II. Anatomy

  1. orthoTrunkClavicleSuperiorGrayBB200.gif Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
  2. orthoTrunkClavicleInferiorGrayBB201.gif Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)

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Ontology: Bone structure of clavicle (C0008913)

Definition (NCI_CDISC) One of a pair of bones linking the scapula and the sternum. The clavicle is part of the pectoral girdle. (NCI)
Definition (NCI_NCI-GLOSS) One of a pair of bones at the base of the front of the neck. The clavicles connect the breastbone to the shoulder blades.
Definition (NCI) One of a pair of bones linking the scapula and the sternum. The clavicle is part of the pectoral girdle.
Concepts Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component (T023)
MSH D002968
SnomedCT 51299004
LNC LP29906-2, MTHU011955
English Clavicle, Clavicles, Clavicula, clavicles, collar bone, collarbone, clavicle, CLAVICLE, Collar bone, Bone structure of clavicle (body structure), Bone structure of clavicle, Clavicle, NOS, Collar Bone, Clavicle/Clavicular
Swedish Nyckelben
Finnish Solisluu
Latvian Atslēgas kauls
Czech klíční kost, clavicula, klavikula
Polish Obojczyk
Norwegian Kravebein, Clavicula, Kragebein, Kraveben, Krageben
Spanish clavícula, SAI, clavícula, estructura ósea de la clavícula (estructura corporal), estructura ósea de la clavícula, Clavícula
French Clavicule
German Klavikula, Clavicula, Schlüsselbein
Italian Clavicola
Dutch Clavicula, Sleutelbeen
Portuguese Clavícula