II. Epidemiology
- Cleft Lip: 1 in 750 white births
- Isolated Cleft Palate: 1 in 2500 white births
III. Risk Factors
Family History (e.g. van der Woude Syndrome)
- Recurrence rate: 2-6% depending on history
- Ethnicity
- Asian patients have highest risk
- Black patients have lowest risk
- Epilepsy and maternal anticonvulsant use
IV. Pathophysiology
V. Signs
- Cleft Lip (with or without Cleft Palate)
- Isolated Cleft Palate
- Midline defect starts at uvula
- May involve soft and Hard Palate and incisive foramen
VI. Associated Conditions
- Pierre Robin Syndrome (Pierre Robin Sequence)
- Micrognathia
- U-Shaped Cleft Palate
- Glossoptosis
- EEC Syndrome
- Ectrodactyly (Split hand and foot)
- Ectodermal dysplasia
- Cleft Lip and Palate
- Trisomy 13 Syndrome
- Holoprosencephaly
- Amnion Rupture Sequence
Hypothalamus and Pituitary abnormalities
- Isolated hypothalamic Hormone deficit
- Panhypopituitarism
- Septo-optic dysplasia
- Kallmann's Syndrome
VII. Management: Feeding
- Breast Feeding infant
Bottle Feeding infant
- Consider plastic obturator to cover Palate
- Soft artificial nipple with large openings
- Squeezable bottle
VIII. Management: Surgery
- Perioperative Concerns
- Pre-operative criteria
- No signs of infection
- Child well hydrated
- Post-operative care
- Gentle nasal aspiration
- Fluid intake only for first 3 weeks after surgery
- Child must be kept from touching surgical site
- Pre-operative criteria
- Cleft Lip Repair
- Corrective Nasal Surgery
- Repaired at lip repair or at adolescence
- Cleft Palate Repair
- Timing of repair variable based on type of defect
- Usually repaired before age 1 for normal speech
- Contoured speech bulb if surgery delayed after age 3
IX. Complications
- Recurrent Otitis Media
- Hearing Loss
- Tooth malposition requiring orthodontics
- Speech deficits (may persist after repair)
- Difficulty with explosive sounds: "p, b, d, t, h, y"
- Difficulty with hissing sounds: "s, sh, ch"
X. References
- Behrman (2000) Nelson Pediatrics, p. 1111-12
- Kirschner (2000) Otolaryngol Clin North Am 33:1191-215 [PubMed]
- Weintraub (2000) Otolaryngol Clin North Am 33:1171-89 [PubMed]
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Definition (MSH) | Congenital defect in the upper lip where the maxillary prominence fails to merge with the merged medial nasal prominences. It is thought to be caused by faulty migration of the mesoderm in the head region. |
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German | LIPPENSPALTE, Hasenlippe, Lippenspalte, unspezifisch, Lippe, gespalten, HASENSCHARTE, Cheiloschisis, Hasenscharte, Lippenspalte, Labium leporinum |
Portuguese | LABIO LEPORINO, Queilosquize, Lábio leporino NE, Fenda labial, Fissura Labial, Lábio leporino, Fenda Labial, Lábio Leporino |
Spanish | LABIO LEPORINO, Labio leporino, Fisura de labio, Labio hendido de localización indeterninada, Queiloquisis, labio leporino, SAI, labio leporino, no especificado, labio leporino, no especificado (trastorno), labio leporino, SAI (trastorno), Labio Hendido, fisura congénita de labio, labio leporino (trastorno), labio leporino, labio leporinum, queilosquisis, Labio hendido, Labio Leporino |
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Czech | rozštěp rtu, Rozštěp rtu, blíže neurčený, Rozštěp rtu, Zaječí ret, Cheiloschíza, cheiloschisis |
Finnish | Huulihalkio |
Korean | 입술갈림증 |
Croatian | RASCJEP USNE |
Polish | Rozszczep wargi, Warga zajęcza |
Hungarian | Nyúlajak, Ajak sulcus, Nyúlajakl, Ajakhasadék, Ajakhasadék, nem meghatározott, Cheiloschisis |
Norwegian | Hareskår, Haremunn, Labium leporinum, Medfødt kløft i overleppe, Leppespalte |
Ontology: Cleft Palate (C0008925)
Definition (NCI) | A congenital abnormality consisting of a fissure in the midline of the hard and/or soft palate; it is the result of the failure of the two sides of the palate to fuse during embryonic development. |
Definition (MSH) | Congenital fissure of the soft and/or hard palate, due to faulty fusion. |
Definition (CSP) | congenital fissure of the soft and/or hard palate, due to faulty fusion. |
Concepts | Congenital Abnormality (T019) , Disease or Syndrome (T047) |
MSH | D002972 |
ICD9 | 749.00, 749.0 |
ICD10 | Q35 , Q35.9 |
SnomedCT | 204593009, 156940009, 268196005, 204605001, 87979003, 253986002 |
LNC | LA14412-3 |
English | Cleft Palates, Palate, Cleft, Palates, Cleft, CLEFT PALATE, Cleft palate, unspecified, Cleft Palate, cleft palate (diagnosis), cleft palate, Palate cleft, Cleft palate NOS, Cleft Palate [Disease/Finding], secondary cleft palate, cleft palates, Cleft palate, unspecified (disorder), (Palatoschisis) or (unspecified cleft palate) (disorder), Cleft palate NOS (disorder), (Palatoschisis) or (unspecified cleft palate), Cleft-palate, Cleft palate, Palatoschisis, Uranoschisis, CP - Cleft palate, Cleft palate (disorder), Palatoschisis (disorder), cleft; palate, hard and soft, cleft; palate, soft with hard, cleft; palate, deformity; palate, cleft (congenital), palate; cleft, palatoschisis, Cleft palate, NOS |
German | GAUMENSPALTE, Gaumenspalte, unspezifisch, Gaumen, gespalten, Gaumenspalte, Palatoschisis |
Dutch | gespleten verhemelte, niet-gespecificeerd, verhemeltespleet, palatoschisis, gehemelte; gespleten, gespleten; gehemelte, hard met zacht, gespleten; gehemelte, zacht met hard, gespleten; gehemelte, misvorming; gehemelte, gespleten (congenitaal), Gespleten gehemelte, niet gespecificeerd, gespleten verhemelte, Gehemeltespleet, Gespleten gehemelte, Gespleten verhemelte, Palazoschizis, Schizis, palazo-, Verhemeltespleet |
French | Fente palatine, non précisée, Division du voile du palais, Fissure du palais, Palatoschisis, Fissure palatine, FISSURE PALATINE, Fente palatine, Division palatine |
Italian | Palatoschisi, non specificata, Palatoschisi |
Portuguese | Fenda palatina NE, FENDA PALATINA, Palatosquise, Fenda Palatina, Fenda palatina, Fissura Palatina |
Spanish | Paladar hendido de localización indeterminada, Hendidura palatina, FISURA PALATINA, Fisura del Paladar, Palatosquisis, uranosquisis, SAI, uranosquisis, SAI (trastorno), hendidura palatina, no especificada (trastorno), hendidura palatina, no especificada, Paladar Hendido, fisura palatina (trastorno), fisura palatina, paladar hendido, palatosquisis (trastorno), palatosquisis, uranosquisis, Paladar hendido |
Japanese | 口蓋裂、詳細不明, 口蓋裂, コウガイレツ, コウガイレツショウサイフメイ |
Swedish | Gomspalt |
Czech | rozštěp patra, Rozštěp patra, Rozštěp patra, blíže neurčený, Palatoschiza, rozštěp měkkého patra, uranoschisis |
Finnish | Suulakihalkio |
Korean | 입천장갈림증, 상세불명의 입천장갈림증 |
Croatian | RASCJEP NEPCA |
Polish | Rozszczep podniebienia |
Hungarian | Szájpad sulcus, Sulcus szájpad, nem meghatározott, Palatoschisis, Szájpadhasadék |
Norwegian | Ganespalte |