II. Characteristics

  1. Aerobic Gram Negative Rod

III. Types: Family - Pseudomonadaceae

IV. Types: Family - Legionellaceae

VI. Types: Other Gram Negative aerobic rods

  1. Flavobacterium meningosepticum
  2. Alcaligenes faecalis
  3. Acetobacteraceae: Acetobacter
  4. Alcaligenaceae: Achromobacter xylosoxidans
  5. Bartonella species
    1. B. bacilliformis (acute in Oroya Fever, chronic in Peruvian Wart)
    2. B. quintana (Trench Fever)
    3. B. henselae (Cat Scratch Disease)

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Related Studies

Ontology: Acetobacter (C0000990)

Definition (MSH) A species of gram-negative bacteria of the family ACETOBACTERACEAE found in FLOWERS and FRUIT. Cells are ellipsoidal to rod-shaped and straight or slightly curved.
Concepts Bacterium (T007)
MSH D000091
SnomedCT 396949003
English Acetobacter, Acetobacter (organism), Genus Acetobacter (organism), Acetimonas, Acetobacter Beijerinck 1898, Mycoderma, Termobacterium, Ulvina, Genus Acetobacter
Swedish Acetobacter
Czech Acetobacter
Spanish género Acetobacter (organismo), Acetobacter (organismo), Acetobacter, género Acetobacter
Finnish Asetobakteeri
Polish Acetobacter
Norwegian Acetobacter
French Acetobacter
German Acetobacter, Essigsäurebakterium, Essigsäurebazillus
Italian Acetobacter
Dutch Acetobacter, Azijnzuurbacterie
Portuguese Acetobacter

Ontology: Achromobacter (C0001084)

Definition (NCI_CDISC) Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species level but can be assigned to the Achromobacter genus level.
Definition (NCI) A genus of aerobic, Gram negative bacterium assigned to the phylum Proteobacteria and the family Alcaligenaceae.
Definition (MSH) A genus of gram-negative, strictly aerobic, non-spore forming rods. Soil and water are regarded as the natural habitat. They are sometimes isolated from a hospital environment and humans.
Concepts Bacterium (T007)
MSH D042402
SnomedCT 91620006
Swedish Achromobacter
English Achromobacter (organism), Genus Achromobacter (organism), Achromobacter, achromobacter, Achromobacter Yabuuchi and Yano 1981 emend. Yabuuchi et al. 1998, ACHROMOBACTER, Achromobacter, NOS, Genus Achromobacter
Czech Achromobacter
Spanish género Achromobacter, género Achromobacter (organismo), Achromobacter (organismo), Achromobacter
Finnish Achromobacter
Polish Achromobacter
Norwegian Achromobacter
French Achromobacter
German Achromobakter, Achromobacter
Italian Achromobacter
Dutch Achromobacter
Portuguese Achromobacter

Ontology: Alcaligenes (C0001930)

Definition (NCI_CDISC) Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species level but can be assigned to the Alcaligenes genus level.
Definition (NCI) A genus of Gram-negative, aerobic, rod-shaped bacteria in the family Alcaligenaceae.
Definition (MSH) A genus of gram-negative, aerobic, motile bacteria that occur in water and soil. Some are common inhabitants of the intestinal tract of vertebrates. These bacteria occasionally cause opportunistic infections in humans.
Concepts Bacterium (T007)
MSH D000421
SnomedCT 68571003
English Genus Alcaligenes (organism), Alcaligenes (organism), Genus Alcaligenes, Alcaligenes, alcaligenes, ALCALIGENES, Alcaligenes Castellani and Chalmers 1919, Alcaligenes, NOS
Swedish Alcaligenes
Spanish género Alcaligenes (organismo), género Alcaligenes, Alcaligenes (organismo), Alcaligenes
Czech Alcaligenes
Finnish Alcaligenes
Polish Alcaligenes
Norwegian Alcaligenes
German Alcaligenes
Italian Alcaligenes
Dutch Alcaligenes
Portuguese Alcaligenes
French Alcaligenes

Ontology: Brucella (C0006303)

Definition (NCI) A genus of aerobic, Gram-negative, coccobacilli shaped bacteria assigned to the phylum Proteobacteria and the family Brucellaceae.
Definition (NCI_CDISC) Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species level but can be assigned to the Brucella genus level.
Definition (MSH) A genus of gram-negative, aerobic bacteria that causes BRUCELLOSIS. Its cells are nonmotile coccobacilli and are animal parasites and pathogens. The bacterium is transmissible to humans through contact with infected dairy products or tissue.
Definition (CSP) genus of gram negative, aerobic bacteria that causes brucellosis; its cells are nonmotile coccobacilli and are animal parasites and pathogens; the bacterium is transmissible to humans through contact with infected dairy products or tissue.
Concepts Bacterium (T007)
MSH D002002
SnomedCT 26250004
LNC LP20003-7
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Swedish Brucella
Czech Brucella
Finnish Brusella
French Brucelles, Brucella
English brucella, Brucella Meyer and Shaw 1920, BRUCELLA, Brucella, NOS, Brucella, Genus Brucella (organism), Genus Brucella, Brucella (organism)
Polish Brucella, Pałeczki Brucella
Norwegian Brucella
German Brucella, Brucellen, Bruzellen
Italian Brucella
Dutch Brucella, Brucellaceae
Portuguese Brucella

Ontology: Flavobacterium genus (C0016216)

Definition (NCI) A species of Gram-negative, aerobic, rod-shaped, bacterium in the phylum Bacteroidetes that are motile by gliding.
Definition (NCI_CDISC) Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species level but can be assigned to the Flavobacterium genus level.
Definition (MSH) A genus of gram-negative, aerobic, rod-shaped bacteria widely distributed in SOIL and WATER. Its organisms are also found in raw meats, MILK and other FOOD, hospital environments, and human clinical specimens. Some species are pathogenic in humans.
Concepts Bacterium (T007)
MSH D005417
SnomedCT 18986002
English Flavobacterium, FLAVOBACT, Genus Flavobacterium (organism), Genus Flavobacterium, Flavobacterium (organism), Flavobacterium Bergey et al. 1923 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Bernardet et al. 1996, flavobacterium, Flavobacterium Bergey et al. 1923 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Dong et al. 2013, FLAVOBACTERIUM, Flavobacterium genus, Flavobacterium, NOS
Swedish Flavobacterium
Czech Flavobacterium
Spanish Flavobacterium (organismo), género Flavobacterium, género Flavobacterium (organismo), Flavobacterium
Finnish Flavobacterium
Polish Flavobacterium
Norwegian Flavobacterium
French Flavobacterium
German Flavobacterium
Italian Flavobacterium
Dutch Flavobacterium
Portuguese Flavobacterium

Ontology: Pseudomonadaceae (C0033807)

Definition (NCI) A taxonomic family of Gram negative, generally motile bacterium in the phylum Proteobacteria that includes the genera Pseudomonas and Rhizobacter, among others.
Definition (MSH) A family of gram-negative bacteria usually found in soil or water and including many plant pathogens and a few animal pathogens.
Definition (CSP) family of gram negative bacteria usually found in soil or water and including many plant pathogens and a few animal pathogens.
Concepts Bacterium (T007)
MSH D011548
SnomedCT 115070006
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Swedish Pseudomonadaceae
Czech Pseudomonadaceae
Finnish Pseudomonadaceae
Croatian Not Translated[Pseudomonadaceae]
Polish Pseudomonadaceae, Azotobacteraceae
Japanese アゾトバクター科, アゾトバクテラセエ, Azomonas属, アゾモナス属, シュードモナス科, アゾモナス, シュードモナダセエ
Norwegian Pseudomonadaceae
Spanish familia Pseudomonadaceae (organismo), familia Pseudomonadaceae, Pseudomonadaceae
French Pseudomonadaceae
German Pseudomonadaceae
Italian Pseudomonadaceae
Dutch Pseudomonadaceae, Pseudomonadaceeën
Portuguese Pseudomonadaceae

Ontology: Pseudomonas (C0033808)

Definition (NCI_CDISC) Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species level but can be assigned to the Chryseomonas genus level.
Definition (NCI_CDISC) Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species level but can be assigned to the Pseudomonas genus level.
Definition (NCI) A genus of gram-negative, motile, non-spore-forming, rod-shaped bacteria in the phylum Proteobacteria.
Definition (NCI) A genus of aerobic, Gram negative, rod shaped bacterium in the phylum Proteobacteria and the family Pseudomonadaceae.
Definition (MSH) A genus of gram-negative, aerobic, rod-shaped bacteria widely distributed in nature. Some species are pathogenic for humans, animals, and plants.
Definition (CSP) genus of gram negative, aerobic, rod shaped bacteria widely distributed in nature; some species are pathogenic for humans, animals, and plants.
Concepts Bacterium (T007)
MSH D011549
SnomedCT 57032008, 5274006, 80560009
English Pseudomonas (organism), Genus Pseudomonas (organism), Chryseomonas, Chryseomonas (organism), Genus Chryseomonas (organism), Genus Chryseomonas, Chryseomonas Holmes et al. 1986, Pseudomonas Migula 1894, Pseudomonas, loefflerella, pseudomonas bacteria, chryseomonas, flavimonas, pseudomonas organism, pseudomonas, Liquidomonas, Loefflerella, RNA similarity group I, Flavimonas (organism), PSEUDOMONAS, CHRYSEOMONAS, Flavimonas, Chryseomonas, NOS, Flavimonas, NOS, Pseudomonas, NOS, Genus Pseudomonas
Spanish género Pseudomonas (organismo), género Pseudomonas, seudomonas, Pseudomonas (organismo), género Chryseomonas, Pseudomonas, Chryseomonas (organismo), género Chryseomonas (organismo), Flavimonas (organismo), Flavimonas, Chryseomonas
Portuguese Chryseomonas, Pseudomonas
French Chryseomonas, Flavimonas, Pseudomonas
Swedish Pseudomonas
Czech Pseudomonas, Hydrogenomonas
Finnish Pseudomonas
Italian Chryseomonas, Pseudomonas
Croatian Not Translated[Pseudomonas]
Polish Pseudomonas
Japanese Hydrogenomonas属, シュードモナス, Pseudomonas属, シュードモナス属
Norwegian Pseudomonas, Flavimonas, Chryseomonas
German Pseudomonas
Dutch Pseudomonas

Ontology: Acetobacteraceae (C0085461)

Definition (NCI) A taxonomic family of bacterium in the phylum Proteobacteria that oxidize ethanol during aerobic fermentation to yield acetic acid.
Definition (MSH) A family of gram-negative aerobic bacteria consisting of ellipsoidal to rod-shaped cells that occur singly, in pairs, or in chains.
Concepts Bacterium (T007)
MSH D016947
SnomedCT 115076000
English Acetobacteraceae, Family acetobacteraceae, Acetobacteraceae (ex Henrici 1939) Gillis and De Ley 1980, Family Acetobacteraceae (organism), Family Acetobacteraceae, Family acetobacteraceae (organism)
Swedish Acetobacteraceae
Czech Acetobacteraceae
Finnish Acetobacteraceae
Polish Acetobacteraceae
Norwegian Acetobacteraceae
Spanish familia Acetobacteraceae (organismo), familia Acetobacteraceae, Acetobacteraceae
French Acetobacteraceae
German Acetobacteraceae, Essigbakterien, Essigsäurebakterien
Italian Acetobacteraceae
Dutch Acetobacteraceae, Acetobacteraceeën, Azijnzuurbacteriën
Portuguese Acetobacteraceae

Ontology: Legionellaceae (C0085465)

Definition (MSH) A family of gram-negative, aerobic bacteria that do not form endospores or microcysts.
Concepts Bacterium (T007)
MSH D016951
SnomedCT 115071005
English Legionellaceae, Family legionellaceae, Legionellaceae Brenner et al. 1979, Family Legionellaceae (organism), Family Legionellaceae, Family legionellaceae (organism)
Swedish Legionellaceae
Czech Legionellaceae
Finnish Legionellaceae
Polish Legionellaceae
Norwegian Legionellaceae
Spanish familia Legionellaceae (organismo), familia Legionellaceae, Legionellaceae
French Legionellaceae
German Legionellaceae
Italian Legionellaceae
Dutch Legionellaceae, Legionellaceeën
Portuguese Legionellaceae

Ontology: Alcaligenaceae (C1080715)

Definition (NCI) A taxonomic family of bacterium in the phylum Proteobacteria that includes the genera Bordetella, Oligella and Sutterella.
Definition (MSH) A family of gram-negative, aerobic, non-spore forming rods or cocci. Well known genera include ACHROMOBACTER; ALCALIGENES; and BORDETELLA.
Concepts Bacterium (T007)
MSH D042401
SnomedCT 409866001
Swedish Alcaligenaceae
Czech Alcaligenaceae
Finnish Alcaligenaceae
Croatian Not Translated[Alcaligenaceae]
Polish Alcaligenaceae
Norwegian Alcaligenaceae
English Alcaligenaceae De Ley et al. 1986, Alcaligenaceae, Family Alcaligenaceae (organism), Family Alcaligenaceae
French Alcaligenaceae
German Alcaligenaceae
Italian Alcaligenaceae
Spanish familia Alcaligenaceae (organismo), familia Alcaligenaceae, Alcaligenaceae
Dutch Alcaligenaceae
Portuguese Alcaligenaceae