II. Anatomy: Bones
Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
Also available as a Poster size image. See printing instructions and image restrictions.
Also available as a Poster size image. See printing instructions and image restrictions.
III. Anatomy: Muscles
Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
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Related Studies
Definition (NCI) | The structure on the upper limb, between the elbow and the wrist. |
Definition (NCI_CDISC) | The structure on the upper limb, between the elbow and the wrist. (NCI) |
Concepts | Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component (T023) |
MSH | D005542 |
SnomedCT | 14975008 |
LNC | LP7249-8, MTHU002680 |
English | Forearm, Forearms, Regio antebrachialis, Intermediate segment of free upper limb, Antebrachial region, Structure of forearm, Structure of forearm, unspecified, forearm, forearms, Set of forearm, Pair of forearm, Antebrachium, FOREARM, Forearm structure (body structure), Forearm structure, Forearm, NOS |
Swedish | Underarm |
Czech | předloktí |
Finnish | Kyynärvarsi |
Croatian | PODLAKTICA |
Latvian | Apakšdelms |
Polish | Przedramię |
Norwegian | Underarm, Antebrachium |
Spanish | antebrazo, estructura del antebrazo (estructura corporal), estructura del antebrazo, Antebrazo |
French | Avant-bras |
German | Unterarm |
Italian | Avambraccio |
Dutch | Onderarm |
Portuguese | Antebraço |
Ontology: Forearm Injuries (C0016537)
Definition (MSH) | Injuries to the part of the upper limb of the body between the wrist and elbow. |
Concepts | Injury or Poisoning (T037) |
MSH | D005543 |
ICD10 | S59.9 , S59.91 |
SnomedCT | 125597008 |
English | Forearm Injuries, Forearm Injury, Injuries, Forearm, Injury, Forearm, Unspecified injury of forearm, INJ FOREARM, FOREARM INJ, injury of forearm (diagnosis), injury of forearm, forearm injury, Forearm Injuries [Disease/Finding], forearm injuries, of forearm injury, Forearm injury, Injury of forearm (disorder), Injury of forearm |
Swedish | Underarmsskador |
Czech | předloktí - poranění |
Finnish | Kyynärvarsivammat |
German | Nicht naeher bezeichnete Verletzung des Unterarmes, Unterarmverletzungen |
Korean | 상세불명의 아래팔의 손상 |
French | Blessures de l'avant-bras, Lésions traumatiques de l'avant-bras, Traumatismes de l'avant-bras |
Croatian | Not Translated[Forearm Injuries] |
Polish | Urazy przedramienia |
Japanese | 前腕外傷, 外傷-前腕, 前腕の外傷, 前腕の損傷, 前腕損傷 |
Norwegian | Skader, underarm, Underarmsskader |
Spanish | Lesiones del Antebrazo, injuria del antebrazo, lesión traumática del antebrazo (trastorno), lesión traumática del antebrazo, Traumatismos del Antebrazo |
Portuguese | Lesões do Antebraço, Traumatismos do Antebraço |
Dutch | Niet gespecificeerd letsel van onderarm, Letsel, onderarm-, Letsels, onderarm-, Onderarmletsel, Onderarmletsels |
Italian | Lesioni dell'avambraccio |