II. Anatomy

  1. entTemporalBoneOuterGrayBB137.gif Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
  2. entTemporalBoneInnerGrayBB138.gif Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
  3. entTemporalBoneLtInnerGrayBB141.gif Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
  4. entTemporalBoneRtXsBB139.gif
  5. entTemporalBoneBirthPartGrayBB142.gif Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
  6. entTemporalBoneBirthGrayBB144.gif Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
  7. entTemporalBonePartGrayBB143.gif Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
  8. entTemporalBoneLtGrayBB1209.gif Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)

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Related Studies

Ontology: Temporal bone structure (C0039484)

Definition (NCI) A large irregular bone situated at the base and side of the skull, connected with the mandible via the temporomandibular joint. The temporal bone consists of the squamous, tympanic and petrous parts. The petrous portion of the temporal bone contains the vestibulocochlear organ of the inner ear.
Definition (NCI_CDISC) A large irregular bone situated at the base and side of the skull, connected with the mandible via the temporomandibular joint. The temporal bone consists of the squamous, tympanic and petrous parts. The petrous portion of the temporal bone contains the vestibulocochlear organ of the inner ear. (NCI)
Definition (CSP) one of the two irregular bones forming part of the lateral surfaces and base of the skull and containing the organs of hearing.
Definition (MSH) Either of a pair of compound bones forming the lateral (left and right) surfaces and base of the skull which contains the organs of hearing. It is a large bone formed by the fusion of parts: the squamous (the flattened anterior-superior part), the tympanic (the curved anterior-inferior part), the mastoid (the irregular posterior portion), and the petrous (the part at the base of the skull).
Concepts Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component (T023)
MSH D013701
SnomedCT 60911003
LNC LP33447-1, MTHU040074
English Bone, Temporal, Bones, Temporal, Temporal Bone, Temporal Bones, Os temporale, temporal bone, temporal bones, bones temporal, bone temporal, TEMPORAL BONE, Temporal bone, Temporal bone structure (body structure), Temporal bone structure, Temporal bone, NOS
Swedish Tinningben
Czech spánková kost
Finnish Ohimoluu
Polish Kość skroniowa
Norwegian Os temporale, Tinningbein, Tinningben
Spanish estructura del hueso temporal (estructura corporal), estructura del hueso temporal, hueso temporal, Hueso Temporal
German Os temporale, Schläfenbein
Italian Osso temporale
Dutch Os temporale, Slaapbeen
Portuguese Osso Temporal
French Os temporal, Temporal