II. Goals
- Identify end organ damage
- Identify signs Secondary Hypertension
- Identify reversible exacerbating factors
- Document progression
III. Exam: Vitals
BP Examination
- See Blood Pressure Measurement
- Consider arm to leg systolic BP measurements (difference >20 mmHg suggests Aortic Coarctation)
- Hypertension Diagnosis
- Bilateral radial pulse
- Assess for Obesity
- Weight and Height
- Ideal Body Weight or BMI
- Waist Circumference (assess for Metabolic Syndrome)
IV. Exam: Head
- Retinal Exam
Mouth Exam
- Mallampati Score increased in Sleep Apnea
V. Exam: Neck
- Thyroid exam
- Carotid Bruits
- Neck vein exam
VI. Exam: Chest
- Congestive Heart Failure signs
- Palpable intercostal pulses
VII. Exam: Cardiovascular
- S4 Gallop rhythm (decreased LV compliance)
- Tachycardia
- Accentuated S2 Heart Sound
- Aortic Insufficiency murmur
- Abnormal EKG or Echocardiogram
- Prior Angiography results
VIII. Exam: Abdomen
- Renal artery bruit
- May be present in Renal Artery Stenosis
- Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
- Enlarged or tender Kidneys (CVA pain)
IX. Exam: Genitourinary
- Abnormal Sexual Development
- Enlarged Prostate
X. Exam: Peripheral Vascular Disease
- Femoral bruits
- Femoral pulses
- Delayed or absent in Aortic Coarctation
- Symmetrical pulses
- Lower extremity shin Hair Loss
XI. Exam: Neurologic
XII. Exam: Skin
- Stigmata of Cirrhosis
- Neurofibromata
- Chloasma
- Signs of Cushing's Disease
- Striae
- Acne Vulgaris
- Hirsutism