II. Definitions
- Low-Set Ears
- Pinna falls below the horizontal level of the medial canthus of the eye (or line drawn from the lateral canthus to the occipital protuberance)
- Ear Pinna is rotated posteriorly
- Caused by several congenital disorders (see below)
- Associated with Hearing Deficit (obtain Newborn Hearing Screening) and genitourinary anomalies (obtain renal Ultrasound)
- Microtia (Congenital Small Ears)
- Small, undeveloped pinna or absent pinna in the case of anotia
- May be associated with Hearing Deficit (obtain Newborn Hearing Screening)
- Pre-auricular Skin Tags, ear pits, fissures or sinuses
- Growths or defects at the anterior Ear Pinna
- May be associated with Hearing Deficits (obtain Newborn Hearing Screening)
- Renal Ultrasound not indicated unless other dysmorphic features, Teratogen Exposure, deafness Family History or maternal diabetes
III. Causes: Low-Set Ears
- Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome)
- Trisomy 18
IV. Causes: Microtia
- CHARGE Syndrome
- Goldenhar Syndrome
- Treacher-Collins Syndrome