II. Pathophysiology: Bacterial Structure
- Bacterial cell wall is multi-layered
- Outer cell membrane (only present in Gram Negative Bacteria)
- Peptidoglycan layer
- Thicker layer in Gram Positive Bacteria (allows for blue, crystal violet stain uptake)
- Thin and more simple layer in Gram Negative Bacteria
- Inner cytoplasmic membrane
- Phospholipid bilayer with embedded Proteins
- Bacterial Shapes
- Cocci
- Bacilli (rods)
- Spiral, comma or S-Shaped
- Pleomorphic (no distinct shape)
- Grouping
- Pairs (dipolococci)
- Chains (e.g. Streptococcus)
- Clusters (e.g. Staphylococcus)
- Flagella
- Long Protein filaments extending from Bacterial cells
- Flagella allow for Bacterial motility, typically toward or away from concentrated chemicals (chemotaxis)
- Basal bodies attach flagella to Bacterial cell walls
- Basal bodies extend through the entire Bacterial cell wall, bound to cell membranes
- Basal body spins freely in the cell membranes and in turn rotates the attached flagellum
- Types
- Single Polar flagellum or Monotrichous (e.g. Vibrio Cholera)
- Many, circumferential peritrichous flagella (e.g. Escherichia. coli, Proteus mirabilus)
- Periplasmic flagella (course beneath the outer membrane of Spirochetes)
- Dual amphitrichous flagella on opposite sides of the Bacterial cell (e.g. Campylobacter jejuni)
- Lophotrichous flagella with multiple flagella eminating from a single part of Bacterial cells (e.g. Helicobacter Pylori)
- Fimbraiae (Pili)
- Bacteria covered in hair-like fashion, with short filaments, composed of repeated pilin Protein, and eminating from the cell wall
- Pili functions
- Adherence (Adhesins)
- Neisseria gonorrhoeae (pili adhere to cervical, Urethral and buccal cells)
- Escherichia coli (Bladder or intestinal epithelium)
- Bordetella Pertussis (ciliated respiratory epithelium)
- Defense (e.g. against Phagocytosis)
- Genetic Material exchange (F Pili)
- Adherence (Adhesins)
- Encapsulated organisms (Polyosides)
- Some Bacteria secrete protective coatings or capsules, composed of sugar residues (Polysaccharides), over the outer cell wall
- Capsules prevent Phagocytosis of Bacterial organisms by immune cells (e.g. Macrophages)
- Detection
- Colonies of encapsulated organisms are known as "smooth" due to their appearance on culture media
- Some stains have been developed to identify specific encapsulated organisms
- Protection
- Spleen is key to filtering encapsulated organisms (and Asplenic patients are at high risk for overwhelming infections)
- Some Immunizations are directed against capsule sugar residues (e.g. Pneumococcal Vaccine)
- Biofilms
- Polysaccharide scaffolding secreted by Bacteria on their surface
- Biofilms allow for Bacterial adherence to tubes and catheters
- Biofilms protect Bacteria from immune cells and Antibiotics
- Endospores
- Endospores are dormant Bacterial spores, highly resistant to antiseptic measures (chemicals, heat, boiling)
- Two outer layers of exosporium surrounding a keratin-like Protein layer
- Three inner layers of a peptidoglycan layer sandwiched between two cell membranes
- Endospores are dormant forms of Bacilus and Clostridium Bacteria
- Effective disinfection methods to destroy endospores
- Autoclave (115 C) for 15 minutes
- Burning
- Endospores are dormant Bacterial spores, highly resistant to antiseptic measures (chemicals, heat, boiling)
III. Pathophysiology: Bacterial Genetics
- DNA, RNA and Proteins
- Double stranded DNA
- A single loop of double stranded DNA is the typical genetic makeup of Bacteria
- Bacterial DNA is haploid (single copy per cell) and is NOT encased in a nuclear membrane
- Bacteria may also acquire small DNA loops (Plasmids) from other Bacteria, conferring resistance
- Ribosomes
- As in higher organisms, ribosomes translate RNA to Protein synthesis
- Bacterial ribosomes are 70S, smaller than multi-cellular organisms (80S)
- Bacterial ribosomes have 2 subunits
- Subunit 50S (targeted by Erythromycin)
- Subunit 30S (targeted by Tetracycline)
- Double stranded DNA
- Exchange of genetic material
- General
- When Bacterial cells reproduce, they pass along an exact copy or clone of their DNA
- Bacterial cells rely on 4 key mechanisms to introduce genetic variability beyond point mutations
- Transformation
- Lysed Bacteria will release free floating DNA which can be taken up by competent receiving cells
- Competent receiving Bacterial cells are able to bring intracellularly free DNA from related Bacteria
- Once intracellular, the free DNA is incorporated into the recipient if similar to the hosts DNA
- Transduction
- Bacteriophages (Phages)
- Bacteriophages are viruses which infect Bacterial cells
- Bacteriophages contain either DNA or RNA encased within a Protein coat (capsid)
- Phages bind Bacterial cell surfaces (via fibrous tails) and transfer DNA into target Bacteria
- Phages coopt Bacterial RNA Polymerase to transcribe phage DNA into mRNA
- Resulting mRNA translates into Proteins and enzymes that generate new phages
- Bacterial cells swell with new phages, which are released when the cells lyse
- Phages are of 2 types
- Virulent phages have more immediate effects on phage production and Bacterial cell lysis
- Temperate phages incorporate their DNA (prophage) into Bacterial DNA
- Resulting lysogenic Bacteria are initially unaffected, as the prophage DNA is inactive
- Prophage produces repressor Proteins preventing another phage from infecting same cell
- Later, once activated
- Prophage DNA is spliced out of Bacterial DNA to be encased in new phages
- Prophage DNA is transcribed with new phages formed and cell lysis
- Generalized Transduction (Virulent phage mediated)
- Newly formed phages may accidentally encase Bacterial DNA instead of phage DNA
- When resulting phage infects a new Bacterial cell, it will transmit Bacterial DNA
- Since the infecting phage does not contain phage DNA, the Bacterial cell is unharmed
- Target Bacterial cell may incorporate the new DNA (as in Transformation)
- Acquired DNA may code for new functionality (e.g. Antibiotic Resistance)
- Specialized Transduction (Temperate phage mediated)
- Temperate phages, when activated, splice prophage DNA out of Bacterial DNA
- If splicing error occurs, Bacterial DNA may also be spliced out with prophage DNA
- In this way, Bacterial DNA may be included in newly generated phages
- When phages infect new Bacterial cells, they may transmit Bacterial DNA
- Bacteriophages (Phages)
- Conjunction
- Self Transmissible Plasmid (F-Plasmid or Fertility Plasmid)
- Circular dsDNA separate from a Bacteria's main Chromosome
- Plasmids are polygenic, coding for various functionality (e.g. Antibiotic Resistance)
- Plasmids also encode their own transmission mechanism (formation of a sex pilus)
- Conjunction Mechanism
- DNA is passed via adjacent Bacterial cells from cells with F-Plasmids (F+ cells)
- F+ cells form a long Protein tube (sex pilus) that penetrates an adjacent Bacterial cell
- F-Plasmid dsDNA (double stranded) is divided into 2 ssDNA (single stranded) by a nuclease
- One ssDNA enters the adacent cell, and then pairs with Nucleotides to form dsDNA
- Source F-Plasmid pairs with Nucleotides to again form dsDNA
- Recipient Bacterial cell, now contains an F-Plasmid and is F+
- Uncommonly, Plasmid DNA may be incorporated into Bacterial DNA (Hfr Cell)
- Future transmission to an F- cell may transmit DNA from both Chromosome and Plasmid
- F-Prime-Plasmid (F'-Plasmid) may also be formed (similar to specialized transduction)
- F'-Plasmid is formed when some Bacterial DNA is excised with Plasmid DNA
- Self Transmissible Plasmid (F-Plasmid or Fertility Plasmid)
- Transposons
- DNA Transposable Elements that can excise and reintegrate into another genome site
- Transposons may insert into the DNA of phages, Plasmids and Bacterial Chromosomes
- Transposons often contain incomplete, nonfunctional genes or may inactivate other genes when they insert
- However, Transposons may also contain full genes that encode new functionality (e.g. Antibiotic Resistance)
- General
IV. Pathophysiology: Bacterial Function
Oxygen Toxicity Counter Mechanisms and Oxygen Utilization
- Oxygen is toxic to Bacteria (forming Hydrogen Peroxide and other radicals) without counter mechanisms
- Both catalase and peroxidase break down hydorgen peroxide
- Superoxide dismutase breaks down superoxide radicals
- Oxygen utilization
- Obligate aerobes
- Require oxygen for TCA Cycle (Kreb Cycle) or energy synthesis
- Have all 3 enzymes to prevent against Oxygen Toxicity (catalase, peroxidase, superoxide dismutase)
- Facultative Anaerobes
- Aerobic Bacteria that can survive in anaerobic environments (but prefer aerobic conditions)
- Have 2 enzymes to prevent against Oxygen Toxicity (catalase, superoxide dismutase)
- Energy production is by either TCA Cycle or by fermentation (Glycolysis)
- Microaerophilic Bacteria (aerotolerant Anaerobes)
- Anaerobic Bacteria that can survive in aerobic environments (but prefer anaerobic conditions)
- Have superoxide dismutase to prevent against Oxygen Toxicity
- Energy production is by fermentation (Glycolysis), not by TCA Cycle (so no benefit to oxygen)
- Obligate Anaerobic Bacteria
- Obligate Anaerobes cannot survive in oxygenated environments
- No enzymes to protect against Oxygen Toxicity
- Energy production is by fermentation (Glycolysis), not by TCA Cycle (so no benefit to oxygen)
- Obligate Intracellular Bacteria
- These Bacteria (e.g. Chlamydia, Rickettsia) do not have the mechanisms to produce their own energy
- Rely on host cells to produce ATP, which then crosses the Intracellular Bacterial cell membranes
- Obligate aerobes
- Oxygen is toxic to Bacteria (forming Hydrogen Peroxide and other radicals) without counter mechanisms
- Energy Utilization
- Light utilization (phototrophs)
- Chemical utilization (chemotrophs)
- Inorganic chemical use such as ammonium (autotrophs)
- Ogranic chemical use such as Glucose (heterotrophs, includes most human pathogens)
- Glucose utilization (Glycolysis)
- Anaerobic conditions (fermentation)
- Glucose is broken down via Glycolysis and then pyruvate is converted to one of many acids (e.g. Lactic Acid)
- Aerobic conditions (cellular respiration)
- Glucose is broken down via Glycolysis and then pyruvate enters the TCA Cycle (Kreb Cycle)
- Anaerobic conditions (fermentation)
V. Pathophysiology: Toxins and Inflammatory Mediators
- Immune Cell Released Mediators in Sepsis (endogenous host response)
- Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF, Cachectin)
- Macrophage and Neutrophil released highly inflammatory factor
- Triggers inflammatory cascade including Interleukin-1 release
- Interleukin-1
- Cytokine released from Macrophages and endothelium
- Triggers release of various other inflammatory mediators
- Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF, Cachectin)
- Bacterial Endotoxins (Gram Negative Bacterial cell wall toxin)
- Lipid A, a highly potent toxin, and part of the Gram Negative Bacterial outer membrane
- Lipid A is released at low steady levels by live Bacteria, and in large release on Bacterial cell destruction
- Bacterial Exotoxins (Bacterial secreted toxins)
- Neurotoxins
- Toxins active a nerves and neuromuscular endplates
- Examples: Botulinum Toxin, Tetanus toxin
- Tissue Invasive Exotoxin (invasive Bacterial Infection with tissue destruction)
- Streptococcus Pyogenes (e.g. hemolysin O and S, Streptokinase, hyaluronidase, DNAase, NADase)
- Staphylococcus Aureus (e.g. staphylokinase, Penicillinase, Lipase, exfollatin, leukocidin)
- Clostridium perfringens (many toxins, including Alpha/lecithinase)
- Pyrogenic Exotoxin (erythrogenic toxins)
- Superantigens (esp. with Streptococcus) trigger inflammatory Cytokine release from T Cells
- Associated with Toxic Shock Syndrome, Scarlet Fever
- Enterotoxins
- Preformed Toxins (Food Poisoning)
- Bacterial colonization (Infectious Diarrhea)
- A-B Toxins
- Two toxin polypeptide subunits bound together by disulfide bonds
- B-Binding (or H-HoldingOn) Subunit
- A-Action (or L-Laser) Subunit
- Mechanism
- B-Subunit binds specific host Target Cell receptors
- A-Subunit enters Target Cells and initiates anti-host cell activity
- Two toxin polypeptide subunits bound together by disulfide bonds
- Neurotoxins
VI. Types: Gram Positive Bacteria
- Cocci
- Facultative Anaerobes
- Staphylococcus (cocci in clusters)
- Microaerophilic
- Streptococcus (cocci in chains, except Pneumococcus which is in pairs)
- Enterococcus (cocci in chains)
- Facultative Anaerobes
- Rods
- Obligate Anaerobes
- Clostridium (spore forming)
- Facultative Anaerobes
- Corynebacterium
- Listeria
- Bacillus anthracis (spore forming)
- Obligate aerobes
- Bacillus Cereus (spore forming)
- Mycobacterium (weakly Gram Positive but strongly acid-fast)
- Obligate Anaerobes
- Branching
VII. Types: Gram Negative Bacteria
- Cocci
- Obligate aerobes (all are cocci in pairs)
- Neisseria
- Moraxella catarrhalis
- Haemophilus Influenzae (also considered pleiomorphic or coccobacillus)
- Obligate aerobes (all are cocci in pairs)
- Rods (in general)
- Facultative Anaerobes
- Francisella
- Pasteurella
- Gardnerella
- Obligate aerobes
- Bordatella
- Legionella
- Brucella
- Facultative Anaerobes
- Rods (gastrointestinal or Enteric Bacteria)
- Obligate Anaerobes
- Facultative Anaerobes
- Escherichia coli (has flagella)
- Shigella
- Salmonella
- Yersinia
- Klebsiella
- Proteus
- Enterobacter
- Serratia
- Vibrio (has flagella)
- Helicobacter
- Microaerophilic
- Obligate aerobes
Spirochetes (spiral-shaped, in thin tight coils and periplasmic flagella)
- Although Gram Negative, too small to see on standard light microscopy
- Require Dark-field Microscopy
- Also immunologically silent with an extra outer membrane with few protein Antigens (cloaks the organism)
- Microaerophilic
- Although Gram Negative, too small to see on standard light microscopy
- Pleomorphs
- Obligate aerobes
- Bartonella (facultative intracellular)
- Obligate Anaerobes (also obligate intracellular)
- Obligate aerobes
VIII. Types: Miscellaneous Bacteria
- Gram Neutral Coccus (no cell wall)
- Facultative Anaerobe
- Facultative Intracellular Organisms
- Bacteria that survive and propogate within Phagocytes (e.g. Neutrophils, Macrophages)
- These Bacteria survive by suppressing Lysosome-induced destruction within Phagocytes
- Examples
- Acid Fast Bacteria and weakly Gram Positive (Mycobacterium)
IX. Complications
- Bacteremia
- Sepsis
- Septic Shock (endotoxic shock)
- Toxic Shock Syndrome
X. References
- Davis (1990) Microbiology, Lippincott, p. 21-50
- Gladwin (2014) Clinical Microbiology, Medmaster, Miami, p. 1 to 26