II. Indications
- Chemical conversion of AV Node re-entry Tachycardias
- Diagnosis in non-reentry Tachycardias
III. Contraindications
- Acute Coronary Syndrome
- Cardiovascular Instability
- Irregular Narrow Complex Tachycardia (pre-excited Atrial Fibrillation)
- Risk of degeneration to Ventricular Fibrillation
IV. Mechanism
- Endogenous purine Nucleoside
- Prolongs refractory period, decreases automaticity and slows conduction within the AV Node
- Interrupts AV Nodal Reentry pathways
V. Pharmacokinetics
- Activation
- Rapidly deaminated to the active metabolite Inosine
- Occurs within 30 seconds of IV administration
- Deactivation
- Rapidly sequestered by Red Blood Cells
- Half-Life: <10 seconds
VI. Dosing
- Rapid IV bolus over 1-3 seconds
- Expect brief period of Asystole (under 15 seconds)
- Follow dose immediately with saline flush (15-20 cc Normal Saline in adults)
- May also combine Adenosine with Normal Saline (15 cc in adults) and push the combined solution
- Choi (2003) J Korean Soc Emerg Med 14(3): 224-7 [PubMed]
- Child (weight <50 kg)
- Initial: 50 to 100 mcg/kg rapid IV push with flush
- Next: Increase dose by 50 to 100 mcg/kg rapid IV push every 1 to 2 minutes as needed
- Maximum Dose: 300 mcg/kg up to 12 mg
- Adult
- Initial: 6 mg rapid IV push with flush
- Next: 12 mg rapid IV push with flush (may repeat once)
- Higher starting dose indications (12 mg in adults)
- Caffeine within the last 4 hours
- Theophylline
- Lower starting dose indications (3 mg in adults)
- Carbamazepine
- Dipyridamole (Persantine)
- Heart Transplant status
- Central Line administration (risk of severe Bradycardia and Asystole)
VII. Adverse effects
- Transient effects (resolve within 2 minutes)
- Flushing
- Dyspnea to respiratory distress (esp. in Asthma, COPD)
- Chest Pain
- Transient Arrhythmias following PSVT conversion
- Sinus Bradycardia
- Ventricular ectopy
VIII. Drug Interactions
- Reduced effect of Adenosine
- Theophylline
- Methylxanthine (Caffeine, Theobromine)
- Potentiated effect of Adenosine
IX. Safety
- Pregnancy Category C
- Unknown Safety in Lactation
X. Resources
- Adenosine Injection Solution (DailyMed)
XI. References
- Olson (2020) Clinical Pharmacology, Medmaster Miami, p. 74-5
- Hamilton (2020) Tarascon Pocket Pharmacopoeia