II. Physiology
- See Red Blood Cell Physiology
- Images
III. Interpretation: Normal Values per age (-2 to +2 S.D)
- Birth: 13.5 to 24.0 g/dl (mean 16.5 g/dl)
- Age <1 month: 10.0 to 20.0 g/dl (mean 13.9 g/dl)
- Age 1-2 months: 10.0 to 18.0 g/dl (mean 11.2 g/dl)
- Age 2-6 months: 9.5 to 14.0 g/dl (mean 12.6 g/dl)
- Age 0.5 to 2 years: 10.5 to 13.5 g/dl (mean 12.0 g/dl)
- Age 2 to 6 years: 11.5 to 13.5 g/dl (mean 12.5 g/dl)
- Age 6-12 years: 11.5 to 15.5 g/dl (mean 13.5)
- Male
- Age 12-18 years: 13.0 to 16.0 g/dl (mean 14.5 g/dl)
- Age >18 years: 13.6 to 17.7 g/dl (mean 15.5 g/dl)
- Female
- Age 12-18 years: 12.0 to 16.0 g/dl (mean 14.0 g/dl)
- Age >18 years: 12.1 to 15.1 g/dl (mean 14.0 g/dl)
IV. Interpretation: Anemia Cut-offs
- Men and adolescent males
- Age 12-18 years: <13 g/dl (mean 14.5 g/dl)
- Age >18 years: <13 g/dl (WHO) or <13.5 g/dl (CDC)
- Women and adolescent girls (Non-pregnant, non-lactating)
- Age 12-18 years: <12 g/dl (mean 14 g/dl)
- Age >18 years: <12 g/dl (WHO and CDC)
- Women in Pregnancy (CDC Guidelines <5th percentile)
- First Trimester: <11.0 g/dl
- Second Trimester: <10.5 g/dl
- Third Trimester: <11.0 g/dl
- Children (CDC Guidelines <5th percentile)
- Age 1-2 years: <10.5 g/dl
- Age 2-6 years: <11.5 g/dl (mean 12.5 g/dl)
- Age 6-12 years: <11.5 g/dl (mean 13.5 g/dl)
- Infants (2 S.D. below mean)
- Term (cord blood): <13.5 g/dl (mean 16.5 g/dl)
- Newborn (1-3 days): <14.5 g/dl (mean 18.5 g/dl)
- Age 2 weeks: <13.4 g/dl (mean 16.6 g/dl)
- Age 1 month: <10.7 g/dl (mean 13.9 g/dl)
- Age 2 months: <9.4 g/dl (mean 11.2 g/dl)
- Age 6 months: <10.5 g/dl (mean 12 g/dl)
V. Causes: Increased Hemoglobin
- Polycythemia Vera
- Vigorous Exercise
- High altitude
VI. Causes: Decreased Hemoglobin
- See Anemia
VII. References
- Behrman (2000) Nelson Pediatrics, Saunders, p. 1462
- Flerlage (2015) Harriet Lane Handbook, Mosby, p. 305
- (1998) MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 47:1-29 [PubMed]
- Short (2013) Am Fam Physician 87(2): 98-104 [PubMed]
- Wang (2016) Am Fam Physician 93(4): 270-8 [PubMed]
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Related Studies
Definition (MSHCZE) | Nemoc, jejíž podstatou je tvorba vadného krevního barviva (hemoglobinu) v důsledku mutace v některém z hemoglobinových řetězců. Vadný hemoglobin hůře přenáší kyslík nebo mění vlastnosti červených krvinek. (cit. Velký lékařský slovník online, 2013 http://lekarske.slovniky.cz/ ) |
Definition (NCI) | An inherited disorder characterized by structural alterations of a globin chain within the hemoglobin molecule. |
Definition (MSH) | A group of inherited disorders characterized by structural alterations within the hemoglobin molecule. |
Definition (CSP) | group of inherited disorders characterized by structural alterations within the hemoglobin molecule. |
Concepts | Disease or Syndrome (T047) |
MSH | D006453 |
ICD10 | D58.2 |
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English | Hemoglobinopathies, hemoglobinopathies, Hemoglobinopathy NOS, hemoglobinopathy, hemoglobinopathy (diagnosis), Haemoglobinopathies congenital, Haemoglobinopathies, Haemoglobinopathy NOS, Hemoglobinopathies [Disease/Finding], haemoglobin disease, haemoglobinopathies, hemoglobin disease, hemoglobin disorder, diseases hemoglobin, disorders hemoglobin, haemoglobinopathy, hemoglobin disorders, Hemoglobin disorders, Hemoglobin disease, Hemoglobinopathy, Hemoglobin disorder, Haemoglobinopathy, Globin abnormality, Haemoglobin disease, Haemoglobin disorder, Hemoglobinopathy (disorder), Globin abnormality, NOS, Hemoglobin disease, NOS, Hemoglobin disorder, NOS, Hemoglobinopathy, NOS, Haemoglobin disease, NOS, Haemoglobin disorder, NOS, Haemoglobinopathy, NOS, Hemoglobinopathies / Iron Metabolism, Hemoglobinopathies congenital |
Italian | Emoglobinopatia, Emoglobinopatie congenite, Emoglobinopatia NAS, Emoglobinopatie |
Dutch | hemoglobinopathie NAO, hemoglobinopathie, hemoglobinopathieën, congenitaal, hemoglobinopathieën, Hemoglobinopathie, Hemoglobinopathieën |
French | Hémoglobinopathie SAI, Hémoglobinopathie, Hémoglobinopathies congénitales, Hémoglobinopathies, Maladies de l'hémoglobine |
German | Haemoglobinopathie NNB, Haemoglobinopathien, Haemoglobinopathie, Kongenitale Haemoglobinopathien, Hämoglobinopathien |
Portuguese | Hemoglobinopatia NE, Hemoglobinopatias congénitas, Hemoglobinopatia, Hemoglobinopatias |
Spanish | Hemoglobinopatía NEOM, alteración de la hemoglobina, hemoglobinopatía (trastorno), hemoglobinopatía, trastorno de la hemoglobina, Hemoglobinopatías congénitas, Hemoglobinopatía, Hemoglobinopatías |
Japanese | 異常ヘモグロビン症NOS, 先天性異常ヘモグロビン症, 異常ヘモグロビン症, イジョウヘモグロビンショウ, イジョウヘモグロビンショウNOS, センテンセイイジョウヘモグロビンショウ |
Swedish | Hemoglobinopatier |
Czech | hemoglobinopatie, Hemoglobinopatie, Vrozené hemoglobinopatie, Hemoglobinopatie NOS, Patologie hemoglobinu |
Finnish | Hemoglobinopatiat |
Polish | Hemoglobinopatie |
Hungarian | Haemoglobinopathiák, veleszületett, Haemoglobinopathia, Haemoglobinopathiák, Haemoglobinopathia k.m.n., Hemoglobinopatia |
Norwegian | Hemoglobinopati, Hemoglobinopatier |
Ontology: Hemoglobin measurement (C0518015)
Definition (NCI) | A quantitative measurement of the amount of hemoglobin present in a sample. |
Definition (NCI_CDISC) | A measurement of the hemoglobin in a biological specimen. |
Concepts | Laboratory Procedure (T059) |
SnomedCT | 35170002 |
CPT | 85018, 83026, 88738, 1011483 |
English | Hemoglobin, Haemoglobin, Haem, Hemoglobin Measurement, Hemoglobin measurement, hemoglobin, hemoglobin measurement (lab test), hemoglobin measurement, hemoglobin test, hemoglobin testing, Test;haemoglobin, hemoglobin tests, haemoglobin tests, test hemoglobin, BLOOD COUNT HEMOGLOBIN, Hemoglobin level, Measurement of hemoglobin (Hgb), Hemoglobin determination (procedure), Hemoglobin determination, Haemoglobin determination, HGB, Blood count; hemoglobin (Hgb), Hemoglobin determination, NOS, HEMOGLOBIN, Haemoglobin determination, NOS, Test;hemoglobin, haemoglobin test |
Italian | Emoglobina, Eme |
Dutch | haemoglobine, haem, hemoglobine |
French | Hémorr, Hémoglobine |
German | Haem, Haemoglobin |
Portuguese | Heme, Hemoglobina |
Spanish | Hemo, determinación de hemoglobina (procedimiento), determinación de hemoglobina, determinación de Hb, Hemoglobina |
Japanese | ヘモグロビン, ヘモグロビン |
Czech | Hem, Hemoglobin |
Hungarian | Haem, Haemoglobin, Hemoglobin |