II. Anatomy

  1. orthoLegNavicularLtAntLatGrayBB276.gif Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
  2. orthoLegNavicularLtPostMedGrayBB277.gif Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)

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Ontology: Navicular Bone of Foot (C0223947)

Definition (NCI) An oval-shaped bone of the tarsus found on the medial side of the foot.
Definition (NCI_CDISC) An oval-shaped bone of the tarsus found on the medial side of the foot. (NCI)
Concepts Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component (T023)
MSH D013639
SnomedCT 75772009
English Foot Navicular Bone, Foot Navicular Bones, Navicular Bone of Foot, Os naviculare, Navicular of foot, Navicular, Navicular bone, navicular bone of foot, navicular, foot navicular bone, navicular bone, Naviculare, Os, Naviculares, Os, Os Naviculare, Os Naviculares, NAVICULAR BONE, Navicular bone of foot, Navicular bone of hindfoot, Bone structure of navicular (body structure), Bone structure of navicular, Navicular bone of foot, NOS, Navicular Bone
Portuguese Osso Navicular do Pé
Spanish Hueso Navicular del Pie, estructura de escafoides del pie, estructura del hueso navicular (estructura corporal), estructura del hueso navicular, hueso navicular del pie, estructura de escafoides del pie (estructura corporal), hueso navicular de la extremidad posterior
French Os naviculaire du tarse, Os scaphoïde du tarse, Scaphoïde tarsien
German Os naviculare, Fuß
Italian Osso navicolare del piede, Osso scafoide
Czech kost loďkovitá
Norwegian Os naviculare, fot, Navikulærbein, fot, Båtbein i fot, Båtben i fot, Navikulærben, fot
Dutch Os naviculare van de voet