II. Definitions
- Postpartum Hemorrhage (2014 definition)
- Blood loss >1000 ml OR
- Signs and symptoms of Hypovolemia
- Previously diagnosed as blood loss >500 cc, need for pRBC transfusion or >10% drop in Hematocrit
- Primary Postpartum Hemorrhage (Early Postpartum Hemorrhage)
- Blood loss within 24 hours
- Secondary Postpartum Hemorrhage (Late Postpartum Hemorrhage)
- Blood loss after 24 hours and before 6 weeks
- Due to placental eschar slouphing, Retained Placenta
III. Epidemiology
- Incidence: 3-5% of all deliveries
- Responsible for 25% of worldwide maternal deaths and 14% of U.S. maternal deaths
IV. Risk Factors
- No risk factor in 20% of Postpartum Hemorrhage cases
- Prolonged labor
- Prolonged third stage >18 minutes
- Proloned third stage >30 minutes (RR 6)
- Maternal conditions
- Prior history Postpartum Hemorrhage (RR 2-3)
- Grand Multipara
- Primipara
- Chorioamnionitis
- Multiple Gestation
- Preeclampsia
- Antepartum Hemorrhage
- Maternal Anemia
- Maternal Obesity
- Fetal Conditions
- Medications and procedures
- Magnesium Sulfate infusion
- Prolonged Pitocin infusion
- Episiotomy
V. Causes: Mnemonic: 4T's
- Tone diminished or uterine atony (70 to 80% of cases)
- Pathophysiology: Uterus fails to contract despite being empty (and unable to control bleeding at placental site)
- Excessive Uterine distension
- Twin Gestation
- Fetal Macrosomia
- Polyhydramnios
- Multiparity
- Fibrosis in uterine Muscle
- Prolonged labor (uterine inertia)
- Prolonged Third Stage of Labor (>18 minutes)
- Labor augmented with Oxytocin
- Chorioamnionitis
- General Anesthesia
- Placenta Previa
- Lower segment does not contract
- Abruptio Placentae
- "Couvelaire" Uterus may not contract
Trauma (20% of cases)
- Uterine Inversion
- Uterine Rupture
- Cervical Laceration
- Vaginal Hematoma
- Tissue (10% of cases)
- Retained Placenta
- Placenta accreta (or other invasive placenta)
- Thrombin (1% of cases)
VI. Signs
- Inspect Vagina and Cervix for bleeding source
- Uterus is soft and boggy in atony
- Quantify blood loss
- Under-buttocks drape with calibrated catch
- Weigh blood soaked pads, clots
- Observe for findings of Hemorrhagic Shock
- Sinus Tachycardia (may be earliest sign of Postpartum Hemorrhage)
- Orthostasis
- Hypotension
- Observe for end-organ ischemia
VII. Labs
- Complete Blood Count with Platelets
- ProTime (PT)
- Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT)
- Type and cross for 2-4 units of pRBC
- Other Coagulation Disorder labs to consider
- Fibrinogen level
- Fibrin split products
- D-Dimer
VIII. Management: Active Management of the Third Stage of Labor
Oxytocin (10 IU IM or 20 IU/L at 250 ml/h) administered on delivery of newborn's anterior Shoulder
- Reduces Incidence from 16.5% to 3.8% of deliveries
- See Third Stage of Labor
- Controlled cord traction
- Limit the third stage to <10 minutes
- Delayed placental delivery >10 min doubles bleed risk
- Early cord clamping and cutting does not appear to reduce Postpartum Hemorrhage risk
- Delayed cord clamping is now recommended for 1-3 minutes to reduce newborn Anemia risk
IX. Management: Resuscitation
- Indications
- Brisk bleeding
- Hypotension and Tachycardia
- Initial General Management
- See ABC Management
- Emergent Obstetrician Consultation
- Bimanual uterine massage
- See description below
- Single most important corrective measure
- Nursing
- Large Bore (14-16 gauge) Intravenous Access (2 sites)
- Isotonic crystalloid bolus (NS, LR)
- Supplemental Oxygen
- Type and cross for 4 units pRBC
- Empty Bladder with Foley Catheter (may improve uterine tone)
- Patient in Trendelenburg or with legs elevated
- Close hemodynamic monitoring with frequent Vital Signs
- Shock Index >0.9 to 1.0 predicts higher mortality and need for pRBC transfusion
- Targets during Resuscitation: 80-90 mmHg systolic Blood Pressure (50 to 60 mmHg MAP)
- Medications
- Oxytocin (10 IU IM or 20 IU/L at 250 ml/h), and continue for first 24 hours
- Tranexamic Acid (TXA) 1 gram over 10 minutes (and repeat dose in 30 min if bleeding continues)
- Reduces mortality if given within 3 hours of delivery in Hemorrhage >500 ml after NSVD (1000 ml after c/s)
- Methylergonovine (Methergine) 0.2 mg IM now and may be repeated every 2 to 4 hours
- Misoprostol: 600 mcg sublingual or 1000 mcg rectally once
- Next measures for refractory bleeding
- Assess 4 Ts (Tone, Trauma, Tissue, Thrombin) below
- Hemabate (Carboprost Tromethamine, 15-methyl-Prostaglandin F2 alpha)
- Massive Hemorrhage Management
- Transfuse pRBC, Platelets, Cryoprecipitate, factors as indicated
- See Massive Transfusion Protocol (for 4 or more units pRBC In 24 hours)
- May require O negative Blood Transfusion until typed blood is available
- Shock Index >0.9 to 1.0
- Rule of 30 (blood loss of at least 30%)
- Hemoglobin or Hematocrit drop 30% OR
- Systolic Blood Pressure drop of 30 mmHg OR
- Heart Rate increase 30 bpm
- Balloon tamponade (temporizing measure)
- Bakri Balloon or BT Cath Balloon (either is preferred)
- Bakri Balloon is filled with 500 cc saline
- Bakri Balloon is large enough to stabilize bleeding via tamponade within Uterus
- Foley Catheter inserted into Cervix and balloon inflated with sterile saline or sterile water
- Foley Catheter is unlikely to expand enough to provide meaningfull intrauterine pressure
- Consider a Condom on end of the Foley Catheter tip, which could be expanded to 500 cc
- Other alternative balloon options
- Bakri Balloon or BT Cath Balloon (either is preferred)
- Compressive Uterine packing (temporizing measure)
- Foley Catheter placed first to decompress Bladder
- Use gauze in a continuous roll such as Kerlix
- Consider gauze soaked in Thrombin, Vasopressin, chitosan or Hemabate (Carboprost)
- Maximize visualization with large speculum and good lighting
- Insert continuous gauze in layers with a ring forceps
- Start with gauze inserted from fundus to vaginal canal and then layer the gauze back and forth
- Attempt to place as many layers as possible
- Prevent infection with packing
- Remove packing within 12 to 24 hours
- Administer broad spectrum IV Antibiotics
- References
- Warrington (2019) Crit Dec Emerg Med 33(6):18
- Nonpneumatic Antishock Garment (MAST Trousers)
- May stabilize central perfusion until definitive management
- Surgical interventions (definitive management)
- Vessel embolization (Intervention Radiology)
- Efficacy 90%
- Often preserves fertility
- Uterine compression Sutures
- Efficacy: 92%
- Least complex of surgical measures
- Temporary Ligation of Uterine and Hypogastric arteries
- Efficacy: 40%
- Peripartum Hysterectomy
- Associated with high morbidity
- Vessel embolization (Intervention Radiology)
- Transfuse pRBC, Platelets, Cryoprecipitate, factors as indicated
X. Management: Four T's (see Above)
- Tone (Soft, boggy Uterus)
- Empty the Bladder!
- Bimanual uterine massage
- Uterotonic Medications
- Oxytocin 20 IU per Liter NS (first-line, single most-effective agent)
- Infuse 250 cc/h (Max: 500 cc/10 min)
- Methyl-ergonovine (Methergine) 0.2 mg IM q2-4 hours
- Contraindicated in Severe Hypertension
- Misoprostol (Cytotec, PGE1)
- Misoprostol: 600 mcg sublingual or 1000 mcg rectally once or
- Misoprostol 400 mcg per Rectum after placenta delivery and 100 mcg at 4 hours and 8 hours
- Prophylaxis (bleeding risk): Misoprostol 600 mcg sublingual or orally within 1 minute of delivery
- Hemabate (Carboprost Tromethamine, 15-methyl-Prostaglandin F2 alpha)
- Dinoprostone (PGE2)
- Caliskan (2002) Am J Obstet Gynecol 187:1038-45
- Oxytocin 20 IU per Liter NS (first-line, single most-effective agent)
Trauma (Genital Laceration, Uterine Inversion)
- Avoid episiotomy unless urgent delivery (Fetal Distress, Shoulder Dystocia)
- Inspect Vagina and Cervix for bleeding source
- Suture Lacerations if present
- Drain large vaginal or vulvar Hematomas (>3 cm), irrigate and obtain Hemostasis
- Remove retained clot within Cervix
- Evaluate Uterus
- Consider exploring Uterus
- Evaluate for Uterine Rupture (0.8% of low transverse VBACs or Vaginal Births after cesarean)
- Higher risk with Oxytocin Induction and augmentation
- Most common presenting sign is Fetal Bradycardia
- Evaluate for Uterine Inversion (0.04% of deliveries)
- Presents as bluish-gray mass protruding from vagina, and shock without excessive blood loss
- Immediately replace Uterine Inversion (without removing placenta if still attached)
- Emergent Consultation
- Life threatening if not replaced
- Tissue (Retained Placenta)
- Inspect placenta for missing segments
- Manually remove Retained Placenta
- Consider placenta accreta (invasive placenta) if tissue plane is not easily distinguished on manual placenta removal
- Consider curettage and prepare for possible Dilatation and Curettage or surgery
Thrombin (Clotting disorder)
- Signs
- Refractory Postpartum Hemorrhage
- Blood continues to ooze from venous puncture sites
- Blood does not clot in Red Top blood tubes (no additives) within 5-10 minutes
- Obtain labs as above
- Includes Platelet Count, INR, PTT, Fibrinogen level, Fibrin split products, D-Dimer
- Replace Coagulation Factors (and Blood Products as below)
- Tranexamic Acid (TXA) 1 gram over 10 minutes (low risk, often given early, regardless of labs)
- Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP)
- Platelet Transfusion
- Factor VIIa
- Signs
XI. Management: Post-Stabilization
- Monitor for ongoing bleeding
- Frequent Vital Signs
- Symptomatic Anemia (e.g. Fatigue, Shortness of Breath, Chest Pain)
- Serial Hemoglobin
XII. Prevention
- Consider planning delivery for high risk patients at tertiary centers
- Antepartum or chronic Anemia (e.g. Sickle Cell Anemia, Thalassemia)
- Coagulopathy history
- Invasive placenta risks (e.g. VBAC)
- Jehovah's Witness and others refusing Blood Transfusions
- Prepare healthcare team and hospital protocols in advance for Postpartum Hemorrhage emergencies
- Prepare Postpartum Hemorrhage cart with needed medications, supplies, emergency cards
- Nurse and Provider Education (e.g. ALSO)
- Active Management of the Third Stage of Labor
- Avoid episiotomy
XIII. Complications
- Acute Blood Loss Anemia
- Hemorrhagic Shock requiring Blood Transfusion
- Dilutional Coagulopathy (increased bleeding risk)
- Replace 1 unit Platelets and 4 units FFP for every 4-6 units of pRBC in Massive Transfusion
- Death
Sheehan Syndrome (postpartum pituitary necrosis)
- Anterior pituitary ischemia
- Results in delayed or failed Lactation
- Myocardial Ischemia
XIV. References
- Lively and Clare (2022) Crit Dec Emerg Med 36(5): 4-10
- Alamia (1999) Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am 26:385-98 [PubMed]
- Anderson (2007) Am Fam Physician 75(6):875-82 [PubMed]
- Dresang (2015) Am Fam Physician 92(3): 202-8 [PubMed]
- Escobar (2022) Int J Gynaecol Obstet 157(Suppl 1):3-50 +PMID: 35297039 [PubMed]
- Evensen (2017) Am Fam Physician 95(7): 442-9 [PubMed]
- Lalonde (2006) Int J Gynaecol Obstet 94:243-53 [PubMed]
- Magann (2005) Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am 32:323-32 [PubMed]
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Polish | Krwotok poporodowy, Krwawienie maciczne poporodowe |
Hungarian | Postpartum haemorrhagia, Postpartum vérzés, Haemorrhagia post partum, Postpartum vérzés k.m.n. |
Norwegian | Blødning etter fødsel, Post partum-hemoragi, Postpartumblødning, Post partum-blødning |