II. Epidemiology
- Prevalence: 1 per 60,000
- Autosomal Dominant inheritance
- Gene localized to Chromosome 9q22.1-q31
III. Signs: Major features
- Multiple Nevoid Basal Cell Cancers
- Odontogenic keratocysts (jaw cysts)
- First sign of syndrome (occurs in early childhood)
- Cysts lined with keratinized epithelium
- Originate in dental lamina
- Locally erode to teeth if not completely excised
- Calcified falx cerebri
- Pitting of plantar or palmar surface
- Congenital skeletal abnormalities
- Hypertelorism
- High Scapulae (Sprengel's Deformity)
- Frontal bossing (may also involve parietal area)
- Synostosis
- Bifid ribs
IV. Associated conditions
V. Radiology
- Skull XRay: Calcified falx cerebri
- Chest XRay: Rib asymmetry or bifid ribs
- Panoramic films (Panorex): Dental cysts
- Obtain films annually
- Pelvic Ultrasound: Ovarian Cysts or fibromas
- Brain MRI: Meningiomas or Medulloblastoma
VI. Prevention: Modifiable risk factor reduction
- See Sun Exposure (lists general preventive measures)
- See Sunscreen