II. Epidemiology
- True Prevalence of Post-dates Pregnancy: 0.25% (decreased from 2-3% in 2014)
- Pseudoprevalence (misdated pregnancy): 10-14%
- Inaccurate clinical dating (esp. overestimation) is common if based on Last Menstrual Period (LMP) alone
- LMP-based dating assumes accurate recall, regular Menses, no recent OCPs and Ovulation on day 14 of cycle
- Most accurate and reliable dates are based on early Ultrasound with Crown-Rump Length
III. Definitions
- Late-Term Pregnancy
- Gestational age 41 weeks 0 days to 41 weeks 6 days
- Post-term Pregnancy
- Over 294 days (42 weeks) beyond first day of LMP
- Post-Mature Infant
- Truly post-term by objective criteria
IV. Risk Factors
- Inaccurate Pregnancy Dating
- Prior Postdates Pregnancy
- Nulliparity
- Maternal age >30 years old
- Obesity (BMI>30 kg/m2)
- Male fetus
Genetic predisposition
- Mother who herself was a product of a Postdates Pregnancy has a 50% risk of Postdates Pregnancy >42 weeks
- Morken (2011) BJOG 118(13): 1630-5 [PubMed]
- Other causes (rare)
- Fetal Anencephaly
- Placental surface deficiency
V. Signs: Physical Characteristics of a post-dates infant
- Underweight due to loss of subcutaneous fat
- Long and thin in girth
- Skin with patchy areas of Desquamation
- Skin, long nails may be covered with meconium
- Wrinkled hands and feet on ventral surfaces
VI. Complications: Fetal (after 41 weeks gestation)
- Perinatal morbidity and mortality increases after 41 weeks gestation (Late-Term Pregnancy)
- Mortality increases 30x fold from 37 week to 41 week delivery
- Mortality 0.11 per 1000 births at 37 weeks, and 3.18 per 1000 births at 41 weeks
- Mortality is as high as 11.5 per 1000 births at 43 weeks
- Muglu (2019) PLoS Med 16(7): e1002838 [PubMed]
- Nakling (2006) Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 85(6): 663-8 [PubMed]
- Brukner (2008) Am J Obstet Gynecol 199(4): 421 [PubMed]
- Meconium Aspiration Syndrome
- Oligohydramnios
- NICU admission
- Macrosomia related Birth Trauma (e.g. Fractures, Peripheral Nerve Injury)
- Neurologic risks (possible)
- Seizure Disorder (1.2 Incidence rate ratio)
- Cerebral Palsy (1.36 per 1000 compared with 0.99 per 1000)
VII. Complications: Maternal (after 42 weeks gestation)
- Postpartum Hemorrhage
- Labor Dystocia
- Chorioamnionitis or Endometritis
- Cervical Laceration
- Cesarean delivery
VIII. Management: Approach
- Confirm dates
- First Trimester Ultrasound (Crown-Rump Length) modifies LMP-based dates if difference >5-7 days
- Do not adjust dates based on later Ultrasounds (later discrepancies are related to Fetal Growth)
- Later Ultrasound (BPD, head circ, abd circ, femur len) modifies LMP based on timing
- Gestation 14 to 16 weeks based on LMP: Modify ED+C if U/S dates >7 day discrepancy
- Gestation 16 to 21 weeks based on LMP: Modify ED+C if U/S dates >10 day discrepancy
- Gestation 22 to 27 weeks based on LMP: Modify ED+C if U/S dates >14 day discrepancy
- Gestation >28 weeks based on LMP: Modify ED+C if U/S dates >21 day discrepancy
- First Trimester Ultrasound (Crown-Rump Length) modifies LMP-based dates if difference >5-7 days
- Consider sweeping membranes after 38 weeks gestation
- Number Needed to Treat to prevent one induction: 8
- Associated with Relative Risk of pregnancy beyond 41 weeks: 0.59
- Associated with Relative Risk of pregnancy beyond 42 weeks: 0.28
- Boulvain (2005) Cochrane Database Syst Rev (1): CD000451 [PubMed]
- Other measures that may stimulate Cervical Ripening and spontaneous labor after 38 weeks gestation
- Breast Massage and nipple stimulation, for 15-20 min, 3 times daily
- Walking 30 minutes, 3 times weekly at 2.5 miles/hour pace
Informed Consent to continue expectant management beyond 41 weeks
- Discuss risks of late-term and Post-term Pregnancy
- Discuss risks of Labor Induction and Cesarean Section
- Assess for likelihood of induction success
- Bishop Score >5-6
- Shorter Cervical Length
- Lower Body Mass Index
- Antenatal surveillance protocol starting at 41 weeks (otherwise low risk pregnancies)
- Perform amniotic fluid and Fetal Assessment twice weekly starting at 41 weeks
- Amniotic fluid assessment
- Amniotic fluid index (AFI) >5 ml or
- Amniotic fluid pocket >2 cm x 2 cm fluid pocket
- Lack of pocket associated with fetal asphyxia
- Lack of pocket associated with perinatal mortality
- Fetal Assessment
- Nonstress Test reactive or
- Contraction Stress Test reactive or
- Biophysical Profile 6 or more
- Induction Indications
- Oligohydramnois
- Amniotic fluid pocket<2 cm single pocket or
- Amniotic fluid index < 5ml
- Failed Fetal Assessment
- Non-reactive Non-Stress Test (with or without confirmatory Biophysical Profile) or
- Positive Contraction Stress Test or
- Biophysical Profile <6 or
- Non-reassuring umbilical artery doppler
- Gestational age >41-42 weeks
- Fetal mortality reduced for delivery at 41 weeks with NNT 328 to spare one fetal death
- Induction vs expectant management are both reasonable options at 41 weeks
- Induction at 41 weeks is associated with a lower Cesarean Section rate
- Number Needed to Treat to induce at 41 weeks to prevent one cesarean: 30
- Gulmezoglu (2012) Cochrane Dtabase Syst Rev (6): CD004945 [PubMed]
- Consider elective Labor Induction for low risk Nulliparous women as early as 39 weeks
- Lowers risk of cesarean delivery (NNT 28) and PIH (NNT 20)
- Employ Shared Decision Making regarding risks and benefits of early induction
- Grobman (2018) N Engl J Med 379(6): 513-23 [PubMed]
- (2019) Am J Obstet Gynecol 221(1): B2-4 [PubMed]
- Oligohydramnois