Definition (MSHCZE)
Os capitum - hlavatá kost, je karpální kost s kulovitou hlavou umístěná uprostřed mezi TRAPÉZOVITou KOSTí a HÁKOVITou KOSTí.
Definition (NCI_CDISC)
The largest of eight carpal bones, located in the center of the hand. (NCI)
Definition (NCI)
The largest of eight carpal bones, located in the center of the hand.
Definition (MSH)
A carpal bone with a rounded head located between the TRAPEZOID BONE and the HAMATE BONE.
Concepts |
Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component
SnomedCT |
French |
Capitatum, Grand os, Os capitatum |
Czech |
hlavatá kost, os capitatum |
Finnish |
Iso ranneluu
Russian |
English |
Os Magnum (Carpus), Bone of capitate, Os capitatum, Bone of capitate bone, Capitate, capitate, capitate bone, capitated, CAPITATE BONE, Capitate bone, Great carpal bone, Third carpal bone, Structure of capitate bone (body structure), Structure of capitate bone, Capitate Bone, Bones, Capitate, Capitate Bones, Os Capitatum, Bone, Capitate |
Japanese |
Swedish |
Os capitatum
Latvian |
Galvainais kauls
Polish |
Kość główkowata
Norwegian |
Hodebein, Os capitatum, Hodeben |
Spanish |
estructura del hueso grande (estructura corporal), estructura del hueso grande, hueso carpiano grande, hueso grande, tercer hueso carpiano, Hueso Grande del Carpo |
Portuguese |
German |
Kopfbein, Os Capitatum |
Italian |
Osso capitato