II. General

  1. Document exams
    1. Map out mole locations on a body diagram
    2. Consider taking pictures every 6-12 months
  2. Perform with bright lighting
  3. Abnormalities for which to observe
    1. See Atypical Nevus
    2. Changes to moles or Freckles
    3. Unusual appearing moles (>5 mm or pencil eraser size)
      1. Asymmetric
      2. Multiple colors
      3. Irregular borders

III. Timing

  1. Monthly examination at home

IV. Technique: Systematic review undressed in front of mirror

  1. Palms, between fingers, and front of Forearms
  2. Back of fingers, hands, and back of Forearms
  3. Full length mirror exam
    1. Face
    2. Neck
    3. Chest
    4. Abdomen
    5. Groin
    6. Front of Legs
    7. Right side of body
    8. Left side of body
    9. Buttock
    10. Back of legs
  4. Sitting with hand mirror
    1. Inner legs
    2. Groin
    3. Bottom of Foot and between toes
  5. Two mirror exam (hand mirror and full length mirror)
    1. Back of neck
    2. Back
    3. Buttocks
    4. Scalp (consider using hair dryer on cool setting)

V. Prevention

  1. Sunscreen
    1. Lowers 10 year Melanoma risk by 50% in adults
    2. Green (2011) J Clin Oncol 29(3): 257-63 [PubMed]
  2. Greatest prevention benefit is for fair skinned patients age 6 months to 24 years old
    1. Use Sunscreen
    2. Wear protective clothing
    3. Apply Sunscreen frequently and liberally

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English Skin self-examination (procedure), Skin self-examination
Spanish autoexamen de piel (procedimiento), autoexamen de piel