II. Anatomy: Hand and Wrist Ossification Centers
- Pediatric Wrist Ossification Center Timing
- Age 2 months in girls (4 months in boys)
- Capitate Ossification Center
- Hamate Ossification Center
- Age 2 years in girls (3 years in boys)
- Triquetral Ossification Center
- Age 3 years in girls (4 years in boys)
- Lunate Ossification Center
- Age 4 years in girls (6 years in boys)
- Trapezoid Ossification Center
- Scaphoid Ossification Center
- Age 9 years in girls (12 years in boys)
- Pisiform Ossification Center
- Age 2 months in girls (4 months in boys)
- Pediatric Distal Forearm Ossification Centers
- Age 1 year
- Distal radius Ossification Center (closes at age 16-17 years)
- Age 5 to 6 years
- Distal ulna Ossification Center
- Age 1 year
- Image: Hand and Wrist Ossification Centers
Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)