II. Epidemiology
- Marburg Virus
- Outbreaks in Europe 1967, Congo 2000, Angola 2005
- Ebola Virus
- Five species with varying regions affected and mortality rates
- Outbreaks in Zaire 1976, Sudan 1970, Philipines 1989, Zaire 1995, Uganda 2000, Sudan 2004, Uganda 2007
- Ebola epidemic in West Africa (2014) in Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia
- By far, the largest Ebola or Marburg outbreak
- As of November 2014, West Africa: 13000 cases (nearly 8000 lab confirmed) and 4800 deaths
- A few cases have presented in Mali, Senegal, Nigeria, Spain and the U.S.
III. Pathophysiology
- Ebola Virus (Filovirus family)
- Hemorrhagic Fever viruses (associated coagulation deficits, DIC)
- Other hemorrhagic fever viruses include Lassa Fever, Yellow Fever, Dengue Fever
- Host organism
- Small animal primary reservoir is suspected (e.g. fruit bats)
- Primates appear to be as susceptible as humans to high mortality rates
- Exposure to infected primates has been responsible for many of the initial source cases in epidemics
- Spread by close contact to infected bats, primates or other humans
- Infected blood
- Body fluid
- Especially blood, stool and vomit
- Semen transmission from previously infected source has been reported
- Body tissue
- Air borne transmission is unlikely (unless aerosolized, typically during medical procedures)
IV. Precautions
- Ebola and Marburg Viruses are among the most virulent infections in humans with mortality up to 70-90%
- Initial presentation may be non-specific and mild
- Maintain vigilance and ask a careful travel history in febrile patients (e.g. endemic region, known exposures)
- Fever, severe Headache, myalgias, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Abdominal Pain, unexplained bleeding
- Immediately and completely isolate patients suspected of Viral Hemorrhagic Fever (see prevention below)
V. Course
- Incubation Period: 8-12 days (ranges from 2 to 21 days)
- Mortality is highest days 6 to 16
- Surviving patients start to improve by the second week of illness
- Virus may persist in semen and Breast Milk for a prolonged period beyond recovery
- Prolonged recovery characterized by weakness, Fatigue and persistent weight loss
VII. Findings: Manifestations
Influenza-Like Illness
- Abrupt onset fever, chills and malaise
- Weakness and Anorexia
- Severe Headache
- Trunk and back pain (myalgias)
- Nonproductive cough and Sore Throat
- May rapidly progress to Septic Shock and multi-organ failure
- Dermatitis
- Variably present by day 5-7 of illness
- Non-pruritic diffuse erythematous rash that may spare the legs (with or without Desquamation)
- Gastrointestinal symptoms
- Onset within a few days of initial symptoms
- Diarrhea, Vomiting and severe Abdominal Pain
- Bloody stools may occur (6% of cases)
- Bleeding
- Variably present in 20% of cases and a late manifestation
- Signs include Petechiae or Ecchymosis, mucosal bleeding or gastrointestinal Hemorrhage
- Neurologic
- Seizures, confusion and cerebral edema may occur
- Cardiopulonary
- Chest Pain, Shortness of Breath, Hiccups may occur
- Other findings
- Dark-red palatal discoloration
- Conjunctival injection
VIII. Labs
- Precautions
- CDC recommends that labs be performed on dedicated machine (e.g. iStat) not used for other patient's blood
- Logistically, labs are typically being deferred to tertiary center or department of health testing in high suspicion cases
- Complete Blood Count (CBC) with differential and Platelet Count
- Coagulation tests
- Findings consistent with Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC)
- Prothrombin (PT/INR) prolonged
- Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT) prolonged
Liver Function Tests
- Serum Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) increased (more than ALT)
- Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) increased
- Ebola specific testing (coordinated with local health department and CDC)
IX. Management
- Supportive care in isolation suite by medical team using Full Personal Protective Equipment (see below)
- IV Fluid and Electrolyte replacement
- Supplemental Oxygen
- Vasopressors
- Mechanical Ventilation
Monoclonal Antibody options
- Atoltivimab/Maftivimab/Odesivimab (Inmazeb)
- Ansuvimab (Ebanga)
Ribavirin (Virazole)
- See Viral Hemorrhagic Fever for protocol
X. Prognosis
XI. Prevention
- Complete patient isolation
- Isolated room with designated bathroom or commode
- Designated care team in full PPE minimize broader exposures
- Full Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for healthcare workers (donning and doffing)
- Vacinnation
- Ebola Zaire Vaccine (age over 18 years)
- Single dose 1 ml IM for preexposure, or immediate postexposure
- Ebola Zaire Vaccine (age over 18 years)
XII. Resources
XIII. References
- Black, Martin, DeVos (2018) Crit Dec Emerg Med 32(8): 3-12
- Bray in Hirsch (2014) Ebola and Marburg Virus Disease, UpToDate, accessed online 11/5/2014
- Nordurft-Froman and DeVos (2022) Crit Dec Emerg Med 36(4): 4-15
- (1995) MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 44:381-2 [PubMed]
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Related Studies
Definition (MSHFRE) | Infection virale des singes Rhésus, des singes Vervet et du singe écureuil, transmissible à l'homme et due à un virus à ARN de la famille des Filoviridae. |
Definition (NCI) | A viral infectious disorder caused by Marburg virus. Signs and symptoms include fever, headache, myalgias, chest and abdominal pain, jaundice, liver failure, massive hemorrhaging, and multiple organ failure. |
Definition (MSH) | An RNA virus infection of rhesus, vervet, and squirrel monkeys transmissible to man. |
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Hungarian | Marburg betegség, Marburg vírus fertőzés, Marburg vírus vérzéses láz, Marburg vírus haemorrhagiás láz |
Norwegian | Marburg-virussykdom, Marburgfeber |
Ontology: Hemorrhagic Fever, Ebola (C0282687)
Definition (MSH) | A highly fatal, acute hemorrhagic fever, clinically very similar to MARBURG VIRUS DISEASE, caused by EBOLAVIRUS, first occurring in the Sudan and adjacent northwestern (what was then) Zaire. |
Concepts | Disease or Syndrome (T047) |
MSH | D019142 |
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LNC | LA10453-1 |
English | Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, Ebola Virus Disease, Hemorrhagic Fever, Ebola, EBOLA VIRUS DIS, Ebola virus hemorrhagic fever, Ebola virus hemorrhagic fever (diagnosis), Ebola disease, Ebola virus infection, Hemorrhagic Fever, Ebola [Disease/Finding], disease ebola, ebola fever hemorrhagic, ebola hemorrhagic fever, ebola virus disease, ebola haemorrhagic fever, ebola virus infection, Ebola virus disease, Ebola haemorrhagic fever, Ebola hemorrhagic fever, Ebola virus disease (disorder), Ebola virus disease -RETIRED- |
Dutch | Ebola hemorragische koorts, Ebola-virusinfectie, Ebola-ziekte, Ebola-koorts, hemorragische, Ebola-virusziekte, Hemorragische Ebola-koorts, Koorts, hemorragische Ebola-- |
French | Fièvre hémorragique à Ebola, Infection au virus Ebola, Fièvre d'Ebola, Fièvre hémorragique d'Ebola, Fièvre hémorragique à virus Ebola, Maladie à virus Ebola |
German | haemorrhagisches Ebola-Fieber, Ebola-Virusinfektion, Ebola-Viruskrankheit, Ebolaviruskrankheit, Ebola-hämorrhagisches Fieber, Hämorrhagisches Fieber, Ebola- |
Italian | Febbre emorragica da virus Ebola, Infezione da virus Ebola, Malattia da virus Ebola, Febbre emorragica di Ebola |
Portuguese | Febre hemorrágica de Ebola, Infecção por vírus de Ebola, Doença de Ebola, Doença pelo Vírus Ebola, Febre Hemorrágica do Ebola |
Spanish | Fiebre hemorrágica por virus Ébola, Infección por virus Ébola, Fiebre hemorrágica de Ebola, fiebre hemorrágica por virus Ébola, enfermedad por virus Ebola, fiebre hemorrágica de Ebola, fiebre hemorrágica virósica, enfermedad por virus Ébola, enfermedad por virus Ebola (trastorno), fiebre hemorrágica por virus Ebola, enfermedad por virus Ébola (trastorno), enfermedad por el virus Ebola - RETIRADO -, enfermedad por el virus Ebola - RETIRADO - (concepto no activo), Enfermedad de Ébola, Enfermedad del Virus Ebola, Fiebre Ebola Hemorrágica, Fiebre Hemorrágica Ebola |
Japanese | エボラウイルス感染, エボラウイルスカンセン, エボラシュッケツネツ, エボラウイルス病, 出血熱-エボラ, エボラ出血熱 |
Swedish | Hemorragisk feber, Ebola |
Czech | hemoragická horečka Ebola, Hemoragická horečka Ebola, Infekce virem Ebola, Horečka Ebola, horečka Ebola |
Finnish | Ebola-tauti |
Korean | 에볼라 바이러스병 |
Polish | Choroba wirusowa Ebola, Gorączka krwotoczna Ebola |
Hungarian | Ebola vírus fertőzés, Ebola haemorrhagiás láz, Ebola vérzéses láz, ebola betegség |
Norwegian | Ebola-virussykdom |
Ontology: Filoviral hemorrhagic fever (C0343634)
Concepts | Disease or Syndrome (T047) |
SnomedCT | 240525000 |
English | Filoviral haemorrhagic fever, Filoviral hemorrhagic fever, Filoviral hemorrhagic fever (disorder) |
Spanish | fiebre hemorrágica filoviral (trastorno), fiebre hemorrágica filoviral |
Ontology: Ebolavirus (C0949892)
Definition (NCI_CDISC) | Any viral organism that can be assigned to the genus Ebola virus. |
Definition (NCI) | A genus of filamentous, enveloped viruses with glycoprotein surface spikes, in the family Filoviridae. The genome is composed of a linear single-strand of negative sense RNA. The primary product of gene transcription of the fourth gene is a small glycoprotein (sGP), while RNA editing allows expression of full length glycoprotein. The Ebolavirus natural reservoir is considered to be fruit bats of the Pteropodidae family and cause severe hemorrhagic fevers in humans. |
Definition (MSH) | A genus in the family FILOVIRIDAE consisting of several distinct species of Ebolavirus, each containing separate strains. These viruses cause outbreaks of a contagious, hemorrhagic disease (HEMORRHAGIC FEVER, EBOLA) in humans, usually with high mortality. |
Concepts | Virus (T005) |
MSH | D029043 |
SnomedCT | 424206003, 407342005 |
English | Ebola Virus, Ebola Viruses, Virus, Ebola, Viruses, Ebola, Ebola-like Viruses, Ebolaviruses, Ebola-like viruses, Genus Ebolavirus (organism), Genus Ebolavirus, Ebola virus, Ebolavirus, Ebola like Viruses, Ebola-like Virus, Genus Ebola-like viruses (organism), Genus Ebola-like viruses, Ebola-like virus, EBOV, EBOLA VIRUS |
Portuguese | Ebolavirus, Vírus Ebola-Like, Vírus Similares ao Ebola, Vírus Semelhantes ao Vírus Ebola, Vírus Similares ao Vírus Ebola |
Italian | Virus Ebola, Ebolavirus, Virus tipo Ebola |
French | Ebolavirus, Ebola virus, Virus Ebola, Virus de type Ebola |
Swedish | Ebolavirus |
Spanish | género Ebolavirus, género Ebolavirus (organismo), Ebolavirus, virus Ébola, género de virus tipo Ébola (organismo), género de virus tipo Ébola |
Finnish | Ebola-virus |
Czech | Ebolavirus, viry podobné viru Ebola |
Japanese | エボラウイルス-ザイール, レストンエボラウイルス, エボタウイルス-コートジボアール, エボラウイルス-レストン, コートジボアールウイルス, コートジボアール-エボラウイルス, スーダンエボラウイルス, 象牙海岸ウイルス, レストンウイルス, ザイールウイルス, ザイールエボラウイルス, スーダンウイルス, エボラウイルス-スーダン, エボラウイルス, エボラ様ウイルス |
Polish | Wirus Ebola, Wirusy grupy Ebola, Wirusy Ebola-podobne |
German | Ebola-artige Viren |