II. Definitions
- Pubarche
- First onset of public hair as a result of Estrogens in girls and androgens in boys
- Coincides with Tanner Stage 2, and typically with Thelarche in girls
- Gonadarche
- Marks the onset of Puberty (more evident in boys, as ovarian growth is not readily evident)
- GnRH released (activating the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis)
- Boys
- Testicles grow in size
- LH stimulates Testosterone production
- FSH stimulates sperm maturation
- Girls
- Thelarche
- Adrenarche
- Increased weak adrenal androgen secretion (DHEA, Androstenedione)
- Primarily related to adrenal maturation
- Contrast with Gonadarche which is more specific to Sexual Development
- Peaks between ages 10-14 years
- Coincides with Tanner Stage 3 and 4
- Transient growth spurt
- Axillary and pubic Hair Growth (beyond the minimal pubic hair present in Tanner Stage 2)
- Skin oiliness develops (mild acne may form)
- Body odor starts
III. Exam: Normal Development
IV. Exam: Abnormal Development
Precocious Puberty
- Secondary sexual characteristics before age 8 years in girls, and before age 9 years in boys
- Significant abnormalities more frequently affect boys
- Delayed Puberty
V. References
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Related Studies
Concepts | Disease or Syndrome (T047) |
SnomedCT | 4900002 |
English | Endocrine disorder related to puberty (disorder), Endocrine disorder related to puberty, Endocrine disorder related to puberty, NOS |
Spanish | enfermedad endocrina relacionada con la pubertad (trastorno), enfermedad endocrina relacionada con la pubertad |
Ontology: Puberty stage (C0429595)
Concepts | Finding (T033) |
SnomedCT | 251804006 |
English | puberty stage, puberty stages, puberty staging, Puberty stage, Puberty stage (observable entity) |
Spanish | etapa de la pubertad (entidad observable), etapa de la pubertad, etapa puberal |
Ontology: Adrenarche (C0686792)
Definition (MSH) | A stage of development at which the ADRENAL GLANDS undergo maturation leading to the capability of producing increasing amounts of adrenal androgens, DEHYDROEPIANDROSTERONE and ANDROSTENEDIONE. Adrenarche usually begins at about 7 or 8 years of age before the signs of PUBERTY and continues throughout puberty. |
Concepts | Biologically Active Substance (T123) |
MSH | D050499 |
SnomedCT | 103020000 |
Czech | adrenarche |
Finnish | Adrenarke |
Swedish | Adrenarke |
English | adrenarche, Adrenarche (finding), Adrenarche |
Polish | Adrenarche |
Spanish | adrenarca (hallazgo), adrenarca, Adrenarquia |
Portuguese | Adrenarca |
German | Adrenarche |
Italian | Adrenarca |
French | Adrénarche, Puberté surrénalienne |
Ontology: Thelarche finding (C1291704)
Definition (GO) | The beginning of development of the breasts in the female. [GOC:curators, PMID:19117864] |
Concepts | Finding (T033) |
SnomedCT | 102888000, 118186000 |
English | pubertal breast development, pubertal breast development (physical finding), breast development puberty, thelarche, puberty breast development, Breast development at puberty, Thelarche, Thelarche (finding), Thelarche finding (finding), Thelarche finding |
Spanish | desarrollo mamario de la pubertad, hallazgo en la telarca (hallazgo), hallazgo en la telarca, telarca (hallazgo), telarca |
Ontology: Tanner Scale (C2826146)
Definition (NCI) | A scale of physical development in children, adolescents and adults based on external primary and secondary sex characteristics, such as the size of the breasts, genitalia, and development of pubic hair.(Tanner JM. Growth at adolescence. 2d ed. Oxford: Blackwell, 1962) |
Concepts | Intellectual Product (T170) |
English | Tanner Scale, Tanner Stages |