Definition (MSHCZE)
Jádrový ikterus, žluté zbarvení mozkových jader (zejm. bazálních ganglií) způsobené žlučovým barvivem (bilirubinem). Vzniká u těžké novorozenecké žloutenky (viz fetální erytroblastóza). Způsobuje závažná poškození mozku. (cit. Velký lékařský slovník online, 2013 )
Definition (NCI)
A rare neurologic disorder occurring in infants with jaundice. It results from brain damage by existing high levels of unconjugated-indirect bilirubin.
Definition (MSH)
A term used pathologically to describe BILIRUBIN staining of the BASAL GANGLIA; BRAIN STEM; and CEREBELLUM and clinically to describe a syndrome associated with HYPERBILIRUBINEMIA. Clinical features include athetosis, MUSCLE SPASTICITY or hypotonia, impaired vertical gaze, and DEAFNESS. Nonconjugated bilirubin enters the brain and acts as a neurotoxin, often in association with conditions that impair the BLOOD-BRAIN BARRIER (e.g., SEPSIS). This condition occurs primarily in neonates (INFANT, NEWBORN), but may rarely occur in adults. (Menkes, Textbook of Child Neurology, 5th ed, p613)
Definition (CSP)
brain disorder associated with high levels of bilrubin; clinical features include athetosis, muscle spasticity or hypotonia, impaired vertical gaze, and deafness; nonconjugated bilirubin enters the brain and acts as a neurotoxin, often in association with conditions that impair the blood-brain barrier; this condition occurs primarily in neonates with perinatal blood incompatibilities, but may rarely occur in adults.
Concepts |
Disease or Syndrome
ICD10 |
, P57.9 |
SnomedCT |
157135006, 230770008, 268880009, 206479002, 74925009, 50143004 |
English |
Bilirubin Encephalopathies, Bilirubin Encephalopathy, Encephalopathies, Bilirubin, Encephalopathy, Bilirubin, Kernicterus, Kernicterus, unspecified, ENCEPH BILIRUBIN, BILIRUBIN ENCEPH, HYPERBILIRUBINEMIC ENCEPH, ENCEPH HYPERBILIRUBINEMIC, bilirubin encephalopathy, kernicterus, kernicterus (diagnosis), kernicterus of newborn (diagnosis), kernicterus of newborn, Jaundice nuclear, Encephalopathies, Hyperbilirubinemic, Encephalopathy, Hyperbilirubinemic, Hyperbilirubinemic Encephalopathies, Hyperbilirubinemic Encephalopathy, Kernicterus [Disease/Finding], Kernicterus (disorder), Kernicterus of newborn NOS (disorder), Nuclear jaundice, Bilirubin encephalopathy, Kernicterus of newborn, Kernicterus (morphologic abnormality), Kernicterus of newborn (disorder), encephalopathy; hyperbilirubinemic, hyperbilirubinemic; encephalopathy, jaundice; kernicterus, kernicterus; jaundice, kernicterus; newborn, Kernicterus of newborn, NOS, Kernicterus of newborn NOS |
Dutch |
bilirubine encefalopatie, encefalopathie; hyperbilirubinemisch, geelzucht; kernicterus, hyperbilirubinemisch; encefalopathie, kernicterus; geelzucht, kernicterus; pasgeborene, Kernicterus, niet gespecificeerd, kernicterus, Bilirubine-encefalopathie, Hyperbilirubinemische encefalopathie, Kernicterus |
German |
Bilirubinenzephalopathie, Kernikterus, nicht naeher bezeichnet, Kernikterus, Bilirubin-Enzephalopathie, Hyperbilirubinämische Enzephalophatie |
Portuguese |
Encefalopatia por bilirrubina, Icterícia nuclear, Querníctero, Kerníctero, Kernicterus, Encefalopatia Bilirrubínica, Encefalopatia Hiperbilirrubinêmica |
Spanish |
Encefalopatía por exceso de bilirrubina, Ictericia nuclear, kernicterus del recién nacido, SAI, kernicterus del recién nacido, SAI (trastorno), Kernítero, Querníctero, encefalopatía bilirrubínica, encefalopatía por bilirrubina, ictericia nuclear (anomalía morfológica), ictericia nuclear, kernicterus del recién nacido (trastorno), kernicterus del recién nacido, kernícterus, Kernicterus, Encefalopatía Bilirrubínica, Encefalopatía Hiperbilirrubinémica |
Swedish |
Japanese |
ビリルビンノウショウ, カクオウダン, 核黄疸, ビリルビン脳症 |
Czech |
kernikterus, Jádrový ikterus, Encefalopatie bilirubinová, Kernikterus |
Finnish |
Russian |
Italian |
Encefalopatia iperbilirubinemica, Encefalopatia da bilirubina, Ittero nucleare |
Korean |
핵황달, 상세불명의 핵황달 |
Polish |
Kernicterus, Żółtaczka jąder podkorowych mózgu |
Hungarian |
Mag-icterus, Bilirubin encephalopathia, Magicterus |
Norwegian |
Kjerneikterus, Kernicterus, Bilirubinencefalopati, Kernikterus, Kjerneicterus, Bilirubin-encefalopati |
French |
Ictère nucléaire néonatal, Ictère nucléaire, Encéphalopathie bilirubinique, Encéphalopathie hyperbilirubinémique, Encéphalopathie par hyperbilirubinémie, Kernictère |