II. Anatomy: Cranial Nerves 9-11

  1. entCranialNerve9to11GrayBB791.gif Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
  2. entCranialNerve9to11GrayBB793.gif Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
  3. entCranialNerve9to11GrayBB794.gif Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)

III. Physiology

  1. Most extensive innervation of any Cranial Nerve
  2. Neck, thorax, Abdomen innervation
    1. Motor, sensory and autonomic

IV. Anatomy: Nucleii in Medulla

  1. Somatic Motor Nucleii
    1. Nucleus Ambiguous transmits signals to pharynx for Swallowing, as well as Larynx
    2. Also innervates Levator Veli Palatini (raises the Soft Palate)
  2. Visceral Motor Nucleii
    1. Dorsal Motor Nucleus CN10 innervates thoracic and abdominal viscera (via peripheral Ganglion)
  3. Visceral Sensory Nucleii
    1. Nucleus Solitarius transmits taste signals from epiglottis
    2. Also transmits signals from pharynx, Larynx, trachea, Esophagus as well as thoracic and abdominal viscera
  4. Somatic Sensory Nucleii
    1. Spinal Nucleus of CN 5 transmits signals from External Ear and dura

V. Anatomy: Course

  1. neuroVagusCN10.png
  2. Jugular Fossa Branches
    1. Pharyngeal Nerve
    2. Superior Laryngeal Nerve
    3. Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve
    4. Superior Cardiac Nerve
  3. Thoracic Branches
    1. Inferior Cardiac Nerve
    2. Anterior Bronchial Nerve
    3. Posterior Bronchial Nerve
    4. Esophageal Nerve
  4. Abdominal Branches
    1. Gastric Nerve
    2. Celiac Nerve
    3. Hepatic Nerve

VI. Exam

  1. Pharynx
    1. Normal: Uvula rises to phonation (Patient says "Ah")
    2. Paralysis: Uvula deviates toward the strong side
  2. Larynx
    1. Laryngeal contours rise with Swallowing
    2. Vocal Cord Paralysis
      1. Unilateral: Hoarseness
      2. Bilateral: Dyspnea or Inspiratory Stridor
    3. Indirect Laryngoscopy if indicated

VII. References

  1. Gilman (1989) Manter and Gatz Essentials of Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology, Davis, p. 87-113
  2. Goldberg (2014) Clinical Neuroanatomy, p. 24-39
  3. Netter (1997) Atlas Human Anatomy, ICON Learning, p. 110-129

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English Nerve, Pneumogastric, Nerve, Vagus, Nerves, Pneumogastric, Nerves, Vagus, Pneumogastric Nerve, Pneumogastric Nerves, Vagus Nerve, Vagus Nerves, Cranial Nerve X, Cranial Nerve, Tenth, Cranial Nerves, Tenth, Nerve X, Cranial, Nerve, Tenth Cranial, Nerves, Tenth Cranial, Tenth Cranial Nerve, Tenth Cranial Nerves, X, Cranial Nerve, cranial nerve X, Nervus vagus [X], Vagus nerve tree, Vagus nerve [X], Vagus, cranial nerve x, nervus vagus, pneumogastric nerve, vagus nervus, vagus nerves, nerve x, vagus, nerves x, vagus nerve x, nerve vagus, 10n, vagus nerve, tenth cranial nerve, Nervus vagus, NERVE, VAGUS, VAGUS NERVE, Nervus Vagus, Nerve X, Vagus, Nervus, Nerve Xs, Tenth cranial nerve, Vagus nerve, Cranial nerve X, Vagus nerve structure (body structure), Vagus nerve structure, Tenth cranial nerve, NOS, Vagus nerve, NOS
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Swedish Vagusnerv
Czech nervus vagus, n. X, kraniální nerv X, desátý kraniální nerv, bloudivý nerv
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German ZEHNTER HIRNNERV, Hirnnerv X, Nervus vagus, Vagus, X. Hirnnerv
Italian Decimo nervo cranico, Nervo cranico X, Nervo pneumogastrico, Nervo vago
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Japanese 第10脳神経, 迷走神経, 肺胃神経
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Portuguese X Nervo Craniano, X Par Craniano, Décimo Nervo Craniano, Nervo Craniano X, Nervo Pneumogástrico, Nervo Vago
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