II. Definitions
- Nausea
- Urge to vomit, "sick to Stomach" or "queasy"
- Vomiting (Emesis)
- Forcible expulsion of Stomach contents
- Retching
- Spasms of respiratory Muscle activity before Emesis
- Regurgitation
- Passive retrograde flow of esophageal contents
- Rumination
- Chewing and Swallowing of regurgitated food
- Dry Heaves (non-productive Vomiting)
- Retching without expulsion of any gastric contents
- Projectile Vomiting
- Forceful Emesis without preceding Nausea
- Associated with Increased Intracranial Pressure
- Acute Nausea and Vomiting
- Nausea and Vomiting for <7 days
- Chronic Nausea and Vomiting
- Nausea and Vomiting persisting longer than one month
- Hematemesis
- See Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding
- Vomiting of fresh blood (suggests acute or severe Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding)
- Coffee-ground Emesis
- See Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding
- Vomiting of black blood (altered by gastric acid)
- Stercoraceous Vomiting or Fecal Vomiting
- Vomiting of fecal material (due to obstruction)
- Bilious Emesis
- Vomiting of bile stained (green) fluid
III. Pathophysiology
- Nausea usually precedes Vomiting
- Physiologic Control of Vomiting
- Lateral reticular formation in Medulla
- Chemical stimulation via ChemoreceptorTrigger Zone
- Vomiting is of Involuntary mechanism
- Glottis closes
- Diaphragm contracted and fixed
- Pylorus closes
- Gastric wall and esophageal orifice relaxes
- Abdominal Muscles contract forcefully
- Associated physiologic events
- Ptyalism (Excessive Salivation)
- Tachycardia (occurs with nauses)
- Bradycardia (occurs with Retching)
- Defecation (may accompany Vomiting)
- Images
IV. Causes
- See Vomiting Causes
- See Vomiting Causes in Children
- See Vomiting in Pregnancy (Morning Sickness)
- See Vomiting in Cancer
- See Psychogenic Vomiting
- See Medication Induced Vomiting
- Most Common Causes
- Acute Gastroenteritis
- Vomiting should be followed by Diarrhea
- Medication Induced Vomiting
- Acute Gastroenteritis
V. History
- See Vomiting History for Clinical Clues
- Systemic Symptoms and Signs
- Emesis Characteristics
- Timing between food and Emesis
- Emesis appearance
- Undigested food or milk or yellow color (Stomach contents)
- Hematemesis (Upper GI Bleeding)
- Bilious Emesis (Small Bowel Obstruction)
- Gastrointestinal Symptoms or Signs
- Abdominal Pain before Vomiting (red flag)
- Signs of Gastrointestinal Bleeding
- Hematemesis
- Melana
- Heartburn or indigestion
- Dysphagia
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Diarrhea that follows Vomiting is consistent with Gastroenteritis
- Vomiting that follows Diarrhea is consistent with enteritis (or Urinary Tract Infection in girls, women)
- Jaundice
- Genitourinary Symptoms
- Urine Output
- At least three times daily in infants and twice daily in children and adults
- Dysuria
- Urgency or frequency
- Hematuria
- Urine Output
- Neurologic Symptoms and Signs
- Altered Level of Consciousness (GCS, mental status)
- Focal neurologic deficits
- Papilledema
VI. Exam
- Observe for Dehydration
- Weight loss since prior exam
- Decreased skin turgur
- Dry mucus membranes (or not making tears in children)
- Sinus Tachycardia
- Orthostatic Hypotension
- Decreased Capillary Refill
- Other systemic signs of serious illness
- Abdominal examination
- Abdominal Distention
- Abdominal wall Hernia
- Peritoneal signs (abdominal guarding, Rebound Tenderness)
- Abdominal Trauma (e.g. Bruising)
- Abdominal tenderness to palpation
- Epigastric Pain: Gastric Ulcer
- Right upper quadrant pain: Cholecystitis
- Right lower quadrant pain: Appendicitis (esp. with Psoas Sign, Rosving's sign)
- Flank Pain: Pyelonephritis or Uretolithiasis
- Bowel sounds
- Hyperactive suggests Gastroenteritis
- High pitched suggests Small Bowel Obstruction
- Absent or decreased suggests ileus
- Other significant findings
- Hepatomegaly
- Splenomegaly
- Abdominal mass
- Ascites
- Genitourinary exam
- Inguinal Hernia
- Testicular Torsion (testicular tenderness, swelling, absent Cremasteric Reflex)
- Ovarian Torsion
Neurologic Examination
- Nystagmus (Acute Vestibular Syndrome)
- Papilledema
- Focal neurologic deficits
- Peripheral Neuropathy
- Cerebellar exam (coordination and gait testing)
- Altered Level of Consciousness
- Skin
VII. Differential Diagnosis
- See Vomiting Causes
- Ptyalism (Excessive Salivation)
- Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (Acid Reflux)
- Forceful Coughing
- Post-nasal drainage
- Asthma, Bronchitis or Bronchiolitis
- Pneumonia
- Undigested Food Regurgitation
- Esophageal Obstruction
- Esophageal Diverticulum
- Overfilled Stomach
- Delayed Gastric Emptying or Gastroparesis
VIII. Labs
- Complete Blood Count
- Serum Electrolytes (e.g. Chem8 or SMA-7)
- Liver Function Tests
- Serum Lipase
- Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
- Urinalysis
- Urine Pregnancy Test
- Consider endocrine conditions
- Consider serum drug levels of current medications
- Consider stool studies for concurrent Diarrhea
- Consider cardiac evaluation
IX. Imaging (as clinically directed)
- Abdominal Flat and Upright XRay Indications
- Signs or symptoms of mechanical obstruction
- Small Bowel Obstruction
- Gastric outlet obstruction
Abdominal CT with oral and IV Contrast
- Detection of Intestinal Obstruction or abdominal mass
- Right upper quadrant Ultrasound
- Suspected Cholecystitis
- Pancreatitis
Chest XRay
- Detection of abdominal free air
- Head Imaging (CT Head or MRI Head)
- Indicated to evaluation for Intracranial Mass
- Consider in Projectile Vomiting, Vomiting without Nausea, morning Vomiting or neurologic changes
X. Diagnostics
- Upper endoscopy
- Most sensitive for mucosal lesions
- Gastric Emptying Study (Evaluates for Gastroparesis)
- Ingestion of radiolabeled meal
- Electrogastrography (Abnormal gastric emptying)
- Electrodes placed on abdominal skin over antrum
- Antroduodenal Manometry
- Measures intraluminal pressure over time
- Upper GI with Small Bowel follow through
- Evaluation of function (e.g. Gastroparesis)
- Double-contrast barium studies are more accurate
XI. Management
- See Vomited Medications
- Symptomatic control of Vomiting
- Management of Dehydration and Electrolyte loss
XII. Management: Persistent Unexplained Vomiting
- Complete history, physical, diagnostics completed
- Consider dysmotility evaluation
- Consider possible Gastroparesis causes
- Consider empiric prokinetic
- Consider functional causes or Psychogenic Vomiting
- Consider longterm symptomatic therapy
XIII. Complications
XIV. References
- (2017) Crit Dec Emerg Med 31(4): 19-25
- (1988) Dorland's Medical Dictionary, Saunders, p. 1848
- Feldman (1998) Sleisenger Gastrointestinal, p. 117-126
- Friedman (1991) Medical Diagnosis, Little Brown, p. 174
- Heilenbach in Marx (2002) Rosen's Emergency Med, p. 178
- Anderson (2013) Am Fam Physician 88(6): 371-9 [PubMed]
- Quigley (2001) Gastroenterology 120(1):263-86 [PubMed]
- Scorza (2007) Am Fam Physician 76:76-84 [PubMed]
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Related Studies
Definition (MSHCZE) | Zvracení krve nebo zvracení s příměsí krve. Příznak krvácení do horní části zažívací trubice, např. z peptického vředu, žaludečních erozí, jícnových varixů při portální hypertenzi, trhlinek při Malloryho-Weissově syndromu. Vyžaduje urychlené vyšetření (gastroskopie) a léčbu podle příčiny, s eventuálním doplněním objemu tekutin či krve, podáním vazokonstrikčních látek (např. terlipresinu), úpravou hemostatických parametrů apod. Masivní ztráta krve může vést k šoku. Správný tvar je "hematemeze". (cit. Velký lékařský slovník online, 2012 http://lekarske.slovniky.cz/ ) |
Definition (NCI) | Vomiting blood. |
Definition (MSH) | Vomiting of blood that is either fresh bright red, or older "coffee-ground" in character. It generally indicates bleeding of the UPPER GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT. |
Concepts | Sign or Symptom (T184) |
MSH | D006396 |
ICD9 | 578.0 |
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English | Hematemeses, Hematemesis, HAEMATEMESIS, HEMATEMESIS, VOMITING BLOOD, vomiting blood (hematemesis), vomiting blood, vomiting blood (symptom), Emesis bloody, Hematemesis [Disease/Finding], Vomiting;blood, vomiting of blood, hematemesis was observed, hematemesis (symptom), hematemesis was observed (physical finding), hematemesis, Blood in vomit symptom, Haematemesis (disorder), Haematemesis, Vomiting of blood, Blood in vomit - symptom, Vomiting blood, Hematemesis (disorder), Blood in vomit - symptom (finding), Haematemesis/vomiting blood, blood; vomiting, vomiting; blood, haematemesis, vomiting out blood |
French | HEMATEMESE, Vomissement sanglant, Vomissements de sang, VOMISSEMENT DE SANG, Hématémèse |
Portuguese | HEMATEMESE, Emese sanguínea, Vómitos de sangue, Hematémese, VOMITO HEMATICO, Hematemese |
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German | HAEMATEMESIS, Erbrechen mit Blut, Erbrechen von Blut, BLUTERBRECHEN, Haematemesis, Blutbrechen, Hämatemesis |
Dutch | haematemesis, bloederige emesis, bloed; braken, braken; bloed, bloedbraken, Haematemesis |
Italian | Vomito ematico, Ematemesi |
Japanese | 吐血, トケツ |
Swedish | Blodkräkningar |
Czech | hematemeze, Hematemeze, Zvracení krve, hemateméza, hematemeza |
Finnish | Hematemeesi |
Korean | 토혈 |
Polish | Wymioty krwawe |
Hungarian | Hematemesis, Haematemesis, Véres hányás, Vérhányás |
Norwegian | Hematemese, Blodig oppkast, Oppkast, blodig |
Ontology: Nausea (C0027497)
Definition (CCC) | Distaste for food/fluids and an urge to vomit |
Definition (NCI_CTCAE) | A disorder characterized by a queasy sensation and/or the urge to vomit. |
Definition (NCI_NCI-GLOSS) | A feeling of sickness or discomfort in the stomach that may come with an urge to vomit. Nausea is a side effect of some types of cancer therapy. |
Definition (NCI) | Upper abdominal discomfort associated with an urge to vomit.(NICHD) |
Definition (NAN) | A subjective unpleasant, wavelike sensation in the back of the throat, epigastrium, or abdomen that may lead to the urge or need to vomit |
Definition (MSH) | An unpleasant sensation in the stomach usually accompanied by the urge to vomit. Common causes are early pregnancy, sea and motion sickness, emotional stress, intense pain, food poisoning, and various enteroviruses. |
Definition (CSP) | unpleasant sensation in the stomach usually accompanied by the urge to vomit. |
Concepts | Sign or Symptom (T184) |
MSH | D009325 |
ICD10 | R11.0 |
SnomedCT | 207111007, 422587007, 73879007, 300576004, 158421000, 272043005, 162060000, 139330007, 139334003, 162055004 |
LNC | LP36327-2, MTHU013524, LA15098-9 |
English | Nausea, FEELING QUEASY, Feeling bilious, Feeling queasy, Feeling sick, [D]Nausea, C/O - nausea, Nausea symptoms, [D]Nausea (context-dependent category), Nauseated, Nausea (finding), Observation of nausea, Nauseous, nausea (symptom), nausea, Queasy, Nausea NOS, Nausea [Disease/Finding], rndx nausea, rndx nausea (diagnosis), feeling sick, nausea symptom, feel sick, nausea symptoms, sick feeling, symptom nausea, nauseous, symptoms nausea, nauseated, queasy, nauseas, nauseating, [D]Nausea (situation), Finding of nausea (finding), Nausea (disorder), Finding of nausea, Nausea NOS (finding), NAUSEA |
Dutch | misselijk, onpasselijk gevoel, onpasselijk, nausea, Misselijkheid |
French | Sensation de mal au coeur, Mal au coeur, Nauséeux, NAUSEES, Nausées, GUEULE DE BOIS, Nausée |
German | an Uebelkeit leidend, sich uebel fuehlen, uebel, an Uebelkeit leiden, UEBELKEIT, UNBEHAGLICHKEITSGEFUEHL, Uebelkeit, Nausea, Übelkeit |
Italian | Sentirsi nauseato, Nauseante, Nauseato, Nausea |
Portuguese | Sensação de má disposição, Mal disposto, Nauseado, Nauseoso, Náusea, NAUSEAS, SENTIR-SE NAUSEADO, Náuseas, Enjoo, Ânsia de Vômito |
Spanish | Nauseoso, Sentirse mareado, náuseas, nauseoso, [D]náuseas (categoría dependiente del contexto), observación de náuseas, náuseas (hallazgo), Náusea, NAUSEAS, SENSACION DE DEBILIDAD, Ansia nauseosa, náusea, SAI, náusea, SAI (hallazgo), hallazgo de náusea, hallazgo de náusea (hallazgo), Nausea NOS, [D]náuseas, [D]náuseas (situación), Náuseas, Ganas de Vomitar |
Japanese | 悪心, 嘔気, 吐き気, オウキ, オシン, ハキケ |
Swedish | Illamående |
Czech | nauzea, Nevolnost, Pocit nevolnosti |
Finnish | Pahoinvointi |
Polish | Mdłości, Nudności |
Hungarian | Nausea, Émelygésérzés, Hányinger, Émelygés, Nauzea |
Croatian | MUČNINA |
Norwegian | Kvalme |
Ontology: Vomiting (C0042963)
Definition (ICF-CY) | Functions of moving food or liquid in the reverse direction to ingestion, from stomach to oesophagus to mouth and out, such as in gastro-esophegeal reflux, recurrent vomiting, pyloric stenosis. |
Definition (CCC) | Expulsion of stomach contents through the mouth |
Definition (NCI_CTCAE) | A disorder characterized by the reflexive act of ejecting the contents of the stomach through the mouth. |
Definition (NCI_NCI-GLOSS) | To eject some or all of the contents of the stomach through the mouth. |
Definition (NCI) | Forceful ejection of the contents of the stomach through the mouth.(NICHD) |
Definition (MSH) | The forcible expulsion of the contents of the STOMACH through the MOUTH. |
Definition (CSP) | forcible expulsion of stomach contents through the mouth. |
Concepts | Sign or Symptom (T184) |
MSH | D014839 |
ICD10 | R11.1 , R11.10 |
SnomedCT | 207113005, 207112000, 422400008, 249497008, 15387003, 162063003, 236082001, 139342002, 139335002, 158423002, 162061001, 139337005, 158422007, 162067002, 300359004 |
LNC | LP75931-3, MTHU013530, LA15099-7 |
English | Emesis, Vomiting, EMESIS, Being sick, Throwing up, Vomiting NOS, [D]Emesis, [D]Vomiting, [D]Emesis (context-dependent category), [D]Vomiting (context-dependent category), Vomiting disorder, Vomiting symptoms, Vomiting (disorder), vomiting (symptom), vomiting, vomiting (physical finding), vomiting was observed, Vomited, Vomiting, unspecified, Vomiting [Disease/Finding], vomited, vomits, symptoms vomiting, throw up, vomiting symptoms, Vomiting NOS (finding), Vomiting disorder (disorder), [D]Vomiting (situation), Vomiting NOS (disorder), Vomiting (finding), [D]Emesis (situation), VOMITING, emesis, vomit, Observation of vomiting, Finding of vomiting (finding), Finding of vomiting, gastric contents; regurgitation, regurgitation; gastric contents, Vomiting, NOS, throwing up, Vomiting symptoms (disorder), Vomiting symptom (finding), Vomiting symptom |
French | VOMISSEMENT, Vomi, Vomissement SAI, Vomissement |
German | ERBRECHEN, erbrach, Erbrechen NNB, EMESIS, Emesis, Erbrechen, Vomitus |
Spanish | síntoma de vómito (hallazgo), síntoma de vómito, Vómitos NEOM, emesis, síntomas de vómito, síntomas de vómito (trastorno), vómitos, [D]emesis (categoría dependiente del contexto), vómitos (trastorno), [D]vómitos (categoría dependiente del contexto), EMESIS, VOMITOS, hallazgo relacionado con el vómito, vómito - hallazgo, hallazgo relacionado con el vómito (hallazgo), vómito - hallazgo (hallazgo), vómito - observación, [D]vómitos, Vomiting NOS, [D]vómitos (situación), vómitos, SAI (trastorno), [D]emesis, vómito, vómitos, SAI, vómito (trastorno), [D]emesis (situación), vómitos, SAI (hallazgo), descompostura con vómitos, vómito, SAI, Emesis, Vómitos |
Dutch | braken NAO, emesis, gebraakt, maaginhoud; regurgitatie, regurgitatie; maaginhoud, braken, Braken, Emesis |
Italian | Vomitato, Vomito NAS, Emesi, Vomito |
Portuguese | Vómitos NE, Emese, Vomitado, EMESIS, VOMITOS, Vómito, Vômito, Êmese |
Japanese | 嘔吐NOS, オウトNOS, オウト, 嘔吐 |
Swedish | Kräkning |
Czech | zvracení, Zvracení, Zvracení NOS |
Finnish | Oksentaminen |
Croatian | POVRAĆANJE |
Polish | Wymiotowanie, Wymioty |
Hungarian | Vomitus, Hányt, Hányás k.m.n., Emesis |
Norwegian | Oppkast, Vomitus, Emesis |
Ontology: Projectile vomiting (C0221151)
Definition (NCI) | Foreceful expulsion of the contents of the stomach through the mouth. |
Concepts | Sign or Symptom (T184) |
ICD10 | R11.12 |
SnomedCT | 308151006, 207115003, 139338000, 8579004 |
Italian | Vomito a getto, Emesi a getto |
English | [D]Projectile vomiting (context-dependent category), [D]Projectile vomiting, vomiting spraying across room (symptom), vomiting spraying across room, projectile vomiting, Projectile vomiting, Vomiting projectile, projectile vomit, [D]Projectile vomiting (situation), Projectile vomiting (finding), Projectile emesis, Projectile Vomiting, Projectile vomiting (disorder) |
Japanese | 噴出性嘔吐, フンシュツセイオウト |
Spanish | [D]vómitos en proyectil (categoría dependiente del contexto), [D]vómitos en proyectil, [D]vómitos en proyectil (situación), Vómitos en escopeta, vómito en chorro (trastorno), vómito en chorro, vómito en proyectil, Vómito explosivo |
Czech | Projektilové zvracení |
Hungarian | Sugárhányás |
German | Explosionsartige Emesis, Erbrechen explosionsartig |
Portuguese | Emese em projétil, Vómito projéctil |
Dutch | projectiel braken |
French | Vomissement en jet |
Ontology: Vomiting bile (C0232599)
Concepts | Finding (T033) |
ICD9 | 787.04 |
ICD10 | R11.14 |
SnomedCT | 139341009, 71419002, 162065005 |
Dutch | gal spugen, braken; gallig, gallig; braken |
French | Vomissements bilieux |
German | Erbrechen von Galle |
Italian | Vomito biliare |
Portuguese | Vómitos biliosos |
Spanish | Vómitos biliosos, vómito - teñido con bilis (trastorno), vómito - teñido con bilis, vómito biliar, vómito bilioso (trastorno), vómito bilioso |
Japanese | 胆汁嘔吐, タンジュウオウト |
English | vomiting yellow-green liquid (symptom), vomiting yellow-green liquid, vomiting bile (physical finding), vomiting bile, vomiting of bile was observed, bilious vomiting, Bilious emesis, bile vomiting, bile vomit, vomit bile, vomiting bilious, Vomiting - bile stained (finding), Bilious vomiting, Vomiting - bile stained, Vomiting - bile stained (disorder), Bilious vomiting (disorder), bilious; vomiting, vomiting; bilious, Vomiting bile |
Czech | Biliární zvracení |
Hungarian | Epés hányás |
Ontology: Retching (C0232602)
Definition (NCI_NCI-GLOSS) | The action of the stomach and esophagus to try to vomit (eject some or all of the contents of the stomach). Retching that does not cause vomiting is called dry heaves. |
Concepts | Sign or Symptom (T184) |
SnomedCT | 162066006, 207116002, 366960002, 84480002 |
English | RETCHING, [D]Retching, dry heaves (symptom), dry heaves, dry heave, heaving, Retch, Vomiturition, retch, Dry heaves, Heaving, Retching (finding), retching, Retching |
Italian | Conati di vomito, Vomiturizione |
Dutch | kokhalzen, vomituritie, braakneiging |
French | Vomissements à sec, EFFORTS DE VOMISSEMENT, Vomiturition, Efforts de vomissement |
German | trockenes Wuergen, BRECHREIZ, Vomiturition, Brechreiz |
Portuguese | Asma equina, ESFORCO DE VOMITO, Vomiturição, Esforços para vomitar |
Japanese | レッチング, レッチング, カラオウト, 空嘔吐 |
Czech | Pocit na zvracení, Zvedání žaludku |
Spanish | Basca, Esfuerzo por vomitar, arcadas (hallazgo), arcadas, Arcadas, ARCADAS, vomiturición, vómito seco |
Hungarian | Öklendezés, Öklendezés/hányiger hányás nélkül, Vomituritio |
Ontology: Faecal vomiting (C0241706)
Concepts | Finding (T033) |
Dutch | fecaal braken, braken; faeces, faeces; braken |
French | Vomissements fécaux |
German | Stuhlerbrechen, Faekalerbrechen |
Italian | Vomito fecale, Vomito di feci |
Portuguese | Vómitos fecais |
Spanish | Vómito fecaloideo |
Japanese | 吐糞症, トフンショウ |
Czech | Fekální zvracení |
English | fecal vomiting, fecal; vomiting, vomiting; fecal, Faecal vomiting, Fecal vomiting |
Hungarian | Széklet hányás, Bélsárhányás |
Ontology: Coffee ground vomiting (C1510416)
Concepts | Sign or Symptom (T184) |
SnomedCT | 139340005, 40835002 |
Dutch | koffiedikemesis, koffiedik braken |
French | Vomissement marc de café, Vomissements marc de café |
German | Kaffeesatzerbrechen |
Italian | Vomito a fondo di caffè |
Portuguese | Vómitos em borra de café, Emese em borra de café |
Spanish | Vómito como posos de café, Vómitos en poso de café, emesis en borra de café, vómito en borra de café (trastorno), vómito en borra de café, vómito negro |
Japanese | コーヒー残渣様吐物, コーヒーザンサヨウトブツ |
English | vomiting 'coffee grounds' material, vomiting 'coffee grounds' (physical finding), vomiting 'coffee grounds' material (hematemesis), vomiting 'coffee grounds', vomiting 'coffee grounds' material (symptom), vomiting of 'coffee grounds' material was observed, hematemesis ('coffee grounds'), Vomiting blood - coffee ground (finding), Coffee ground emesis, Vomiting blood - coffee ground, Coffee ground vomiting (disorder), Coffee ground vomiting |
Czech | Zvracení vzhedu kávové sedliny |
Hungarian | Kávéalj-szerű hányás |
Ontology: Stercoraceous vomiting (C1611181)
Concepts | Sign or Symptom (T184) |
Dutch | stercoraal braken, braken; stercoraal, stercoraal; braken |
French | Vomissements stercoraires |
German | sterkorales Erbrechen |
Italian | Vomito stercoraceo |
Portuguese | Vómitos estercorários |
Spanish | Vómito estercoráceo |
Japanese | 吐糞症, トフンショウ |
Czech | Sterkorální zvracení |
Hungarian | Feculens hányás |
English | stercoral; vomiting, vomiting; stercoral, Stercoraceous vomiting |