II. Indications
III. Mechanism
- Selective IV Beta Blocker
IV. Indications
V. Pharmacokinetics
Half-Life: 9 minutes
- Rapidly metabolized by erythrocyte esterase
- Duration of action: 15-20 minutes
VI. Metabolism
- Renal Excretion
- Plasma levels are not affected by renal or hepatic dysfunction
VII. Dosing: Intravenous
- Preparation: 2.5 g (10 ml ampule) in 250 ml (10 mg/ml)
- Load: 250-500 mcg/kg over 1 min (70 kg: 35 mg, 3.5 ml)
- Infusion:
- Start 25-50 mcg/kg/min IV (70 kg: 10 ml/h provides 25 mcg/kg/min)
- Titrate up 25-50 mcg/kg every 5 to 10 min to max 300 mcg/kg/min
VIII. Safety
- Pregnancy Category C
- Unknown safety in Lactation
IX. Resources
X. References
- Hamilton (2010) Tarascon Pharmacopoeia, Jones and Bartlett, Boston
- Pevtsov (2022) Esmolol, StatPearls, Treasure Island, FL (accessed 12/25/2022)