II. Physiology: Neuromuscular - Sensory
- Sensory feedback is critical to maintaining continuous fluid movement that balances various motor Neuron inputs
- Golgi Tendon Organs (Neurotendinous Spindle)
- Detect Muscle tendon tension
- Measures combination of Muscle Contraction against the resistance of opposing forces (gravity, Antagonist Muscles)
- Triggers a reduction in Muscle tension by allowing further Muscle stretch
- Muscle Spindles
- Wrap intrafusal Muscle fibers
- Small Muscle fibers primarily for stretch detection
- Intrafusal Muscle fibers are innervated by gamma Motor Neurons
- Contrast with the extrafusal Muscle fibers, the primary, major Muscle fibers of motor activity
- Extrafusal Muscle fibers are innervated by alpha Motor Neurons
- Alpha and gamma Neurons typically fire together, keeping extrafusal and intrafusal Muscles in sync
- Small Muscle fibers primarily for stretch detection
- Detect Muscle stretch (and the speed of Muscle stretch)
- Transmit stretch Sensation to the spinal cord and Cerebellum
- Increased detected Muscle stretch drives increased counter Muscle Contraction
- Rapidly increased stretch, results in stronger signaling for Muscle Contraction
- Deep Tendon Reflexes generate a rapid stretch impulse with an exaggerated Muscle Contraction
- Primary nerve endings (Type 1A, Annulospiral)
- Detect degree and rate of Muscle stretch
- Secondary nerve endings (Type 2)
- Detect degree of Muscle stretch
- Wrap intrafusal Muscle fibers
- Other sensory input
- Joint capsule and ligament receptors
III. Physiology: Neuromuscular - Motor and Muscle Contraction
Antagonistic Muscles are inhibited during Muscle Contraction
- Triceps Muscle is inhibited during biceps flexion
- Hamstring Muscles are inhibited during quadriceps flexion
- Striated Muscle
- Muscle Cells or Fibers are composed of hundreds of Myofibrils
- Myofibrils are divided into repeated sections of Sarcomeres
- Sarcomeres are composed of overlapping myosin filaments and actin filaments
- Each Sarcomere is bordered by a Z-Disc on each end
- Actin filaments are attached to each Z-Disc
- Actin filaments do not extend completely between the Z-Discs
- A gap (H Band) divides the actin filaments facing one another
- Myosin filaments extend between the Z-Discs
- Myosin is not attached to the Z-Discs, leaving a space around each Z-Disc (I band)
- Myosin overlaps the actin filaments and appears as an A band
- Muscle Cells have additional specialized components
- Sarcoplasmic Reticulum (see below)
- Large number of mitochondria for ATP supply to fuel Muscle Contractions
- Motor units
- Motor Units represent a peripheral motor Neuron's branches and the Muscle Cells they innervate
- Neuromuscular Junction
- Neuron branches terminate at motor end plates (concentrated at center of Muscle Cells)
- When Motor Neurons fire, they typically release Acetylcholine at the motor endplate
- Strength and duration of Muscle Contraction is related to repetitive Muscle fiber discharges
- Acetylcholine acts at cell membrane of Transverse Tubule (T-Tubule)
- T-Tubules are deep invaginations into the Muscle Cell
- Acetylcholine (and other stimuli) trigger changes in Muscle cell Membrane Potential
- Action Potential propagates along the cell membrane from Muscle Cell center to its periphery
- Acetylcholinesterase within Neuromuscular Junction inactivates Acetylcholine
- Prevents prolonged Acetylcholine activity at the motor end plate
- Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
- Sarcoplasmic Reticulum is a specialized endoplasmic reticulum, positioned between the T-Tubules
- Sarcoplasmic Reticulum contains large concentrations of Calcium
- When triggered by Action Potential, Calcium is released into the Muscle Cell
- In cardiac Muscle Cells, interstitial fluid Calcium also influxes into the cell
- Muscle Contraction
- Increased Muscle Cell Calcium triggers Actin and Myosin to increase their overlap
- Muscle Relaxation
IV. References
- Goldberg (2014) Clinical Physiology, Medmaster, Miami, p. 90-5
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Related Studies
Definition (FMA) | Nonparenchymatous organ that primarily consists of skeletal muscle tissue aggregated into macroscopic fasciculi by connective tissue; together with other muscles, it constitutes the muscular system. Examples: biceps, diaphragm, masseter, right third external intercostal muscle, external oblique, levator ani, serratus anterior. |
Definition (MSHCZE) | Kontraktilní tkáň umožňující pohyb živočichů. |
Definition (UWDA) | Nonparenchymatous organ that primarily consists of skeletal muscle tissue aggregated into macroscopic fasciculi by connective tissue; together with other muscles, it constitutes the muscular system. Examples: biceps, diaphragm, masseter, right third external intercostal muscle, external oblique, levator ani, serratus anterior. |
Definition (NCI) | One of the contractile organs of the body. |
Definition (NCI_CDISC) | A fibrous soft tissue with the ability to contract to produce force and motion. |
Definition (NCI) | Tissue responsible for the body movements and the shape and size changes of interna organs. Muscle tissue is composed of specialized contractile cells. There are two types of muscle tissue recognized:striated and smooth muscle. The striated muscle tissue is further subdivided into skeletal, visceral striated, and cardiac muscle. |
Definition (MSH) | Contractile tissue that produces movement in animals. |
Definition (CSP) | contractile tissue that produces movement in animals. |
Concepts | Tissue (T024) |
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SnomedCT | 91727004, 71616004, 79984008 |
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English | Muscle, Muscles, Muscle (organ), Muscular, muscle (tissue), Muscle organ, Musculus, muscle (organ), muscles organs, muscle, muscle tissue, musculus, muscles, MUSCLE, Muscle tissue, Muscle tissue (body structure), Muscle, NOS, Muscles, NOS, Muscle Tissue |
French | Muscle, Muscles |
Swedish | Muskler |
Czech | svaly |
Finnish | Lihakset |
Russian | MYSHTSY, МЫШЦЫ |
Croatian | MIŠIĆI |
Latvian | Muskuļi |
Polish | Mięśnie |
Norwegian | Musculi, Muskler |
Spanish | tejido del músculo (estructura corporal), tejido del músculo, tejido muscular, Músculos |
German | Muskeln |
Italian | Muscoli |
Dutch | Spier, Spieren |
Portuguese | Músculos |
Ontology: Myofibrils (C0027075)
Definition (MSH) | The long cylindrical contractile organelles of STRIATED MUSCLE cells composed of ACTIN FILAMENTS; MYOSIN filaments; and other proteins organized in arrays of repeating units called SARCOMERES . |
Definition (CSP) | highly organized bundles of actin, myosins, and other proteins in the cytoplasm of skeletal and cardiac muscle cells that contract by a sliding filament mechanism; they are composed of numerous myofilaments. |
Definition (GO) | The contractile element of skeletal and cardiac muscle; a long, highly organized bundle of actin, myosin, and other proteins that contracts by a sliding filament mechanism. [ISBN:0815316194] |
Concepts | Cell Component (T026) |
MSH | D009210 |
SnomedCT | 105583006 |
English | Myofibrils, Myofibrilla, myofibril, fibers muscle striated, striated muscle fiber, striated muscle fibre, Myofibril, Myofibril (substance), Myofibril, NOS |
Swedish | Myofibriller |
Czech | myofibrily |
Finnish | Myofibrillit |
Latvian | Miofibrillas |
Polish | Miofibryle, Włókienka mięśniowe |
Norwegian | Myofibriller |
Spanish | miofibrilla (sustancia), miofibrilla, Miofibrillas |
French | Myofibrilles |
German | Myofibrillen |
Italian | Miofibrille |
Dutch | Myofibrillen |
Portuguese | Miofibrilas |
Ontology: Neuromuscular Junction (C0027869)
Definition (GO) | The junction between the axon of a motor neuron and a muscle fiber. In response to the arrival of action potentials, the presynaptic button releases molecules of neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft. These diffuse across the cleft and transmit the signal to the postsynaptic membrane of the muscle fiber, leading to a change in post-synaptic potential. [GOC:nln] |
Definition (MSH) | The synapse between a neuron and a muscle. |
Definition (CSP) | synapse between a neuron and a muscle. |
Concepts | Cell Component (T026) |
MSH | D009469 |
SnomedCT | 31627007 |
English | Junction, Myoneural, Junction, Neuromuscular, Junctions, Myoneural, Junctions, Neuromuscular, Myoneural Junction, Myoneural Junctions, Neuromuscular Junction, Neuromuscular Junctions, myoneural junction, junction neuromuscular, neuromuscular junctions, neuromuscular junction, NMJ, Myoneural junction, Neuromuscular junction, Neuromuscular junction (cell structure), Neuromuscular junction (body structure) |
French | Jonction myoneurale, Synapse neuromusculaire, Jonction neuromusculaire |
Swedish | Neuromuskulär förbindelse |
Finnish | Hermo-lihasliitos |
Japanese | 筋神経接合部, 神経筋接合, 神経-筋接合部, 筋-神経接合部, 神経筋接合部 |
Italian | Giunzione mioneurale, Giunzione neuromuscolare |
Latvian | Nervu un muskuļu savienojums, Nervu-muskuļu savienojums |
Polish | Złącza nerwowo-mięśniowe, Połączenia nerwowo-mięśniowe |
Czech | myoneurální spojení, nervosvalové spojení, nervosvalové spoje |
Norwegian | Neuromuskulær forbindelse, Nevromuskulær forbindelse |
Spanish | unión mioneural, unión neuromuscular (estructura celular), unión neuromuscular, Unión Neuromuscular, Unión Mioneural |
German | Myoneurale Verbindung, Neuromuskuläre Synapse |
Dutch | Myoneurale synaps, Neuromusculaire overgang, Overgang, neuromusculaire |
Portuguese | Junção Neuromuscular, União Mioneural |
Ontology: Muscle Spindles (C0027871)
Definition (NCI) | The Muscle Spindle is composed of intrafusal fibers that are located within and run parallel to the extrafusal fibers of skeletal muscle. When the extrafusal fibers are stretched, the intrafusal fibers of the spindle stretch as well. When stretching occurs, the sensory neuron from the muscle spindle signals the motor neurons located within the ventral horn of the spinal cord. This signal causes the motor neurons to fire, resulting in contraction of the muscle. This reflex arc provides negative feedback. The muscular contraction induced by the stretching works against or negates further muscle stretch. This mechanism helps to maintain proper muscle tension or tone. Although the muscle spindle helps to maintain proper muscle tension, unlike the Golgi tendon organ, it is not an indicator of muscle tension, but rather of muscle length. |
Definition (MSH) | Skeletal muscle structures that function as the MECHANORECEPTORS responsible for the stretch or myotactic reflex (REFLEX, STRETCH). They are composed of a bundle of encapsulated SKELETAL MUSCLE FIBERS, i.e., the intrafusal fibers (nuclear bag 1 fibers, nuclear bag 2 fibers, and nuclear chain fibers) innervated by SENSORY NEURONS. |
Concepts | Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component (T023) |
MSH | D009470 |
SnomedCT | 12945004 |
English | Neuromuscular Spindle, Neuromuscular Spindles, Spindle, Neuromuscular, Spindles, Neuromuscular, Muscle Spindles, Spindle, Muscle, Spindles, Muscle, Muscle Stretch Receptors, Receptors, Stretch, Muscle, Stretch Receptors, Muscle, Muscle Stretch Receptor, Receptor, Muscle Stretch, Receptors, Muscle Stretch, Stretch Receptor, Muscle, RECEPT STRETCH MUSCLE, STRETCH RECEPT MUSCLE, MUSCLE STRETCH RECEPT, Neuromuscular spindle, muscle spindle, muscle spindles, neuromuscular spindles, Neuromuscular spindles, Muscle spindle, Muscle spindle (body structure), Muscle Spindle |
French | Récepteurs à l'étirement du muscle, Fuseau neuromusculaire, Fuseau musculaire, Fuseaux musculaires, Fuseaux neuro-musculaires, Fuseaux neuromusculaires, Mécanorécepteurs musculaires |
Swedish | Muskelspolar |
Czech | nervosvalová vřeténka |
Finnish | Lihaskäämit |
Polish | Wrzeciona mięśniowe, Wrzeciona nerwowo-mięśniowe, Ciałka mięśniowo-nerwowe |
Japanese | 筋紡錘, 筋伸長受容器, 神経筋紡錘, 筋伸展受容器 |
Norwegian | Muskelens strekkreseptorer, Muskelspoler, Muskelspindler |
Portuguese | Receptores Musculares de Estiramento, Fusos Musculares, Fusos Neuromusculares, Receptores de Estiramento Muscular |
Spanish | huso muscular (estructura corporal), huso muscular, huso neuromuscular, Husos Musculares, Husos Neuromusculares, Receptores de Estiramiento Muscular |
German | Dehnungsrezeptoren, Muskel, Muskeldehnungsrezeptoren, Muskelspindeln, Rezeptoren, Dehnungs-, Muskel, Neuromuskuläre Spindeln |
Italian | Fusi muscolari |
Dutch | Spierrekreceptoren, Spierspoel, Spierspoelen |
Ontology: Neurotendinous Spindles (C0027929)
Definition (NCI) | The Golgi Tendon Organ is located within the tendons found on each end of a muscle. It responds to increased muscle tension or contraction as exerted on the tendon, by inhibiting further muscle contraction, which protects against muscle damage. The proprioceptive sensory neuron of a Golgi tendon organ, projects to the motor neurons located within the ventral horn of the spinal cord, where the inhibition occurs. Unlike the muscle spindle, Golgi tendon organs do not indicate muscle length, but rather muscle tension. |
Concepts | Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component (T023) |
MSH | D008465 |
SnomedCT | 72364001 |
English | Spindle, Neurotendinous, Spindles, Neurotendinous, Golgi Tendon Organs, Organs, Golgi Tendon, Tendon Organs, Golgi, Golgi tendon organ, Neurotendinous ending, Neurotendinous organ of Golgi, golgi tendon organs, golgi tendon organ, Golgi's organ, Tendon spindle, Tendon spindle (body structure), Neurotendinous Spindle, Golgi Tendon Organ, Golgi's Tendon Organ, Golgi's Tendon Spindle, Neurotendinous Organ, Neurotendinous Spindles |
Czech | nervošlachová vřeténka |
Portuguese | Fusos Neurotendinosos, Órgãos do Tendão de Golgi |
Spanish | Ejes Neurotendinosos, huso neurotendinoso, huso tendinoso (estructura corporal), huso tendinoso, órgano tendinoso de Golgi, Órganos del Tendon de Golgi |
French | Organes neurotendineux de Golgi, Organes de Golgi, Organes neuro-tendineux de Golgi, Organes tendineux de Golgi |
German | Golgi-Sehnenspindel, Golgi-Sehnenorgan |
Norwegian | Golgi-senespole |
Italian | Organi tendinei del Golgi, Fusi neurotendinei |
Dutch | Golgi-peessensor |
Ontology: Stretch Receptors (C0034841)
Definition (CSP) | sense organ in a muscle or tendon that responds to elongation. |
Concepts | Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component (T023) |
MSH | D008465 |
SnomedCT | 27600006 |
English | Receptor, Stretch, Receptors, Stretch, Stretch Receptor, stretch receptor, STRETCH RECEPT, RECEPT STRETCH, stretch receptors, Stretch receptor, Stretch receptor (body structure), Stretch Receptors |
French | Récepteurs d'étirement, Récepteurs à l'étirement, Récepteurs sensibles à l'étirement |
German | Dehnungsrezeptoren, Rezeptoren, Dehnungs- |
Norwegian | Strekkreseptorer |
Italian | Recettori dell'allungamento, Recettori di stiramento |
Spanish | receptor de estiramiento (estructura corporal), receptor de estiramiento, Receptores de Estiramiento |
Dutch | Rekreceptoren |
Portuguese | Receptores de Estiramento |
Ontology: Sarcolemma (C0036208)
Definition (GO) | The outer membrane of a muscle cell, consisting of the plasma membrane, a covering basement membrane (about 100 nm thick and sometimes common to more than one fiber), and the associated loose network of collagen fibers. [ISBN:0198506732] |
Definition (NCI) | The cell membrane of a muscle cell. It is comprised of a plasma membrane coated with collagen fibers embedded in a layer of polysaccharides. |
Definition (MSH) | The excitable plasma membrane of a muscle cell. (Glick, Glossary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 1990) |
Definition (CSP) | delicate plasma membrane which invests every striated muscle fiber. |
Concepts | Cell Component (T026) |
MSH | D012508 |
SnomedCT | 91740009 |
English | Sarcolemmas, sarcolemma, Plasma membrane of muscle cell, Sarcolemma structure (cell structure), Sarcolemma structure, Sarcolemma structure (body structure), Sarcolemma |
Swedish | Sarkolemma |
Czech | sarkolema |
Finnish | Sarkolemma |
Latvian | Sarkolemma |
Polish | Sarkolema |
Norwegian | Sarkolemm, Sarkolemma |
Spanish | estructura del sarcolema (estructura celular), estructura del sarcolema (estructura corporal), estructura del sarcolema, sarcolema, Sarcolema |
French | Membrane sarcoplasmique, Sarcolemme |
German | Sarkolemm |
Italian | Sarcolemma |
Dutch | Sarcolemma |
Portuguese | Sarcolema |
Ontology: Sarcomeres (C0036225)
Definition (MSH) | The repeating contractile units of the MYOFIBRIL, delimited by Z bands along its length. |
Definition (NCI) | The basic unit of contractility in a muscle fiber. |
Definition (CSP) | contractile unit of myofibrils; sarcomeres are repeating units, delimited by the Z bands along the length of the myofibril. |
Definition (GO) | The repeating unit of a myofibril in a muscle cell, composed of an array of overlapping thick and thin filaments between two adjacent Z discs. [ISBN:0815316194] |
Concepts | Cell Component (T026) |
MSH | D012518 |
English | Sarcomeres, Sarcomere, sarcomeres, sarcomere |
Swedish | Sarkomerer |
Czech | sarkomery |
Finnish | Sarkomeerit |
Japanese | 筋節, サルコメア, 筋板, 筋線維分節 |
Italian | Sarcomero, Sarcomeri |
Latvian | Sarkomeri |
Polish | Sarkomery |
Norwegian | Sarkomerer, Sarkomer |
Portuguese | Miômeros, Sarcômeros |
German | Sarkomere |
Dutch | Sarcomeer, Sarcomeren |
French | Sarcomère, Sarcomères |
Spanish | Sarcómeros |
Ontology: Sarcoplasmic Reticulum (C0036226)
Definition (MSH) | A network of tubules and sacs in the cytoplasm of SKELETAL MUSCLE FIBERS that assist with muscle contraction and relaxation by releasing and storing calcium ions. |
Definition (GO) | A fine reticular network of membrane-limited elements that pervades the sarcoplasm of a muscle cell; continuous over large portions of the cell and with the nuclear envelope; that part of the endoplasmic reticulum specialized for calcium release, uptake and storage. [GOC:mtg_muscle, ISBN:0124325653, ISBN:0198547684] |
Definition (NCI) | The endoplasmic reticulum of striated muscle, specialised for the sequestration of calcium ions that are released upon receipt of a signal relayed by the T tubules from the neuromuscular junction.(On-line Medical Dictionary) |
Definition (CSP) | special form of agranular reticulum found in the sarcoplasm of striated muscle and comprising a system of smooth surfaced tubules forming a plexus around each myofibril. |
Concepts | Cell Component (T026) |
MSH | D012519 |
SnomedCT | 24961002 |
English | Reticulum, Sarcoplasmic, Reticulums, Sarcoplasmic, Sarcoplasmic Reticulum, Sarcoplasmic Reticulums, AER of striated muscle (cell structure), Apical ectodermal ridge (AER) of striated muscle, sarcoplasmic reticulum, reticulum sarcoplasmic, Apical ectodermal ridge of striated muscle (cell structure), Apical ectodermal ridge (AER) of striated muscle (cell structure), Apical ectodermal ridge of striated muscle, AER of striated muscle, Sarcoplasmic reticulum, AER of striated muscle (body structure) |
Swedish | Sarkoplasmatiskt retikel |
Spanish | retículo endoplasmático liso de músculo estriado, retículo endoplásmico liso de músculo estriado (estructura celular), retículo endoplásmico liso de músculo estriado, surco ectodérmico apical de célula de músculo estriado, surco ectodérmico apical del músculo estriado (estructura celular), surco ectodérmico apical de célula de músculo estriado (estructura celular), surco ectodérmico apical del músculo estriado, Retículo Sarcoplásmico, retículo endoplásmico liso de músculo estriado (estructura corporal), retículo sarcoplasmático, retículo sarcoplásmico, Retículo Sarcoplasmático |
Czech | sarkoplazmatické retikulum |
Finnish | Sarkoplasmakalvosto |
Polish | Retikulum sarkoplazmatyczne, Siateczka sarkoplazmatyczna |
Norwegian | Sarkoplasmatisk retikulum, SR |
Portuguese | Retículo Sarcoplásmico, Retículo Sarcoplasmático |
French | Réticulum sarcoplasmique |
German | Sarkoplasmatisches Retikulum |
Italian | Reticolo sarcoplasmico |
Dutch | Reticulum, sarcoplasmatisch, Sarcoplasmatisch reticulum |
Ontology: A band (C0230715)
Definition (GO) | The dark-staining region of a sarcomere, in which myosin thick filaments are present; the center is traversed by the paler H zone, which in turn contains the M line. [ISBN:0321204131] |
Concepts | Cell Component (T026) |
SnomedCT | 51878007 |
English | Q disc, transverse disc, anisotropic disc, A disc, A-band, Discus anisotropicus (Stria A), Anisotropic band, a band, A band, A band (cell structure), A band (body structure) |
Spanish | banda A (estructura celular), banda A (estructura corporal), banda A |
Ontology: I band (C0230716)
Definition (GO) | A region of a sarcomere that appears as a light band on each side of the Z disc, comprising a region of the sarcomere where thin (actin) filaments are not overlapped by thick (myosin) filaments; contains actin, troponin, and tropomyosin; each sarcomere includes half of an I band at each end. [ISBN:0321204131] |
Concepts | Cell Component (T026) |
SnomedCT | 50989007 |
English | isotropic disc, I disc, J disc, Discus isotropicus (Stria I), Isotropic band, I-band, i band, I band, I band (cell structure), I band (body structure) |
Spanish | banda I (estructura celular), banda I (estructura corporal), banda I |
Ontology: H zone (C0230717)
Definition (GO) | A relatively pale zone traversing the center of the A band of a sarcomere, visible in relaxed muscle fibers; consists of the central portion of thick (myosin) filaments that are not overlapped by thin (actin) filaments. [GOC:mtg_muscle, ISBN:0321204131] |
Concepts | Cell Component (T026) |
SnomedCT | 25771000 |
English | H band, H disc, H-band, Henson line, H-zone, Zona Lucida (Stria H), H zone, H zone (cell structure), H zone (body structure) |
Spanish | zona H (estructura celular), zona H (estructura corporal), zona H |
Ontology: M line (C0230718)
Definition (GO) | The midline of aligned thick filaments in a sarcomere; location of specific proteins that link thick filaments. Depending on muscle type the M band consists of different numbers of M lines. [GOC:mtg_muscle, ISBN:0198506732, ISBN:0815316194] |
Concepts | Cell Component (T026) |
SnomedCT | 27112006 |
English | mesophragma, M disc, M band, M-line, M line, M line (cell structure), M line (body structure) |
Spanish | línea M (estructura celular), línea M (estructura corporal), línea M |
Ontology: Z line (C0230719)
Definition (GO) | Platelike region of a muscle sarcomere to which the plus ends of actin filaments are attached. [GOC:mtg_muscle, ISBN:0815316194] |
Concepts | Cell Component (T026) |
SnomedCT | 52301008 |
English | Z disc, Z band, Z disk, Z-disc, Telophragma (Linea Z), Z-line, lines z, z-line, z line, Z line, Z line (cell structure), Z line (body structure) |
Spanish | línea Z (estructura celular), línea Z (estructura corporal), línea Z |
Ontology: Muscle Cells (C0596981)
Definition (MSH) | Mature contractile cells, commonly known as myocytes, that form one of three kinds of muscle. The three types of muscle cells are skeletal (MUSCLE FIBERS, SKELETAL), cardiac (MYOCYTES, CARDIAC), and smooth (MYOCYTES, SMOOTH MUSCLE). They are derived from embryonic (precursor) muscle cells called MYOBLASTS. |
Definition (FMA) | Somatic cell which has as direct parts of its cytoplasm myofibrils organized in various patterns. |
Definition (NCI) | A connective tissue cell with the ability to convert chemical energy into mechanical energy via a contractile apparatus. As part of the contractile apparatus, the proteins actin and myosin form parallel myofilaments. The interaction of actin and myosin mediates muscle cell contraction in response to stimulation of the excitable cell membrane. |
Definition (CSP) | mature contractile cells. |
Concepts | Cell (T025) |
MSH | D032342 |
French | Cellules musculaires, Myocytes, Cellule musculaire, Myocyte |
Swedish | Muskelceller |
Czech | myocyty, svalové buňky diferencované, svalové buňky |
English | myocyte, Myocyte, Muscle cell, muscle cell, muscle cells, myocytes, cells muscle, cell muscle, Mature Muscle Cell, Mature Muscle Cells, Muscle Cell, Mature, Muscle Cells, Muscle Cells, Mature, Myocytes, Muscle cells, Muscle Cell |
Finnish | Lihassolut |
Italian | Miociti, Cellule muscolari mature, Cellule muscolari |
Japanese | 筋細胞, 筋細胞-成熟, ミオサイト |
Croatian | Not Translated[Muscle Cells] |
Latvian | Muskuļu šūnas, Miocīti |
Polish | Komórki mięśniowe |
Norwegian | Modne muskelceller, Muskelceller, Myocytter |
Spanish | Células de Músculos, Miocitos, Células Musculares Maduras, Células Musculares |
Portuguese | Células de Músculos, Células Musculares Maduras, Células Musculares, Miócitos |
German | Muskelzellen, Muskelzellen, reife, Myozyten |
Dutch | Cellen, spier-, Myocyt, Myocyten, Spiercellen, Spiercellen, rijpe |
Ontology: neuromuscular system (C0597054)
Definition (CSP) | pertaining to muscles and nerves, or to the relationship between them including the synapse between a neuron and a muscle. |
Concepts | Body System (T022) |
English | neuromuscular system, neuromotor system |
Ontology: Myocytes, Smooth Muscle (C1135918)
Definition (FMA) | Muscle cell which has as its direct parts myofilaments attached to cytoplasmic dense bodies. |
Definition (NCI) | An elongated spindle-shaped contractile cell, peculiar to an involuntary muscle, containing a single nucleus and longitudinally arranged myofibrils. |
Definition (MSH) | Non-striated, elongated, spindle-shaped cells found lining the digestive tract, uterus, and blood vessels. They are derived from specialized myoblasts (MYOBLASTS, SMOOTH MUSCLE). |
Definition (GO) | The contractile fiber of smooth muscle cells. [GOC:mah] |
Concepts | Cell (T025) |
MSH | D032389 |
English | Smooth Muscle Cell, Smooth Muscle Tissue Cell, smooth muscle contractile fiber, smooth muscle fibre, smooth muscle fiber, Smooth muscle myocyte, Smooth muscle cell, Myocyte of smooth muscle, Smooth muscle tissue cell, Non-striated muscle fiber, Leiomyocyte, Myocytus nonstriatus, Smooth muscle fiber, smooth muscle myocytes, smooth muscle cell, cells muscle smooth, smooth muscle cells, Cell, Smooth Muscle, Cells, Smooth Muscle, Myocyte, Smooth Muscle, Myocytes, Smooth Muscle, Smooth Muscle Cells, Smooth Muscle Myocyte, Smooth Muscle Myocytes |
French | CML (Cellule Musculaire Lisse), Myocyte du muscle lisse, Myocytes du muscle lisse, Cellules musculaires lisses, Léiomyocyte, Myocytes lisses |
Swedish | Glattmuskelceller |
Czech | myocyty - hladký sval |
Portuguese | Miócitos de Músculo Liso, Células Musculares Lisas, Células de Músculo Liso |
Spanish | Células de Músculo Liso, Células Musculares Lisas, Miocitos de Músculo Liso, Miocitos del Músculo Liso |
Finnish | Sileälihassolut |
Italian | Cellule muscolari lisce, Miociti della muscolatura liscia |
Polish | Miocyty mięśni gładkich |
Japanese | 平滑筋細胞, 筋細胞-平滑筋 |
Croatian | Not Translated[Myocytes, Smooth Muscle] |
Norwegian | Glatte myocytter, Glatte muskelceller, Myocytter, glatt muskulatur |
German | Glatte Muskelzellen, Myozyten, glatte Muskulatur |
Dutch | Gladde spiercellen, Myocyten, gladde spier |
Ontology: Myosin myofilament (C1179120)
Definition (NCI) | A myofilament composed of myosin. |
Concepts | Cell Component (T026) |
English | Thick filament, Myosin myofilament, Myofilamentum crassum, filament thick, thick filament, filaments thick, Thick Filament |
Ontology: Actin myofilament (C1179121)
Definition (NCI) | A myofilament composed of actin and tropomyosin. |
Definition (GO) | Filaments formed of actin and associated proteins; attached to Z discs at either end of sarcomeres in myofibrils. [ISBN:0815316194] |
Concepts | Cell Component (T026) |
English | striated muscle thin filament, Myofilamentum tenue, Actin myofilament, Thin filament, Striated muscle thin filament, Thin Filament |
Ontology: Smooth muscle (tissue) (C1267092)
Definition (FMA) | Tissue which consists of smooth muscle fibers surrounded by a reticulum of collagen and elastic fibers. Examples: Arrector muscle of hair, Muscularis mucosae. |
Definition (MSHCZE) | Svalovina, která není příčně pruhovaná, z níž jsou tvořeny vnitřní orgány, cévy, vlasové folikuly atd. Kontraktilní prvky svalu jsou protáhlé, obvykle vřetenovitě tvarované buňky s centrálně umístěným jádrem. Vlákna hladkého svalstva jsou obalena a pospojována vlákny bohaté retikulární sítě, v níž častá místa spojů zaručují elasticitu tkáně a její funkční dostatečnost.(In Stedman, 25. vyd.) R |
Definition (NCI) | Involuntary muscle tissue of the internal organs. It is composed of elongated muscle cells or fibers that are not arranged in a striated pattern and form layers of muscle tissue. The smooth muscle cells contain a contractile apparatus composed of thin and thick filaments and a cytoskeleton composed of intermediate filaments. |
Definition (NCI_CDISC) | Involuntary muscle tissue of the internal organs. It is composed of elongated muscle cells or fibers that are not arranged in a striated pattern and form layers of muscle tissue. The smooth muscle cells contain a contractile apparatus composed of thin and thick filaments and a cytoskeleton composed of intermediate filaments. (NCI) |
Definition (MSH) | Unstriated and unstriped muscle, one of the muscles of the internal organs, blood vessels, hair follicles, etc. Contractile elements are elongated, usually spindle-shaped cells with centrally located nuclei. Smooth muscle fibers are bound together into sheets or bundles by reticular fibers and frequently elastic nets are also abundant. (From Stedman, 25th ed) |
Definition (CSP) | nonstriated involuntary muscle; one of the muscles of the internal organs, blood vessels, hair follicles, etc; contractile elements are elongated, usually spindle-shaped cells with centrally located nuclei. |
Concepts | Tissue (T024) |
MSH | D009130 |
SnomedCT | 122447002, 39822001 |
LNC | LP16762-4 |
English | Muscle, Smooth, Muscles, Smooth, Smooth Muscles, Involuntary Muscle, Involuntary Muscles, Muscle, Involuntary, Muscles, Involuntary, nonstriated muscle, Smooth muscle tissue, Textus muscularis nonstriatus, Non-striated muscle, Involuntary muscle, Smooth Muscle, muscles smooth, involuntary muscles, smooth muscle, smooth muscles, muscle smooth, involuntary muscle, smooth tissue muscle, muscle involuntary, smooth muscle tissue, MUSCLE, SMOOTH, SMOOTH MUSCLE TISSUE, Smooth muscle, Smooth muscle (organ) structure (body structure), Smooth muscle (organ) structure, Smooth muscle (organ), Smooth muscle (tissue) (body structure), Smooth muscle (tissue), Smooth muscle, NOS, Smooth Muscle Tissue |
French | Muscles lisses, Muscle lisse, Muscle involontaire |
Swedish | Glatt muskulatur |
Czech | svaly hladké |
Finnish | Sileä lihaskudos |
Italian | Muscolo involontario, Muscolo liscio |
Croatian | MIŠIĆ, GLATKI |
Latvian | Not Translated[Muscle, Smooth] |
Polish | Mięśnie gładkie |
Japanese | 平滑筋, 不随意筋 |
Norwegian | Glatt muskulatur |
Spanish | estructura del músculo liso (órgano) (estructura corporal), estructura del músculo liso (órgano), músculo liso (tejido) (estructura corporal), músculo liso (tejido), músculo liso (órgano), Musculo Involuntario, Músculo Liso |
German | Glatte Muskulatur, Muskulatur, glatte, Muskulatur, unwillkürliche |
Dutch | Gladspierweefsel, Spier, gladde, Spier, onwillekeurige |
Portuguese | Músculo Involuntário, Músculo Liso |
Ontology: Muscle, Striated (C1331262)
Definition (FMA) | Tissue which consists of striated muscle fibers surrounded by endomysium. Examples: Skeletal muscle tissue, Cardiac muscle tissue. |
Definition (MSHCZE) | Jeden ze dvou typů tělesné svaloviny rozeznatelné pod mikroskopem podle svého uspořádání. Příčně pruhovaná svalovina se dělí na dva podtypy: srdeční (MYOKARD) a kosterní svalovinu (SVALY KOSTERNÍ). R |
Definition (NCI_CDISC) | Striated muscles are appendicular and axial muscles typically connected at either or both ends to the bony skeleton of the body. Striated muscle fibers contain a highly organized, contractile cytoskeletal apparatus with a striated microscopic appearance; muscle contraction is typically under voluntary control. (NCI) |
Definition (NCI) | Striated muscles are appendicular and axial muscles typically connected at either or both ends to the bony skeleton of the body. Striated muscle fibers contain a highly organized, contractile cytoskeletal apparatus with a striated microscopic appearance; muscle contraction is typically under voluntary control. |
Definition (CSP) | muscle with fibers divided by transverse bands into striations; in general under voluntary control. |
Definition (MSH) | One of two types of muscle in the body, characterized by the array of bands observed under microscope. Striated muscles can be divided into two subtypes: the CARDIAC MUSCLE and the SKELETAL MUSCLE. |
Concepts | Tissue (T024) |
MSH | D054792 , D018482 |
SnomedCT | 127954009, 118252003, 79984008, 71616004 |
LNC | LP16768-1 |
English | striated muscle, Muscles, Striated, Striated Muscles, MUSCLE STRIATED, Striated Muscle, Striated muscle tissue, Muscle, Striated, STRIATED MUSCLE TISSUE, Striated muscle, Striated muscle (tissue) (body structure), Striated muscle (tissue), Striated muscle system, Striated muscle, NOS, Striated muscles, NOS, Striated Muscle Tissue |
Portuguese | Músculo Estriado |
Spanish | Músculo Estriado, músculo estriado (tejido) (estructura corporal), músculo estriado (tejido), músculo estriado |
Finnish | Poikkijuovainen lihas |
French | Muscle strié |
German | Muskel, quergestreifter |
Italian | Muscolo striato |
Swedish | Tvärstrimmig muskulatur |
Czech | svaly příčně pruhované, příčně pruhovaná svalovina, žíhaná svalovina |
Croatian | Not Translated[Muscle, Striated] |
Latvian | Not Translated[Muscle, Striated] |
Polish | Mięśnie poprzecznie prążkowane |
Japanese | 横紋筋 |
Norwegian | Tverrstripet muskulatur, Muskulatur, tverrstripet |
Dutch | Spier, dwarsgestreepte |
Ontology: Striated muscle cell (C1514994)
Definition (FMA) | Muscle cell which has as its direct parts myofilaments organized into sarcomeres. |
Definition (NCI) | A cylindrical multinucleated cell containing contracting myofibrils, across which run transverse light and dark areas, enclosed in a delicate plasma membrane. |
Concepts | Cell (T025) |
English | Striated Muscle Tissue Cell, Striated Muscle Cell, Striated muscle cell, Striated Muscle Tissue Fiber |
Ontology: Skeletal Myocytes (C1704336)
Definition (MSH) | Large, multinucleate single cells, either cylindrical or prismatic in shape, that form the basic unit of SKELETAL MUSCLE. They consist of MYOFIBRILS enclosed within and attached to the SARCOLEMMA. They are derived from the fusion of skeletal myoblasts (MYOBLASTS, SKELETAL) into a syncytium, followed by differentiation. |
Definition (FMA) | Striated muscle cell which has as its direct parts two or more peripherally located nuclei. |
Definition (NCI) | Large single cells, either cylindrical or prismatic in shape, that form the basic unit of muscle tissue. They consist of a soft contractile substance enclosed in a tubular sheath. (MeSH) |
Concepts | Cell (T025) |
MSH | D018485 |
SnomedCT | 80985008 |
English | Skeletal Muscle Cell, Skeletal Muscle Tissue Cell, Skeletal Myocytes, Skeletal muscle cell, Myocytus striatus, Muscle Fibers, Skeletal, Fiber, Skeletal Muscle, Fibers, Skeletal Muscle, Muscle Fiber, Skeletal, Skeletal Muscle Fibers, skeletal muscle fibre, skeletal muscle cell, Myocyte, Skeletal, Myocytes, Skeletal, Myotube, Myotubes, Skeletal Myocyte, Skeletal muscle fiber, Skeletal muscle fiber (cell structure), Skeletal muscle fibre, Skeletal muscle fiber, NOS, Skeletal muscle fiber (cell), Rhabdomyocyte, Skeletal Fiber, Skeletal Muscle Fiber |
Swedish | Muskelfibrer |
Finnish | Lihassyyt |
Japanese | 筋線維, 骨格筋線維 |
Spanish | Fibras Musculares Esqueléticas, Fibras del Músculo, fibra del músculo esquelético (célula), fibra del músculo esquelético (estructura celular), fibra del músculo esquelético, fibra musculoesquelética, Miotubos, Miocitos Esqueléticos |
French | Fibres musculaires squelettiques, Fibres musculaires striées squelettiques, Cellules musculaires striées squelettiques, Fibres du muscle strié squelettique, Fibres musculaires striées, Myotubes, Myocytes squelettiques, Rhabdomyocytes |
Italian | Fibre muscolari scheletriche |
Portuguese | Fibras Musculares Esqueléticas, Miotúbulos, Miócitos Esqueléticos, Miotubos |
Croatian | MIŠIĆNO TKIVO |
Czech | svalová vlákna kosterní |
Latvian | Not Translated[Muscle Fibers, Skeletal] |
Polish | Miocyty mięśni szkieletowych, Miocyty szkieletowe, Miotuby |
Norwegian | Skjelettmuskelfibre, Skjelettmuskulatur |
German | Muskelfasern, Myotuben, Myozyten, Skelett-, Skelett-Myozyten |
Ontology: Primary nerve ending within muscle spindle (C2328642)
Concepts | Cell Component (T026) |
English | Annulospiral nerve ending, Primary nerve ending within muscle spindle |
Ontology: Secondary nerve ending within muscle spindle (C2333830)
Concepts | Cell Component (T026) |
English | Secondary nerve ending within muscle spindle, Flower-spray nerve ending |
Ontology: Nerve ending within Golgi tendon organ (C2336127)
Concepts | Cell Component (T026) |
English | Nerve ending within Golgi tendon organ |
Ontology: Myofilaments (C3179197)
Definition (NCI) | Fibrillar protein polymers found in the contractile apparatus of muscle cells. |
Concepts | Cell Component (T026) |
MSH | D009210 |
English | Myofilament, Myofilamentum, Myofilaments |
Portuguese | Miofilamentos |
Spanish | Miofilamentos |
German | Myofilamente |
French | Myofilaments |
Norwegian | Myofilament |
Italian | Miofilamenti |