II. Epidemiology
- Lifetime Major Depression Incidence: 21 to 25%
- Major Depression Prevalence: 6 to 8% (16 Million/year adults in U.S.)
- Age of Peak Incidence: 55 to 65 years old
- Women have higher risk of Major Depression
- Men have higher completed Suicide rate (esp. over age 75 years)
- Leading Disability cause worldwide (Prevalence 300 Million)
- Accounted for 10% of physician office visits in 2014
Family History: Twin concordance
- Monozygotic twins: 75%
- Dizygotic twins: 38%
- Under-diagnosed
- Depression is missed in elderly and Nursing Homes
- Up to 50% of Nursing Home population may have Major Depression
- Brown (2002) J Am Geriatr Soc 50:69-76 [PubMed]
- Only 5% of the clinic population is screened for Major Depression
- Depression is missed in elderly and Nursing Homes
III. Pathophysiology
- Since the 1960s chemical imbalance theory, and esp. Serotonin deficiency has been theorized to cause depression
- Has lead to a focus on serotonergic agents to treat depression
- However, evidence is variable for Serotonin imbalance and mechanism of activity is not clear
- Chemical imbalances (e.g. Serotonin) may be a consequence of depressive symptoms, rather than a cause
- References
IV. Risk Factors: General
- Prior episodes of Major Depression
- Prior Suicide attempts
- Age under 40 years old
- Comorbid medical condition (see associated neurologic and other medical causes below)
- Stressful life events
- Increased stress reaction with associated negativity (neuroticism)
- Family History of depression
- Female gender
- Recent childbirth
- Lack of social support (divorce, widowed, parental loss, disturbed family environment)
- Anxiety Disorder history
- Low self esteem
- Conduct Disorder
- Childhood sexual abuse or other lifetime Trauma
- Current Chemical Dependency or Substance Abuse
V. Risk Factors: Neurologic Conditions Predisposing to Major Depression
VI. Risk Factors: Medical Conditions Predisposing to Major Depression
- See Medications Predisposing to Depression
- Alzheimer's Disease or other Dementia
- Cancer
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Chronic Pain Syndrome
- Chornic Liver Disease
- Collagen vascular disease
- Coronary Artery Disease
- Congestive Heart Failure
- Crohn's Disease
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Fibromyalgia
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
- Hypothyroidism
- Insomnia
VII. Differential Diagnosis
VIII. Symptoms
- Core symptoms
- Depressed mood
- Anhedonia (decreased interest)
- Suicidality
- Appetite change (decreased or increased)
- Psychomotor Agitation retardation or Agitation
- Decreased energy
- Excessive Guilt (e.g. worthlessness, hopelessness or regret)
- Sleep disorder (increased or decreased)
- Atypical presentations in women
- Headaches
- Myalgias
- Gastrointestinal symptoms
- Atypical presentations in men
- Anger and aggression
- Substance Use Disorder
- Risky behavior
IX. Evaluation
- Evaluate for Suicide Risk
- Screening Mnemonics
- Screening Tools
- Patient Health Questionaire 2 (PHQ-2)
- Most common initial screening tool
- Positive result should prompt other screening tools and clinical interview
- Patient Health Questionaire 9 (PHQ-9)
- Beck Depression Inventory
- Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale
- Hamilton Depression Scale
- Mazmanian Mania-Depression Mood Scale
- Patient Health Questionaire 2 (PHQ-2)
- Screening Tools for Adolescents (ages 12 to 18 years old)
- Beck Depression Inventory
- Patient Health Questionaire 2 (PHQ-2)
- Patient Health Questionaire for Adolescents (PHQ-A)
- Nearly identical to PHQ-9 except wording includes concentration on school work
- Screening Tools in pregnancy and Postpartum Period
- See Postpartum Major Depression
- Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (most commonly used Postpartum Depression screening tool)
- Patient Health Questionaire 2 (PHQ-2)
- Patient Health Questionaire 9 (PHQ-9)
- Postpartum Depression Screening Scale (PDSS)
- Screening Tools for the Elderly
X. Diagnosis
XI. Labs
- Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
Hemoglobin (or Complete Blood Count)
- Consider Vitamin B12 Deficiency screening
- Consider additional lab studies
XII. Comorbid Conditions (Differentiate or Integrate)
- Major Depression
- Anxiety Disorder
- Panic Disorder
XIII. Criteria: Indications for Psychiatric Consultation
- Serious Suicidal Ideation
- Psychotic symptoms with poor judgment
- Acute manic symptoms
- Bipolar Depression
- Refractory to Antidepressant medications
- Refuses medications despite severe depression
- Inpatient psychiatric care
- Electroconvulsive Therapy