II. Anatomy

  1. entNoseAndOrbitGrayBB191.gif Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
  2. entOrbitLeftMedialGrayBB192.gif Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)

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Ontology: Ocular orbit (C0029180)

Definition (FMA) Space of compartment of head which is bound by the internal surface of the wall of orbit.
Definition (NCI_CDISC) The bony cavity of the skull which contains the eye, anterior portion of the optic nerve, ocular muscles and ocular adnexa. Seven bones contribute to the structure of the orbit: the frontal, maxillary, zygomatic, sphenoid, lacrimal, ethmoid, and palatine bones. (NCI)
Definition (NCI) The bony cavity of the skull which contains the eye, anterior portion of the optic nerve, ocular muscles and ocular adnexa. Seven bones contribute to the structure of the orbit: the frontal, maxillary, zygomatic, sphenoid, lacrimal, ethmoid, and palatine bones.
Definition (MSH) Bony cavity that holds the eyeball and its associated tissues and appendages.
Concepts Body Space or Junction (T030)
MSH D009915
SnomedCT 363654007, 280541000, 87716009
LNC LP33450-5, MTHU016817
English Orbits, Orbit, Eye Socket, Sockets, Eye, Socket, Eye, Eye Sockets, ocular orbit, Orbit of skull, Cavitas orbitalis, Orbita, Orbital compartment, Ocular orbit, orbita, orbit, structure orbit, eyes sockets, orbits, eye socket, eye sockets, Eye-sockets, BODY CAVITY, ORBITAL, ORBIT, Orbit structure, Orbital cavity, Orbital cavity (body structure), Structure of orbit proper (body structure), Structure of orbit proper, Orbit, NOS, Ocular Orbit, Orbital Cavity
Swedish Ögonhåla
Czech očnice, orbita, oční jamka
Finnish Silmäkuoppa
French Cavité orbitaire, Orbite
Japanese 眼窩
Italian Orbita oculare, Orbita
Portuguese Órbita
Croatian ORBITA
Polish Oczodół
Spanish estructura de la órbita propiamente dicha, estructura de la órbita propiamente dicha (estructura corporal), estructura de órbita propiamente dicha (estructura corporal), estructura de órbita propiamente dicha, cavidad orbitaria (estructura corporal), cavidad orbitaria, órbita, Órbita
Norwegian Øyehule, Orbita
German Orbita, Augenhöhle
Dutch Oogkas, Orbita