II. Epidemiology
- Prevalence Developmental Delay in U.S.: 15% of those ages 3-17 years old
- Speech Delay or Language Delay: Up to 19% Prevalence
- Learning Disorder: 8% Prevalence
- Cognitive Disorder: Up to 1.5% Prevalence
III. Precautions
- Early intervention for Developmental Delay is associated with the best outcomes
- However, only 3% of all children received early intervention by age 3 years old (2014, U.S.)
- Public interventions for Developmental Delay peaks at ages 9-12 years old (12.5% of children)
- Parental concern alone may be insufficient screening
- Parental concern alone misses half of children identified with standardized screening tools
- However, screening recommendations varies
- Only AAP recommends routine screening in asymptomatic children (at 9, 18, 24-30 and 48 months)
- USPTF and AAFP recommend screening in symptomatic children (e.g. parental concern)
IV. Indications
- Periodic screening in all children at ages 9, 18, 24 and 30 months
- High risk for Disability
- Low income family
- Parents with limited education
- Parents with mental health concerns
- Single parent family
- Numerous siblings
- Parental unemployment
- Lack of parental concerns
- Other risks
- Perinatal risk factors
- Lower level or maternal education
- Male gender
V. Approach: Survey Parental Concerns
- Use standardized questionnaire (preferred for primary care)
- Example: Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) for age 4-60 months
- See Tools below for preferred options (ASQ, CDR/IDI or PEDS)
- Use Clinician Trigger Question (Glascoe)
- Ask Parent "Please tell me any concerns you have:"
- Learning
- Developing
- Behaving
- Ask Parent "Please tell me any concerns you have:"
VI. Approach: Developmental Screening Tests for parental concerns
- Behavior (35%)
- Speech and Language (30%)
- Gross motor (less common)
- Fine motor
- Often reflects true developmental problems
- Global concerns
- Needs screening!
VII. Tools
- Developmental Screening Tests ("Does a problem exist?")
- Preferred Options (per AAP, one of the following tests is performed at 9, 18, 24-30 and 48 months)
- Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ): 4-60 months (10 parent completed questions)
- Infant Development Inventory (IDI): 0-18 months
- Child Development Review (CDR): 18-60 months
- Parent's Evaluations of Developmental Status (PEDS): 0-8 years (10 parent completed questions)
- Other options
- Battelle Developmental Inventory
- Bayley Infant Neurodevelopmental Screen
- Brigance Screen
- Denver Developmental Screening Test II (not recommended due to low efficacy)
- Minnesota Child Developmental Inventory (replaced by CDR and IDI)
- Preferred Options (per AAP, one of the following tests is performed at 9, 18, 24-30 and 48 months)
Autism Screening (per AAP performed at 18 and 24 months)
- Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M-CHAT-R/F)
- Other tools
- Pervasive Developmental Disorders Screening (PDDST)
- Autism Screening Questionnaire
- Australian Scale for Asperger Syndrome
- Developmental Assessment Tools (abnormal screening)
- Young children under age 3 years: Cognitive Test
- Children 3 years and older: Intelligence Testing
- Behavioral Screening
- Broad-based testing
- Other Tests
- Language and communication
- Sequenced Inventory Communication Development
- Abbreviation: SICD
- Used in 4-48 months
- Sequenced Inventory Communication Development
- Adaptive and social Functioning
- Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales
- Used in birth to 18 years
- Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales
- Language and communication
VIII. Resources
- Healthcare Provider Intervention Guidelines (CDC)
- U.S. Early Intervention Programs by State (CDC)
- Developmental Disabilities (CDC)
- Bright Futures Developmental Screening
Images: Related links to external sites (from Bing)
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Definition (MEDLINEPLUS) |
Developmental disabilities are severe, long-term problems. They may be physical, such as blindness. They may affect mental ability, such as learning disorders. Or the problem can be both physical and mental, such as Down syndrome. The problems are usually life-long, and can affect everyday living. There are many causes of developmental disabilities, including
Often there is no cure, but treatment can help the symptoms. Treatments include physical, speech, and occupational therapy. Special education classes and psychological counseling can also help. NIH: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development |
Definition (NCI) | A disorder diagnosed in childhood that is marked by either physical or mental impairment or both, which in turn affects the child from achieving age related developmental milestones. |
Definition (MSH) | Disorders in which there is a delay in development based on that expected for a given age level or stage of development. These impairments or disabilities originate before age 18, may be expected to continue indefinitely, and constitute a substantial impairment. Biological and nonbiological factors are involved in these disorders. (From American Psychiatric Glossary, 6th ed) |
Definition (PSY) | As encompassed in federal legislation for educational assistance to handicapped children, includes disabilities originating before age 18 that constitute substantial barriers to normal functioning. Use a more specific term if possible. |
Concepts | Mental or Behavioral Dysfunction (T048) |
MSH | D002658 |
ICD10 | F89 |
SnomedCT | 192149001, 5294002 |
LNC | LP75919-8 |
English | Child Development Disorder, Child Development Disorders, Development Disorder, Child, Development Disorders, Child, Developmental Disability, Disabilities, Developmental, Disability, Developmental, CHILD DEVELOPMENT DIS, DEVELOPMENT DIS CHILD, developmental disability, Developmental Disabilities [Disease/Finding], Developmental disabilities, child developmental disabilities, child development disorder, developmental disorders, Developmental disorder NOS, Developmental Disorder, Developmental disorder NOS (disorder), child development disorders, developmental delay disorders, developmental disabilities, disorder developmental, disorder developmental (diagnosis), Developmental disorder, Developmental disorder (disorder), developmental disorder, child; developmental disorder, developmental disorder; child, Developmental disorder, NOS, Developmental Disabilities |
Swedish | Utvecklingsstörningar |
Czech | dítě - vývojové poruchy, opoždění vývoje |
Finnish | Kehitysvammaisuus |
Italian | Disturbi dello sviluppo del bambino, Ritardi nello sviluppo |
Japanese | 小児発育偏差, 児童発達障害-特殊, 児童発育障害, 発育遅滞障害, 児童発育偏差, 特殊な児童発達障害, 児童発育偏移, 発達障害, 小児発育障害 |
Polish | Zaburzenia rozwoju dziecka, Niesprawności rozwojowe |
Norwegian | Utviklingsforstyrrelser |
Spanish | trastorno del desarrollo, SAI, trastorno del desarrollo, SAI (trastorno), trastorno del desarrollo (trastorno), trastorno del desarrollo, Discapacidades del Desarrollo, Trastornos del Desarrollo Infantil |
Dutch | kind; ontwikkelingsstoornis, ontwikkelingsstoornis; kind, Ontwikkelingsstoornis, Ontwikkelingsstoornissen, Ontwikkelingsstoornissen bij het kind, Ontwikkelingsstoornissen van het kind, Specifieke ontwikkelingsstoornissen van het kind, Stoornissen door een vertraagde ontwikkeling |
French | Troubles du développement de l'enfant, Troubles du développement, Handicaps du développement |
German | Entwicklungsbedingte Fähigkeitsstörungen, Entwicklungsverzögerungen, Behinderungen durch, Fähigkeitsstörungen, entwicklungsbedingte, Kindliche Entwicklungsstörungen |
Portuguese | Deficiências do Desenvolvimento, Transtornos do Desenvolvimento Infantil |
Ontology: Developmental delay (disorder) (C0424605)
Definition (PSY) | Delays in any or all areas including cognitive, social, language, sensory, and emotional development. |
Concepts | Mental or Behavioral Dysfunction (T048) |
ICD9 | 315.9 |
SnomedCT | 268787000, 268790006, 288196003, 154957005, 154953009, 248290002 |
English | Unspecified delay in development, Delayed development, DEVELOPMENTAL DELAY, Developmental delay NOS, Development delay NOS, delays developmental, developmental retardation, child developmental delay, delayed development, developmental delay, development delay, Development delay NOS (disorder), Development delay - NOS, Developmental delay, development; retardation, disturbance; learning, retardation; developmental, Delayed Development, Developmental delay (disorder), Delay;developmental |
Italian | Ritardo di sviluppo, Ritardo non specificato dello sviluppo, Ritardo di sviluppo NAS |
Dutch | ontwikkelingsvertraging NAO, niet-gespecificeerde vertraging in de ontwikkeling, ontwikkeling; retardatie, retardatie; ontwikkeling, ontwikkelingsvertraging |
French | Retards du développement non précisés, Retard de développement SAI, RETARD DU DEVELOPPEMENT, Retard du développement |
German | Entwicklungsverzoegerung NNB, unspezifische Verzoegerung in der Entwicklung, ENTWICKLUNGSVERZOEGERUNG, Entwicklungsverzoegerung |
Portuguese | Atraso NE do desenvolvimento, Atraso de desevovimento NE, ATRASO DO DESENVOLVIMENTO, Atraso de desenvolvimento |
Spanish | Retraso en el desarrollo NEOM, Retraso no especificado del desarrollo, retardo del desarrollo, SAI (trastorno), retardo del desarrollo, SAI, retraso congénito (trastorno), retraso congénito, Retraso en el desarrollo |
Japanese | 詳細不明の発達遅延, 発育遅延, 発育遅延NOS, ハツイクチエン, ハツイクチエンNOS, ショウサイフメイノハッタツチエン |
Czech | Vývojové opoždění, Vývojové zpoždění NOS, Nespecifikované zpoždění ve vývoji |
Hungarian | Fejlődési visszamaradás, Fejlődési visszamaradás k.m.n., Nem meghatározott visszamaradás a fejlődésben |
Ontology: Developmental handicap screening (C0588354)
Concepts | Diagnostic Procedure (T060) |
SnomedCT | 171206002, 275976000 |
English | Developmental handicap screen, Developmental h'cap screen, Develop h'cap screen, Developmental handicap screening, Developmental handicap screening (procedure) |
Spanish | rastreo para la detección de retraso madurativo, pesquisa para la detección de retraso madurativo, pesquisa de retraso madurativo, detección selectiva de retraso madurativo (procedimiento), cribado para la detección de retraso madurativo, screening de retraso madurativo, cribado para la detección de retraso madurativo (procedimiento), tamizaje para la detección de retraso madurativo, screening para la detección de retraso madurativo, cribado de retraso madurativo, tamizaje de retraso madurativo, cribaje para la detección de retraso madurativo, detección selectiva de retraso madurativo |