II. Background

  1. Derived from the Rubber tree Hevea brasiliensis

III. Preparations: Latex Products

  1. Balloons
  2. Adhesive Bandages (e.g. Bandaid)
  3. Blood Pressure cuffs
  4. Condoms
  5. Dental Dams
  6. Diaphragms
  7. Elastic bands
  8. Gloves
  9. Root canal sealers (Gutta-percha, gutta-balata)
  10. Pacifiers
  11. Baby bottle nipples
  12. Spandex
  13. Stethoscope tubing
  14. Tourniquets

IV. Preparations: Foods that induce Latex Allergy

  1. High association
    1. Avocado
    2. Banana
    3. Chestnut
    4. Kiwi
  2. Moderate association
    1. Apple
    2. Carrot
    3. Celery
    4. Melons
    5. Papaya
    6. Potato
    7. Tomato

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Related Studies

Ontology: Latex (C0023115)

Definition (MSH) A milky, product excreted from the latex canals of a variety of plant species that contain cauotchouc. Latex is composed of 25-35% caoutchouc, 60-75% water, 2% protein, 2% resin, 1.5% sugar & 1% ash. RUBBER is made by the removal of water from latex.(From Concise Encyclopedia Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 3rd ed). Hevein proteins are responsible for LATEX HYPERSENSITIVITY. Latexes are used as inert vehicles to carry antibodies or antigens in LATEX FIXATION TESTS.
Concepts Organic Chemical (T109) , Biomedical or Dental Material (T122)
MSH D007840
SnomedCT 400664008, 111088007
LNC LP17009-9
English Latices, Latex, Latice, Latex [Chemical/Ingredient], latice, latex, Latex (product), Latex (substance), LATEX
Portuguese Látex
Swedish Latex
Czech latex
Finnish Lateksi
Japanese 天然ゴム, 生ゴム, ラテックス, カウチューク
Croatian LATEKS
Polish Lateks
Norwegian Lateks, Latex
Spanish látex (producto), látex (sustancia), látex, Látex
French Latex
German Latex, Latizes
Italian Lattice

Ontology: Rubber (C0035918)

Definition (NCI_FDA) Any material made from or containing natural latex in its native liquid or colloidal state. Natural latex is an extract of the rubber tree (H. brasiliensis) and contains the allergens responsible for latex hyper-sensitivity reactions. Products that may contain NRL are medical gloves and condoms. See 21 CFR 801.437 for full regulatory definition.(CDRH-GUDID)
Definition (NCI) The natural extract of tropical rubber plants.
Definition (CSP) family of natural and synthetic polymers with unique properties of deformability and elasticity in their hardened states.
Definition (MSH) A high-molecular-weight polymeric elastomer derived from the milk juice (LATEX) of HEVEA brasiliensis and other trees and plants. It is a substance that can be stretched at room temperature to at least twice its original length and after releasing the stress, retract rapidly, and recover its original dimensions fully.
Concepts Organic Chemical (T109)
MSH D012408
SnomedCT 43230003
LNC LP111267-3
English Latex Rubber, Rubber, Rubber, natural, Natural Rubbers, Natural Rubber, Plant Rubbers, Plant Rubber, Rubber, Natural, Rubber, Plant, Rubbers, Natural, Rubbers, Plant, Rubber [Chemical/Ingredient], rubbers, natural rubber, rubber, latex rubber, NATURAL LATEX RUBBER, Natural Latex Rubber, natural latex rubber, Natural Rubber Latex, Raw rubber, Rubber (substance)
Swedish Gummi
Czech pryž, guma, latexová guma
Finnish Kumi
Italian Pianta della gomma, Lattice di gomma, Gomma naturale, Gomma
Japanese ラテックスゴム, ラバー, 弾性ゴム, ゴム
Croatian Not Translated[Rubber]
Polish Kauczuk
Norwegian Lateksgummi, Gummi
Spanish caucho (sustancia), caucho, goma, Goma, Goma Látex
French Caoutchouc
German Gummi, Latex-Gummi
Dutch Caoutchouc, Latex, Rubber
Portuguese Borracha de Látex, Borracha