II. Physiology

  1. Olfactory Sensation is primary trigger for Taste Sensation
  2. Odorous or tastable particles dissolve in Saliva and directly contact gustatory receptors
  3. Gustatory receptors (Taste Buds) are present on the Tongue, Soft Palate, Larynx, epiglottis and proximal third of Esophagus
    1. Gustatory receptors differentiate only five Taste Sensations: bitter, salt, sour, sweet and savory (umami)

III. Anatomy: Taste Innervation

  1. Background
    1. Multiple nerve pathways preserve gustatory function (contrast with a single olfactory pathway)
    2. Complete gustatory function loss is much less likely than olfactory function loss
  2. Tongue Innervation (parasympathetic fibers)
    1. Anterior two thirds of Tongue: Lingual nerve (Chorda Tympani branch of Facial Nerve or Cranial Nerve 7)
    2. Posterior one third of Tongue: Glossopharyngeal Nerve
  3. Palate
    1. Greater superficial petrosal nerve
  4. Pharynx and Larynx
    1. Vagus Nerve
  5. Adjunctive Sensation of Temperature and stinging, sharpness or irritation
    1. Trigeminal Nerve

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Ontology: Taste Perception (C0039336)

Definition (MSH) The ability to detect chemicals through gustatory receptors in the mouth, including those on the TONGUE; the PALATE; the PHARYNX; and the EPIGLOTTIS.
Definition (ICF) Sensory functions of sensing qualities of bitterness, sweetness, sourness and saltiness.
Definition (ICF-CY) Sensory functions of sensing qualities of bitterness, sweetness, sourness and saltiness.
Definition (ICF-CY) Exploring the taste of food or liquid by biting, chewing, sucking.
Definition (GO) The series of events required for an organism to receive a gustatory stimulus, convert it to a molecular signal, and recognize and characterize the signal. Gustation involves the direct detection of chemical composition, usually through contact with chemoreceptor cells. This is a neurological process. [GOC:ai, http://www.onelook.com/]
Definition (NCI) The faculty of taste, distinguishing substances by means of the taste buds.
Definition (CSP) sense effected by the gustatory receptors in the tongue; primarily sweet, sour, salty and bitter.
Definition (GO) OBSOLETE. The series of events required for the chemical composition of a soluble stimulus to be received and converted to a molecular signal. [GOC:jl, ISBN:0395825172]
Concepts Organ or Tissue Function (T042)
MSH D013649
SnomedCT 76489005, 60707004, 397627001
English Taste, Tastes, sense of taste, taste, sensory perception of taste, gustation, Taste-related finding, Senses, Taste, Gustation, Sense, Taste, Gustations, Taste Sense, Taste Senses, Taste function, taste sense, perception taste, taste perception, gustatory sense, taste sensation, tastes, Tasting, Sense of taste, Observation of sense of taste, Finding of sense of taste (finding), Finding of sense of taste, Taste sensation, Taste, function (observable entity), Taste, function, Taste, NOS, Taste sensation, NOS, Taste (qualifier value), Taste Perception, Gustatory Perception
Swedish Smak
Czech chuť
Finnish Maku
Russian VKUS, ВКУС
Spanish sentido del gusto - hallazgo, sensación del gusto, gusto, gusto (entidad observable), gusto (calificador), gusto, función (entidad observable), gusto, función, hallazgo relacionado con el sentido del gusto (hallazgo), hallazgo relacionado con el sentido del gusto, Gusto
Croatian OKUS
Polish Smak
Japanese , 味覚, 味わうこと
Norwegian Smak
German Geschmackssinn, Geschmack
Italian Gusto
Dutch Smaak
Portuguese Paladar
French Goût (sens), Goût