II. Epidemiology
- Lateral sprains represent 80-85% of Ankle Sprains
- Sports with highest rate of Ankle Sprain
- Basketball
- Ice skating
- Soccer
III. Mechanism
- Ankle Inversion with Plantar Flexion
IV. Pathophysiology
- Anatomy
- See Ankle Anatomy
- Lateral ankle ligaments (In order of injury)
- Anterior talofibular ligament (ATF): Easily injured
- Calcaneofibular ligament (CF)
- Posterior Talofibular ligament (PTF): Rarely injured (third degree sprain)
- TibioFibular Ligaments
- See High Ankle Sprain
- Anterior tibiofibular ligament
- Posterior tibiofibular ligament
- Medial ankle ligament
- See Medial Ankle Sprain
- Ankle Deltoid Ligament (rarely injured, but associated with serious ankle injury)
V. Associated Conditions: Other associated Injuries
- Peroneal Tendon Injury
- Peroneal tendon avulsion Fracture
- Distinguish from Jones Fracture
- Everts foot and prevents inversion
- Palpate lateral foot at its insertion
- Hemorrhage at Peroneal Muscle
- Peroneal Nerve damage may occur
- Peroneal tendon avulsion Fracture
- Bone Injury: Foot
- Jones Fracture at fifth Metatarsal metaphysis
- Peroneal brevis tendon avulsion Fracture
- May require surgery for non-union
- Tarsal Navicular Fracture (or Stress Fracture)
- Lisfranc Fracture-Dislocation (uncommon, but high morbidity)
- Jones Fracture at fifth Metatarsal metaphysis
- Bone Injury: Fibula
- Pott's Fracture-Subluxation
- Maisonneuve Injury (Proximal Fibula Fracture related to Syndesmotic Sprain)
- Bone Injury: Talus
- Talar Dome Fracture (occurs in 6 to 22% of cases)
- Posterior Talus Fracture (Medial or Lateral Tubercle)
- Lateral process of Talus Fracture (most commonly missed Ankle Fracture)
- Bone Injury: Calcaneus
VI. Differential Diagnosis: Delayed healing
- Unrecognized associated injury as listed above
- Talar Dome Fracture
- Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
- Chronic Tendonitis
- Peroneal tendon subluxation
- Syndesmotic Sprain (High Ankle Sprain)
- Occult Fracture
- Anterior Superior Calcaneus Fracture
- Lateral Talus Fracture
VII. Symptoms
- "Pop" heard with injury
- Ankle swelling and decreased function
- Inability to walk four feet after Ankle Sprain is higher risk of Fracture
- See Ottawa Ankle Rules
VIII. Signs
- See Ankle Exam
- See Ankle Anatomy
- Ankle Motor Function (Always assess)
- Evaluate for Syndesmotic Sprain (High Ankle Sprain)
- Evaluate ankle stability
- More useful at follow-up at 4-6 weeks after Ankle Sprain
- Used in grading Ankle Sprain (see below)
- Does not typically modify initial management after acute injury
- Ankle Anterior Drawer Test
- Tests anterior talofibular ligament integrity
- Ankle Talar Tilt (Inversion stress Test)
- Tests calcaneofibular ligament integrity
- More useful at follow-up at 4-6 weeks after Ankle Sprain
- Evaluate for associated Fracture
- See Ottawa Ankle Rules
- Ankle bony tenderness
- Medial malleolus or distal tibia tenderness within last 2.4 inches (6 cm)
- May also indicate Growth Plate Fracture in adolescent
- Lateral malleolus or distal fibula tenderness within last 2.4 inches (6 cm)
- Talocrural joint line (anterior talar dome) tenderness or swelling
- May indicate osteochondral Talar Dome Fracture
- Not part of Ottawa Ankle Rules
- Medial malleolus or distal tibia tenderness within last 2.4 inches (6 cm)
- Foot bony tenderness (midfoot)
- Fifth Metatarsal tenderness or pain at base or metaphysis (e.g. Jones Fracture)
- Tarsal Navicular tenderness or pain at medial, proximal foot (Tarsal Navicular Fracture)
- Lisfranc Joint tenderness, swelling or deformity at midfoot region (Lisfranc Fracture Dislocation)
IX. Evaluation: Red Flags suggestive of more complicated injury
- See Ottawa Ankle Rules
- Mechanism different than classic inversion injury
- Eversion injury (see Medial Ankle Sprain)
- Forced severe plantar flexion (see Fifth Metatarsal Fracture)
- Dorsiflexion
- Atypical signs on acute evaluation immediately after injury
- Children with tenderness over physis
- Suspect Salter-Harris Fracture I (physis is weaker than ligaments)
- Safest to apply splint despite negative XRay
- Low risk of Salter Harris I Fractures on MRI in these patients
X. Imaging: Initial
Ankle XRay Indications
- See Ottawa Ankle Rules (adults and children over age 5 years old)
- See Low Risk Ankle Rule (children over age 3 years old)
- See ankle bony tenderness above
- Inability to walk four feet at injury site (e.g. sideline) or at acute evaluation by medical provider
Foot XRay Indications
- See foot bony tenderness above
XI. Imaging: Delayed healing (suspected Talar Dome OCD)
- Indications
- Symptomatic beyond 6 weeks
- Persistent crepitus
- Locking or catching Sensation
- Imaging
- Repeat Ankle XRay and foot XRay
- Ankle CT or Ankle MRI
XII. Grading
- Indications
- Ankle stability at 4-6 weeks after Ankle Sprain
- Instability directs additional management with rehabilitation (or possibly surgery for third degree Ankle Sprain)
- Inaccurate and not useful on initial Ankle Sprain evaluation
- Does not modify initial management
- Ankle stability at 4-6 weeks after Ankle Sprain
- First degree Lateral Ankle Sprain
- Mild pain and swelling (able to ambulate)
- No mechanical instability
- Anterior talofibular ligament stretched
- Localized tenderness anteriorly
- Second degree Lateral Ankle Sprain
- Moderate pain and swelling with Ecchymosis present
- Pain with ambulation
- Moderate lateral ankle instability
- Partial tear of anterior talofibular ligament
- Third degree Lateral Ankle Sprain
- Severe Ecchymosis and swelling (>4 cm at fibula)
- Unable to bear weight
- Severe lateral ankle instability
- Total disruption of lateral ligaments
- Anterior talofibular ligament
- Calcaneofibular ligament
- Heard "Pop" with immediate pain and swelling
XIII. Management
XIV. Prognosis
- Outcomes generally good
- Full recovery may require months
- Severe Lateral Ankle Sprains
- Syndesmotic Sprains (High Ankle Sprains)
XVI. References
- Orman and Ramadorai in Herbert (2016) EM:Rap 16(3): 8-9
- Rifat (1996) Am Fam Physician 53(8):2491-8 [PubMed]
- Rubin (1996) Am Fam Physician 54(5):1609-18 [PubMed]
- Sitler (1995) Sports Med 20(1):53-7 [PubMed]
- Swain (1993) Postgrad Med 90(3):91-100 [PubMed]
- Tiemstra (2012) Am Fam Physician 85(12): 1170-6 [PubMed]
- Wolfe (2001) Am Fam Physician 63(1):93-104 [PubMed]
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