II. Pathophysiology

  1. Pasteurellaceae is a family of facultative Anaerobic Gram Negative Rods
    1. Bacteria in the genus Haemophilus are coccobacilli
  2. Pasteurellaceae Bacteria are non-spore forming and non-motile

III. Types

  1. Genus: Pasteurella
    1. Pasteurella Multocida
      1. See Infected Cat Bite
      2. Facultatively anaerobic, Gram-negative, non-motile rod (or coccobacillus)
      3. Colonizes the mouth of animals and birds (esp. cats) with risk of Zoonosis
      4. Most common cause of an Infected Cat Bite
      5. May cause pneumonic pateurellosis (shipping fever) and hemorrhagic bacteremia
  2. Genus: Actinobacillus
    1. Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans (Periodontal Disease)
  3. Genus: Haemophilus (coccobacilli)
    1. Haemophilus Influenzae
      1. Now includes strains reclassified as non-typable biogroups (Haemophilus aegyptius, Haemophilus haemolyticus)
    2. Haemophilus ducreyi
      1. Causes Chancroid (painful Genital Ulcers and matted Lymphadenopathy)
    3. Less common Haemophilus species included in HACEK Bacteria (among the causes of Bacterial Endocarditis)
      1. Haemophilus parainfluenzae
      2. Haemophilus aphrophilus
      3. Haemophilus paraphrophilus
    4. Previously classified as Haemophilus, but now reclassified
      1. Gardnerella Vaginalis (previously Haemophilus Vaginalis, Corynebacterium Vaginale)
        1. Among the causes of Bacterial Vaginosis
        2. Facultatively anaerobic, Gram Positive, rod shaped Bacteria
        3. Cell wall is thin that takes up Gram Stain poorly, and may appear Gram Negative
        4. Unlike Haemophilus species, does not require X or V Factor for growth

IV. References

  1. Gladwin, Trattler and Mahan (2014) Clinical Microbiology, Medmaster, Fl, p. 96-8, 107
  2. Musher (1996) Haemophilus Species in Baron, Medical Microbiology. 4th ed, Galveston
    1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK8458/

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Related Studies

Ontology: Actinobacillus (C0001248)

Definition (NCI_CDISC) Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species level but can be assigned to the Actinobacillus genus level.
Definition (NCI) A genus of anaerobic, Gram negative, rod shaped bacterium assigned to the phylum Proteobacteria and the family Pasteurellaceae.
Definition (MSH) A genus of PASTEURELLACEAE described as gram-negative, nonsporeforming, nonmotile, facultative anaerobes. Most members are found both as pathogens and commensal organisms in the respiratory, alimentary, and genital tracts of animals.
Definition (CSP) genus of Pasteurellaceae described as gram negative, nonsporeforming, nonmotile, facultative anaerobes; most members are found both as pathogens and commensal organisms in the respiratory, alimentary, and genital tracts of animals.
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Ontology: Haemophilus Infections (C0018482)

Definition (MEDLINEPLUS)

Haemophilus is the name of a group of bacteria. There are several types of Haemophilus. They can cause different types of illnesses involving breathing, bones and joints, and the nervous system.

One common type, Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b), causes serious disease. It usually strikes children under 5 years old. Your child can get Hib disease by being around other children or adults who may have the bacteria and not know it. The germs spread from person to person. If the germs stay in the child's nose and throat, the child probably will not get sick. But sometimes the germs spread into the lungs or the bloodstream, and then Hib can cause serious problems such as meningitis and pneumonia.

There is a vaccine to prevent Hib disease. All children younger than 5 years of age should be vaccinated with the Hib vaccine.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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Japanese ヘモフィルス感染, ヘモフィルス感染NOS, ヘモフィルスカンセンNOS, ヘモフィルスカンセン, ヘモフィルス感染症
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Ontology: Pasteurella (C0030635)

Definition (NCI_CDISC) Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species level but can be assigned to the Pasteurella genus level.
Definition (NCI) A genus of facultatively anaerobic, Gram negative, rod shaped bacterium in the phylum Proteobacteria and the family Pasteurellaceae.
Definition (MSH) The oldest recognized genus of the family PASTEURELLACEAE. It consists of several species. Its organisms occur most frequently as coccobacillus or rod-shaped and are gram-negative, nonmotile, facultative anaerobes. Species of this genus are found in both animals and humans.
Definition (CSP) oldest recognized genus of the family Pasteurellaceae consisting of several species; organisms occur most frequently as coccobacillus or rod shaped and are gram negative, nonmotile, facultative anaerobes; species of this genus are found in both animals and humans.
Concepts Bacterium (T007)
MSH D010325
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French Pasteurella
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Italian Pasteurella
Dutch Pasteurella
Portuguese Pasteurella

Ontology: Pasteurella multocida (C0030637)

Definition (NCI_CDISC) Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to the species Pasteurella multocida.
Definition (NCI) A species of Gram-negative, non-motile coccobacillus in the phylum Actinobacteria.
Definition (MSH) A species of gram-negative, facultatively anaerobic, rod-shaped bacteria normally found in the flora of the mouth and respiratory tract of animals and birds. It causes shipping fever (see PASTEURELLOSIS, PNEUMONIC); HEMORRHAGIC BACTEREMIA; and intestinal disease in animals. In humans, disease usually arises from a wound infection following a bite or scratch from domesticated animals.
Definition (CSP) species of gram negative, facultatively anaerobic, rod shaped bacteria normally found in the flora of the mouth and respiratory tract of animals and birds; causes shipping fever and intestinal disease in animals; in humans, disease usually arises from a wound infection following a bite or scratch from domesticated animals.
Concepts Bacterium (T007)
MSH D016979
SnomedCT 10879005
Swedish Pasteurella multocida
Czech Pasteurella multocida
Finnish Pasteurella multocida
English Pasteurella multocida (Lehmann and Neumann 1899) Rosenbusch and Merchant 1939 (Approved Lists 1980), Pasteurella gallicida (Burrill 1883) Buchanan 1925, P. multocida, Pasteurella septica, pasteurella multocida, Bacterium multocidum, Micrococcus gallicidus, Pasteurella cholerae-gallinarum, Pasteurella gallicida, PASTEURELLA MULTOCIDA, PASTEURELLA SEPTICA, Pasteurella multocida (organism), Pasteurella multocida
Polish Pasteurella multocida
Norwegian Pasteurella multocida
Spanish Pasteurella multocida (organismo), Pasteurella multocida
French Pasteurella multocida
German Pasteurella multocida
Italian Pasteurella multocida
Dutch Pasteurella multocida
Portuguese Pasteurella multocida

Ontology: Pasteurellaceae (C0030641)

Definition (NCI) A taxonomic family of Gram negative, facultatively anaerobic bacterium in the phylum Proteobacteria that includes the genera Actinobacillus, Haemophilus, Mannheimia and Pasteurella, among others.
Definition (CSP) gram negative coccoid or rigid rod-shaped bacteria which are facultatively anaerobic and nonmotile.
Definition (MSH) A family of coccoid to rod-shaped nonsporeforming, gram-negative, nonmotile, facultatively anaerobic bacteria that includes the genera ACTINOBACILLUS; HAEMOPHILUS; MANNHEIMIA; and PASTEURELLA.
Concepts Bacterium (T007)
MSH D015661
SnomedCT 115078004
English Pasteurellaceae, Family pasteurellaceae, Pasteurellaceae Pohl 1981, Family Pasteurellaceae (organism), Family Pasteurellaceae, Family pasteurellaceae (organism)
Swedish Pasteurellaceae
Czech Pasteurellaceae
Finnish Pasteurellaceae
Croatian Not Translated[Pasteurellaceae]
Polish Pasteurellaceae
Norwegian Pasteurellaceae
Spanish familia Pasteurellaceae (organismo), familia Pasteurellaceae, Pasteurellaceae
French Pasteurellaceae
German Pasteurellaceae
Italian Pasteurellaceae
Dutch Pasteurellaceae
Portuguese Pasteurellaceae