II. Anatomy
Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
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Related Studies
Definition (NCI) | The external part of the ear. |
Definition (NCI_CDISC) | The external part of the ear. (NCI) |
Definition (CSP) | includes the ear canal, the cartilages of the auricle (pinna) and the external acoustic meatus (auditory meatus). |
Definition (MSH) | The outer part of the hearing system of the body. It includes the shell-like EAR AURICLE which collects sound, and the EXTERNAL EAR CANAL, the TYMPANIC MEMBRANE, and the EXTERNAL EAR CARTILAGES. |
Concepts | Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component (T023) |
MSH | D004431 |
SnomedCT | 181176000, 181177009, 28347008 |
LNC | LP30513-3, MTHU015036 |
English | External Ears, Ear, External, Ears, External, External Ear, Outer ear, Auris externa, Auricular region of head, Auricular region, Structure of external ear, Ear.external, ears outer, ear external, ear outer, outer ear, external ear, external ears, Outer ear (body structure), [SO]External ear, PINNA, EAR, OUTER, External ear, External ear structure, External ear structure (body structure), External ear, NOS, Auricle, Pinna, Outer Ear, Ear, Outer, Ears, Outer, Outer Ears |
Swedish | Ytteröra |
Czech | ucho zevní |
Finnish | Ulkokorva |
German | Außenohr, Ohr, äußeres |
Japanese | 外耳 |
Croatian | Not Translated[Ear, External] |
Latvian | Auss, ārējā, Ārējā auss |
Polish | Ucho zewnętrzne |
Norwegian | Det ytre øre, Auris externa, Øre, ytre, ytre øre |
Spanish | oreja, oreja (estructura corporal), estructura del oído externo (estructura corporal), estructura del oído externo, oído externo, Oído Externo |
Portuguese | Ouvido Externo, Orelha Externa |
French | Oreille externe |
Italian | Orecchio esterno |
Dutch | Auris externa, Oor, uitwendig |
Ontology: Auricle of external ear (C0928075)
Definition (NCI) | The external shell-like structure of ear on the side of the head. |
Definition (MSH) | The shell-like structure projects like a little wing (pinna) from the side of the head. Ear auricles collect sound from the environment. |
Concepts | Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component (T023) |
MSH | D054644 |
SnomedCT | 113327001 |
English | Pinna, Auricles, Ear, Ear Pinnas, Ear Auricles, Pinna, Ear, Pinnas, Ear, Auricle, Ear, Ear Pinna, Ear Auricle, Auricula, Auricula (Auris externa), auricles, ear pinna, pinna ear, pinna, auricle, ears pinna, Auricle of external ear, Auricle, Pinna of ear, Pinna structure, Auricle of ear, Pinna structure (body structure), Auricle of ear, NOS |
Spanish | aurícula de la oreja, pinna, Pabellón Auricular, Pabellón de la Oreja, Oreja, Aurícula (Pabellón), estructura de la oreja (estructura corporal), estructura de la oreja, pabellón auditivo, estructura del pabellón auricular |
Portuguese | Pavilhão Auricular, Pavilhão da Orelha, Aurícula (Pavilhão), Pina Auricular |
Finnish | Korvalehti |
French | Auricule de l'oreille, Pavillon de l'oreille, Pavillon auriculaire |
German | Ohrmuschel, Ohrmuscheln |
Italian | Padiglione auricolare, Padiglioni auricolari, Pinna auricolare |
Swedish | Öronmussla |
Czech | ušní boltec, ušní boltce |
Latvian | Auss gliemežnīca |
Polish | Małżowina uszna, Małżowiny uszne |
Japanese | 耳介 |
Norwegian | Øremusling, Auricula, Concha auricularis, Øremuslinger |