II. Anatomy

  1. orthoSpineLsSacrumCoccyxGrayBB100.gif Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)

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Ontology: Bone structure of coccyx (C0009194)

Definition (NCI) A small bone located at the bottom of the spine. The coccyx is a result of 3-5 fused rudimentary vertebrae.
Definition (NCI_NCI-GLOSS) The small bone at the bottom of the spine. It is made up of 3-5 fused bones.
Definition (NCI_CDISC) A small bone located at the bottom of the spine. The coccyx is a result of 3-5 fused rudimentary vertebrae. (NCI)
Concepts Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component (T023)
MSH D003050
SnomedCT 64688005
LNC LP29911-2, MTHU014482
English Coccyx, Tailbone, Coccyx [coccygeal vertebrae I-IV], Os coccygis, Coccyx [vertebrae coccygeae I-IV], tailbones, tailbone, COCCYX, coccyx, Os coccyx, Bone structure of coccyx (body structure), Bone structure of coccyx, Coccyx, NOS
Swedish Svansben
Czech kostrč
Spanish Cóccix, estructura ósea del coxis, estructura ósea del coxis (estructura corporal), estructura ósea del cóccix (estructura corporal), hueso coccígeo, estructura ósea del cóccix, Coxis, cóccix
Finnish Häntäluu
Latvian Astes kauls
Polish Kość guziczna
Norwegian Halebein, Os coccygis, Haleben
French Coccyx
German Steißbein
Italian Coccige
Dutch Os coccygis, Stuitbeen
Portuguese Cóccix