II. Causes
- Decreased Intake
- Protein calorie Malnutrition
- Starvation
- Alcoholism (Prevalence: 30-80% of Alcoholics)
- Among the most common causes of Hypomagnesemia in the Emergency Department
- Prolonged IV Therapy
- Inadequate Parenteral supplementation
- Decreased Absorption
- Malabsorption (e.g. Celiac Sprue, Crohns Disease, Bariatric Surgery)
- Small Intestine absorption
- Neonatal gut immaturity
- Excessive Gastrointestinal losses
- Excessive Renal Losses
- Diuretics
- Acute Tubular Necrosis (Diuretic phase)
- Acute Renal Failure diuresis
- Primary Aldosteronism
- Hypercalcemia
- Renal Tubular Acidosis (RTA)
- Idiopathic renal wasting
- Chronic Renal Failure with wasting
- Miscellaneous Causes
- Idiopathic
- Acute Pancreatitis
- Porphyria with SIADH
- Multiple transfusions with citrated blood
- Endocrine
- Hyperthyroidism
- Hyperparathyroidism
- Poorly controlled Diabetes Mellitus and Diabetic Ketoacidosis
- Hyperaldosteronism
- Medications
III. Symptoms (Serum Magnesium <1.2 mg/dl)
IV. Signs
- Seizures
- Muscle cramps to Tetany
- Chvostek's Signs
- Vertical Nystagmus
- Arrhythmias
V. Labs
- See Serum Magnesium
- Serum Magnesium reflects only 1% of total Magnesium
Serum Potassium is a marker of total Magnesium
- When Serum Potassium is low, magenesium is often also depleted
VI. Diagnostics
Electrocardiogram (EKG)
- Frequent Premature Contractions (PVCs)
- Non-sustained Ventricular Tachycardia
- Prolonged QTc (with risk of Torsades de Pointes)
VII. Differential Diagnosis
- Hypocalcemia and Hypomagnesemia share similar initial, early symptoms
- Both may demonstrate Chvostek Sign, Trousseau Sign
Seizure Disorder
- Hypomagnesemia may be associated with Tetany in more severe cases
- However, patient will be alert with Tetany, while unresponsive in Generalized Tonic Clonic Seizures
- Seizures may also occur with Hypomagnesemia
VIII. Management
- See Magnesium Replacement
- See Potassium Replacement (Potassium is frequently depleted when Magnesium is depleted)
- Asymptomatic and mildly symptomatic patients (e.g. Muscle Weakness) may undergo oral Magnesium Replacement
- Severe symptoms should be managed with intravenous Magnesium Replacement
- Start with Intravenous Magnesium 2 g IV over 30 to 60 minutes
- Next initiate an infusion at 1 gram/hour
- Use decreased Magnesium doses in Renal Insufficiency
IX. References
- Willis and Swaminathan in Swadron (2023) EM:Rap 23(6): 4-5
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Definition (NCI_CTCAE) | A disorder characterized by laboratory test results that indicate a low concentration of magnesium in the blood. |
Definition (NCI_NICHD) | Hypomagnesemia is an electrolyte disturbance in which there is an abnormally low level of magnesium in the blood (less than 0.7 mmol/L) |
Definition (NCI) | Lower than normal levels of magnesium in the circulating blood. |
Concepts | Finding (T033) |
ICD10 | E83.42 |
SnomedCT | 82020005, 190855004 |
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