II. Etiology
- Chlamydophila psittaci (Chlamydia psittaci)
- Bacteria found in wild and domestic birds (5-8% of otherwise healthy birds carry this infection)
III. Risk Factors: Transmission
- Pet owners of birds (e.g. Parrots, cockatiels, parakeets, macaws)
- Poultry farmers (turkeys are among the highest risk)
- Poultry processing plants
- Visit to aviary
- Veterinarians
IV. Pathophysiology: Transmission
- Inhalation of aerosolized infective particles
- Exposure to feces, urine, nasal secretions, feathers, and dust of infected birds
- Some pet owners kiss their birds, therefore transmitting the Bacteria
- Livestock, cats and dogs may act as intermediaries for human infection
- Human to human transmission is rare
V. Presentations: Follows 5-15 day Incubation Period
- Subclinical, asymptomatic infection (common)
- Flu-like illness
- Mono-like illness (fever, Pharyngitis, Hepatosplenomegaly)
- Typhoid-like illness (fever, Bradycardia, Splenomegaly)
- Atypical Pneumonia (fever, non-productive cough, Headache)
VI. Symptoms: Atypical Pneumonia
VII. Signs: Atypical Pneumonia
- Fever
- Pharyngeal erythema
- Pulmonary rales
- Hepatomegaly
- Horder's Spots
- Similar to Typhoid Fever related Rose Spots
- Pink, blaching maculopapular rash
VIII. Complications: Complications are rare
- Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
- Pericarditis
- Endocarditis
- Hepatitis
- Reactive Arthritis
IX. Labs
Complete Blood Count
- Slight Leukocytosis with Left Shift
Liver Function Tests
- Increased Alkaline Phosphatase
- Blood and Sputum Cultures are not recommended due to risk of transmission
X. Diagnosis
- C. Psittaci titers
XI. Differential Diagnosis
- See Atypical Pneumonia
- See Typhoid Fever
XII. Imaging: Chest XRay
- Lobar Pneumonia is most common
- Atypical patterns also occur
XIII. Management
- Tetracycline 500 mg orally four times daily for 10-21 days or
- Doxycycline 100 mg orally twice daily for 10-21 days
XIV. References
- Schlossberg in Mandell (2005) Infectious Disease, Chapter 178
- Schlossberg (1993) Arch Intern Med 153:2594-6 [PubMed]
- Yung (1988) Med J Aust 148:228-33 [PubMed]
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Related Studies
Definition (NCI_CDISC) | Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to the species Chlamydophila psittaci. |
Definition (NCI) | A species of gram negative, obligately intracellular, spherical shaped bacteria belonging to the phylum Chlamydiae. This species survives outside of its host as an elementary body. C. psittaci is pathogenic, being the causative agent of endemic avian chlamydiosis and epizootic infection in mammals. |
Definition (MSH) | A genus of CHLAMYDOPHILA infecting primarily birds. It contains eight known serovars, some of which infect more than one type of host, including humans. |
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Ontology: Psittacosis (C0029291)
Definition (MSH) | Infection with CHLAMYDOPHILA PSITTACI (formerly Chlamydia psittaci), transmitted to humans by inhalation of dust-borne contaminated nasal secretions or excreta of infected BIRDS. This infection results in a febrile illness characterized by PNEUMONITIS and systemic manifestations. |
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ICD10 | A70 |
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English | Ornithoses, PSITTACOSIS, Ornithosis, unspecified, Unspecified Ornithosis, psittacosis (diagnosis), psittacosis, Ornithosis NOS, Psittacosis [Disease/Finding], Psittacosis, Psittacosis (disorder), Unspecified Ornithosis (disorder), Parrot fever, Parrot fever due to Chlamydia psitacci, Ornithosis (disorder), ornithosis, parrot fever, Ornithosis, Psittacoses |
Italian | Psitaccosi, Ornitosi non specificata, Ornitosi, Psittacosi |
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French | Ornithose, non précisée, Ornithose, Psittacose |
German | Ornithose, unspezifisch, Psittakose, Ornithose |
Portuguese | Ornitose NE, Infecção por Chlamydophila psittaci, Psitacose, Ornitose |
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Czech | psitakóza, ornitóza, Ornitóza, Ornitóza, blíže neurčená, Psitakóza |
Finnish | Papukaijatauti |
Polish | Ornitoza, Choroba ptasia |
Hungarian | Ornithosis, nem meghatározott, ornithosis, psittacosis |
Norwegian | Chlamydia psittaci-infeksjon, Papegøyesyke, Psittakose, Ornitose |