II. Definition
III. Pathophysiology
- Deficit requires bilateral neurologic lesion
- Multiple possible lesion sites
- Upper Motor Neuron Lesion (UMNL)
- Lower Motor Neuron Lesion (UMNL)
- Peripheral Nerve Lesion
- Cortical Lesion
IV. Exam: Characteristics
- Quality: Coherent or incoherent
- Quantity: Talkative, expansive, paucity of speech
- Rate: Fast, pressured, slow, normal
- Volume and Tone: Loud, soft, monotone, weak, strong, mumbled
- Fluency and rhythm: Slurred, hesitant, aphasic or clear
V. Interpretation
- Psychotic: Rambling, bizarre speech (distinguish from Aphasia)
- Manic: Loud and rapid speech
- Depressed: Slow and soft speech
VI. Exam: Innervation
Cranial Nerve XII
- Say "la-la-la"
- Say "newly laid linoleum"
- Say "Lolita's lost her lettuce"
Cranial Nerve VII
- Labial Dysarthria
- Say "paper bag"
- Say "PresbyEpiscopal"
Bulbar Paralysis (nuclei) Lower Motor Neuron Lesion
- Atrophy and Fasciculation of Tongue
- Decreased Gag Reflex
- Not labile
- No Babinski
- Pseudobulbar/Suprabulbar: (bilateral cortical)
- Babinski abnormal
- Hyperactive Gag Reflex
- Lability (emotional Incontinence)
- Irregular cadence
Upper Motor Neuron Lesion (UMNL) - spastic Dysarthria
- Distinct explosive speech
- Hot potato voice
- Cerebellar
- Scanning speech with dysprosody
- Extrapyramidal
- Sloppy indistinct quiet slower speech
Tongue (Upper or Lower Motor Neuron Lesion)
- Say "G, J, T, N, D"
- Lips (Upper or Lower Motor Neuron Lesion)
- Say "P, B, F"
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Related Studies
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Definition (NCI_CTCAE) | A disorder characterized by slow and slurred speech resulting from an inability to coordinate the muscles used in speech. |
Definition (CSP) | imperfect speech articulation due to disturbances of muscular control. |
Definition (MSH) | Disorders of speech articulation caused by imperfect coordination of pharynx, larynx, tongue, or face muscles. This may result from CRANIAL NERVE DISEASES; NEUROMUSCULAR DISEASES; CEREBELLAR DISEASES; BASAL GANGLIA DISEASES; BRAIN STEM diseases; or diseases of the corticobulbar tracts (see PYRAMIDAL TRACTS). The cortical language centers are intact in this condition. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p489) |
Definition (PSY) | Articulation disorder resulting from central nervous system disease, especially brain damage. |
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Spanish | DISARTRIA, Disartrosis, [D]disartria (categoría dependiente del contexto), DISARTROSIS, [D]disartria (situación), [D]disartria, disartria (hallazgo), disartria, Disartria |
German | DYSARTHRIE, Dysarthrose, DYSARTHROSIS, Dysarthrie |
Dutch | dysartrose, dysartrie, Dysarthria, Dysartrie |
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Japanese | 関節異常, コウゴショウガイ, カンセツイジョウ, 構語障害, 延髄言語, ディザルトリア, 末梢性構音障害, 構話不全, 構語障害症, 構語障碍, 球言語 |
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Hungarian | Dysarthrosis, Dysarthria |
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Ontology: Dysphonia (C1527344)
Definition (MSH) | Difficulty and/or pain in PHONATION or speaking. |
Definition (NCI_NCI-GLOSS) | Trouble with the voice when trying to talk, including hoarseness and change in pitch or quality or voice. |
Definition (NCI) | A speech disorder resulting in impaired utterance of sounds by the vocal folds. |
Definition (PSY) | Any speech disorder involving problems of voice quality, pitch, or intensity. |
Concepts | Finding (T033) |
MSH | D055154 , D014832 |
ICD9 | 784.42 |
ICD10 | R49.0 |
SnomedCT | 206973006, 16617009, 158310005, 229634004, 47004009 |
French | DYSPHONIE, Dysphonie, Troubles de la phonation |
English | DYSPHONIA, [D]Dysphonia, [D]Dysphonia (context-dependent category), speech phonation dysphonia (physical finding), speech phonation dysphonia, Phonation Disorder, PHONATION DIS, Phonation Disorders, Dysphonia [Disease/Finding], Dysphonia (disorder), [D]Dysphonia (situation), Dysphonia (finding), dysphonia, Phonation disorder, Dysphonia, NOS, Dysphonia -RETIRED-, Dysphonia |
Portuguese | DISFONIA, Transtornos da Fonação, Disfonia, Distúrbios da Fonação |
Spanish | DISFONIA, [D]disfonía (categoría dependiente del contexto), Trastornos de la Fonación, Disfonía, disfonía - RETIRADO - (concepto no activo), [D]disfonía (situación), [D]disfonía, disfonía - RETIRADO -, disfonía (trastorno), disfonía |
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German | DYSPHONIE, Dysphonie, Phonationsstörungen |
Czech | Dysfonie, dysfonie |
Italian | Disfonia, Disturbo della fonazione |
Korean | 발성장애 |
Swedish | Dysfoni |
Polish | Dysfonia spastyczna, Zaburzenia fonacji, Dysfonia, Dysfonia hiperkinetyczna |
Hungarian | Dysphonia |
Norwegian | Dysfoni |
Dutch | dysfonie, Dysfonie, Fonatiestoornis |