..."
- Exceptions to confidentiality
- Suicidality or homicidality
- Mandatory reporting states (see below)
- Identify high risk for serious harm or lethality (see precautions above)
- "Are you and your children safe at home in the near future?"
- Talk in private offering good eye contact and emphasizing confidentiality
- Options including safety planning and follow-up
- Discuss restraining orders, 911, shelters, resources
- Identify a safe point person of contact (e.g. relative, friend)
- Person should be ready to contact police if instructed by patient
- "Do you have an emergency plan in case you need to leave?"
- Safe place
- Emergency bag ("Go Bag")
- Extra clothes
- Keys
- Money
- Important papers
- Identification (Social security, birth certificate, driver's license)
- Bank accounts and insurance
- Phone contacts
- Keep an adequate amount of money separate
- Notify a close friend (point person)
- Strength of patient is validated
- Strength to withstand circumstances and
- Courage to make the needed changes for patient and their children's safety
- Document observations, assessment and plan
- Careful documentation of history, exam, potential abuse, level of safety, and overall plan
- Patient disclosures and safety plans should NOT be visible to abuser (e.g. online patient portal)
- Work with EHR staff to hide sensitive information
- Involve social worker
- Emergency shelter
- Child services
- Legal advocate
- Continuity offered
- Discuss clinic and resource follow-up and eliminate barriers for access
- Assist with safety planning including safe places (as above)
- "Know that we'll always be available to talk to you"
- References
XIII. Management: Mandatory Reporting
- Mandatory reporting varies by state in the U.S.
- http://www.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/fysb/state_compendium.pdf
- In Minnesota, the state requires reporting abuse of minors and vulnerable adults
- In California, health care providers are mandated to report to police injuries due to Partner Violence
- Example script regarding mandatory reporting
- "I am going to do my best to ensure your safety and involve social work, "
- "I am also mandated by law to report this to the police"
XIV. Resources
- Futures without Violence
- National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV)
- National Domestic Violence Hotline
- http://www.thehotline.org
- Phone: 1-800-799-7233 (1-800-799-SAFE)
- National Sexual Assault Online Hotline
- http://www.rainn.org/get-help/national-sexual-assault-hotline
- Phone: 1-800-656-4673 (1-800-656-HOPE)
XV. References
- Houry and Herbert in Herbert (2013) EM: Rap 13(6): 6
- Mayes (2021) Crit Dec Emerg Med 35(4): 25
- Rozzi and Smale (2022) Crit Dec Emerg Med 36(5): 22-9
- Swaminathan and Hope in Herbert (2019) EM:Rap 19(7): 7-8
- (2012) Obstet Gynecol 119(2 pt 1): 412-7 [PubMed]
- Ambuel (1998) J Aggress Maltreat Trauma 1(2): 55-81 [PubMed]
- Cronholm (2011) Am Fam Physician 83(10): 1165-72 [PubMed]
- Dicola (2016) Am Fam Physician 94(8): 646-51 [PubMed]
- McCauley J (1995) Ann Intern Med 123:737-46 [PubMed]
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Ontology: Domestic Violence (C0206073)
Definition (MEDLINEPLUS) |
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Dutch | Mishandeling van de partner |