II. Pathophysiology
- Cerebral perfusion is autoregulated via arteriole constriction and dilation
- Blood Pressure may exceed autoregulation and allow fluid and blood to leak across the blood brain barrier
- Results in Hypertension-induced cerebral edema and micro-Hemorrhages
Blood Pressure thresholds vary based on chronicity of Severe Hypertension
- Chronic Severe Hypertension is compensated and encephalopathy occurs at a higher Blood Pressure
- Acute Severe Hypertension is more likely to cause encephalopathy at a lower Blood Pressure (esp children)
- Underlying conditions (e.g. Vasculitis) or new medications may predispose to rapid onset Severe Hypertension
IV. Signs
- Extremely high Blood Pressure
- Altered Level of Consciousness or confusion
- Lethargy
- Seizures
V. Labs
VI. Imaging
MRI Brain
- Abnormal in Reversible Posterior Leukoencephalopathy Syndrome (RPLS, PRES)
- Symmetric white matter edema in posterior Cerebral Hemispheres
VII. Diagnosis
- Clinical diagnosis of exclusion (although RPLS or PRES may be diagnosed on MRI)
- Evaluate for other causes of Altered Level of Consciousness
- Hypertensive Encephalopathy typically improves with Blood Pressure lowering (even 10-20%)
- Other causes of Altered Level of Consciousness and Hypertension (e.g. CVA) do not improve as readily
Asymptomatic Hypertension may present with very high Blood Pressure and mild Headache
- However, contrast with Hypertensive Encephalopathy in which patient's appear ill and are confused
VIII. Differential Diagnosis
- See Altered Level of Consiousness
- Cerebrovascular Accident
- Eclampsia
- Encephalitis
- Hepatic Encephalopathy
- Uremic Encephalopathy
- Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
- Serotonin Syndrome
- Anticholingeric Syndrome
- Cytotoxic Chemotherapy reaction (esp. Serum Creatinine >1.8 mg/dl and Fluid Overload)
IX. Management
- See Hypertensive Emergency for agents to emergently lower Blood Pressure
- Nicardipine is typically recommended in Hypertensive Encephalopathy
- Lower Blood Pressure by 10-25% within first hour of presentation
- Further lowering as needed
X. Prognosis
- Fully reversible in most cases within days to weeks
- In one study, nearly 25% died and another subset had permanent neurologic dysfunction
XI. References
- Swaminathan and Weingart in Herbert (2020) EM:Rap 20(2): 3-4
- Elliott and Varon (2016) Evaluation and Treatment of Hypertensive Emergencies, UpToDate, accessed 12/28/2016
- Neill (2016) Reversible Posterior Leukoencephalopathy Syndrome, UpToDate, accessed 12/28/2016
- Staykov (2012) J Intensive Care Med 27(1): 11-24 +PMID:21257628 [PubMed]
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