II. Pathophysiology
- Enterobacteriaceae is a family of facultative Anaerobic Gram Negative Rods
III. Types: EKP Gram Negative Bacteria
IV. Types: ESP Gram Negative Bacteria
- Enterobacter (Aerobacter)
- Serratia Marcescens
- Providencia (often grouped with Proteus)
V. Types: SS Gram Negative Bacteria
- Shigella
- Salmonella (non-typhoid, or Typhoid Fever)
VI. Types: Other Enterobacteriaceae
- Citrobacter (Escherichia freundii)
- Morganella
- Yersinia enterocolitica
- Yersinia Pestis
- Erwinia
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Related Studies
Definition (NCI) | A genus of gram-negative coliform bacteria in the Proteobacteria phylum. |
Definition (NCI_CDISC) | Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species level but can be assigned to the Citrobacter genus level. |
Definition (MSH) | A genus of gram-negative, rod-shaped enterobacteria that can use citrate as the sole source of carbon. |
Concepts | Bacterium (T007) |
MSH | D002954 |
SnomedCT | 75972000 |
English | Genus Citrobacter (organism), Citrobacter (organism), Genus Citrobacter, Citrobacter, citrobacter, Citrobacter Werkman and Gillen 1932, CITROBACTER, Citrobacter, NOS |
Swedish | Citrobacter |
Spanish | género Citrobacter (organismo), Citrobacter (organismo), género Citrobacter, Citrobacter |
Czech | Citrobacter |
Finnish | Citrobacter |
Polish | Citrobacter |
Norwegian | Citrobacter |
French | Citrobacter |
German | Citrobacter |
Italian | Citrobacter |
Dutch | Citrobacter |
Portuguese | Citrobacter |
Ontology: Enterobacteriaceae (C0014346)
Definition (NCI) | A taxonomic family of Gram-negative bacterium, which are found in water, soil or the gut, in the phylum Proteobacteria that includes the genera Aranicola, Buttiauxella, Cedecea, Cronobacter, Enterobacter and Citrobacter, among others. |
Definition (CSP) | see RTs for specific organisms. |
Definition (MSH) | A family of gram-negative, facultatively anaerobic, rod-shaped bacteria that do not form endospores. Its organisms are distributed worldwide with some being saprophytes and others being plant and animal parasites. Many species are of considerable economic importance due to their pathogenic effects on agriculture and livestock. |
Definition (CSP) | family of gram negative, facultatively anaerobic, rod shaped bacteria that do not form endospores; organisms are distributed worldwide with some being saprophytes and others being plant and animal parasites; many species are of considerable economic importance due to their pathogenic effects on agriculture and livestock. |
Concepts | Bacterium (T007) |
MSH | D004755 |
SnomedCT | 106544002, 418381002 |
English | Coliform Bacilli, Enterobacteriaceae, Enteric Bacteria, Enterobacteria, enteric bacteria, enterobacteriaceae, enterobacteria, Enterobacteraceae, Enterobacteraceae (ex Lapage 1979) Lapage 1982, fam. nov., nom. rev., Enterobacteriaceae (ex Rahn 1937) Ewing et al. 1980, fam. nov., nom. rev., Enterobacteriaceae Rahn 1937, coliform bacilli, Enterobacteriaceae (organism), Enteric bacteria, Enteric bacterium (organism), Enteric bacterium, Family Enterobacteriaceae (organism), Family Enterobacteriaceae |
Spanish | bacteria entérica (organismo), bacteria entérica, familia Enterobacteriaceae (organismo), familia Enterobacteriaceae, Enterobacteriaceae (organismo), Enterobacteriaceae, Bacilos Coliformes, Enterobacterias, Bacterias Entéricas |
Swedish | Enterobacteriaceae |
Czech | Enterobacteriaceae |
Finnish | Enterobakteerit |
Italian | Enterobatteri, Batteri enterici, Bacilli coliformi, Enterobacteriaceae |
Japanese | エンテロバクテリアセエ, エンテロバクテリア, 腸内細菌科, エンテロバクテリア科 |
Polish | Enterobacteriaceae, Pałeczki jelitowe |
Norwegian | Not Translated[Enterobacteriaceae] |
French | Enterobacteriaceae, Bacilles coliformes, Entérobactéries |
German | Coliforme Bazillen, Enterale Bakterien, Enterobacteriaceae, Enterobacteria |
Dutch | Enterobacteria, Enterobacteriaceae, Coliforme bacteriën, Darmbacteriën, Enterobacteriaceeën, Enterobacteriën |
Portuguese | Bacilos Coliformes, Bactérias Entéricas, Enterobacteriaceae, Enterobactérias |
Ontology: Erwinia (C0014727)
Definition (MSH) | A genus of gram-negative, facultatively anaerobic, rod-shaped bacteria whose organisms are associated with plants as pathogens, saprophytes, or as constituents of the epiphytic flora. |
Concepts | Bacterium (T007) |
MSH | D004885 |
SnomedCT | 38865008 |
English | Erwinia, Genus Erwinia, Erwinia (organism), Genus Erwinia (organism), erwinia, Erwinia Winslow et al. 1920 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Hauben et al. 1999, Erwinia, NOS |
Swedish | Erwinia |
Czech | Erwinia |
Spanish | género Erwinia (organismo), Erwinia (organismo), género Erwinia, Erwinia |
Finnish | Erwinia |
Polish | Erwinia |
Norwegian | Erwinia |
French | Erwinia |
German | Erwinia |
Italian | Erwinia |
Dutch | Erwinia |
Portuguese | Erwinia |
Ontology: Escherichia (C0014833)
Definition (NCI_CDISC) | Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species level but can be assigned to the Escherichia genus level. |
Definition (NCI) | A genus of Gram-negative, non-spore forming, facultatively anaerobic, rod-shaped bacteria in the phylum Proteobacteria. |
Definition (MSH) | A genus of gram-negative, facultatively anaerobic, rod-shaped bacteria whose organisms occur in the lower part of the intestine of warm-blooded animals. The species are either nonpathogenic or opportunistic pathogens. |
Definition (CSP) | genus of gram negative, facultatively anaerobic, rod shaped bacteria found in the large intestine of warm blooded animals; nonpathogenic or opportunistic. |
Concepts | Bacterium (T007) |
MSH | D004925 |
SnomedCT | 64735005 |
Swedish | Escherichia |
English | Escherichia (organism), Genus Escherichia, Genus Escherichia (organism), Escherichia Castellani and Chalmers 1919, escherichia, ESCHERICHIA, Escherichia, NOS, Escherichia |
Czech | Escherichia |
Spanish | Escherichia (organismo), género Escherichia (organismo), género Escherichia, Escherichia |
Finnish | Escherichia |
Croatian | Not Translated[Escherichia] |
Polish | Escherichia |
Norwegian | Escherichia |
French | Escherichia |
German | Escherichia |
Italian | Escherichia |
Dutch | Escherichia |
Portuguese | Escherichia |
Ontology: Providencia (C0033750)
Definition (NCI) | A genus of facultatively anaerobic, Gram negative, rod shaped bacterium in the phylum Proteobacteria and the family Enterobacteriaceae. |
Definition (NCI_CDISC) | Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species level but can be assigned to the Providencia genus level. |
Definition (MSH) | Gram-negative rods isolated from human urine and feces. |
Concepts | Bacterium (T007) |
MSH | D011532 |
SnomedCT | 112284001 |
Swedish | Providencia |
English | Genus Providencia (organism), Providencia (organism), Genus Providencia, Providencia, providencia, Providencia Ewing 1962, PROVIDENCIA, Providencia, NOS |
Czech | Providencia |
Spanish | Providencia (organismo), género Providencia (organismo), género Providencia, Providencia |
Finnish | Providencia |
Polish | Providencia |
Norwegian | Providencia |
French | Providencia |
German | Providencia |
Italian | Providencia |
Dutch | Providencia |
Portuguese | Providencia |
Ontology: Yersinia <bacteria> (C0043405)
Definition (NCI) | A genus of facultatively anaerobic, Gram negative, rod shaped bacterium in the phylum Proteobacteria and the family Enterobacteriaceae. |
Definition (NCI_CDISC) | Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species level but can be assigned to the Yersinia genus level. |
Definition (MSH) | A genus of gram-negative, facultatively anaerobic rod- to coccobacillus-shaped bacteria that occurs in a broad spectrum of habitats. |
Definition (CSP) | genus of gram negative facultatively anaerobic, rod shaped to ovoid bacteria; contains the organism responsible for bubonic plague (Yersinia pestis) and other species causing gastroenteritis and mesenteric lymphadenitis. |
Concepts | Bacterium (T007) |
MSH | D015007 |
SnomedCT | 4668009 |
English | Yersinia, Genus Yersinia (organism), Genus Yersinia, Yersinia (organism), Yersinia <bacteria>, Yersinia van Loghem 1944, yersinia, YERSINIA, Yersinia, NOS |
Swedish | Yersinia |
Czech | Yersinia |
Spanish | género Yersinia (organismo), género Yersinia, Yersinia (organismo), Yersinia |
Finnish | Yersinia |
Croatian | YERSINIA |
Polish | Yersinia |
Norwegian | Yersinia |
French | Yersinia |
German | Yersinia |
Italian | Yersinia |
Dutch | Yersinia |
Portuguese | Yersinia |
Ontology: Morganella <proteobacterium> (C0315275)
Definition (NCI_CDISC) | Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species level but can be assigned to the Morganella genus level. |
Definition (NCI) | A genus of facultatively anaerobic, Gram negative, rod shaped bacterium in the phylum Proteobacteria and the family Enterobacteriaceae. |
Definition (MSH) | A genus of gram-negative, facultatively anaerobic, straight rods which are motile by peritrichous flagella. These organisms are chemoorganotrophic and have both a respiratory and fermentative type of metabolism. (From Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, 9th ed) |
Concepts | Bacterium (T007) |
MSH | D020596 |
SnomedCT | 50713005 |
English | Morganella, Morganella (organism), Genus Morganella, Genus Morganella (organism), morganella, Morganella Fulton 1943, Morganella <proteobacterium>, Morganella Cockerell, 1897, MORGANELLA, Morganella, NOS |
Swedish | Morganella |
Czech | Morganella |
Spanish | Morganella (organismo), género Morganella, género Morganella (organismo), Morganella |
Finnish | Morganella |
Polish | Morganella |
Norwegian | Morganella |
French | Morganella |
German | Morganella |
Italian | Morganella |
Russian | MORGANELLA |
Dutch | Morganella |
Portuguese | Morganella |