II. Epidemiology
- Occurs more commonly in athletes over 30 years old
III. Predisposing factors
- Commonly seen in Tennis (Tennis Leg)
- Running on hill
- Forced push-off (jumping)
IV. Pathophysiology
- Proximal partial gastrocnemius-soleus Muscle tear
- Affects medial head of Gastrocnemius
- Localized to musculotendinous junction
V. Signs
- Tenderness and swelling at medial gastrocnemius
- Negative Thompson's Test
VI. Differential Diagnosis
VII. Management
- Heel lift (1/2 inch)
- Calf sleeve
- Isometric calf contractions in plantar flexion
- Gentle calf Stretching
VIII. Course
- Anticipate 3-6 weeks for recovery
IX. References
- Lecture: Kimmel (1997) AAFP Sports Medicine Review
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