II. Epidemiology: Incidence
- Community older adults: >5%
- Hospitalized older adults: >50%
- Nursing Home residents: 25-40%
- Overall over age 64 years: 13%
III. Definitions
- Malnutrition
- Deficiency, excess or imbalance in individual intake of energy and nutrients
- Unintentional Weight Loss in age >65 years old
- Unintentional Weight Loss of >5% of body weight within 6-12 months
- Cachexia Syndrome (Wasting Syndrome)
- Unintentional Weight Loss of >5% of body weight within 12 months attributed to known chronic disease
- Examples
- Cachexia in Cancer
- Severe COPD
- Wasting in HIV
- End Stage Renal Disease
IV. Causes
- See Unintentional Weight Loss Causes
- See Unintentional Weight Loss due to Medications
- Contributing Factors
- Physical function decline (Generalized Weakness, Falls, ADL decline)
- Malnutrition (Weight loss, Anorexia, decreased Immunity)
- Major Depression
- Cognitive Impairment (Delirium, Dementia)
V. Precautions
- Substantial weight loss should not be attributed to aging alone
- See Body Composition Changes with Aging
- Total body weight typically peaks at age 60 years and does not change substantially after
VI. History
- How much weight loss over how much time?
- Patients down play weight changes
- Clothing or belt size changes
- Impressions of friends and family on weight change
- Associated Gastrointestinal Symptoms
- Nausea or Vomiting
- Dysphagia
- See Dysphagia
- Poorly fitting dentures
- Poor Dentition (e.g. Dental Caries)
- Esophageal Stricture
- Chronic Diarrhea
- Infectious Diarrhea
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Malabsorption (e.g. Celiac Sprue)
- Abdominal Pain
- Associated Symptoms
- Fever, Fatigue or weakness
- Malignancy
- Infection
- Autoimmune disorder
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Hyperthyroidism
- Underlying neuromuscular condition
- Alcohol or Drug Abuse
- Dyspnea or exertional Fatigue
- Preoccupation with thinness
- Fever, Fatigue or weakness
- Dietary history
- See Nutritional Health Checklist
- Are meals skipped?
- Does the patient need help preparing meals?
- Are meals well balanced (Food Pyramid)?
- Are any Nutritional Supplements used?
- Is patient following any dietary restrictions?
- Secondary cause history
- Medication and substance use
- See Unintentional Weight Loss due to Medications
- See Polypharmacy
- Over-the-counter medications or herbal supplement use?
- Is there concurrent Drug Abuse or Alcohol use?
- Food is not appealing
- Malignancy
- Medication adverse effects
- Major Depression
- Altered Taste Sensation (Dysgeusia)
- Medication adverse effects
- Acute Hepatitis or Chronic Liver Disease
- Sinusitis
- Vitamin B Deficiency
- Zinc Deficiency
- Mental health concerns
- Mechanical problems (affects chewing and Swallowing)
- See Dysphagia
- See Dyspnea
- Poorly fitting Dentures
- Painful Oral Lesions (e.g. Candidiasis, Gingivitis)
- Weight loss despite increased appetite
- Hyperthyroidism
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Celiac Sprue
- Pancreatic Insufficiency
- Significant comorbidity
- Medication and substance use
VII. Exam
- See Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment
- Record accurate weights on same scale at every visit (without shoes)
- Unexplained Weight Loss >5% should be investigated
- Anticipated time for 15% weight loss
- Complete starvation: 15% of weight lost in 3 weeks
- Half of normal food intake: 3 months
- Half food intake and comorbid conditions: 3 weeks
- Vital Sign clues
Body Mass Index (BMI) predicts mortality in elderly
- Women: BMI <22 kg/m2 predicts increased mortality
- Men: BMI <23.5 kg/m2 predicts increased mortality
- Calle (1999) N Engl J Med 341:1097-105 [PubMed]
- Head and neck changes
- Dentition, Periodontal Disease or poorly fitting dentures
- Glossitis
- Thyromegaly
- Cardiopulmonary Changes
- Congestive Heart Failure
- COPD-related Findings
- Other examination focus areas
- Loss of Soft Tissue Mass in face and extremities
- Abdominal masses
- Lymphadenopathy
- Peripheral Neuropathy
- Chest Masses
VIII. Labs: Approach
- Start with basic lab evaluation
- Complete Blood Count
- Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
- Urinalysis
- Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
- Fecal Occult Blood Testing
- Serum Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH)
- Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
- C-Reactive Protein (CRP)
- Serum Ferritin
- Lab testing should be directed by history and physical
- See below for potentially indicated labs
IX. Labs: As directed by history and physical
Stool studies
- Fecal Occult Blood (3 samples)
- Stool for Ova and Parasites
Complete Blood Count
- White Blood Cell Count with differential
- Hemoglobin
- Acute phase reactants
- Endocrine tests
- Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
- Serum Testosterone in men
- Serum Cortisol (8 am)
- Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
- Infectious disease
- Blood Culture (if febrile)
- Tuberculin Skin Test (PPD)
- HIV Test
- Urinalysis
- Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR)
- Malnutrition Assessment
- Malabsorption
- Fecal fat (sudan stain)
- Serum carotene
- Serum Folic Acid
- Celiac Sprue serologies (IgA Tissue Transglutaminase or TTG)
- Malignancy Evaluation
- Serum Protein Electrophoresis (SPEP)
- Urine Protein electrophoresis (UPEP)
- Common Non-Specific Marker Abnormalities in Underlying Malignancy
- Serum Albumin decreased
- Leukocytosis
- Thrombocytosis
- Hypercalcemia
- Increased acute phase reactants (e.g. CRP, ESR)
- Nicholson (2020) BMJ 370:m2651 +PMID: 32816714 [PubMed]
X. Imaging
XI. Diagnostics: Testing to consider
- Anatomic screening with CT Scan
- Not routinely recommended as first-line (low yield)
- Consider CT Chest AbdomenPelvis if other associated B-Symptoms, or examination findings
- Consider Lung Cancer Screening CT Chest if indicated
- Upper Endoscopy (or Upper gastrointestinal series)
- Mammogram
- Abdominal Ultrasound
- Colonoscopy
- Echocardiogram
- Pulmonary Function Tests
XII. Diagnosis: Cachexia Syndrome Criteria
- Unintentional Weight Loss of >5% of body weight within 12 months AND
- Known causative chronic disease AND
- Minor criteria (3 of the following required)
- Fatigue
- Anorexia
- Low fat-free mass-index (Muscle mass to height)
- Decreased Muscle Strength
- Abnormal lab values
- Lab Markers of Malnutrition (e.g. decreased Serum Albumin)
- Anemia
- Acute phase reactant abnormalities (increased ESR, CRP)
XIII. Evaluation
- Cognition
- Function: Activities of Daily Living
- Geriatric Depression
- Malnutrition
- See Subjective Global Assessment of Nutritional Status
- See Lab Markers of Malnutrition
- See Nutritional Health Checklist
- Mini-Nutritional Assessment (Nestle Nutrition)
- Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool
XIV. Management: Empiric
- Identify underlying cause
- Evaluation for secondary cause may stop after initial tests if no obvious etiologies are identified
- Empiric management with reevaluation at 3-6 month intervals is recommended approach
- At serial evaluations, additional testing should be directed by interval history
- Treat acute illness (e.g. infections)
- Optimize chronic disease management
- See Depression in the Elderly
- Referrals
- Dietician
- Speech Therapy (Swallowing evaluation)
- Social services
- Address Advanced Directives
General Measures
- Increase meal frequency with manageable servings
- Consider flavor enhancers (indicated in Hyposmia)
- Example: Ham, bacon or roast beef flavors sprinkled on food
- Eliminate or reduce dietary restrictions
- Consider Meals on Wheels or senior dining facility
- Choose foods with high calorie density
- Correct ill fitting dentures and impaired chewing
- Encourage Physical Activity
- Avoid bed rest
- Up in chair for all meals
- Walk twice daily in hallway if able
- Consider Physical Therapy
- Avoid restraints including Foley Catheter
- Bathroom use (up with assistance)
- Consider liquid oral dietary supplements (e.g. Ensure, Boost)
- Give 2 hours before a scheduled meal
- Split one can supplement into four doses
- Take interspersed as snacks
- Take with medications
- Make more palatable by mixing with ice cream
- Should be an adjunct to meals and snacks (not a meal replacement)
- Routine high calorie supplements are not recommended by American Geriatrics Society
- Lack of evidence on impact to quality of life or long term survival
- However Cochrane has found mortality benefit in undernourished patients
- Give 2 hours before a scheduled meal
- Medications
- Focus first on Deprescribing
- See Deprescribing
- See Polypharmacy
- See Medication Use in the Elderly
- What medications can be stopped?
- Are medications dosed correctly?
- Interpret doses in light of Renal Function
- Are medication side effects resulting in failure?
- Consider Drug Interactions
- Appetite Stimulants are not recommended by American Geriatrics Society
- Lack of evidence on impact to quality of life or long term survival, and potential adverse effects
- Treat Major Depression: SSRI
- Mirtazapine (Remeron)
- Risk of Dizziness, Orthostatic Hypotension and Fall Risk
- May be preferred SSRI in Failure to Thrive
- Raji (2001) Ann Pharmacother 35:1024-7 [PubMed]
- Fluoxetine (Prozac)
- Sertraline (Zoloft)
- Mirtazapine (Remeron)
- Cannabinoid: Dronabinol (Marinol)
- Adverse effects: sedation and confusion
- Focus first on Deprescribing
- Medications that are no longer recommended due to risks outweighing efficacy
- Growth Hormone
- Increased mortality risk
- Megestrol (Megace)
- Typical dose: 320 mg to 800 mg PO qd
- Adverse effects: edema, Constipation and Delirium; thrombosis risk
- Low efficacy in appetite stimulation outside of Cachexia in AIDS and cancer
- Growth Hormone
XV. Complications: Weight loss more than 10-20% below normal weight
- Weight loss >10-20% is associated with increased mortality (approaches 16%)
- Weight loss >10-20% is associated with overall increase in morbidity
- Weakness or Fatigue
- Muscle wasting
- Immunosuppression
- Skin breakdown
- Mood changes (Apathy, Irritability)
- Recurrent Falls
- Hip Fracture (women)
XVI. References
- Heizer in Dornbrand (1992) Ambulatory Care, p. 15-18
- Karsh in Friedman (1991) Medical Diagnosis, p. 13-16
- Alibhai (2005) CMAJ 172(6): 773-80 [PubMed]
- Dwyer (1993) Am Fam Physician 47(3):613-20 [PubMed]
- Gaddey (2021) Am Fam Physician 104(1):34-40 [PubMed]
- Gaddey (2014) Am Fam Physician 89(9):718-22 [PubMed]
- Grazewood (1998) J Fam Pract 47(1): 19-25 [PubMed]
- Huffman (2002) Am Fam Physician 65(4):640-50 [PubMed]
- McMinn (2011) BMJ 342:d1732 +PMID: 21447571 [PubMed]
- Morley (1995) Ann Intern Med 123:850-9 [PubMed]
- Robertson (2004) Am Fam Physician 70:343-50 [PubMed]
- Stajkovic (2011) CMAJ 183(4): 443-9 [PubMed]
- White (1991) Am Fam Physician 44(6): 2087-97 [PubMed]
- Zawada (1996) Postgrad Med 100(1):207-25 [PubMed]
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Definition (NCI) | Loss of appetite. |
Definition (NCI_NCI-GLOSS) | An abnormal loss of the appetite for food. Anorexia can be caused by cancer, AIDS, a mental disorder (i.e., anorexia nervosa), or other diseases. |
Definition (NCI_CTCAE) | A disorder characterized by a loss of appetite. |
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Korean | 식욕부진 |
Italian | Anoressico, Anoressia |
Dutch | anorexie, anorectisch, Verminderde eetlust, Anorexia nervosa, Anorexie |
Czech | Anorexie, Anorektický, nechutenství, anorexie |
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Ontology: Cachexia (C0006625)
Definition (NCI_NCI-GLOSS) | The loss of body weight and muscle mass frequently seen in patients with cancer, AIDS, or other diseases. |
Definition (MSH) | General ill health, malnutrition, and weight loss, usually associated with chronic disease. |
Definition (CSP) | state of general ill health characterized by malnutrition, weakness, and emaciation; occurs during the course of a chronic disease. |
Concepts | Sign or Symptom (T184) |
MSH | D002100 |
ICD9 | 799.4 |
ICD10 | R64 |
SnomedCT | 207558009, 207560006, 158737005, 28928000, 238108007, 285384003 |
French | CACHEXIE, Cachexie |
English | CACHEXIA, Cachexia NOS, [D]Cachexia, [D]Cachexia NOS, Cachexia, [D]Cachexia (context-dependent category), [D]Cachexia NOS (context-dependent category), cachectic (physical finding), cachectic, cachexia, Cachexia [Disease/Finding], Cachexia (disorder), [D]Cachexia NOS (situation), [D]Cachexia (situation), Wasting, General body deterioration, Cachectic, Cachexia (finding), Cachexia, NOS, Cachexia (disorder) [Ambiguous] |
Spanish | CAQUEXIA, [D]caquexia, SAI (categoría dependiente del contexto), [D]caquexia (categoría dependiente del contexto), [D]caquexia, SAI, [D]caquexia, SAI (situación), [D]caquexia (situación), [D]caquexia, caquexia (trastorno), Consunción, caquexia (concepto no activo), caquexia (hallazgo), caquexia, deterioro corporal general, Caquexia |
German | KACHEXIE, Auszehrung, Kachexie |
Japanese | 悪液質, アクエキシツ |
Swedish | Utmärgling |
Czech | kachexie, Kachexie |
Finnish | Kakeksia |
Portuguese | CAQUEQUEXIA, Consunção, Caquexia |
Korean | 악액질 |
Polish | Charłactwo, Kacheksja |
Hungarian | Cachexia |
Norwegian | Kakeksi |
Dutch | cachexie, Cachexie |
Italian | Cachessia |
Ontology: Wasting Syndrome (C0043046)
Definition (MSH) | A condition of involuntary weight loss of greater then 10% of baseline body weight. It is characterized by atrophy of muscles and depletion of lean body mass. Wasting is a sign of MALNUTRITION as a result of inadequate dietary intake, malabsorption, or hypermetabolism. |
Concepts | Disease or Syndrome (T047) |
MSH | D019282 |
ICD10 | R64 |
SnomedCT | 207559001, 271878009, 288517002, 28928000 |
English | Wasting Disease, Wasting Diseases, Wasting Syndrome, Wasting Syndromes, [D]Wasting disease, [D]Wasting disease (context-dependent category), WASTING DIS, Wasting generalized, Wasting Syndrome [Disease/Finding], wasting diseases, wasting disease, wasting syndrome, Wasting syndrome, Wasting disease (finding), [D]Wasting disease (situation), Wasting generalised, Malnutrition/starvation/cachexia, Wasting disease, Wasting disease (disorder), disease (or disorder); wasting, disease; wasting, syndrome; wasting, wasting; disease, wasting; syndrome, Wasting disease, NOS |
Dutch | algehele vermagering, aandoening; slopend, slopend; aandoening, syndroom; uittering, uittering; syndroom, ziekte; uittering, Syndroom, Wasting-, Wasting-syndroom |
German | Verfall generalisiert, Auszehrungssyndrom, Wasting-Syndrom, Auszehrungskrankheit |
Italian | Deperimento generalizzato, Wasting sindrome |
Spanish | Consunción generalizada, [D]enfermedad emaciante (categoría dependiente del contexto), [D]enfermedad emaciante, [D]enfermedad emaciante (situación), Síndrome de Consunción, enfermedad consuntiva (trastorno), enfermedad consuntiva, enfermedad emaciante, Enfermedad Debilitante, Síndrome Debilitante |
Swedish | Tärande syndrom |
Czech | syndrom chřadnutí, Generalizované chřadnutí |
Finnish | Näivetysoireyhtymä |
French | Syndrome de dépérissement, Cachexie généralisée, Syndrome cachectique, Syndrome de cachexie progressive, Syndrome de cachexie |
Polish | Choroba wyniszczająca, Zespół wyniszczenia |
Japanese | 消耗疾患, 消耗性症候群, ゼンシンセイショウモウ, 全身性消耗, 消耗症候群, 消耗性疾患, 消耗病 |
Norwegian | Tærende syndrom, Tæring sykdom, Tærende sykdom |
Hungarian | Generalizált sorvadás |
Portuguese | Consumpção generalizada, Síndrome do Definhamento, Doença do Definhamento, Doença do Emagrecimento, Doença Consumptiva, Doença de Emaciação, Síndrome de Emaciação |
Ontology: Malnutrition (C0162429)
Definition (MEDLINEPLUS) |
Food provides the energy and nutrients you need to be healthy. If you don't get enough nutrients -- including proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals - you may suffer from malnutrition. Causes of malnutrition include:
Symptoms may include fatigue, dizziness and weight loss, or you may have no symptoms. Your doctor will do tests, depending on the cause of your problem. Treatment may include replacing the missing nutrients and treating the underlying cause. |
Definition (NCI) | Inadequate nutrition resulting from poor diet, malabsorption, or abnormal nutrient distribution. |
Definition (NCI_NCI-GLOSS) | A condition caused by not getting enough calories or the right amount of key nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, that are needed for health. Malnutrition may occur when there is a lack of nutrients in the diet or when the body cannot absorb nutrients from food. Cancer and cancer treatment may cause malnutrition. |
Definition (MSH) | An imbalanced nutritional status resulted from insufficient intake of nutrients to meet normal physiological requirement. |
Definition (CSP) | disorder of nutrition due to unbalanced or insufficient diet or to defective assimilation or utilization of nutrients. |
Concepts | Disease or Syndrome (T047) |
MSH | D044342 , D009748 |
ICD9 | 269.9, 260-269.99 |
ICD10 | E40-E46.9 , E63.9, E46, E40-E46 |
SnomedCT | 47563007, 154722002, 238106006, 267409003, 302868002, 267495004, 190678008, 154730001, 190595009, 190608007, 2492009, 70241007, 65404009, 248325000 |
LNC | LA18401-2 |
English | Unspecified nutritional deficiency, Disorder of nutrition, Malnutrition NOS, Nutritional deficiency NOS, Nutritional deficiency, unspecified, NUTRITIONAL DEFIC, malnutrition, malnutrition (diagnosis), Nutrition deficiency NOS, Malnutrition [Disease/Finding], poor nutrition, Deficiency;nutritional, deficiency nutritional, undernourished, deficiencies nutritional, nutrition poor, undernutrition, deficiencies disorders nutritional, deficiency disorders nutritional, Malnutrition (E40-E46), dietary deficiency, nutritional deficiencies, nutritional deficiencies (diagnosis), Nutritional deficiencies (disorder), Deficiency -nutritional, Nutritional deficiency NOS (disorder), Insufficiency - dietary, Malnutrition NOS (disorder), malnourished, Undernutrition, Nutritional Deficiency, Nutritional deficiencies, Deficiency state, Deficit, Undernutrition syndrome, Acquired deficiency, Deficiency, Malnourished, Underfed, Undernourished, Dietary deficiency, Nutritional deficiency (disorder), Nutritional deficiency (finding), Nutritional deficiency disorder, Nutritional deficiency, Undernourished (finding), Undernutrition (disorder), deficiency; diet, deficiency; nutritional, diet; deficiency, insufficiency; dietary, insufficiency; nourishment, nourishment; insufficiency, nutritional; deficiency, Nutritional deficiency disorder, NOS, Nutritional deficiency, NOS, Undernutrition syndrome, NOS, Undernutrition, NOS, Deficit, NOS, Undernutrition [Ambiguous], Malnutrition, Nutritional Deficiencies, NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCIES, nutritional deficiency |
Spanish | deficiencia nutricional, Déficit nutricional no especificado, Desnutrición NEOM, desnutrición, SAI (trastorno), deficiencias nutricionales, deficiencias nutricionales (trastorno), deficiencia nutricional, SAI, carencia nutricional, SAI, deficiencia nutricional, SAI (trastorno), desnutrición, SAI, Subalimentación, Subnutrición, Malnutrición, deficiencia, carencia alimenticia, carencia nutricional (trastorno), carencia nutricional, carencia nutritiva, deficiencia adquirida, deficiencia nutricional (hallazgo), desnutrición (trastorno), desnutrición, desnutrido (hallazgo), desnutrido, déficit, estado de deficiencia, síndrome de desnutrición, Desnutrición |
Dutch | ondervoeding NAO, niet-gespecificeerde voedingsdeficiëntie, deficiëntie; dieet, deficiëntie; voeding, dieet; deficiëntie, insufficiëntie; door voeding, insufficiëntie; voeding, voeding; deficiëntie, voeding; insufficiëntie, Voedingsdeficiëntie, niet gespecificeerd, ondervoeding, Ondervoeding, Malnutritie |
French | Malnutrition SAI, Carence nutritive non précisée, Déficit nutritionnel, Malnutrition, Sous-nutrition |
German | unspezifischer Ernaehrungsmangel, Mangelernaehrung NNB, Alimentaerer Mangelzustand, nicht naeher bezeichnet, Mangelernaehrung, Malnutrition |
Italian | Carenze nutrizionali non specificate, Malnutrizione NAS, Sottonutrizione, Deficit nutrizionale, Malnutrizione |
Portuguese | Malnutrição NE, Carência nutricional NE, Subnutrição, Subalimentação, Malnutrição, Desnutrição |
Japanese | 栄養障害NOS, 栄養欠乏症、詳細不明, 栄養障害, エイヨウショウガイ, エイヨウケツボウショウショウサイフメイ, エイヨウショウガイNOS, 栄養不足, 栄養失調症, 栄養不良, 低栄養, 栄養失調, 栄養欠乏 |
Swedish | Undernäring |
Finnish | Virheravitsemus |
Czech | Malnutrice, Blíže neurčený deficit výživy, Malnutrice NOS, nesprávná výživa, podvýživa, poruchy výživy, malnutrice, výživa - poruchy |
Korean | 상세불명의 영양 결핍증 |
Croatian | PREHRANA, POREMEĆAJI, Not Translated[Malnutrition] |
Polish | Niedożywienie, Niedobory żywieniowe, Niedobory pokarmowe |
Hungarian | Alultápláltság, Alultápláltság k.m.n., Nem meghatározott táplálkozási hiány |
Norwegian | Feilernæring, Underernæring, Malnutrisjon |
Ontology: Abnormal weight loss (finding) (C0936227)
Concepts | Finding (T033) |
ICD10 | R63.4 |
SnomedCT | 206919000, 139091004, 158271000, 23712001, 267158006, 161834000, 267024001 |
English | [D]Abnormal loss of weight, [D]Abnormal loss of weight (context-dependent category), Abnormal weight loss (finding), abnormal weight loss (diagnosis), abnormal weight loss, Abnormal loss of weight, Weight loss abnormal, [D]Abnormal loss of weight (situation), Abnormal decrease in weight (finding), Abnormal weight loss, Abnormal decrease in weight, abnormal; loss of weight, loss of weight; abnormal |
Spanish | [D]pérdida anormal de peso (categoría dependiente del contexto), pérdidad de peso anormal, Pérdida anormal de peso, pérdidad anormal de peso, pérdidad anormal de peso (hallazgo), pérdida anormal de peso (hallazgo), pérdida anormal de peso, disminución anormal en el peso, [D]pérdida anormal de peso, disminución anormal en el peso (hallazgo), [D]pérdida anormal de peso (situación), pérdidad de peso anormal (hallazgo) |
German | Abnorme Gewichtsabnahme, anomaler Gewichtsverlust |
Dutch | abnormaal verlies van gewicht, abnormaal; gewichtsverlies, gewichtsverlies; abnormaal, Abnormaal gewichtsverlies |
Italian | Dimagrimento anomalo |
French | Perte pondérale anormale |
Portuguese | Perda anormal de peso |
Czech | Abnormální úbytek hmotnosti |
Japanese | イジョウタイジュウゲンショウ, 異常体重減少 |
Korean | 이상 몸무게 감소 |
Hungarian | Kóros súlyvesztés |
Ontology: Unexplained weight loss (C1828173)
Concepts | Finding (T033) |
SnomedCT | 422868009 |
English | Unexplained weight loss (finding), Unexplained weight loss |
Spanish | descenso de peso inexplicable (hallazgo), descenso de peso inexplicable |
Ontology: Unintentional weight loss (C2363736)
Concepts | Finding (T033) |
SnomedCT | 448765001 |
Spanish | Pérdida de peso no intencionada, descenso de peso no intencional, descenso de peso no intencional (hallazgo) |
Dutch | onopzettelijk gewichtsverlies |
Italian | Perdita di peso unintenzionale |
German | unbeabsichtigter Gewichtsverlust |
French | Perte de poids non-intentionnelle |
Portuguese | Perda de peso não intencional |
Czech | Neúmyslný váhový úbytek |
Japanese | 意図しない体重減少, イトシナイタイジュウゲンショウ |
English | Unintentional weight loss (finding), Unintentional weight loss |
Hungarian | Nem szándékolt súlyvesztés |
Ontology: Involuntary weight loss (C3697713)
Concepts | Finding (T033) |
SnomedCT | 699205002 |
English | Involuntary weight loss, Involuntary weight loss (finding) |
Spanish | descenso de peso involuntario (hallazgo), descenso de peso involuntario |