II. Definitions
- Myelitis
- Spinal Cord Inflammation of various causes including Viral Infections, toxins, autoimmune or vascular conditions
- Findings include weakness, sensory changes (Paresthesias, numbness), Autonomic Dysfunction (e.g. Urinary Incontinence)
- Transverse Myelitis
- Spinal cord inflammation of a transverse segment of the cord with demyelination and necrosis
- Myelitis findings occur below the segment of spinal cord involvement
III. Epidemiology
- No gender or familial predisposition
Incidence (rare): 1.3 to 4.6 per million people
- U.S. 1400 new cases per year
- Ages: Bimodal distribution
- Most common in children and young adults (peak age 10 to 19 years old)
- Further bimodal distribution in children (age <3 years and age 5 to 17 years)
- Affects 0.2 per 100,000 children per year
- Accounts for 20% of acute demyelinating syndrome in children
- Associated with Viral Infection or Vaccination in 60% of cases
- Second peak at age 30 to 39 years old
- Most common in children and young adults (peak age 10 to 19 years old)
IV. Pathophysiology
- Spinal cord inflammation due to autoimmune, inflammatory, vascular or infectious causes
- Lymphocyte and Monocyte infiltration
- Associated with demyelination and axonal injury
- Myelitis may be unilateral or bilateral, and may effect only some long tracts but not others
- May affect both ascending (sensory) and descending (motor) pathways
- The terms Myelitis, Transverse Myelitis and Acute Transverse Myelitis are used interchangeably
- The adjective transverse only describes the distribution, but the causes and management are similar
V. Causes: Myelitis
- See Acute Flaccid Paralysis
- See Acute Flaccid Myelitis
- Precautions
- Do NOT miss Compressive Neuropathy (e.g. Cauda Equina Syndrome) which is curable with early surgical intervention
- Demyelinating Disease (most common cause)
- Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM)
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder (NMOSD)
- Myelin Oligodendrocyte GlycoproteinAntibody Disease
- Autoimmune or Inflammatory Myelitis
- Ankylosing Spondylitis
- Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome
- Behcet Disease
- Celiac Disease
- Graft-vs-host disease
- Mixed Connective Tissue Disease (MCTD)
- Neurosarcoidosis
- Scleroderma
- Sjogren Syndrome
- Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Bacterial Myelitis
- Bartonella Henselae (Cat Scratch Disease)
- Borrelia Burgdorferi (Lyme Disease)
- Brucellosis melitensis (Brucellosis)
- Campylobacter jejuni (e.g. Acute Diarrhea)
- Chlamydia psittaci (Psittacosis)
- Chlamydia pneumoniae (Chlamydia Pneumonia)
- Coxiella Burnetii (Q Fever)
- Legionella pneumonia
- Leptospira (Leptospirosis)
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis
- Orientia tsutsugamushi (Scrub Typhus)
- Salmonella paratyphi B (Paratyphoid)
- Streptococcus (Group A and B)
- Treponema pallidum (Syphilis)
- Viral Myelitis
- Coxsackievirus (A and B)
- Cytomegalovirus (Mono-Like Illness)
- DengueVirus
- Echoviruses
- Enterovirus (70 and 71)
- Epstein-Barr Virus (Mononucleosis)
- Hepatitis A Virus
- Hepatitis CVirus
- Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 (Genital Herpes)
- Elsberg Syndrome is bilateral lumbosacral radiculitis with lower cord Myelitis due to HSV reactivation
- HIV Infection (see HIV related Myelitis)
- Influenza A Virus (includes H1N1)
- Japanese Encephalitis Virus
- MeaslesVirus
- Mumps Virus
- Poliovirus (1, 2, and 3)
- St. Louis EncephalitisVirus
- Varicella Zoster Virus (Chicken Pox, Shingles)
- West Nile Virus
- Parasitic Myelitis
- Acanthamoeba (Granulomatous Amebic Encephalitis)
- Echinococcus Granulosus (Echinococcosis)
- Gnathostoma Angiostrongylus (Eosinophilic Meningitis)
- Paragonimus westermani fluke (Paragonimiasis)
- Schistomosoma (Schistosomiasis)
- Taenia solium (Neurocysticercosis)
- Toxoplasma gondii (Toxoplasmosis)
- Trypanosoma brucei (African trypanosomiasis, African Sleeping Sickness)
- Fungal Myelitis
- Actinomyces (Actinomycosis)
- Aspergillus (Aspergillosis)
- Blastomyces (Blastomycosis)
- Cryptococcus (Cryptococcosis)
- Coccidioides immitis (Coccidioidomycosis, Valley Fever)
- Paraneoplastic Conditions (Antibody mediated)
- Various antibodies (e.g. ANNA-2, GAD65, NMDAR)
- Toxins or Drugs
- Poisoning due to Brown Recluse Spider Venom
- Heroin abuse
- Post-Vaccination Myelitis
VI. Findings: Symptoms and Signs
- See Spinal Cord Syndrome
- Timing
- Onset over hours to days
- Progression over days to weeks
- Distribution
- Myelitis typically affects a full triad of sensory, motor and Autonomic Dysfunction once disease has progressed
- However, at onset, findings may be more subtle and the full triad may be absent
- Myelitis is typically bilateral but may be unilateral in early or atypical cases (partial Transverse Myelitis)
- Myelitis may only cause sensory and motor changes at a few spinal levels (sparing lower cord levels)
- Myelitis may effect only some long tracts but not others
- Myelitis typically affects a full triad of sensory, motor and Autonomic Dysfunction once disease has progressed
- Motor weakness
- Leg flexors and arm extensors are preferentially affected (pyramidal distribution)
- Lower extremity weakness and diminished Muscle tone are frequent initial presenting symptoms
- Patients may present with acute flaccid limb weakness and hyporeflexia (Spinal Shock)
- Distinguish from Guillain Barre Syndrome
- With progression over time, half of patients develop an inability to move their legs
- Chronically develop Upper Motor Neuron Deficits (hyperreflexia, positive babinski, increased tone)
- Sensory changes
- Sensory findings may follow a Dermatomal Distribution
- Distinguish from Peripheral Neuropathy or neuropathic pain
- Paresthesias
- Typically initial sensory symptom
- Paresthesias ascend from the feet proximally
- Numbness
- Pain
- Sensory findings may follow a Dermatomal Distribution
Autonomic Dysfunction
- Urinary Incontinence
- Urine Urgency
- Urine Retention
- Stool Incontinence
- Constipation
- Tenesmus
- Temperature dysregulation
- Hypertension
- Sexual Dysfunction
- Associated Symptoms
- Back pain at or near the level of Myelitis (variably present)
VII. Labs
- Cerebrospinal fluid (Lumbar Puncture)
- Indicated after structural causes are excluded by neuroimaging
- Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) may be normal in up to 50% of cases (esp. early in course)
- CSF Pleocytosis (>5 white cells/uL) is present in a majority of cases
- CSF White Blood Cells >100/uL in >50% of cases
- CSF IgG Index
- Often increased in Transverse Myelitis
- Obtain other standard CSF labs (e.g. CSF Protein, CSF Glucose, CSF Culture, CSF viral panel, CSF VRDL, oligoclonal bands)
- Exclude alternative diagnoses
- Exclude alternative diagnoses
- Serum Vitamin B12 Level (and consider methylmalonic acid level)
- Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
- Syphilis Serology
- HIV Test
- Consider specific organism testing (e.g. Mycoplasma)
- Consider other testing per neurology (e.g. ANA, Neuomyelitis optica Ig)
VIII. Imaging
- MRI Spine with gadolinium contrast
- Imaging the entire spine (cervical, thoracic and Lumbar Spine) is typically recommended to avoid False Negative testing
- At minimum, obtain imaging to include well above the level of involvement
- May also obtain combined spine MRIs (e.g. cervico-thoracic MRI or thoracolumbar MRI)
- Exclude structural compressive causes (e.g. Epidural Abscess, Epidural Hematoma, acute disc Herniation)
- May indicate surgical emergency
- May also demonstrate inflammatory cord changes (gadolinium enhancement)
- Findings consistent with Transverse Myelitis
- T2 weighted images with high intensity signals at lesions
- Transverse Myelitis lesions typically span at least 2 Vertebral levels
- Multiple Sclerosis related lesions typically span only one level
- Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder (NMOSD) typically spans 3 or more levels
- Imaging the entire spine (cervical, thoracic and Lumbar Spine) is typically recommended to avoid False Negative testing
- CT Myelogram
- Alternative if MRI contraindicated
MRI Brain
- Consider to exclude other demyelinating disease
IX. Differential Diagnosis
- See Acute Motor Weakness Causes
- See Paresthesia Causes
- See Spinal Cord Syndrome
- See Floppy Infant
- Peripheral Neuropathy
- Structural spinal cord disorders
- Cervical Radiculopathy
- Lumbar Radiculopathy
- Cauda Equina Syndrome
- Spinal Epidural Abscess
- Epidural Hematoma
- Acute vascular Myelopathy with ischemia (e.g. Anterior Spinal Artery thrombosis)
- Spinal Cord Injury
X. Diagnosis: Idiopathic Acute Transverse Myelitis
- Progression to nadir (low point) with 4 hours to 21 days from symptom onset in Acute Transverse Myelitis
- Nadir <4 hours from onset suggests acute vascular Myelopathy with ischemia (e.g. Anterior Spinal Artery thrombosis)
- Nadir >21 days from onset suggests chronic progressive Myelopathy (e.g. AV fistula, MS)
- Sensory, Motor or Autonomic Dysfunction attributable to spinal cord lesion (all 3 are typically present at nadir)
- Sensory deficits have a clearly defined level
- Findings are bilateral (but may be asymmetric)
- Spinal cord inflammation
- CSF Pleocytosis or IgG Index elevated or MRI Gadolinium enhancement
- Repeat MRI and LP again in 2 to 7 days if inflammation not present on initial testing
- Exclusion Criteria
- Not due to extra-axial compression on MRI or CT myelography
- Spinal radiation in last 10 years
- Deficits consistent with alternative diagnosis
- Anterior Spinal Artery thrombosis
- Spinal cord Arteriovenous Malformation
- Demyelinating disease (e.g. Multiple Sclerosis, Optic Neuritis)
- Connective Tissue Disorder (e.g. Sarcoidosis, Behcet Disease, Sjogren Syndrome, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus)
- CNS Disorders (e.g. HIV, Tertiary Lyme Disease, Neurosyphilis, HTLV1, Viral Encephalitis)
XI. Management
- Supportive Care
- Admit patients
- ABC Management
- Keep patient NPO if Dysarthria or Dysphagia
- Consider Advanced Airway indications
- Significant Urinary Retention may require urine catheterization
- Condition specific management
- Consult neurology early
- Consider infectious disease Consultation if infectious Myelitis is suspected (12% of cases)
- High dose Corticosteroids
- Consult neurology for indications based on presentation and findings
- Methylprednisolone 1000 mg IV daily in divided doses for 3 to 5 days
- Plasma exchange
- Indications
- Corticosteroids contraindicated
- Not effective if not Corticosteroid responsive
- Life threatening complications (e.g. respiratory compromise)
- Consider as adjunctive therapy (per neurology recommendations)
- Corticosteroids contraindicated
- Dosing
- Exchange transfusion every other day for 10 to 14 days (total of 5 to 7 exchanges)
- Indications
Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG)
- Indications
- Adjunct to Corticosteroids (consult neurology for indications)
- Dosing
- IVIG 2 g/kg IV for 2 to 5 days
- Indications
- Compressive neureopathy causes of acute Myelitis are surgical emergencies
- Emergent Consultation with Spine Surgery or neurosurgery
XII. Prognosis
- Idiopathic Transverse Myelitis
- Gradual improvement over 3 months (and often further improvement over the next year)
- Partial or complete resolution in 50 to 70% of patients
- Episodes tend to be monophasic (non-recurring)
- Secondary Transverse Myelitis
- Variable outcomes depending on cause
- Demyelinating disease are at risk of recurrence
- Multiple Sclerosis is associated with significant recovery with episodes (full in some cases)
- Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder (NMOSD) is associated with significant residual deficits
- Overall poor prognostic signs
- Severe weakness
- Hypotonia
- Areflexia
- Spinal Shock
- Pseudoexacerbation (recrudescence)
- Neurologic deficits may recur transiently with acute infections or metabolic disturbances
- Similar to recrudescence seen after Cerebrovascular Accident
- Findings abate with treatment with the acute trigger
- Differentiate from recurrence as seen with demyelinating diseases (e.g. MS, NMOSD)
- Neurologic deficits may recur transiently with acute infections or metabolic disturbances
XIII. Resources
- Transverse Myelitis Fact Sheet (NINDS)
XIV. References
- Lindquist and Stephanos in Swadron (2023) EM:Rap 37(3): 4-12
- West (2013) Discov Med 16(88):167-77 +PMID: 24099672 [PubMed]
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