II. Physiology
- Normal ovulatory cycles are 21-35 days in duration
- Normal cycles typically vary by only 1-2 days per month
III. History: Suggesting Ovulation
- Keep a menstrual Diary for several months
- Record days of uterine bleeding and amount
- Record associated symptoms
- Document premenstrual and Menstrual Symptoms
- Breast tenderness
- Menstrual Cramps
- Depressed mood
- Mid-cycle pelvic cramping (Mittelschmerz)
IV. Signs: Basal Body Temperature (BBT)
- Basal Body Temperature increase of 0.3 to 1.0 F
- Inaccurate method
- Ovulation could occur 6 days before BBT nadir
- Ovulation could occur 4 days after BBT nadir
V. Labs: Indications of Ovulation (most accurate testing)
Mid-Luteal Serum Progesterone Level (Day 21)
- Level >5.0 ng/ml (15.9 nmol/L) suggests Ovulation
- Level <4.0 ng/ml suggests Anovulation
- Morning Urine LH surge testing
- Urine LH surge occurs 72 hours before Ovulation
VI. Efficacy: Ineffective methods of determining Ovulation
VII. Efficacy: Prediction of fertile window
- Prediction inaccurate in most women
- Days 6-21: 10% probability each day of fertile window
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Related Studies
Definition (NCI) | The discharge of a secondary oocyte from a vesicular follicle of the ovary. |
Definition (NCI_NCI-GLOSS) | The release of an egg from an ovary during the menstrual cycle. |
Definition (CSP) | discharge of an ovum from a vesicular follicle of the ovary. |
Definition (MSH) | The discharge of an OVUM from a rupturing follicle in the OVARY. |
Definition (GO) | The release of a mature ovum/oocyte from an ovary. [GOC:bf, ISBN:0878932437] |
Concepts | Organ or Tissue Function (T042) |
MSH | D010060 |
SnomedCT | 34008004 |
English | Ovulation, Ovulations, Ovulation, function, ovulate, ovulation, ovulations, ovulates, ovulating, Release of Egg, Ovulation, function (observable entity), Ovulation (function) |
Swedish | Ägglossning |
Czech | ovulace |
Finnish | Ovulaatio |
Croatian | OVULACIJA |
Polish | Jajeczkowanie, Owulacja |
Norwegian | Eggløsning |
Spanish | ovulación (entidad observable), ovulación (función), ovulación, Ovulación |
French | Ovulation |
German | Ovulation |
Italian | Ovulazione |
Dutch | Ovulatie |
Portuguese | Ovulação |