II. Pathophysiology
- Rickettsiaceae are primarily Vector-Borne Infections
- Transmitted by arthropods (ticks, fleas, lice)
- Coxiella Burnetii (Q Fever) does not require a vector-borne transmission
- However, Coxiella is now classified in the Coxiellaceae family instead
- Rickettsiaceae target vascular endothelial cells
- Rickettsiaceae are more akin to viruses than Bacteria (similar to Chlamydia)
- Tiny Gram Negative Cocci
- Rickettsiaceae are only 350 nm (nearly the diameter of a large virus)
- Like other Bacteria, they have both DNA and RNA (while viruses have one or the other)
- Obligate intracellular Parasites
- Tiny Gram Negative Cocci
- Rickettsiaceae is a family of 6 genera (3 of which are important in human disease)
- Rickettsia (most prominent in human disease)
- Spotted Fever Group
- Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (Rickettsia rickettsii)
- Other species in the spotted fever group are found worldwide
- Typhus Group
- Spotted Fever Group
- Orientia
- Ehrlichia
- Coxiella (previously in Rickettsiae family, now in Coxiellaceae)
- Rickettsia (most prominent in human disease)
III. Types: Genus Rickettsia
- Spotted Fever Group (transmitted by fleas, mites and ticks)
- Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (Rickettsia rickettsii)
- Rickettsial Pox (R. akari in North America)
- American Boutonneuse fever (R. parkeri in southeast U.S.)
- First identified in Southwestern coastal U.S. in 2002
- Patient presented with fever, Headache, echars and Regional Lymphadenopathy
- African Tick BiteFever or ATBF (R. africae in africa)
- Important cause of Fever in the Returning Traveler from Sub-Sahara Africa
- Finders Island Spotted Fever (R. honei in northwest U.S. as well as Australia and southeast Asia)
- Mediterranean Spotted Fever or Boutonneuse Fever (R. connori in the Mediterranean)
- Queensland Tick Typhus (R. australis in australia)
- Siberian Tick Typhus (R. sibirica in China)
Typhus Group
- See below for Orentia tsutsugamushi (Scrub Typhus)
- Rickettsia prowazekii (Louse-Borne Typhus, Epidemic Typhus)
- Rickettsia typhi (Murine Typhus)
- Rickettsia mooseri
IV. Types: Other Genera
- Genus Orentia
- Orentia tsutsugamushi (Scrub Typhus)
- Previously categorized as Rickettsia tsutsugamushi
- Orentia tsutsugamushi (Scrub Typhus)
- Genus Ehrlichia
- Genus Coxiella
- Previously in Rickettsiae family (now in Coxiellaceae)
- Coxiella Burnetii (Q Fever)
V. Labs: Modern Testing
- Complete Blood Count
- Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
- Hyponatremia
- Hepatic Enzyme Transaminitis (AST, ALT)
- Indirect Immunofluorescence Test (IFA)
- Complement Fixation Test (CF)
- Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
- Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
VI. Labs: Weil-Felix Reaction (Historical)
- Rickettsiaceae share similar Antigens to Proteus Vulgaris
- Efficacy
- Weil-Felix Reaction was historically used to identify Rickettsiaceae organisms
- However, the test has low efficacy and has been replaced by other methods
- Technique
- Latex Agglutination test using each of the Proteus Vulgaris Antigens (OX-19, OX-2, OX-K)
- Serum of the test patient is mixed with these test Antigens
- Agglutination occurs if patient has serum Antibody to the Antigen tested
- Interpretation
- Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is OX-19 and OX-2 positive
- Epidemic Typhus and Endemic Typhus are both OX-19 positive
- Scrub Typhus is OX-K positive
VII. Management
- See Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
- See Typhus
- See Anaplasmosis
- See Ehrlichiosis
- See Q Fever
- Antibiotics
VIII. References
- Gladwin, Trattler and Mahan (2014) Clinical Microbiology, Medmaster, Fl, p. 115-21
- Abdad (2018) J Clin Microbiol 56(8):e01728-17 +PMID: 29769278 [PubMed]
- Blanton (2019) Infect Dis Clin North Am 33(1):213-29 +PMID: 30712763 [PubMed]
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Definition (NCI_CDISC) | Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species level but can be assigned to the Bartonella genus level. |
Definition (NCI) | A genus of aerobic, Gram-negative, rod shaped bacterium assigned to the phylum Proteobacteria and the family Bartonellaceae. |
Definition (MSH) | A genus of gram-negative bacteria characteristically appearing in chains of several segmenting organisms. It occurs in man and arthropod vectors and is found only in the Andes region of South America. This genus is the etiologic agent of human bartonellosis. The genus Rochalimaea, once considered a separate genus, has recently been combined with the genus Bartonella as a result of high levels of relatedness in 16S rRNA sequence data and DNA hybridization data. |
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Definition (NCI_CDISC) | Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species level but can be assigned to the Coxiella genus level. |
Definition (MSH) | A genus of gram-negative, rod-shaped bacteria that is widely distributed in TICKS and various mammals throughout the world. Infection with this genus is particularly prevalent in CATTLE; SHEEP; and GOATS. |
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Portuguese | Coxiella |
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Definition (MSH) | Small, often pleomorphic, coccoid to ellipsoidal organisms occurring intracytoplasmically in circulating LYMPHOCYTES. They are the etiologic agents of tick-borne diseases of humans; DOGS; CATTLE; SHEEP; GOATS; and HORSES. |
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Spanish | género Ehrlichia, Ehrlichia (organismo), Cowdria (organismo), Cowdria, Ehrlichia, género Ehrlichia (organismo) |
French | Cowdria, Ehrlichia |
Swedish | Ehrlichia |
Czech | Ehrlichia |
Finnish | Ehrlichia |
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Polish | Ehrlichia, Cowdria, Cowdria ruminantium |
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German | Cowdria, Ehrlichia |
Dutch | Cowdria, Ehrlichia |
Portuguese | Cowdria, Ehrlichia |
Ontology: Rickettsia Infections (C0035585)
Definition (CSP) | gram negative bacterial infection with the bacteria in the Rickettsiales order. |
Definition (MSH) | Infections by the genus RICKETTSIA. |
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English | Infection, Rickettsia, Infections, Rickettsia, Rickettsia Infection, Rickettsia Infections, rickettsial disease, Rickettsioses, Rickettsioses NOS, Rickettsiosis, unspecified, [X]Rickettsioses, [X]Rickettsiosis, unspecified, RICKETTSIA INFECT, INFECT RICKETTSIA, Rickettsiales disease, Disease caused by Rickettsia, Rickettsial disease (diagnosis), Rickettsiosis NOS, Rickettsial infection NOS, Rickettsia Infections [Disease/Finding], rickettsial infection, rickettsiosis, rickettsial diseases, Rickettsioses (A75-A79), Rickettsial infectious disorders, Rickettsioses etc, Rickettsioses etc., [X]Rickettsiosis, unspecified (disorder), [X]Rickettsioses (disorder), Rickettsioses NOS (disorder), Rickettsial diseases, Rickettsial infectious disease, Rickettsial infection, Rickettsial disease, Rickettsia; rickettsiosis, rickettsiosis; Rickettsia, Disease caused by Rickettsia, NOS, Rickettsial infection, NOS, Rickettsial infectious disease, NOS, Disease due to Rickettsiales (disorder), Disease due to Rickettsiales, Rickettsial Infectious Disease, Rickettsial Infectious Disorder, Rickettsiosis, Disease due to Genus Rickettsia (disorder), Disease due to Genus Rickettsia, Disease due to Rickettsia, Disease caused by rickettsiae, Disease caused by Rickettsia (disorder), Disease caused by rickettsiae (disorder) |
Spanish | enfermedad causada por ricketsias (trastorno), enfermedad causada por ricketsias, Rickettsiosis NEOM, Rickettsiosis no especificada, enfermedad causada por Rickettsia, enfermedad causada por Rickettsia (trastorno), Infecciones por Rickettsia, [X]rickettsiosis, no especificada, rickettsiosis, SAI (trastorno), [X]rickettsiosis, [X]rickettsiosis, no especificada (trastorno), rickettsiosis, SAI, [X]rickettsiosis (trastorno), enfermedad causada por Rickettsias (trastorno), enfermedad causada por Rickettsias, enfermedad infecciosa rickettsial, infección rickettsial, rickettsiosis, Enfermedades por rickettsias, Rickettsiosis, enfermedad por Rickettsiales (trastorno), enfermedad por Rickettsiales, enfermedad causada por organismos del género Rickettsia (trastorno), enfermedad causada por organismos del género Rickettsia |
Italian | Patologie infettive da Rickettsia, Rickettsiosi, Rickettsiosi, non specificate, Rickettsiosi NAS, Infezioni da Rickettsia |
Dutch | rickettsiose NAO, rickettsiose, niet-gespecificeerd, Rickettsia; rickettsiose, rickettsiose; Rickettsia, Rickettsiose, niet gespecificeerd, Rickettsia-infectieziekten, rickettsiose, Rickettsiose |
French | Rickettsiose SAI, Rickettsiose, non précisée, Rickettsiose, Troubles infectieux à Rickettsiaceae, Infections à Rickettsia, Infections à rickettsies, Rickettsioses |
German | Rickettsiose NNB, Rickettsiose, unspezifisch, Rickettsiose, nicht naeher bezeichnet, Infektionserkrankungen durch Rickettsien, Rickettsiose, Rickettsieninfektionen |
Portuguese | Riquetsioses NE, Riquetsiose NE, Infecções por Rickettsia, Riquetsiose infecciosa, Riquetsioses |
Japanese | リケッチア症、詳細不明, リケッチア症NOS, リケッチアショウNOS, リケッチアショウショウサイフメイ, リケッチアショウ, リケッチアカンセンショウ, リケッチア感染症, リケッチア症 |
Swedish | Rickettsiainfektioner |
Czech | Rickettsia - infekce, Ricketsióza, blíže neurčená, Ricketsióza NOS, Ricketsióza, Rickettsiová infekční onemocnění |
Finnish | Riketsiainfektiot |
Korean | 상세불명의 리켓치아병 |
Croatian | RIKECIOZE |
Polish | Riketsjozy, Infekcje riketsjowe, Zakażenia riketsjowe |
Hungarian | rickettsiosis, Rickettsiosis, nem meghatározott, Rickettsia fertőzéses betegségek, rickettsiosis k.m.n. |
Norwegian | Rickettsioser, Rickettsiainfeksjoner |
Ontology: Rickettsiaceae (C0035591)
Definition (NCI) | A taxonomic family of Gram negative, non acid fast bacterium in the phylum Proteobacteria that includes the genera Rickettsia and Wolbachia, among others. |
Definition (MSH) | A family of small, gram-negative organisms, often parasitic in humans and other animals, causing diseases that may be transmitted by invertebrate vectors. |
Concepts | Bacterium (T007) |
MSH | D012287 |
SnomedCT | 115081009 |
English | Rickettsiaceae, Family rickettsiaceae, Rickettsiaceae Pinkerton 1936 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Brenner et al. 1993, Rickettsiaceae Pinkerton 1936 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Dumler et al. 2001, Family Rickettsiaceae (organism), Family rickettsiaceae (organism), Family Rickettsiaceae |
Swedish | Rickettsiaceae |
Czech | Rickettsiaceae, Symbiotes |
Spanish | Rickettsiaceae, familia Rickettsiaceae (organismo), familia Rickettsiaceae |
Finnish | Rickettsiaceae |
Croatian | Not Translated[Rickettsiaceae] |
Polish | Rickettsiaceae, Symbiotes |
Norwegian | Rickettsiaceae |
French | Rickettsiaceae |
German | Rickettsiaceae |
Italian | Rickettsiaceae |
Dutch | Rickettsiaceae, Symbionten, Rickettsiaceeën |
Portuguese | Rickettsiaceae |
Ontology: Order Rickettsiales (C0035596)
Definition (CSP) | order of gram negative proteobacteria; obligate intracellular parasites that cause a variety of diseases including typhus and Rocky Mountain spotted fever; organisms multiply in endothelial cells of small blood vessels, the resulting damage is the cause of the spotted appearance. |
Concepts | Bacterium (T007) |
SnomedCT | 115178001, 312331000 |
English | rickettsias, Rickettsias, Order Rickettsiales, Rickettsiales (organism), Rickettsiales Gieszczykiewicz 1939 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Brenner et al. 1993, Rickettsiales Gieszczykiewicz 1939 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Dumler et al. 2001, Order Rickettsiales (organism), Rickettsiales |
Spanish | Rickettsiales, rickettsias (organismo), rickettsias, orden Rickettsiales (organismo), orden Rickettsiales |
Ontology: serum Weil-Felix antibody test (C2229902)
Concepts | Laboratory Procedure (T059) |
English | serum Weil-Felix antibody test, serum Weil-Felix antibody test (lab test) |