II. Definitions

  1. Thalamus
    1. Functions as a central hub for incoming sensory signals relayed to the cerebral cortex
    2. Motor interconnections between the Cerebellum, cerebral cortex and target peripheral Neurons
    3. Thalamus functionality is divided among its 9 thalamic nucleii

III. Anatomy

  1. General
    1. Paired sensory relays
    2. Located in the posterior Diencephalon of the brain
    3. Thalamus located on each side of Third Ventricle
  2. Nucleii
    1. Ventral Posterolateral Nucleus (VPL)
      1. Spinal sensory Neurons from the periphery Synapse
    2. Ventral Posteromedial Nucleus (VPM)
      1. Trigeminal LemniscusSynapse
    3. Anterior Thalamic Nucleus
      1. Portion of the Papez Circuit
    4. Ventral Lateral Nucleus (VL)
      1. Cerebellum input
  3. Images
    1. neuroThalamus.png
    2. neuroBrainXsGrayBB717.gifLewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
    3. neuroBrainXsGrayBB716.gifLewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)

IV. Physiology

  1. Thalamus acts as a relay and integrative center for sensory input
  2. Receives peripheral sensory signals through the Brainstem
  3. Communicates with the Cerebellum, Basal Ganglia and Hypothalamus
  4. Transmits sensory signals to the cerebral cortex
    1. Motor signsal from the cerebral cortex bypass the Thalamus via the Internal Capsule

V. Signs: Brain Lesion

  1. Contralateral sensory loss
  2. Behavioral changes
  3. Language disorder

VI. References

  1. Netter (1997) Atlas Human Anatomy, ICON Learning, p. 105
  2. Newton (1994) Am Fam Physician 49(4): 787-97 [PubMed]

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Related Studies

Ontology: Thalamic structure (C0039729)

Definition (CHV) a mass of nerve cells located in the central brain
Definition (CHV) a mass of nerve cells located in the central brain
Definition (NCI) An ovoid mass composed predominantly of gray substance and associated laminae of white substance. The thalamus is divided into anterior, medial, and lateral parts. The function of the thalamus is to relay sensory impulses and cerebellar and basal ganglia projections to the cerebral cortex. The thalamus is positioned within the posterior part of the diencephalon forming most of each lateral wall of the third ventricle.
Definition (NCI_CDISC) An ovoid mass composed predominantly of gray substance and associated laminae of white substance. The thalamus is divided into anterior, medial, and lateral parts. The function of the thalamus is to relay sensory impulses and cerebellar and basal ganglia projections to the cerebral cortex. The thalamus is positioned within the posterior part of the diencephalon forming most of each lateral wall of the third ventricle. (NCI)
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Portuguese Núcleo Ventral Lateral Talâmico, Núcleo Ventral Posterior Inferior Talâmico, Núcleo Ventral Posteromedial Talâmico, Núcleo Ventral Anterior Talâmico, Núcleo Ventral Posterolateral Talâmico, Núcleos Ventrais Talâmicos, Núcleo Ventral Posterior Talâmico, Grupo Nuclear Ventral, Núcleos Ventrais do Tálamo
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Ontology: Ventral Lateral Thalamic Nucleus (C0228339)

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Czech nucleus ventralis lateralis thalami
Portuguese Núcleo Ventral Lateral do Tálamo
Spanish Núcleo Talámico Ventral Lateral, estructura del núcleo lateral ventral del tálamo (estructura corporal), estructura del núcleo lateral ventral del tálamo, núcleo lateral ventral del tálamo
French Noyau ventral latéral thalamique, Noyau ventral latéral du thalamus, Noyau ventral latéral, Noyau ventro-latéral du thalamus, Noyau ventrolatéral du thalamus
German Nucleus ventralis lateralis thalami
Norwegian Nucleus ventralis lateralis thalami
Italian Nucleo ventrale laterale del talamo, Nucleo ventro-laterale del talamo, Nucleo ventrale laterale
Dutch Nucleus ventrolateralis (thalamus)